6,870 research outputs found

    Decision Making Intelligent Agent on SOX Compliance over the Imports Process

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    The objective of this work is to define a decision support system over SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act) compatibility  of the Imports Process based on Artificial Intelligence and Theory of Argumentation knowledge and techniques measuring at the same time the quality of how things were done on this specific process of the analyzed business case. SOX Law in effect nowadays is worldwide facto standard for financial and economical operations of private sector with the main objective to protect investors of private sector and promote the financial health of private companies. In this framework we have developed a decision support intelligent expert model to help SOX control bodies, companies and auditors to support their SOX compliance decisions based on well founded bases like Artificial Intelligence and Theory of Argumentation. The model here presented incorporates several key concepts like pre-existing expert knowledge base, a formalized and structure way to evaluate an existing business case focusing on the Imports Process, a semi automated fuzzy dynamic knowledge learning protocol and an structure method to evolve based on the facts of the business case and suggest an specific decision about the SOX compatibility of the specific business case. Keywords: Multiagent Systems (MAS), Expert Systems (ES), Business Intelligence (BI), Decision Support Systems (DSS), Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), Argumentation, Artificial Intelligence

    Decision Making Intelligent Agent on SOX Compliance over the Goods Receipt Processs

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    The objective of this work is to define a decision support system over SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act) compatibility  of the Goods Receipt Process based on Artificial Intelligence and Theory of Argumentation knowledge and techniques measuring at the same time the quality of how things were done on this specific process of the analyzed business case. SOX Law in effect nowadays is worldwide facto standard for financial and economical operations of private sector with the main objective to protect investors of private sector and promote the financial health of private companies. In this framework we have developed a decision support intelligent expert model to help SOX control bodies, companies and auditors to support their SOX compliance decisions based on well founded bases like Artificial Intelligence and Theory of Argumentation. The model here presented incorporates several key concepts like pre-existing expert knowledge base, a formalized and structure way to evaluate an existing business case focusing on the Goods Receipt Process, a semi automated fuzzy dynamic knowledge learning protocol and an structure method to evolve based on the facts of the business case and suggest an specific decision about the SOX compatibility of the specific business case. Keywords: Multiagent Systems (MAS), Expert Systems (ES), Business Intelligence (BI), Decision Support Systems (DSS), Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), Argumentation, Artificial Intelligence

