218 research outputs found

    Variable training does not lead to better motor learning compared to repetitive training in children with DCD when exposed to video games

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    Background Little is known about the influence of practice schedules on motor learning and skills transfer in children with and without developmental coordination disorder (DCD). Understanding how practice schedules affect motor learning is necessary for motor skills development and rehabilitation. Aims The study investigated whether active video games (exergames) training delivered under variable practice led to better learning and transfer than repetitive practice. Methods and procedures 111 children aged 6–10 years (M = 8.0, SD = 1.0) with no active exergaming experience were randomized to receive exergames training delivered under variable (Variable Game Group (VGG), n = 56) or repetitive practice schedule (Repetitive Game Group (RGG), n = 55). Half the participants were identified as DCD using the DSM-5 criteria, while the rest were typically developing (TD), age-matched children. Both groups participated in two 20 min sessions per week for 5 weeks. Outcomes and results Both participant groups (TD and DCD) improved equally well on game performance. There was no significant difference in positive transfer to balance tasks between practice schedules (Repetitive and Variable) and participant groups (TD and DCD). Conclusions and implications Children with and without DCD learn balance skills quite well when exposed to exergames. Gains in learning and transfer are similar regardless of the form of practice schedule employed. What this paper adds This is the first paper to compare the effect of practice schedules on learning in children with DCD and those with typical development. No differences in motor learning were found between repetitive and variable practice schedules. When children with and without DCD spend the same amount of time on exergames, they do not show any differences in acquisition of motor skills. Transfer of motor skills is similar in children with and without DCD regardless of differences in practice schedules

    Graffiti in beeld. Eindrapportage

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    Dit is de eindrapportage van het onderzoek “graffit in beeld” waarin is onderzocht in hoeverre verschillende typen graffiti als overlastgevend worden ervaren. Het gehele onderzoek is opgebouwd uit een aantal verschillende onderdelen die in de drie eerdere tussenrapportages uitvoerig zijn toegelicht en in dit eindrapport nogmaals in essentie zullen worden besproken. Ten slotte zullen hierop aansluitende aanbevelingen worden geformuleerd. Op basis van de twee empirische voorstudies (zie tussenrapportage 1. ) is vastgesteld dat mensen onderscheid maken tussen diverse soorten graffiti. Dit onderscheid wordt hoofdzakelijk gemaakt op basis van het type graffiti (tags/throw ups/pieces) en de locatie of achtergrond waarop deze graffiti zichtbaar is. Daarom is ervoor gekozen in de online vragenlijst en het onderzoek in de virtuele wijk het type graffiti en de locatie waarop de graffiti zichtbaar is stelselmatig te variĂ«ren. Op deze manier kan worden bekeken hoe de verschillende vormen van graffiti zich verhouden tot de mate waarin deze als overlastgevend worden ervaren (zie tussenrapportage 2. Online vragenlijst). In totaal hebben ongeveer 1000 respondenten de online vragenlijst ingevuld, en zo’n 1500 respondenten hebben deelgenomen aan het onderzoek in de virtuele wijk. Hier hebben respondenten acht verschillende plekken bezocht en daar telkens verschillende typen graffiti tags/pieces/throw ups) beoordeeld. Deze acht plekken waren een tunneltje, parkeerplaats met een auto, speeltuin, winkelpand, woonhuis, skatepark, parkeergarage en een hek/muur (zie tussenrapportage 3. Virtuele wijk). Uit beide studies blijkt: a) dat er grote variatie is in de algemene waardering ten aanzien van graffiti binnen de Nederlandse bevolking en b) dat er grote variatie is in de voorbeelden van graffiti die als overlastgevend worden ervaren. Dit is afhankelijk van: ‱ Het type graffiti; tags (krabbels) worden het meest negatief beoordeeld, daarna de throw ups (dikke gestileerde letters), en de graffiti die het minst negatief wordt bevonden bestaat uit pieces (grote afbeeldingen). ‱ De locatie waar de graffiti zich bevindt; graffiti op een object in het skatepark wordt minder negatief beoordeeld dan graffiti op een huis. De aanbevelingen met betrekking tot het beleid ten aanzien van de verwijdering van graffiti zijn geformuleerd op basis van de bevindingen uit het gehele onderzoek. Ten eerste wordt ingegaan op de noodzaak voor gericht onderzoek naar de overlastbeleving van specifieke graffiti. De ene graffiti is de andere niet. Wanneer mensen gevraagd worden over hun algemene oordeel naar graffiti zijn zij niet negatief. Maar wanneer hen naar specifieke voorbeelden wordt gevraagd, vellen zij wel een negatief oordeel. Om passend beleid te voeren moet dus worden gekeken naar de specifieke elementen van graffiti die maken dat ze meer of minder overlastgevend worden gevonden. De aspecten die hierbij vooral van belang zijn, zijn het type graffiti en de locatie waar deze zich bevindt. Daarnaast wordt ook beschreven hoe een graffitiwijzer gebruikt zou kunnen worden door diverse partijen om graffiti te classificeren om deze vervolgens een daarbij passende verwijderingprioriteit toe te kennen. Ten slotte zullen ook nog een aantal suggesties worden gegeven om maatwerk voor specifieke bewonersgroepen te bewerkstelligen. Deze zijn gebaseerd op lichte verbanden gevonden tussen bijvoorbeeld leeftijd en de mate waarin graffiti overlastgevend wordt gevonden

