70 research outputs found

    Are wearable heart rate measurements accurate to estimate aerobic energy cost during low-intensity resistance exercise?

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    The aim of the present study was to assess the accuracy of heart rate to estimate energy cost during eight resistance exercises performed at low intensities: half squat, 45° inclined leg press, leg extension, horizontal bench press, 45° inclined bench press, lat pull down, triceps extension and biceps curl. 56 males (27.5 ± 4.9 years, 1.78 ± 0.06 m height, 78.67 ± 10.7 kg body mass and 11.4 ± 4.1% estimated body fat) were randomly divided into four groups of 14 subjects each. Two exercises were randomly assigned to each group and subjects performed four bouts of 4-min constant-intensity at each assigned exercise: 12%, 16%, 20% and 24% 1-RM. Exercise and intensity order were random. Each subject performed no more than 2 bouts in the same testing session. A minimum recovery of 24h was kept between sessions. During testing VO2 was measured with Cosmed K4b2 and heart rate was measured with Polar V800 monitor. Energy cost was calculated from mean VO2 during the last 30-s of each bout by using the energy equivalent 1 ml O2 = 5 calorie. Linear regressions with heart rate as predictor and energy cost as dependent variable were build using mean data from all subjects. Robustness of the regression lines was given by the scatter around the regression line (Sy.x) and Bland-Altman plots confirmed the agreement between measured and estimated energy costs. Significance level was set at p≤0.05. The regressions between heart rate and energy cost in the eight exercises were significant (p<0.01) and robustness was: half squat (Sy.x = 0,48 kcal·min-1), 45° inclined leg press (Sy.x = 0,54 kcal·min-1), leg extension (Sy.x = 0,59 kcal·min-1), horizontal bench press (Sy.x = 0,47 kcal·min-1), 45° inclined bench press (Sy.x = 0,54 kcal·min-1), lat pull down (Sy.x = 0,28 kcal·min-1), triceps extension (Sy.x = 0,08 kcal·min-1) and biceps curl (Sy.x = 0,13 kcal·min-1). We conclude that during low-intensity resistance exercises it is possible to estimate aerobic energy cost by wearable heart rate monitors with errors below 10% in healthy young trained males.This research was supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), through Portugal 2020 and the European Regional Development Fund, NanoSTIMA, NORTE-01-0145- FEDER-000016 to VMR. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Photocatalytic performance of textiles coated with titanium dioxide-reduced graphene oxide system for degradation of crude petroleum under similar solar irradiation

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    The pollution caused by oil and its toxic derivatives presents a considerable risk to the public health and the environment. This work is devoted to the study of the influence of TiO2 nanoparticles immobilized on three types of textiles materials (Cotton, Entretela, and Polylactic Acid-PLA) coated with reduced graphene oxide (RGO) to be used for degradation of crude petroleum under simulated solar irradiation. The morphological studies of the functionalized textiles substrates were performed by using Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy, which indicated an excellent dispersion and adhesion of nanoparticles of about 60% (atomic %Ti) on the textile fibers covered with RGO after washing. Ultraviolet-visible Diffuse Reflectance spectra suggest a reduction in the band gap energy of TiO2 up to 2.86 eV due to the presence of RGO. The functionalized textiles presented at least 60% of photocatalytic efficiency measured by Rhodamine B degradation, decreasing less than 12% after the rigorous washing. The excitation/emission Synchronous Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Fourier-transform Infrared spectroscopies demonstrated a great potential for photocatalytic degradation of the functionalized textiles substrates as the appearance of the hydroxyl, carboxyl, and the C-O bands confirm the photoinduced oxidation of the organic compounds implying with high prospects in petroleum and wastewater treatment areas. Moreover, this environmentally friendly, sustainable, and inclusive research work can be included in clean technologies, contributing to the novel socio-economic model recognized as "Green Recovery".[GRAPHICS].This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the Strategic Funding UID/FIS/04650/2019 and the project PTDC/FIS-MAC/6606/2020. Also, the third author would like to acknowledge the FCT for the Ph.D. scholarship (SFRH/BD/137421/2018). Moreover, the authors would like to acknowledge Sociedade Nacional de Combusti ' veis de Angola (Sonangol), which partially provided the crude oil samples