    Técnicas tradicionales y biotecnológicas en el mejoramiento genético del rosal

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    La Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, a través de su Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Fitomejoramiento, publica en español esta recopilación de trabajos de investigación sobre los avances actuales en el mejoramiento genético de la especie Rosa spp., mediante el empleo de técnicas convencionales (hibridización, propagación asexual) y biotecnológicas (micropropagación, mutagénesis, marcadores moleculares), dirigida a estudiantes, técnicos, profesionistas, asociaciones de productores, viveristas e investigadores interesados en el tema, con la confianza de que este primer esfuerzo permita iniciar y fomentar trabajos formales interinstitucionales en estudios de Fitomejoramiento aplicados a ésta y otras especies con potencial ornamental, para incrementar el aprovechamiento de los recursos fitogenéticos nacionales. Cabe mencionar que en nuestro país se ha trabajado muy poco en el mejoramiento genético de rosa, no obstante la enorme importancia de este cultivo en el mercado comercial de la Floricultura. En la primera parte de la obra, el lector reconocerá la importancia económica del cultivo de la rosa en el contexto nacional e internacional por sus volúmenes de producción y exportación, así como de sus usos y aplicaciones en el sector industrial, definiendo con precisión las características de calidad de los cultivares desarrollados, o por desarrollar, para satisfacer los gustos y preferencias del consumidor. Además, se incluye la clasificación actual del género Rosa (en subgéneros y secciones), su descripción botánica, distribución y clasificación en rosales silvestres (antiguos y modernos) propuesta por la Sociedad Americana de la Rosa con base en la historia de la domesticación de esta especie. En el siguiente capítulo se describen los mecanismos de polinización y las pruebas de viabilidad y calidad del polen, así como la botánica y otras características fisiológicas del fruto (aquenio), maduración de las semillas y tratamientos para su germinación. Se aborda también la genética poliploide y el origen citogenético de sus especies, y la enorme dificultad que ello implica para su identificación, así como aspectos relacionados con la hibridación intergenérica e interespecífica que han llevado a cabo los fitomejoradores y productores para obtener materiales comerciales con caracteres deseables por transferencia de genes y sus implicaciones a nivel de meiosis. De manera adicional, en el tema de propagación asexual, se describen las ventajas y desventajas del uso de portainjertos de rosal y sus características de utilización dentro y fuera del invernadero. Se revisa el fenómeno de apomixis como un modo asexual de propagación en muchas especies, y se examinan los procesos, objetivos y perspectivas de su mejoramiento genético. Se definen claramente los criterios u objetivos genotécnicos deseables para la selección de materiales en los programas de mejoramiento genético de Rosa spp., todos ellos fundamentados en las necesidades cada vez más exigentes en la calidad de las rosas en el mercado comercial de la Floricultura. Varios autores ejemplifican y reportan los genes involucrados en la resistencia a enfermedades de importancia económica prioritaria, como la mancha negra del rosal, la cenicilla y el mildiú; en la floración recurrente, para asegurar la floración durante toda la estación; en la morfología de la flor (multi-pétalas o flores dobles) para la comercialización de flores de corte y en la ausencia de espinas en las rosas de corte y en la macetería. En los capítulos subsecuentes se revisan los avances biotecnológicos desarrollados en rosa, se describen las técnicas y metodologías empleadas actualmente como herramientas alternativas para el mejoramiento convencional, sus resultados y experiencias derivadas de la investigación científica, así como sus usos potenciales y aplicaciones prácticas en áreas asociadas con la rápida propagación (acortamiento de los ciclos de germinación in vitro); cultivo de callos, anteras, polen; rescate de embriones (superando algunos de los problemas de esterilidad); embriogénesis somática; cultivo y fusión de protoplastos; mutagénesis in vitro; desarrollo de cultivares por medio de variación somaclonal; uso de marcadores moleculares y transformación genética. Para concluir la obra, se visualiza la biotecnología en su conjunto (cultivo de tejidos, biología celular y molecular, ingeniería genética) como un área de enormes oportunidades para desarrollar nuevos cultivares de rosa en respuesta a los cambios en la demanda de este producto ornamental, además se anexa un glosario de términos para facilitar su comprensión

    Comparative study of the discriminating capacity of dna markers and their effectiveness in establishing genetic relationships in the genus tigridia

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    Tigridia Jussieu is an endemic genus to Mexico and taxonomically difficult with limited information about its genetic variability. A diversity assessment conducted using different DNA markers as an inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers will be helpful in the establishment of a broad- based description for improved germplasm curation and the identification of germplasm for genome mapping and breeding of these species. Thus, the objective of this study was to characterize 15 wild species of Tigridia by using RAPD and ISSR molecular markers. This study was carried out in the laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México between August and November of 2011. In this assay, 13 RAPD primers of 10, 15 and 20 b, and five ISSR primers of the anchored type (ASSR) of 17 b were used to assess the level of genetic variation among 15 wild species of Tigridia . With both markers there were 163 amplified bands of which 150 (92.02 %) were polymorphic. The RAPD primers of 10 b generated 12 specific bands with a polymorphism of 95.12 %, for 15 b primers those values were five and 82.93 %, and for 20 b primers eight and 94.59 %, respectively. The RAPD pooled primers presented a polymorphism of 90.76 %, the genetic distance (G D ) among the species ranged from 0.16 (between T. illecebrosa and T. huajuapanensis ) to 0.57 (between T. multiflora and T. augusta ). The ISSR primers showed more polymorphism(95.45 %) than RAPD primers. With ASSR primers the highest genetic association (G D = 0.89) was observed between T. mexicana ssp. mexicana and T. durangense , whereas the least related were T. vanhouttei spp. vanhouttei and T. multiflora (G D = 0.14). This study shows that 10 base random primers and 17 base anchored primers were more efficient to detect polymorphism and genetic differentiation among Tigridia species

    The effect of inositol, pyridoxina and thiamine on somatic embryogenesis of Agave angustifolia

