174 research outputs found

    Per-Core DVFS with Switched-Capacitor Converters for Energy Efficiency in Manycore Processors

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    Integrating multiple power converters on-chip improves energy efficiency of manycore architectures. Switched-capacitor (SC) dc-dc converters are compatible with conventional CMOS processes, but traditional implementations suffer from limited conversion efficiency. We propose a dynamic voltage and frequency scaling scheme with SC converters that achieves high converter efficiency by allowing the output voltage to ripple and having the processor core frequency track the ripple. Minimum core energy is achieved by hopping between different converter modes and tuning body-bias voltages. A multicore processor model based on a 28-nm technology shows conversion efficiencies of 90% along with over 25% improvement in the overall chip energy efficiency

    Speed as an indicator of motorcyclists' safety

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    У оквиру области безбедности саобраћаја мотоциклисти заузимају високо место на скали ризика страданја...In the field of traffic safety, on the accident risk scale motorcyclists are highly ranked. Globally, together with pedestrians, motorcyclists represent the most vulnerable category of traffic participants..

    Security implications of the process of globalization after the Cold war

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    После Хладног рата област међународних односа и безбедности претрпели су велике промене. Догађаји на крају 20. века који су најзначајније утицали на промене су рушење Берлинског зида, уједињење Немачке и распад СССР. Изненадно и неочекивано биполарни систем равнотеже снага као облик међународних односа се урушио. Интензивирање и убрзање процеса глобализације, геополитичке промене и успостављање глобалних економских односа заснованих на неолибералном економско-политичком моделу довеле су до нове расподеле моћи у међународним односима...After the Cold War, the field of international relations and security has undergone major changes. The events at the end of the 20th century that most significantly influenced the changes were the demolition of the Berlin Wall, the reunification of Germany and the disintegration of the USSR. Suddenly and unexpectedly, bipolar system of balance of power as a form of international relations collapsed. Intensification and acceleration of the process of globalization, geopolitical changes and the establishment of global economic relations based on neo-liberal economic and political model have led to a new distribution of power in international relations..

    The frequency of lumbago syndrome in specialist medical services

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    Lumbalni sindrom sreće se u svakodnevnoj Iekarskoj praksi veoma često. Ovom problematikom bave se Iekari opšte prakse, neurolozi, ortopedi, reumatolozi, neurohirurzi i fizijatri, ali sa različitih aspekata. Pošto se radi o složenoj problematici, to ovaj entitet iziskuje multidiscipliniranost, odnosno timski rad. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da ukaže na opterećenost specijalističkih službi problemom lumbalnog sindroma u medicinskoj službi Kragujevca. Analiza je obuhvatila službe gde se ovaj entitet naj češće pojavljuje: a to su ortopedska i neuropsihijatnijska te služba fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije. Prema dobijenim procentualnirn vrednost ima u odnosu na ukupan morbiditet u pojedinim službama, najveći procenat se javlja kod neuropsihijatrijske službe (7,9%). Analiza je obuhvatila i pokazatelje prema polu, profesiji d dobi gde su uočene zakonitosti koje ne odstupaju od dosadašnjih rezultata u domaćoj i stranoj literaturi.The appearance of lumbago syndrome in several specialized medical services and its relation to overall morbidity rates were analysed over a period of five years. The analysis of patients seen in orthopaedic, neuropsychiatric and physiatric services showed Iumbago syndrome to account for the followinig percentages in the overall morbidity rates: 7.93 per cent in the neuropsychiatric service, 4.21 per cent in the physiatric service and 3.93 per cent in the orthopaedic service