    Zoometric indices of the goats in the Republics of Cape Verde and Brazil

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    Objetivou-se avaliar os índices zoométricos de populações caprinas brasileiras e cabo-verdianas e verificar sua aptidão zootécnica para produção de carne, leite ou mista. Foram amostradas 1.064 cabras adultas das populações: Alpina, Boer, Anglo-Nubiana, Mambrina, Azul, Gurguéia, Sem Raça Definida do Piauí (SRD-PI), Nambi, Marota, Repartida e as populações cabo-verdianas de cinco ilhas (Fogo, São Nicolau, Santiago, São Vicente e Santo Antão). Avaliaram-se altura da cernelha, altura das patas, altura de garupa, comprimento corporal e perímetro torácico. A partir destas medidas foram calculados cinco índices zoométricos baseados na combinação das variáveis anteriores. Estes índices foram submetidos às análises estatísticas descritivas, análise de variância e teste de Scott-Knott (P<0,05). Verificou-se que as populações com maior aptidão para corte foram SRD-PI e Nambi. As populações Anglo-Nubiana, Gurguéia, Marota e Fogo apresentaram aptidão intermediária. A aptidão leiteira foi verificada para as populações de São Nicolau, Santiago, São Vicente, Azul, Santo Antão, Mambrina e Repartida. Os índices zoométricos são úteis para separar as populações de acordo com suas aptidões.The aim of this study was to evaluate the zoometric indices of goat populations in Brazil and Cape Verde and compare them with populations of know aptitude. It was sampled populations 1064 of adult goats: Alpine, Boer, Anglo-Nubian, Mambrina, Azul, Gurguéia, undefined populations of Piauí (UDB-PI), Nambi, Marota e Repartida. It were analyzed body measures of wither height (WH), brisket height (BH), hip height (CH), body length (BL) and thoracic circumference (TP). With this body measures it was calculated the zoometric indices: length-height (LH=CC/WH), height-height (HH=WH/CH), depth-height (DH=TP/WH), length-depth (LD=BL/TP) and witherbrisket (WB=BH/WH). These indices were submitted to follow analysis: descriptive statistical, variance and Scott- Knott test. According to the scale of aptitude was found the populations with higher meat aptitude were: UDB-PI and Nambi. The Anglo-Nubian populations, Gurguéia, Marota and Fogo showed aptitude for milk and meat. The milk aptitude was found to the population of São Nicolau, Santiago, São Vicente, Azul, Santo Antão, Mambrina and Repartida. The zoometric indices are helpful to separate populations according to their aptitudes.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Zoometric indices of the goats in the Republics of Cape Verde and Brazil

