3,598 research outputs found

    Childhood Obesity

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    Childhood obesity is an epidemic in the United States. In 2012, more than one-third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). Studies have suggested that obesity is greater in the low-income population than in higher income individuals (Wang, 2006). The literature review has provided evidence that suggest, Hispanic mothers contribute to the rising rates of childhood obesity due to parenting and Hispanic traditions. Although there are interventions created and being created to reduce the high rates of childhood obesity, there are still gaps in interventions that are culturally tailored for Hispanic mothers. Based on learning about the gaps in interventions I am developing a 6-week workshop curriculum for Hispanic mothers to help prevent childhood obesity. The goals of the program are to provide education and support in a culturally tailored environment that allows mothers to make changes in their children\u27s lifestyles to reflect healthier behaviors while maintaining cultural relevance. Work Cited Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Adolescent and School Health: Childhood obesity facts. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/obesity/facts.htm. November 5, 2014. Wang Y, Zhang Q. Are American children and adolescents of low socioeconomic status at increased risk of obesity? Changes in the association between overweight and family income between 1971 and 2002. Am J Clin Nutr 84:707-16. 2006

    The little we know about the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of praziquantel (racemate and R-enantiomer)

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    Praziquantel has been the mainstay of schistosomiasis control since 1984 and widely distributed since 2006 through ‘preventive chemotherapy' programmes to school-aged children or at-risk populations. In addition, preschool-aged children are now recognized as a vulnerable population and a group for targeted treatment, but they may be difficult to dose correctly with the available product—a racemate, based on the biologically active enantiomer (R-praziquantel) and the inactive distomer (S-praziquantel), which contributes the bitter taste and doubles the size of the tablets. Hence, a paediatric formulation is required, possibly enantiomerically pure. Developing such a product and extending its use to younger children should be pharmacologically guided, but limited data exist on pharmacokinetics and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic correlations for praziquantel. This article presents available data on the chemistry, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of praziquantel, as well as R-praziquantel, and points to gaps in our knowledg

    Utilización de chía (Salvia Hispanica) como sustituto de un agente gelificante y antioxidante en la elaboración de una mermelada de fresa y naranja

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    Actualmente, la semilla de chía (Salvia hispánica L.) ha sido estudiada como una gran fuente de ácidos grasos omega-3, proteínas, fibra dietética y antioxidantes, a partir de la cual puede extraerse aceite con una elevada proporción de ácidos grasos esenciales. Por esta razón se decidió estudiar las propiedades tecnológicas de la chía, su acción gelificante y antioxidante en la elaboración de una mermelada de fresa con naranja, así como sus costos de fabricación, propiedades nutricionales y microbiológicas. Se realizaron dos formulaciones con diferentes porcentajes de jugo de naranja y chía. Se obtuvo un rendimiento promedio entre 30% y el 50%. Se realizó un análisis sensorial mediante la escala hedónica, con la fórmula ganadora. La mermelada presentó parámetros fuera de los rangos establecidos para las determinaciones de pH y sólidos solubles, por lo que se recomienda una reformulación que pueda alcanzar los parámetros de calidad antes mencionados. En cuanto a mohos y levaduras el resultado fue el aceptado, tal como lo indica la norma, por lo que se puede afirmar que es un producto sanitariamente seguro. Los costos de fabricación fueron relativamente bajos, comparados con los productos comercializados en el mercado.Monografía presentada para optar al título de Ingeniero en Alimento

    Diseño e implementación de un prototipo que permita el despliegue de un plan de recuperación de desastres aplicable a empresas MiPymes colombianas

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónAnte la evidente importancia de la información resulta prioritario el establecimiento de planes de contingencia que le permita a las empresas manejar de la mejor forma posible situaciones que atenten contra la continuidad del negocio. Es claro el incremento de los soportes en los que se conserva la información pero no los planes de contingencia destinados a salvaguardar y proteger la información.PregradoIngeniero de Sistema

    The Effectiveness of a Group Motor Skill Intervention Program in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: Program Frequency Matters.