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    ConacytBackground: Somatic embryogenesis in Agave angustifolia is an option for massive in vitro propagation and genetic improvement of this species, this process involves the induction of embryogenic callus, the development and maturation of embryos and their germination to form a complete plant. In this sense, an optimized selection of the compounds of the culture medium is required. Objective: This study evaluated the effect of vitamin components (inositol, pyridoxine and thiamine) on callus formation and induction of somatic embryos in A. angustifolia. Methodology: Two consecutive assays were conducted, assay I consisted of eight treatments to determine the isolated effect and in combination of three vitamin compounds (250.0 mg of L-1 inositol, 0.5 mg of L-1 pyridoxine and 2.0 mg of L-1 thiamine). In assay II the effect of six concentrations of thiamine (1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 mg L-1) was determined. In both assays, a completely randomized experimental design was used and each treatment had 20 repetitions. Results: The results of assay I show that the formulation of the vitamin complex of the culture medium plays a fundamental role in this process, suggesting that thiamine is an essential compound for the induction of somatic embryos (SE) of A. angustifolia because calluses obtained in thiamine supplemented media (alone or in combination) had a better embryogenic response than those not supplemented with this compound; In addition, in assay II with the increase in the concentration of thiamine to 2.5 and 3.0 mg L-1 in the culture medium, it is possible to induce a higher number of SE per explant (50.5 and 55.9, respectively), compared to 35.8 SE induced with the original concentration of thiamine (2.0 mg L-1). Implications: The results of this study contribute to a better understanding of the importance of the formulation of the vitamin complex and the effect of its addition in the culture medium to induce a greater number of SE in A. angustifolia. This can help in the beginning of programs of genetic improvement and ex situ conservation of this species. Conclusion: The results of this research suggest that thiamine is an essential compound for the acquisition of embryogenic potential in the somatic cells of A. angustifolia, since by increasing the concentration of this component in the culture medium it is possible to obtain a greater number of somatic embryos with high ex vitro survival rates.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic

    Physics and Mathematics in the Engineering Curriculum: Correlation with Applied Subjects

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    This paper presents a study in which the relationship between basic subjects (Mathematics and Physics) and applied engineering subjects (related to Machinery, Electrical Engineering, Topography and Buildings) in higher engineering education curricula is evaluated. The analysis has been conducted using the academic records of 206 students for five years. Furthermore, 34 surveys and personal interviews were conducted to analyze the connections between the contents taught in each subject and to identify student perceptions of the correlation with other subjects or disciplines. At the same time, the content of the different subjects have been analyzed to verify the relationship among the disciplines.Aproper coordination among subjects will allow students to relate and interconnect topics of different subjects, even with the ones learnt in previous courses, while also helping to reduce dropout rates and student failures in successfully accomplishing the different courses

    Tenofovir Nephrotoxicity: 2011 Update

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    Tenofovir is an acyclic nucleotide analogue reverse-transcriptase inhibitor structurally similar to the nephrotoxic drugs adefovir and cidofovir. Tenofovir is widely used to treat HIV infection and approved for treatment of hepatitis B virus. Despite initial cell culture and clinical trials results supporting the renal safety of tenofovir, its clinical use is associated with a low, albeit significant, risk of kidney injury. Proximal tubular cell secretion of tenofovir explains the accumulation of the drug in these mitochondria-rich cells. Tenofovir nephrotoxicity is characterized by proximal tubular cell dysfunction that may be associated with acute kidney injury or chronic kidney disease. Withdrawal of the drug leads to improvement of analytical parameters that may be partial. Understanding the risk factors for nephrotoxicity and regular monitoring of proximal tubular dysfunction and serum creatinine in high-risk patients is required to minimize nephrotoxicity. Newer, structurally similar molecular derivatives that do not accumulate in proximal tubules are under study

    Association of the microsatellite in the 3' untranslated region of the CD154 gene with rheumatoid arthritis in females from a Spanish cohort: a case-control study