    Diferencijacija prednjeg krila medonosne pčele iz Srbije

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    In this study, 12 morphological characteristics were measured on worker bee samples collected from seven different locations covering the territory of Republic Serbia. The measurement of 11 angles on the front wing and cubital index was done with stereo microscope Leica XTL-3400D, and software package IL 1009 in accordance with the standard method. The results showed significant differences between the groups of bees and investigation of angles on the forewing could be contributed to a clearer separation of groups of bees inside domestic population.U ovom istraživanju mereno je 12 morfoloških karakteristika prednjeg krila pčela radilica u skladu sa metodama Ruttner i sar. (1978). Uzorci pčela radilica su prikupljeni sa 7 različitih lokacija čime su pokriveni glavni pčelarski regioni na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Morfometrijska istraživanja pokazala su da pčele iz Zapadno Bačkog regiona u Vojvodini imaju najveću vrednost uglova B4 (113,17º), D7 (100,10º), E9 (24,28º), K19 (79,60º) i najveći kubitalni indeks (2,92). Iste pčele se na osnovu multivarijantne diskriminantne analize najviše razlikuju od grupe pčela sa Kosova. Na osnovu analize varijanse, utvrđeno je da postoji vrlo značajna razlika (P lt 0.01) u 7 morfoloških karakteristika između grupa pčela sa izabranih lokaliteta. Može se zaključiti da utvrđene vrednosti za ispitivane karaktere ukazuju na postojanje značajne varijabilnosti i impliciraju na postojanje subpopulacija uslovljenih delovanjem čoveka

    Vidni natur beton: svojstva, primena i tehnička regulativa

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    Different aspects of exposed concrete application are discussed in this paper. Short historical review of exposed concrete application in Belgrade area and in Serbia is presented. Also, special attention is paid to the problems related to construction and exploitation of exposed concrete structures. The significance of formwork's type and quality is also underlined. The review of relevant technical regulation covering this area is given. Finally, conclusions related to possible application of exposed concrete in contemporary civil engineering are derived

    User evaluation of an interactive learning framework for single-arm and dual-arm robots

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comSocial robots are expected to adapt to their users and, like their human counterparts, learn from the interaction. In our previous work, we proposed an interactive learning framework that enables a user to intervene and modify a segment of the robot arm trajectory. The framework uses gesture teleoperation and reinforcement learning to learn new motions. In the current work, we compared the user experience with the proposed framework implemented on the single-arm and dual-arm Barrett’s 7-DOF WAM robots equipped with a Microsoft Kinect camera for user tracking and gesture recognition. User performance and workload were measured in a series of trials with two groups of 6 participants using two robot settings in different order for counterbalancing. The experimental results showed that, for the same task, users required less time and produced shorter robot trajectories with the single-arm robot than with the dual-arm robot. The results also showed that the users who performed the task with the single-arm robot first experienced considerably less workload in performing the task with the dual-arm robot while achieving a higher task success rate in a shorter time.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction of total polyphenolic compounds from Juglans nigra L. leaves

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    The ultrasound-assisted extraction of Juglans nigra L. leaves was optimized with respect to total phenolic content (TP) of the extracts by varying the concentration of aqueous ethanol solution (E) and different solvent-to-solid ratio (S). The influence and optimum of the operating parameters (E and S) was examined using response surface methodology (RSM). The statistical criteria indicated the adequacy, reliability and precision of the developed RSM model. RSM showed that maximum extraction yield of TP 28.59 mg g(-1) of draw plant was achieved at the optimal values of 50% E and 20 kg kg(-1) S. Using the modelled optimized conditions, the detected relative difference between the predicted and the experimental yield was +/- 2.3 %. The determined TP content in the extracts varied from 12.54 to 29.26 mg GAE g(-1) of dry plant indicated that J. nigra is a valuable source of phenolic substances. The extracts of J. nigra leaves obtained under optimal conditions showed good antioxidant activity (IC50 = = 18.91 +/- 0.03 mu g cm(-3)) which was determined by the scavenging effect on 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical. The optimization of the TP extraction process is the important step in improving techno-economics of the potential commercial preparation of J. nigra extracts, as natural source of antioxidants

    First Report of Peyronellaea lethalis Associated With Ascochyta Blight Complex of Field Pea in Serbia

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    Ascochyta blight complex is a significant and widespread disease of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) caused by Peyronellaea pinodes, P. pinodella, and Ascochyta pisi. During the 2015 growing season, screening of isolates revealed a previously unknown member of this complex. Thirteen single-conidial isolates were obtained using standard phytopathological protocols. To our knowledge, this is the first report of P. lethalis associated with Ascochyta blight complex of field pea in Serbia