    Assessing health and well-being among older people in rural South Africa

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    Background: The population in developing countries is ageing, which is likely to increase the burden of noncommunicable diseases and disability. Objective: To describe factors associated with self-reported health, disability and quality of life (QoL) of older people in the rural northeast of South Africa. Design: Cross-sectional survey of 6,206 individuals aged 50 and over. We used multivariate analysis to examine relationships between demographic variables and measures of self-reported health (Health Status), functional ability (WHODASi) and quality of life (WHOQoL). Results: About 4,085 of 6,206 people eligible (65.8%) completed the interview. Women (Odds Ratio (OR) 1.30, 95% CI 1.09, 1.55), older age (OR2.59, 95% CI 1.97, 3.40), lower education (OR1.62, 95% CI 1.31,2.00), single status (OR1.18, 95% CI 1.01, 1.37) and not working at present (OR1.29, 95% CI 1.06, 1.59) were associated with a low health status. Women were also more likely to report a higher level of disability (OR1.38, 95% CI 1.14, 1.66), as were older people (OR2.92, 95% CI 2.25, 3.78), those with no education (OR1.57, 95% CI 1.26, 1.97), with single status (OR1.25, 95% CI 1.06, 1.46) and not working at present (OR1.33, 95% CI 1.06, 1.66). Older age (OR1.35, 95% CI 1.06, 1.74), no education (OR1.39, 95% CI 1.11, 1.73), single status (OR1.28, 95% CI 1.10, 1.49), a low household asset score (OR1.52, 95% CI 1.19, 1.94) and not working at present (OR1.32; 95% CI 1.07, 1.64) were all associated with lower quality of life. Conclusions: This study presents the first population-based data from South Africa on health status, functional ability and quality of life among older people. Health and social services will need to be restructured to provide effective care for older people living in rural South Africa with impaired functionality and other health problems

    The intervention process in the European Fans in Training (EuroFIT) trial: a mixed method protocol for evaluation

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    Background - EuroFIT is a gender-sensitised, health and lifestyle program targeting physical activity, sedentary time and dietary behaviours in men. The delivery of the program in football clubs, led by the clubs’ community coaches, is designed to both attract and engage men in lifestyle change through an interest in football or loyalty to the club they support. The EuroFIT program will be evaluated in a multicentre pragmatic randomised controlled trial (RCT), for which ~1000 overweight men, aged 30–65 years, will be recruited in 15 top professional football clubs in the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and the UK. The process evaluation is designed to investigate how implementation within the RCT is achieved in the various football clubs and countries and the processes through which EuroFIT affects outcomes. Methods - This mixed methods evaluation is guided by the Medical Research Council (MRC) guidance for conducting process evaluations of complex interventions. Data will be collected in the intervention arm of the EuroFIT trial through: participant questionnaires (n = 500); attendance sheets and coach logs (n = 360); observations of sessions (n = 30); coach questionnaires (n = 30); usage logs from a novel device for self-monitoring physical activity and non-sedentary behaviour (SitFIT); an app-based game to promote social support for physical activity outside program sessions (MatchFIT); interviews with coaches (n = 15); football club representatives (n = 15); and focus groups with participants (n = 30). Written standard operating procedures are used to ensure quality and consistency in data collection and analysis across the participating countries. Data will be analysed thematically within datasets and overall synthesis of findings will address the processes through which the program is implemented in various countries and clubs and through which it affects outcomes, with careful attention to the context of the football club. Discussion - The process evaluation will provide a comprehensive account of what was necessary to implement the EuroFIT program in professional football clubs within a trial setting and how outcomes were affected by the program. This will allow us to re-appraise the program’s conceptual base, optimise the program for post-trial implementation and roll out, and offer suggestions for the development and implementation of future initiatives to promote health and wellbeing through professional sports clubs. Trial Registration - ISRCTN81935608. Registered on 16 June 2015