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    CD40–CD154 interaction is an important mediator of inflammation and has been implicated in T helper type 1-mediated autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Linkage studies have shown association of markers in the proximity of the CD154 gene. In the present work we investigated whether specific allele variants of the microsatellite in the 3' UTR of the CD154 gene might modulate the risk of RA. The study, in a case-control setting, included 189 patients and 150 healthy controls from the Canary Islands, Spain. The 24CAs allele was less represented in female patients than in controls (0.444 in controls versus 0.307 in patients, P = 0.006, odds ratio (OR) 0.556, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.372 to 0.831) but not in males (0.414 versus 0.408), and only when homozygous (P = 0.012; OR 0.35, 95% CI 0.16 to 0.77). We also verified that CD154 association with RA was independent of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) phenotype. A further functional study showed that after stimulation anti-CD3, CD154 mRNA was more stable in CD4+ T lymphocytes from patients with RA bearing the 24CAs allele (mRNA half-life 208 minutes) than in patients without the 24CAs allele (109 minutes, P = 0.009). However, a lower percentage of CD154+CD4+ T lymphocytes was seen in freshly isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients carrying 24CAs alleles (mean 4.28 versus 8.12; P = 0.033), and also in CD4+ T lymphocytes stimulated with anti-CD3 (median 29.40 versus 47.60; P = 0.025). These results were concordant with the smaller amounts of CD154 mRNA isolated from stimulated T lymphocytes with 24CAs alleles. The CD154 microsatellite therefore seems to affect the expression of the gene in a complex manner that implies not only mRNA stability. These data suggest that the CD154 microsatellite contributes to the regulation of mRNA and protein expression, although further studies will be necessary to elucidate its role in disease predisposition

    The mediating role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the entrepreneurial personality and green entrepreneurship : the case of Peruvian's university students.

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    Nowadays, the value of innovation, green behavior, and entrepreneurship have grown, which is essential for a country's sustainable development. However, there has been no in-depth study of what the ecosystem should be to promote entrepreneurship and, thus, care for the environment. For this reason, this study aims to explore the entrepreneurial ecosystem's effect on Peruvian university students' entrepreneurial personality and green entrepreneurship. This study uses a duly validated instrument that includes the three variables divided by dimensions and was applied to a population of university students in Peru. Using a simple random sampling technique, the data were collected from 384 students of Peruvian universities. This study used the Smart-PLS to examine the reliability of the data and the correlation of the dimensions and items of the variables. In conclusion, providing entrepreneurship tools can help students develop desirable personality traits to generate sustainable businesses. The job of universities is to improve education for sustainable development. This means that students should learn the skills and knowledge they need to use environmental practices in their businesses.Edwerson William Pacori Paricahua (Universidad nacional de Juliaca), Jorge Martín Cruz Padilla (Universidad Norbert Wiener), Soraya del Pilar Carranco (Madrid Universidad Central del Ecuador), Jose Omar García Tarazona (Universidad Nacional de educación), Sonia Alejandrina Sotelo Muñoz (Universidad científica del Sur), Jesus Enrique Reyes Acevedo (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Alto Amazonas), Jose Daniel Sanchez Fernandez (Universidad Católica de Santa María), Isaac Merino Quispe (Universidad Nacional Jose Maria Arguedas), José Luis Arias-Gonzáles (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú), Roxana Yolanda Castillo-Acobo (Universidad Nacional de San Agustín), Milagros del Rosario Cáceres-Chávez (Camosun College)Includes bibliographical references

    DNA methylation map of mouse and human brain identifies target genes in Alzheimer’s disease

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    The central nervous system has a pattern of gene expression that is closely regulated with respect to functional and anatomical regions. DNA methylation is a major regulator of transcriptional activity, and aberrations in the distribution of this epigenetic mark may be involved in many neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Herein, we have analysed 12 distinct mouse brain regions according to their CpG 5’-end gene methylation patterns and observed their unique epigenetic landscapes. The DNA methylomes obtained from the cerebral cortex were used to identify aberrant DNA methylation changes that occurred in two mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease. We were able to translate these findings to patients with Alzheimer’s disease, identifying DNA methylation-associated silencing of three targets genes: thromboxane A2 receptor (TBXA2R), sorbin and SH3 domain containing 3 (SORBS3) and spectrin beta 4 (SPTBN4). These hypermethylation targets indicate that the cyclic AMP response element-binding protein (CREB) activation pathway and the axon initial segment could contribute to the disease