70 research outputs found

    La serie estratigráfica de Navalperal. Serie tipo del Mesozoico Prebético en la región de Orcera-Siles (Provincia de Jaén)

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    In the Orcera-Siles area the type series is established for the Mesozoic of the Prebetic Realm, by describing the lithofacies and biofacies present in the different levels. It comprises terms from the Liassic up to the Senonian. Several lacunas are pointed out

    An interesting model of social housing in the Franco regime: the apartment building for the national army staff in 9 and 11, Severo Ochoa Street, Granada

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    El problema de la escasez de vivienda económica e higiénica en las ciudades viene siendo motivo de preocupación y estudio para los gobiernos y administraciones públicas desde los inicios de la revolución industrial. Así, existe en España una larga tradición de vivienda social, que se inicia con la Ley de Casas Baratas de 1911 y tiene uno de sus puntos álgidos en la posguerra civil. A este último momento corresponde la edificación en Granada de un interesante edificio de viviendas para personal del Ejército de Tierra en la calle Severo Ochoa, 9 y 11, que analizamos en este trabajo.The shortage of reasonably priced, hygienic housing in towns has been a matter of worry and study for governments and public administrations since the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution. Thus, there is a long Spanish tradition of social housing, which initiated with the Law of Cheap Houses (Ley de Casas Baratas) of 1911 and culminated in the post-Civil war time. To this last period corresponds the erection in Granada of an interesting apartment building for various staff of the national army in numbers 9 and 11 of Severo Ochoa Street, which is analysed in this essay

    Thirty years of Political Science in Spain: professionalization, expansion and adjustment

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    The return of democracy to Spain in 1977 cleared the way for the institutional differentiation and launch of the discipline in the country. However, this double process did not actually crystallize until the mid 1980’s, when the “Political Science and Public Administration” was approved by the government as a separate field of knowledge. This article intends to provide an account of the most relevant milestones that took place since then until the last few years of the 20th century, when full institutionalization of the discipline was reached with the publication of the first issue of this Journal. Moreover, the article systematizes a comprehensive set of data on students, faculty staff, teaching and research structures, scientific congresses, etc., with an aim at offering a balance of the main events and changes experienced by the discipline and the profession during their consolidation phase in the 21st century. The developments covered here have contributed to the evolution from the initial amateurism to the professionalization of scholars dedicated to this social science, which has gained full recognition in the academic sphere both nationally and internationally, even if it still suffers from a lack of legitimacy concerning the specificity of its subject vis-à-vis other social sciences.</p

    Patterns of regional diversity in political elites' attitudes

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    This chapter examines whether differences in attitudes toward the process of EU integration among members of political elites in various European countries are patterned and to what extent common regional, economic, political, and cultural characteristics of certain country groups influence these attitudes. Results show elites from Southern Europe to be the main proponents of further EU integration, while Eastern European elites are the most cautious. Variables with the strongest influence are economic development (measured by GDP per capita), the prevalent religious denomination (respondents from predominantly Protestant countries are less ready to support stronger EU integration than those from mostly Catholic countries), ethnic homogeneity (increasing level of homogeneity reduces elites' orientation towards stronger EU integration), and the existence of separatist experience (elites from countries with recent independence by secession are less oriented toward EU integration than those from countries without secession problems)

    Business and politics in Spain : from Francoism to democracy

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    El poblado de la minas de Alquife en Granada

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    The Mines of Alquife have recently been inscribed into the General Catalogue of Andalusian Historical Heritage as a Site of Industrial Interest. The present essay focuses on the spatial and morphological analysis of the village of the Mines, which constitutes a residential area for the workers of the mine, equipped with communal infrastructure, aiming for a better understanding and valorization of the site.Las Minas de Alquife han sido inscritas recientemente en el Catálogo General del Patrimonio Histórico Andaluz, como Lugar de Interés Industrial. El presente trabajo se centra en el análisis espacial y morfológico del poblado de las Minas, que constituye una zona residencial para el personal de la mina dotada de equipamientos de carácter comunitario; de este modo se intenta avanzar hacia su mejor conocimiento y puesta en valor

    The village of the Mines of Alquife in Granada

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    Las Minas de Alquife han sido inscritas recientemente en el Catálogo General del Patrimonio Histórico Andaluz, como Lugar de Interés Industrial. El presente trabajo se centra en el análisis espacial y morfológico del poblado de las Minas, que constituye una zona residencial para el personal de la mina dotada de equipamientos de carácter comunitario; de este modo se intenta avanzar hacia su mejor conocimiento y puesta en valor.The Mines of Alquife have recently been inscribed into the General Catalogue of Andalusian Historical Heritage as a Site of Industrial Interest. The present essay focuses on the spatial and morphological analysis of the village of the Mines, which constitutes a residential area for the workers of the mine, equipped with communal infrastructure, aiming for a better understanding and valorization of the site

    Mujer y política en España: un análisis comparado de la presencia femenina en las asambleas legislativas (1977-2008)

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    Este artículo se centra en la descripción y análisis de la evolución de la presencia de las mujeres en el Congreso de los Diputados y en el Senado a lo largo de tres décadas de funcionamiento de la monarquíaparlamentaria española, y en el Parlamento Europeo desde 1986. Las pautas de esta transformaciónse comparan, por un lado, con la experimentada al respecto por las Cámaras bajas —o únicas—del resto de los países de la CE/UE; y, por otro, con la de las asambleas legislativas de las CC.AA.,así como en otros ámbitos de poder político (Gobiernos nacional y autonómico, ayuntamientos y órganos de dirección de las principales fuerzas políticas). En segundo lugar, se plantea la cuestión de género en la política de partido. Finalmente, se identifican algunas diferencias y similitudes de los rasgos socio-demográficos que caracterizan a las diputadas y senadoras con respecto a los de sus colegas varones