    Mediators of lifestyle behaviour changes in obese pregnant women. Secondary analyses from the DALI lifestyle randomised controlled trial

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    Altres ajuts: The project described has received funding from the European Community's 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 242187. In the Netherlands, additional funding was provided by the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) (grant no. 200310013). In Poland, additional funding was obtained from Polish Ministry of Science (grant no. 2203/7. PR/2011/2). In Denmark, additional funding was provided by the Odense University Free Research Fund. In the United Kingdom, the DALI team acknowledge the support received from the NIHR Clinical Research Network: Eastern, especially the local diabetes clinical and research teams based in Cambridge. In Spain, additional funding was provided by CAIBER 1527-B-226. The funders had no role in any aspect of the study beyond funding.A better understanding of what drives behaviour change in obese pregnant overweight women is needed to improve the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions in this group at risk for gestational diabetes (GDM). Therefore, we assessed which factors mediated behaviour change in the Vitamin D and Lifestyle Intervention for GDM Prevention (DALI) Lifestyle Study. A total of 436 women, with pre-pregnancy body mass index ≄29 kg/m , ≀19 + 6 weeks of gestation and without GDM, were randomised for counselling based on motivational interviewing (MI) on healthy eating and physical activity, healthy eating alone, physical activity alone, or to a usual care group. Lifestyle was measured at baseline, and at 24-28 and 35-37 weeks of gestation. Outcome expectancy, risk perception, task self-efficacy and social support were measured at those same time points and considered as possible mediators of intervention effects on lifestyle. All three interventions resulted in increased positive outcome expectancy for GDM reduction, perceived risk to the baby and increased task self-efficacy. The latter mediated intervention effects on physical activity and reduced sugared drink consumption. In conclusion, our MI intervention was successful in increasing task self-efficacy, which was related to improved health behaviours

    Physical and emotional health outcomes after 12 months of public-sector antiretroviral treatment in the Free State Province of South Africa: a longitudinal study using structural equation modelling

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>African and Asian cohort studies have demonstrated the clinical efficacy of antiretroviral treatment (ART) in resource-limited settings. However, reports of the long-term changes in the physical and emotional quality of life (QoL) of patients on ART in these settings are still scarce. In this study, we assessed the physical and emotional QoL after six and 12 months of ART of a sample of 268 patients enrolled in South Africa's public-sector ART programme. The study also tested the impact of the adverse effects of medication on patients' physical and emotional QoL.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A stratified random sample of 268 patients undergoing ART was interviewed at baseline (< 6 months ART) and follow-up (< 12 months ART). A model of the relationships between the duration of ART, the adverse effects of medication, and physical and emotional QoL (measured using EUROQOL-5D) was tested using structural equation modelling.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The improved physical and emotional QoL shown at baseline was sustained over the 12-month study period, because treatment duration was not significantly associated with changes in the patients' QoL. Physical QoL significantly and positively influenced the patients' emotional QoL (subjective well-being [SWB]) (ÎČ = 0.33, <it>P </it>< 0.01). Longitudinal data showed that patients reported significantly fewer adverse effects at follow-up than at baseline (ÎČ = -0.38, <it>P </it>< 0.001) and that these adverse effects negatively influenced physical (ÎČ = -0.27, <it>P </it>< 0.01) and emotional QoL (ÎČ = -0.15, <it>P </it>< 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study provides evidence that the South African public-sector ART programme is effective in delivering sustained improvement in patient well-being. However, the results should encourage clinicians and lay health workers to be vigilant regarding the adverse effects of treatment, because they can seriously affect physical and emotional QoL.</p

    Temporal relationships between maternal metabolic parameters with neonatal adiposity in women with obesity differ by neonatal sex : Secondary analysis of the DALI study

