193 research outputs found

    Tillsammans mot mobbning : En kvalitativ utvärdering av Böle daghems handlingsplan mot mobbning

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    Syftet med detta lärdomsprov är att utvärdera Böle daghems handlingsplan mot mobbning. Undersökningen genomfördes genom intervjuer med sju personer i olika åldrar ur Böle daghems personal. De centrala frågeställningarna i detta lärdomsprov är: Är personalen på daghemmet medvetna om handlingsplanen? Agerar personalen enligt handlingsplanen i mobbningssituationer? Uppfyller handlingsplanen dess syfte? Resultatet av den kvalitativa undersökningen visar att personalen på Böle daghem är bekanta med handlingsplanen. Responsen tyder även på att det finns bristande kunskap inom ämnet mobbning.The purpose of the bachelor’s thesis is to evaluate the action plan against bullying of Böle daghem, a day care center. The survey was conducted through interviews with seven individuals of different ages from the day care staff of Böle daghem. The focus of this thesis is the following: Is the staff at the day care center aware of the action plan? Does the staff act according to the action plan in bullying situations? Does the action plan meet its purpose? The results of the qualitative survey show that the staff of Böle daghem is familiar with the action plan. The response also indicates that there is a lack of knowledge on the subject of bullying

    Aktuellt om anatomiska samlingen vid Lunds universitet

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    Den 9 september 2022 överlämnade Lunds universitet kraniet av en samisk man till Arjeplogs sameförening. Detta var den första återlämningen av en samisk kvarleva ur Lunds universitets anatomiska samling ..

    Implementing a person centred collaborative health care model – A qualitative study on patient experiences

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    Background: Collaborative Health Care (CHC) is a unique model in which ambulance services, home health care, hospital care and the national telephone helpline for healthcare in Sweden – Swedish health care direct (SHD1177) collaborate to provide the fastest possible health care for inhabitants living in eleven municipalities in western region of Sweden. Aim: To explore how patients experience and perceive health care received in the CHC. Method: Qualitative descriptive study using open-ended individual telephone interviews with fifteen community dwelling persons with experiences of care throughthe model CHC were conducted. Results: Two main categories and six subcategories were identified. The category “Thoughts of time in regard to acute health care” include “CHC leads to shorter waiting time for health care”, “Knowledge about the staff working hours” and “To alert or not alert”. The category “Thoughts on unplanned health care from CHC” involved “Receiving health care in my home”, ”Coordination from SHD1177 surprises” and “Accessibility of health care values higher than continuity”. Conclusion: Integrated health care models such as CHC are time saving and highly appreciated by community dwelling persons. The benefits of provision of coherent health care like in CHC, addresses the need to implement innovative integrated healthcare models in today’s health care

    Varhaiskasvatuksessa käytettävät menetelmät suomea toisena kielenä puhuvien lasten kielen opettamisessa

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    Ennen tutkimuksen kirjoittamista olimme molemmat kiinnostuneita suomea toisena kielenä puhuvien lasten suomen kielen oppimisesta sekä opettamisesta varhaiskasvatuksessa. Päätimme valita kyseisen aiheen laadullisen kyselytutkimuksemme aiheeksi. Ennen kyseistä tutkimusta pohdimme, mitä menetelmiä varhaiskasvatuksessa käytetään suomea toisena kielenä puhuvien lasten kohdalla. Olimme havainneet varhaiskasvatuksessa lapsia, joilla ei ollut vielä suomenkielentaito kehittynyt. Meille oli jäänyt heidän kanssaan käytettävät suomi toisena kielenä opetus- ja tukimenetelmät epäselviksi. Motivaatiotamme tätä tutkimusta kohtaan lisäsi, että tiedostimme kielitaidon merkityksen lapselle itselleen myös hänen osallisuuden toteutumisen kannalta. Tutkimuksemme tutkimuskysymykset ovat: Mitä suomi toisena kielenä oppimisen ja opettamisen tukimenetelmiä lapsiryhmissä on käytössä? Miten kielen tukimenetelmät ovat käytössä varhaiskasvatuksen arjen eri tilanteissa? Tutkimuskysymyksen alakysymykset ovat: Minkälaisia mahdollisia suomen kielen tukemisen haasteita tai pulmia varhaiskasvattajat kokevat arjen eri tilanteissa? Koetaanko lisätiedon tarvetta kielen opettamisen tukimenetelmistä? Miten suomi toisena kielenä oppimista arvioidaan? Tulosten perusteella S2-opetus nähtiin erillisenä toimintana muusta arjen pedagogiikasta. S2-opetus tulee nähdä kaiken varhaiskasvatuksessa tapahtuvan opetustoiminnan läpäisevänä periaatteena, ei irrallisena toimintana. Vastauksissa ilmeni, että kuvien käyttö oli yleisin esiin tullut menetelmä. Seuraavaksi eniten vastauksissa ilmeni kirjojen sekä kuvakirjojen käyttö. Vastauksissa myös ilmeni käytettäviksi menetelmiksi pelit, musiikki, laulut, taide, pedagogiset leikit ja lorupussi. Vastauksissa ilmeni myös muita menetelmiä, jotka mainittiin huomattavasti harvemmin vastauksissa. Nämä menetelmät on esitelty tulokset- osioissa. Vastauksien perusteella menetelmiä tiedostettiin monipuolisesti, mutta henkilökunta koki haastavaksi menetelmien käyttöönottamisen arjen eri tilanteisiin