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of two group programs on visual-motor integration, motor proficiency, gross-motor skills, and parental perception of motor difficulties in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). We compared whether the frequency of two programs (10 one hour sessions - once/week for 10 weeks verses 24 one hour sessions – twice/week for 12 weeks) produced different changes in motor skills. Methods: Children in the two programs were assessed before and after each program with the MABC-2, DCD-Q, BOT-2, Beery-VMI-6, and the TGMD-2 assessments. The emphasis of the programs was on group activities that required collaboration while performing skills that utilized upper-body coordination, balance, and fine-motor abilities. Results: After the 24-session intervention program, results revealed significant improvements in the Manual Coordination and Total Score of the BOT-2 (ps \u3c .05), and parents reported significantly higher scores for all categories of the DCD-Q (ps \u3c .05). No significant changes were observed after the 10-session once/week intervention program. Conclusions: We conclude that a (24 one-hour sessions- twice a week for 12 weeks) group intervention program can be an effective intervention method for improvement of motor skills in children with DCD. We recommend that allied health professionals consider the group intervention as a feasible way to promote more frequent sessions to children with DCD

    Effect of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria on Salicornia ramosissima Seed Germination under Salinity, CO2 and Temperature Stress

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    In a scenario of climate change and growing population, halophyte root microbiota interactions may be a sustainable solution to improve alternative crop production while combating abiotic stress. In this work, seeds of the cash crop halophyte Salicornia ramosissima were inoculated with five different plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria consortia, isolated from the rhizosphere of five halophytes in southwestern Spain salt marshes. For the first time, we recorded seed germination response to three interactive abiotic stressors, CO2 (400 and 700 ppm), temperature (25 and 29 ℃) and salinity (171, 510 and 1030 mM NaCl), all of them related to climate change. Salinity played a decisive role, as no significant differences were registered between treatments at 171 mM NaCl and no germination took place at 1030 mM NaCl. At 510 mM NaCl, one rhizobacterial consortium improved seed parameters notably, increasing up to 114% germination percentage and 65% seedlings biomass. These first findings encourage us to think that cash crop halophytes like S. ramosissima and halophyte root microbiota may be valuable resources for human or animal feeding in a future climate reality.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CGL2016-75550-R)Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (FPU014/03987

    Audit procedure: notes on the evaluation of evidence within the context of the latest request issued by SUNAT under article 75 of the Tax Code.

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    La presente investigación analiza las implicancias del plazo estipulado en el artículo 75 del Código Tributario, cómo ello genera consecuencias disímiles en aquellos sujetos fiscalizados a quienes se les notifica el requerimiento de conclusiones, y a quienes no. Para ello, se revisaron las razones del legislador peruano para establecer el referido plazo y se realizó una evaluación normativa, dogmática y jurisprudencial (a nivel del Tribunal Fiscal), de la actuación probatoria dentro del procedimiento de fiscalización. Así, este trabajo brinda un alcance a nivel normativo y doctrinario del procedimiento de fiscalización, enfatizando en la regulación aplicable a la Superintendencia Nacional de Administración Tributaria (SUNAT) dado que la problemática planteada se enfoca en la actividad de dicha Administración. Luego, se aterriza a la actuación probatoria en la última etapa de la actividad fiscalizadora y estudia la prueba en el marco del procedimiento de fiscalización, para posteriormente, revisar los principios que rigen los procedimientos administrativos, prestando singular atención a los principios de oficialidad, verdad material y debido procedimiento, y a un par de principios constitucionales -seguridad jurídica e igualdad- que consideramos relevantes dentro del problema planteado. Por último, se efectúa un análisis crítico a las reglas de preclusión, a la jurisprudencia a nivel del Tribunal Fiscal (en adelante TF) y legislación; arribándose a la conclusión de que la aplicación del referido plazo afecta a los principios verdad material, de igualdad y el derecho a la prueba, por lo que se propone una modificación normativa y una interpretación más acorde con la protección de los mencionados principios.The present research analyzes the implications of the deadline stipulated in Article 75 of the Tax Code, and how it generates different consequences for those audited subjects who receive the requirement for conclusions and those who do not. To do so, the reasons behind the Peruvian legislator's establishment of the aforementioned deadline were reviewed, and a normative, doctrinal, and jurisprudential evaluation was conducted (at the level of the Tax Court) of evidentiary proceedings within the audit procedure. This work provides a normative and doctrinal scope of the audit procedure, with an emphasis on the regulations applicable to the National Superintendence of Tax Administration (SUNAT), given that the raised problem focuses on the activities of said administration. It then delves into the evidentiary proceedings in the final stage of the audit activity and examines evidence within the framework of the audit procedure. Subsequently, it reviews the principles governing administrative procedures, with particular attention to the principles of officiality, material truth, due process, as well as a couple of constitutional principles - legal certainty and equality - which are considered relevant within the problem presented. Finally, a critical analysis is carried out on the rules of preclusion, jurisprudence at the level of the Tax Court, and legislation. It is concluded that the application of the aforementioned deadline affects the principles of material truth, equality, and the right to evidence. Therefore, a proposed modification of the regulations and an interpretation more in line with the protection of the mentioned principles are suggested