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    To investigate the importance of time in pregnancy and neonatal sex on the association between maternal metabolic parameters and neonatal sum of skinfolds. This was a longitudinal, secondary analysis of the vitamin D and lifestyle intervention for gestational diabetes mellitus study, conducted in nine European countries during 2012 to 2015. Pregnant women with a pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) of ≄29 kg/m were invited to participate. We measured 14 maternal metabolic parameters at three times during pregnancy: <20 weeks, 24 to 28 weeks, and 35 to 37 weeks of gestation. The sum of four skinfolds assessed within 2 days after birth was the measure of neonatal adiposity. In total, 458 mother-infant pairs (50.2% female infants) were included. Insulin resistance (fasting insulin and HOMA-index of insulin resistance) in early pregnancy was an important predictor for boys' sum of skinfolds, in addition to fasting glucose and maternal adiposity (leptin, BMI and neck circumference) throughout pregnancy. In girls, maternal lipids (triglycerides and fatty acids) in the first half of pregnancy were important predictors of sum of skinfolds, as well as fasting glucose in the second half of pregnancy. Associations between maternal metabolic parameters and neonatal adiposity vary between different periods during pregnancy. This time-dependency is different between sexes, suggesting different growth strategies

    Temporal relationships between maternal metabolic parameters with neonatal adiposity in women with obesity differ by neonatal sex : secondary analysis of the DALI study

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    Objectives: To investigate the importance of time in pregnancy and neonatal sex on the association between maternal metabolic parameters and neonatal sum of skinfolds. Methods: This was a longitudinal, secondary analysis of the vitamin D and lifestyle intervention for gestational diabetes mellitus study, conducted in nine European countries during 2012 to 2015. Pregnant women with a pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) of ≄29 kg/m2 were invited to participate. We measured 14 maternal metabolic parameters at three times during pregnancy: <20 weeks, 24 to 28 weeks, and 35 to 37 weeks of gestation. The sum of four skinfolds assessed within 2 days after birth was the measure of neonatal adiposity. Results: In total, 458 mother‐infant pairs (50.2% female infants) were included. Insulin resistance (fasting insulin and HOMA‐index of insulin resistance) in early pregnancy was an important predictor for boys' sum of skinfolds, in addition to fasting glucose and maternal adiposity (leptin, BMI and neck circumference) throughout pregnancy. In girls, maternal lipids (triglycerides and fatty acids) in the first half of pregnancy were important predictors of sum of skinfolds, as well as fasting glucose in the second half of pregnancy. Conclusions: Associations between maternal metabolic parameters and neonatal adiposity vary between different periods during pregnancy. This time‐dependency is different between sexes, suggesting different growth strategies

    The importance of maternal insulin resistance throughout pregnancy on neonatal adiposity

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    Background: Although previous studies evaluated the association of maternal health parameters with neonatal adiposity, little is known regarding the complexity of the relationships among different maternal health parameters throughout pregnancy and its impact on neonatal adiposity. Objectives: To evaluate the direct and indirect associations between maternal insulin resistance during pregnancy, in women with obesity, and neonatal adiposity. In addition, associations between maternal fasting glucose, triglycerides (TG), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), and neonatal adiposity were also assessed. Methods: This is a longitudinal, secondary analysis of the DALI study, an international project conducted in nine European countries with pregnant women with obesity. Maternal insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), fasting glucose, TG, and NEFA were measured three times during pregnancy (<20, 24-28, and 35-37 weeks of gestation). Offspring neonatal adiposity was estimated by the sum of four skinfolds. Structural equation modelling was conducted to evaluate the direct and indirect relationships among the variables of interest. Results: Data on 657 mother-infant pairs (50.7% boys) were analysed. Neonatal boys exhibited lower mean sum of skinfolds compared to girls (20.3 mm, 95% CI 19.7, 21.0 vs 21.5 mm, 95% CI 20.8, 22.2). In boys, maternal HOMA-IR at <20 weeks was directly associated with neonatal adiposity (ÎČ = 0.35 mm, 95% CI 0.01, 0.70). In girls, maternal HOMA-IR at 24-28 weeks was only indirectly associated with neonatal adiposity, which implies that this association was mediated via maternal HOMA-IR, glucose, triglycerides, and NEFA during pregnancy (ÎČ = 0.26 mm, 95% CI 0.08, 0.44). Conclusions: The timing of the role of maternal insulin resistance on neonatal adiposity depends on fetal sex. Although the association was time-dependent, maternal insulin resistance was associated with neonatal adiposity in both sexes