    Gruppbehandling av talängslan vid en studenthälsa- en kvantitativ förstudie i reguljär verksamhet

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    Våga tala-kursen har under flera år funnits tillgänglig för studenter vid en högskola som behandling för talängslan. Behandlingen har bedrivits i grupp, med inriktning mot KBT. Den här studien syftade till att med kvantitativa metoder i form av självskattningsformulär undersöka effekten av denna behandling. Studiens frågeställning var om deltagarna i en våga tala-kurs skattade upplevda symtom och funktionspåverkan som förbättrade efter genomgången kurs, samt vid uppföljning en månad senare. Vår experimentgrupp utgjordes av 19 deltagare som genomgick behandlingen och genomförde skattningarna vid kursstart, avslut och uppföljning. Resultaten visade på statistiskt signifikanta förbättringar i skattad funktionspåverkan och upplevelse av ångest, med måttliga effektstorlekar. Inga signifikanta förändringar noterades i skattningar av undvikande, generell oro och psykologisk flexibilitet, även om vissa tendenser kunde noteras. Då ingen kontrollgrupp fanns att tillgå, eftersom studien genomfördes i reguljär verksamhet, kunde vi inte utesluta att effekten orsakades av andra faktorer än insatsen. Slutsatsen blev att Våga talakursen kan vara orsak till uppmätta förändringar, men att vi inte kunde säkerställa att den var det.Vår studie fungerade därmed som en förstudie till en eventuellt kommande randomiserad, kontrollerad studie.The Dare to speak course (“Våga tala”) has for several years been available to students at a college as a treatment for speech anxiety. The treatment was conducted in a groupformat, and based on CBT principles. This study aimed to investigate the effect of this treatment, using quantitative methods in the form of self-assessment questionnaires. The study's research question was whether the participants in the Dare to speak course rated their symptoms and functioning as improved after the course, and at follow-up one month later. Our experimental group consisted of 19 participants who underwent treatment and filled in the questionaires at the start, finish and follow-up. The results showed statistically significant improvements in perceived functioning and experience of anxiety, with moderate effect sizes. No significant changes were noted in estimates of avoidance, general anxiety and psychological flexibility, although some trends were noted. Due to the fact that no controlgroup was available, we couldn´t exclude that the effects were caused by moderators. Our conclusion was that the Dare to speak course could be the cause of the measured changes, but that we couldn´t confirm that it was. Our study surved it´s purpose as a preliminary study to a future randomized, controlled trial

    Co-detection of dopamine and glucose with high temporal resolution

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    Neuronal activity and brain glucose metabolism are tightly coupled, where triggered neurotransmission leads to a higher demand for glucose. To better understand the regulation of neuronal activity and its relation to high-speed metabolism, development of analytical tools that can temporally resolve the transients of vesicular neurotransmitter release and fluctuations of metabolites such as glucose in the local vicinity of the activated neurons is needed. Here we present an amperometric biosensor design for rapid co-detection of glucose and the neurotransmitter dopamine. The sensor is based on the immobilization of an ultra-thin layer of glucose oxidase on to a gold-nanoparticle-covered carbon fiber microelectrode. Our electrode, by altering the potential applied at the sensor surface, allows for the high-speed recording of both glucose and dopamine. We demonstrate that, even though glucose is electrochemically detected indirectly through the enzymatic product and the electroactive dopamine is sensed directly, when exposing the sensor surface to a mixture of the two analytes, fluctuations in glucose and dopamine concentrations can be visu alized with similar speed and at a millisecond time scale. Hence, by minimizing the enzyme coating thickness at the sensor surface, dual detection of glucose and dopamine can be realized at the same sensor surface and at time scales necessary for monitoring fast metabolic alterations during neurotransmission

