27,811 research outputs found

    Scattering into Cones and Flux across Surfaces in Quantum Mechanics: a Pathwise Probabilistic Approach

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    We show how the scattering-into-cones and flux-across-surfaces theorems in Quantum Mechanics have very intuitive pathwise probabilistic versions based on some results by Carlen about large time behaviour of paths of Nelson diffusions. The quantum mechanical results can be then recovered by taking expectations in our pathwise statements.Comment: To appear in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    3P_2-3F_2 pairing in neutron matter with modern nucleon-nucleon potentials

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    We present results for the 3P23F2^3P_2 - ^3F_2 pairing gap in neutron matter with several realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials, in particular with recent, phase-shift equivalent potentials. We find that their predictions for the gap cannot be trusted at densities above ρ1.7ρ0\rho\approx 1.7\rho_0, where ρ0\rho_0 is the saturation density for symmetric nuclear matter. In order to make predictions above that density, potential models which fit the nucleon-nucleon phase shifts up to about 1 GeV are required.Comment: Revtex style, 19 pages, 6 figures inlude

    Stability and structure of two coupled boson systems in an external field

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    The lowest adiabatic potential expressed in hyperspherical coordinates is estimated for two boson systems in an external harmonic trap. Corresponding conditions for stability are investigated and the related structures are extracted for zero-range interactions. Strong repulsion between non-identical particles leads to two new features, respectively when identical particles attract or repel each other. For repulsion new stable structures arise with displaced center of masses. For attraction the mean-field stability region is restricted due to motion of the center of masses

    Layer Features of the Lattice Gas Model for Self-Organized Criticality

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    A layer-by-layer description of the asymmetric lattice gas model for 1/f-noise suggested by Jensen [Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 3103 (1990)] is presented. The power spectra of the lattice layers in the direction perpendicular to the particle flux is studied in order to understand how the white noise at the input boundary evolves, on the average, into 1/f-noise for the system. The effects of high boundary drive and uniform driving force on the power spectrum of the total number of diffusing particles are considered. In the case of nearest-neighbor particle interactions, high statistics simulation results show that the power spectra of single lattice layers are characterized by different βx\beta_x exponents such that βx1.9\beta_x \to 1.9 as one approaches the outer boundary.Comment: LaTeX, figures upon reques

    Optical density and velocity measurements in cryogenic gas flows

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    This paper presents the application of optical measurement techniques in dense-gas flows in a heavy-gas channel to determine planar two-component (2C) velocity profiles and two-dimensional (2D) temperature profiles. The experimental approach is rather new in this area, and represents progress compared with the traditional techniques based on thermocouple measurements. The dense-gas flows are generated by the evaporation of liquid nitrogen. The optical measurement of both the velocity and density profiles is accomplished by the implementation of particle image velocimetry (PIV) and background-oriented schlieren (BOS) systems. Supplemental thermocouple measurements are used as independent calibrations to derive temperatures from the density data measured with the BOS system. The results obtained with both systems are used to quantify the dilution behavior of the propagating cloud through a global entrainment parameter β. Its value agrees well with the results obtained by earlier studie

    Spitzer bright, UltraVISTA faint sources in COSMOS: the contribution to the overall population of massive galaxies at z=3-7

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    We have analysed a sample of 574 Spitzer 4.5 micron-selected galaxies with [4.5]24 (AB) over the UltraVISTA ultra-deep COSMOS field. Our aim is to investigate whether these mid-IR bright, near-IR faint sources contribute significantly to the overall population of massive galaxies at redshifts z>=3. By performing a spectral energy distribution (SED) analysis using up to 30 photometric bands, we have determined that the redshift distribution of our sample peaks at redshifts z~2.5-3.0, and ~32% of the galaxies lie at z>=3. We have studied the contribution of these sources to the galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF) at high redshifts. We found that the [4.5]24 galaxies produce a negligible change to the GSMF previously determined for Ks_auto<24 sources at 3=<z<4, but their contribution is more important at 4=~50% of the galaxies with stellar masses Mst>~6 x 10^10 Msun. We also constrained the GSMF at the highest-mass end (Mst>~2 x 10^11 Msun) at z>=5. From their presence at 5=<z<6, and virtual absence at higher redshifts, we can pinpoint quite precisely the moment of appearance of the first most massive galaxies as taking place in the ~0.2 Gyr of elapsed time between z~6 and z~5. Alternatively, if very massive galaxies existed earlier in cosmic time, they should have been significantly dust-obscured to lie beyond the detection limits of current, large-area, deep near-IR surveys.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables. Updated to match version in press at the Ap

    Self-organized Criticality and Absorbing States: Lessons from the Ising Model

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    We investigate a suggested path to self-organized criticality. Originally, this path was devised to "generate criticality" in systems displaying an absorbing-state phase transition, but closer examination of the mechanism reveals that it can be used for any continuous phase transition. We used the Ising model as well as the Manna model to demonstrate how the finite-size scaling exponents depend on the tuning of driving and dissipation rates with system size.Our findings limit the explanatory power of the mechanism to non-universal critical behavior.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, REVTeX

    The existence of steady flow in a collapsed tube

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    Lonely adatoms in space

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    There is a close relation between the problems of second layer nucleation in epitaxial crystal growth and chemical surface reactions, such as hydrogen recombination, on interstellar dust grains. In both cases standard rate equation analysis has been found to fail because the process takes place in a confined geometry. Using scaling arguments developed in the context of second layer nucleation, I present a simple derivation of the hydrogen recombination rate for small and large grains. I clarify the reasons for the failure of rate equations for small grains, and point out a logarithmic correction to the reaction rate when the reaction is limited by the desorption of hydrogen atoms (the second order reaction regime)

    Decay rate measurement of the first vibrationally excited state of MgH+^+ in a cryogenic Paul trap

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    We present a method to measure the decay rate of the first excited vibrational state of simple polar molecular ions being part of a Coulomb crystal in a cryogenic linear Paul trap. Specifically, we have monitored the decay of the ν|\nu=1,J1,J=1X1 \rangle_X towards the ν|\nu=0,J0,J=0X0 \rangle_X level in MgH+^+ by saturated laser excitation of the ν|\nu=0,J0,J=2X2 \rangle_X-ν|\nu=1,J1,J=1X1 \rangle_X transition followed by state selective resonance enhanced two-photon dissociation out of the ν|\nu=0,J0,J=2X2 \rangle_X level. The technique enables the determination of decay rates, and thus absorption strengths, with an accuracy at the few percent level.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure