139 research outputs found

    Natural history of claudication: Long-term serial follow-up study of 1244 claudicants

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    AbstractObjective: The purpose of this study was to delineate the natural history of claudication and determine risk factors for ischemic rest pain (IRP) and ischemic ulceration (IU) among patients with claudication. Methods: We prospectively collected data on 1244 men with claudication during a 15-year period, including demographics, clinical risk factors, and ankle-brachial index (ABI). We followed these patients serially with ABIs, self-reported walking distance (WalkDist), and monitoring for IRP and IU. We used Kaplan-Meier and proportional hazards modeling to find independent predictors of IRP and IU. Results: Mean follow-up was 45 months; statistically valid follow-up could be carried out for as long as 12 years. ABI declined an average of 0.014 per year. WalkDist declined at an average rate of 9.2 yards per year. The cumulative 10-year risks of development of IU and IRP were 23% and 30%, respectively. In multivariate analysis using several clinical risk factors, we found that only DM (relative risk [RR], 1.8) and ABI (RR, 2.2 for 0.1 decrease in ABI) predicted the development of IRP. Similarly, only DM (RR, 3.0) and ABI (RR, 1.9 for 0.1 decrease in ABI) were significant predictors of IU. Conclusion: This large serial study of claudication is, to our knowledge, the longest of its kind. We documented an average rate of ABI decline of 0.014 per year and a decline in WalkDist of 9.2 yards per year. Two clinical factors, ABI and DM, were found to be associated with the development of IRP and IU. Our findings may be useful in predicting the clinical course of claudication. (J Vasc Surg 2001;34:962-70.

    Unknowable bodies, unthinkable sexualities: lesbian and transgender legal invisibility in the Toronto women's bathhouse raid

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    Although litigation involving sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination claims has generated considerable public attention in recent years, lesbian and transgender bodies and sexualities still remain largely invisible in Anglo-American courts. While such invisibility is generally attributed to social norms that fail to recognize lesbian and transgender experiences, the capacity to 'not see' or 'not know' queer bodies and sexualities also involves wilful acts of ignorance. Drawing from R. v Hornick (2002) a Canadian case involving the police raid of a women's bathhouse, this article explores how lesbian and transgender bodies and sexualities are actively rendered invisible via legal knowledge practices, norms and rationalities. It argues that limited knowledge and limited thinking not only regulate the borders of visibility and belonging, but play an active part in shaping identities, governing conduct and producing subjectivity

    Case study of a performance-active changing trans* male singing voice

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    A professional classical singer of more than 25 years (AZ) in his early 50s requested this voice researcher’s consultation and assistance in early 2014. He was about to start living full time as a trans* man. Despite his intention to be included in the low start/gradual increase testosterone option of the Trans* Male (previously, “FTM”) Singing Voice Program, the request contained a rather unconventional aspect: AZ would continue to sing while his voice was changing. The above request was integral with his singing history. After the introduction of safeguards and his informed consent, AZ was accepted onto the Program. Due to the highly individual circumstances, his participation was recorded as a case study. The study has aimed to replicate the particulars of the slow hormonal changes and continuing singing ability found in certain cisgender male adolescent voices. Despite dealing with an adult trans* male individual, the progress has been comparable. This has been achieved by carefully monitoring AZ’s low start/gradual increase testosterone administration in communication with the medical practitioner. The participant’s vocal health remained safeguarded and promoted by carefully individualized vocal tuition. This article will discuss the collective results of the case study, including the recordings and the data analysis

    Analysis of the Zinc Finger Domain of TnpA, a DNA Targeting Protein Encoded by Mobilizable Transposon Tn4555

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    The mobilizable transposon Tn4555, found in Bacteroides spp., is an important antibiotic resistance element encoding a broad spectrum beta-lactamase. Tn4555 is mobilized by conjugative transposons such as CTn341 which can transfer the transposon to a wide range of bacterial species where it integrates into preferred sites on the host chromosome. Selection of the preferred target sites is mediated by a DNA-binding protein TnpA which has a prominent zinc finger motif at the N-terminus of the protein. In this report the zinc finger motif was disrupted by site directed mutagenesis in which two cysteine residues were changed to serine residues. Elemental analysis indicated that the wildtype protein but not the mutated protein was able to coordinate zinc at a molar ration of 1/1. DNA binding electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed that the ability to bind the target site DNA was not significantly affected by the mutation but there was about a 50% decrease in the ability to bind single stranded DNA. Consistent with these results, electrophoretic mobility shift assays incorporating zinc chelators did not have a significant affect the binding of DNA target. In vivo, the zinc finger mutation completely prevented transposition/integration as measured in a conjugation assay. This was in contrast to results in which a TnpA knockout was still able to insert into host genomes but there was no preferred target site selection. The phenotype of the zinc finger mutation was not effectively rescued by providing wild-type TnpA in trans. Taken together these results indicated that the zinc finger is not required for DNA binding activity of TnpA but that it does have an important role in transposition and it may mediate protein/protein interactions with integrase or other Tn4555 proteins to facilitate insertion into the preferred sites. Originally published Plasmid, Vol. 58, No. 1, July 200

    CTnDOT integrase performs ordered homology-dependent and homology-independent strand exchanges

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    Although the integrase (IntDOT) of the Bacteroides conjugative transposon CTnDOT has been classified as a member of the tyrosine recombinase family, the reaction it catalyzes appears to differ in some features from reactions catalyzed by other tyrosine recombinases. We tested the ability of IntDOT to cleave and ligate activated attDOT substrates in the presence of mismatches. Unlike other tyrosine recombinases, the results revealed that IntDOT is able to perform ligation reactions even when all the bases within the crossover region are mispaired. We also show that there is a strong bias in the order of strand exchanges during integrative recombination. The top strands are exchanged first in reactions that appear to require 2 bp of homology between the partner sites adjacent to the sites of cleavage. The bottom strands are exchanged next in reactions that do not require homology between the partner sites. This mode of coordination of strand exchanges is unique among tyrosine recombinases

    An international working group consensus report for the prioritization of molecular biomarkers for Ewing sarcoma

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    The advent of dose intensified interval compressed therapy has improved event-free survival for patients with localized Ewing sarcoma (EwS) to 78% at 5 years. However, nearly a quarter of patients with localized tumors and 60-80% of patients with metastatic tumors suffer relapse and die of disease. In addition, those who survive are often left with debilitating late effects. Clinical features aside from stage have proven inadequate to meaningfully classify patients for risk-stratified therapy. Therefore, there is a critical need to develop approaches to risk stratify patients with EwS based on molecular features. Over the past decade, new technology has enabled the study of multiple molecular biomarkers in EwS. Preliminary evidence requiring validation supports copy number changes, and loss of function mutations in tumor suppressor genes as biomarkers of outcome in EwS. Initial studies of circulating tumor DNA demonstrated that diagnostic ctDNA burden and ctDNA clearance during induction are also associated with outcome. In addition, fusion partner should be a pre-requisite for enrollment on EwS clinical trials, and the fusion type and structure require further study to determine prognostic impact. These emerging biomarkers represent a new horizon in our understanding of disease risk and will enable future efforts to develop risk-adapted treatment

    Design, Development and Evaluation of rK28-Based Point-of-Care Tests for Improving Rapid Diagnosis of Visceral Leishmaniasis

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    Visceral Leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania donovani is endemic in several parts of South Asia, East Africa, South and Central America. It is a vector-borne disease transmitted by bites of infected sand flies and often fatal in the absence of chemotherapy. Timely diagnosis is an essential first step in providing proper patient care and in controlling transmission. VL diagnosis in East Africa and Latin America are currently based on microscopic confirmation of parasites in tissue aspirates. The Kalazar Detect rapid test is widely used as a confirmatory test in India with very high accuracy, but sensitivity issues have severely limited its usefulness in the African sub-continent. Direct Agglutination Test is another confirmatory test used widely in East Africa and offers high sensitivity but is not field-friendly. We report on the design of a novel synthetic fusion protein capable of sequestering antibodies against three different Leishmania donovani antigens and the development of point-of-care tests for improving VL diagnosis. We believe the ease of use of these rapid tests and their high accuracy in detecting VL cases could make them useful as a first-line test, thereby eliminating the need for painful biopsies and ensuring better patient care

    Clinical Outcomes by Race and Ethnicity in the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT): A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    BACKGROUND: The Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT) showed that targeting a systolic blood pressure (SBP) of ≤ 120 mm Hg (intensive treatment) reduced cardiovascular disease (CVD) events compared to SBP of ≤ 140 mm Hg (standard treatment); however, it is unclear if this effect is similar in all racial/ethnic groups. METHODS: We analyzed SPRINT data within non-Hispanic White (NHW), non-Hispanic Black (NHB), and Hispanic subgroups to address this question. High-risk nondiabetic hypertensive patients (N = 9,361; 30% NHB; 11% Hispanic) 50 years and older were randomly assigned to intensive or standard treatment. Primary outcome was a composite of the first occurrence of a myocardial infarction, acute coronary syndrome, stroke, decompensated heart failure, or CVD death. RESULTS: Average postbaseline SBP was similar among NHW, NHB, and Hispanics in both treatment arms. Hazard ratios (HRs) (95% confidence interval) (intensive vs. standard treatment groups) for primary outcome were 0.70 (0.57–0.86), 0.71 (0.51–0.98), 0.62 (0.33–1.15) (interaction P value = 0.85) in NHW, NHB, and Hispanics. CVD mortality HRs were 0.49 (0.29–0.81), 0.77 (0.37–1.57), and 0.17 (0.01–1.08). All-cause mortality HRs were 0.61 (0.47–0.80), 0.92 (0.63–1.35), and 1.58 (0.73–3.62), respectively. A test for differences among racial/ethnic groups in the effect of treatment assignment on all-cause mortality was not significant (Hommel-adjusted P value = 0.062) after adjustment for multiple comparisons. CONCLUSION: Targeting a SBP goal of ≤ 120 mm Hg compared to ≤ 140 mm Hg led to similar SBP control and was associated with similar benefits and risks among all racial ethnic groups, though NHBs required an average of ~0.3 more medications

    The association between Self-Reported Medication Adherence scores and systolic blood pressure control: a SPRINT baseline data study

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    We examined baseline data from the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT) to investigate whether medication adherence, measured by the 8-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8), was associated with systolic blood pressure (SBP) and whether MMAS-8 score and number of antihypertensive medications interacted in influencing SBP. A total of 8435 SPRINT participants were included: 21.2% had low adherence (MMAS-8: 160 mm Hg in 8.8%. In multivariable regression, medium vs. low adherence weakly associated with lower SBP (odds ratio: 1.17; confidence interval: 1.04, 1.31). SPRINT eligibility criteria should be considered when interpreting results. Efforts to understand and enhance adherence are crucial to improve population health, and using self-report instruments might be considered for predicting treatment adherence and response in future efficacy trials and for identifying patients for adherence support in clinical practice

    Recent Acceleration of Plastid Sequence and Structural Evolution Coincides with Extreme Mitochondrial Divergence in the Angiosperm Genus Silene

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    The angiosperm genus Silene exhibits some of the most extreme and rapid divergence ever identified in mitochondrial genome architecture and nucleotide substitution rates. These patterns have been considered mitochondrial specific based on the absence of correlated changes in the small number of available nuclear and plastid gene sequences. To better assess the relationship between mitochondrial and plastid evolution, we sequenced the plastid genomes from four Silene species with fully sequenced mitochondrial genomes. We found that two species with fast-evolving mitochondrial genomes, S. noctiflora and S. conica, also exhibit accelerated rates of sequence and structural evolution in their plastid genomes. The nature of these changes, however, is markedly different from those in the mitochondrial genome. For example, in contrast to the mitochondrial pattern, which appears to be genome wide and mutationally driven, the plastid substitution rate accelerations are restricted to a subset of genes and preferentially affect nonsynonymous sites, indicating that altered selection pressures are acting on specific plastid-encoded functions in these species. Indeed, some plastid genes in S. noctiflora and S. conica show strong evidence of positive selection. In contrast, two species with more slowly evolving mitochondrial genomes, S. latifolia and S. vulgaris, have correspondingly low rates of nucleotide substitution in plastid genes as well as a plastid genome structure that has remained essentially unchanged since the origin of angiosperms. These results raise the possibility that common evolutionary forces could be shaping the extreme but distinct patterns of divergence in both organelle genomes within this genus