    Rett syndrome: Establishing a novel outcome measure for walking activity in an era of clinical trials for rare disorders

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    Background: Rett syndrome is a pervasive neurological disorder with impaired gait as one criterion. This study investigated the capacity of three accelerometer-type devices to measure walking activity in Rett syndrome. Methods: Twenty-six participants (mean 18 years, SD 8) wore an Actigraph, ActivPAL and StepWatch Activity Monitor (SAM) during a video-taped session of activities. Agreement was determined between step-counts derived from each accelerometer and observation. Repeatability of SAM-derived step counts was determined using pairs of one-minute epochs during which the same participant was observed to walk with the same cadence. Results: The mean difference (limit of agreement) for the Actigraph, ActivPAL and SAM were −41 (SD 33), −16 (SD 21) and −1 (SD 16) steps/min, respectively. Agreement was influenced by a device/cadence interaction (p < 0.001) with greater under-recording at higher cadences. For SAM data, repeatability of step-count pairs was excellent (intraclass correlation coefficient 0.91, 95% CI 0.79–0.96). The standard error of measurement was 6 steps/min and we would be 95% confident that a change ≥17 steps/min would be greater than within-subject measurement error. Conclusions: The capacity of the SAM to measure physical activity in Rett syndrome allows focus on participation-based activities in clinical practice and clinical trials

    Counting the number of enzymes immobilized onto a nanoparticle-coated electrode

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    To immobilize enzymes at the surface of a nanoparticle-based electrochemical sensor is a common method to construct biosensors for non-electroactive analytes. Studying the interactions between the enzymes and nanoparticle support is of great importance in optimizing the conditions for biosensor design. This can be achieved by using a combination of analytical methods to carefully characterize the enzyme nanoparticle coating at the sensor surface while studying the optimal conditions for enzyme immobilization. From this analytical approach, it was found that controlling the enzyme coverage to a monolayer was a key factor to significantly improve the temporal resolution of biosensors. However, these characterization methods involve both tedious methodologies and working with toxic cyanide solutions. Here we introduce a new analytical method that allows direct quantification of the number of immobilized enzymes (glucose oxidase) at the surface of a gold nanoparticle coated glassy carbon electrode. This was achieved by exploiting an electrochemical stripping method for the direct quantification of the density and size of gold nanoparticles coating the electrode surface and combining this information with quantification of fluorophore-labeled enzymes bound to the sensor surface after stripping off their nanoparticle support. This method is both significantly much faster compared to previously reported methods and with the advantage that this method presented is non-toxic

    Effective Communication About Pregnancy, Birth, Lactation, Breastfeeding and Newborn Care:The Importance of Sexed Language

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    On 24 September 2021, The Lancet medical journal highlighted an article on its cover with a single sentence in large text; “Historically, the anatomy and physiology of bodies with vaginas have been neglected.” This statement, in which the word “women” was replaced with the phrase “bodies with vaginas,” is part of a trend to remove sexed terms such as “women” and “mothers” from discussions of female reproduction. The good and important intention behind these changes is sensitivity to, and acknowledgment of, the needs of people who are biologically female and yet do not consider themselves to be women because of their gender identity (1). However, these changes are often not deliberated regarding their impact on accuracy or potential for other unintended consequences. In this paper we present some background to this issue, describe various observed impacts, consider a number of potentially deleterious consequences, and suggest a way forward

    Psychosocial analysis of policy confidence through multifactorial statistics

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    Trust is defined as widespread belief or rooted value orientation in evaluative standards of technical and ethical competence, and in the future actions of a person (interpersonal trust) or an institution (institutional trust).From a psychosocial perspective, trust transcends positive or negative affectivity, alludes to the belief that the behavior of others can be predicted and implies a positive attitude and expectation regarding the behavior of the person or institution. This belief refers to the likelihood that individuals or institutions will take certain actions or refrain from inflicting harm, for the sake of personal or collective well-being. The objective of this study is to examine psychosocial factors related to the interaction between the police and the public that predict the perception of trust in police groups in Colombia