    Procedimiento de fiscalización: apuntes sobre la valoración de la prueba en el marco del último requerimiento emitido por SUNAT en virtud del artículo 75 del Código Tributario

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    La presente investigación analiza las implicancias del plazo estipulado en el artículo 75 del Código Tributario, cómo ello genera consecuencias disímiles en aquellos sujetos fiscalizados a quienes se les notifica el requerimiento de conclusiones, y a quienes no. Para ello, se revisaron las razones del legislador peruano para establecer el referido plazo y se realizó una evaluación normativa, dogmática y jurisprudencial (a nivel del Tribunal Fiscal), de la actuación probatoria dentro del procedimiento de fiscalización. Así, este trabajo brinda un alcance a nivel normativo y doctrinario del procedimiento de fiscalización, enfatizando en la regulación aplicable a la Superintendencia Nacional de Administración Tributaria (SUNAT) dado que la problemática planteada se enfoca en la actividad de dicha Administración. Luego, se aterriza a la actuación probatoria en la última etapa de la actividad fiscalizadora y estudia la prueba en el marco del procedimiento de fiscalización, para posteriormente, revisar los principios que rigen los procedimientos administrativos, prestando singular atención a los principios de oficialidad, verdad material y debido procedimiento, y a un par de principios constitucionales -seguridad jurídica e igualdad- que consideramos relevantes dentro del problema planteado. Por último, se efectúa un análisis crítico a las reglas de preclusión, a la jurisprudencia a nivel del Tribunal Fiscal (en adelante TF) y legislación; arribándose a la conclusión de que la aplicación del referido plazo afecta a los principios verdad material, de igualdad y el derecho a la prueba, por lo que se propone una modificación normativa y una interpretación más acorde con la protección de los mencionados principios.The present research analyzes the implications of the deadline stipulated in Article 75 of the Tax Code, and how it generates different consequences for those audited subjects who receive the requirement for conclusions and those who do not. To do so, the reasons behind the Peruvian legislator's establishment of the aforementioned deadline were reviewed, and a normative, doctrinal, and jurisprudential evaluation was conducted (at the level of the Tax Court) of evidentiary proceedings within the audit procedure. This work provides a normative and doctrinal scope of the audit procedure, with an emphasis on the regulations applicable to the National Superintendence of Tax Administration (SUNAT), given that the raised problem focuses on the activities of said administration. It then delves into the evidentiary proceedings in the final stage of the audit activity and examines evidence within the framework of the audit procedure. Subsequently, it reviews the principles governing administrative procedures, with particular attention to the principles of officiality, material truth, due process, as well as a couple of constitutional principles - legal certainty and equality - which are considered relevant within the problem presented. Finally, a critical analysis is carried out on the rules of preclusion, jurisprudence at the level of the Tax Court, and legislation. It is concluded that the application of the aforementioned deadline affects the principles of material truth, equality, and the right to evidence. Therefore, a proposed modification of the regulations and an interpretation more in line with the protection of the mentioned principles are suggested