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    Objetivou-se avaliar os índices zoométricos de populações caprinas brasileiras e cabo-verdianas e verificar sua aptidão zootécnica para produção de carne, leite ou mista. Foram amostradas 1.064 cabras adultas das populações: Alpina, Boer, Anglo-Nubiana, Mambrina, Azul, Gurguéia, Sem Raça Definida do Piauí (SRD-PI), Nambi, Marota, Repartida e as populações cabo-verdianas de cinco ilhas (Fogo, São Nicolau, Santiago, São Vicente e Santo Antão). Avaliaram-se altura da cernelha, altura das patas, altura de garupa, comprimento corporal e perímetro torácico. A partir destas medidas foram calculados cinco índices zoométricos baseados na combinação das variáveis anteriores. Estes índices foram submetidos às análises estatísticas descritivas, análise de variância e teste de Scott-Knott (P<0,05). Verificou-se que as populações com maior aptidão para corte foram SRD-PI e Nambi. As populações Anglo-Nubiana, Gurguéia, Marota e Fogo apresentaram aptidão intermediária. A aptidão leiteira foi verificada para as populações de São Nicolau, Santiago, São Vicente, Azul, Santo Antão, Mambrina e Repartida. Os índices zoométricos são úteis para separar as populações de acordo com suas aptidões.The aim of this study was to evaluate the zoometric indices of goat populations in Brazil and Cape Verde and compare them with populations of know aptitude. It was sampled populations 1064 of adult goats: Alpine, Boer, Anglo-Nubian, Mambrina, Azul, Gurguéia, undefined populations of Piauí (UDB-PI), Nambi, Marota e Repartida. It were analyzed body measures of wither height (WH), brisket height (BH), hip height (CH), body length (BL) and thoracic circumference (TP). With this body measures it was calculated the zoometric indices: length-height (LH=CC/WH), height-height (HH=WH/CH), depth-height (DH=TP/WH), length-depth (LD=BL/TP) and witherbrisket (WB=BH/WH). These indices were submitted to follow analysis: descriptive statistical, variance and Scott- Knott test. According to the scale of aptitude was found the populations with higher meat aptitude were: UDB-PI and Nambi. The Anglo-Nubian populations, Gurguéia, Marota and Fogo showed aptitude for milk and meat. The milk aptitude was found to the population of São Nicolau, Santiago, São Vicente, Azul, Santo Antão, Mambrina and Repartida. The zoometric indices are helpful to separate populations according to their aptitudes.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Origem e distribuição das artérias coronárias de javalis

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    The heart of a domestic swine is similar to that of a human regarding anatomy, blood perfusion, and distribution of nurturing arteries. In addition to the similarities, its low cost compared with other species is also one of the reasons these animals have been increasingly used in medical schools and in clinical, surgical, and pharmacological studies. Therefore, we aimed to identify the origin and distribution of the right and left coronary arteries of boars, emphasizing the configuration and macroscopic representativity of their branches while characterizing a possible dominance concerning the type of circulation and the potential use of this animal as an experimental model, hence boars are the ancestors of the domestic pigs. The left coronary artery has bifurcated into paraconal interventricular branch and circumflex branch; or it has trifurcated into paraconal interventricular branch, the oblique branch, and into the left circumflex branch. The right coronary artery has originated the marginal branches to the right ventricle and the right circumflex branch, which has branched out in the subsinuous interventricular branch. Anastomoses have stood out among the paraconal and subsinuous interventricular branches – where a right dominant coronary artery occurred – and between the right and left circumflex branches. We concluded that the morphology and the distribution of the coronary arteries of boars resemble those of a human and, thus, our results are useful for the conception of experimental hemodynamics and possible use as process models.O coração dos suínos domésticos apresenta semelhanças ao dos humanos mediante a anatomia, perfusão sanguínea e configuração da distribuição de suas artérias nutridoras. Tendo um menor custo para sua aquisição quando comparado a outras espécies, e dada sua similaridade apresentada, o uso desses animais nas escolas de medicina, em estudos clínicos, cirúrgicos e farmacológicos tem aumentado. Portanto, objetivou-se identificar a origem e distribuição das artérias coronárias direita e esquerda de javalis com ênfase na configuração e representatividade macroscópica dos ramos derivados das mesmas, caracterizando uma possível dominância quanto ao tipo de circulação e o potencial uso deste suídeo como modelo experimental, visto que são considerados ancestrais dos suínos domésticos. A artéria coronária esquerda bifurcou-se e deu origem aos ramos interventricular paraconal e circunflexo esquerdo, ou trifurcouse nos ramos interventricular paraconal, oblíquo e circunflexo esquerdo. Já a artéria coronária direita deu origem aos ramos marginal para o ventrículo direito e circunflexo direito que, por sua vez, ramificou-se no ramo interventricular subsinuoso. Foram evidenciadas anastomoses entre os ramos interventriculares paraconal e subsinuoso, e entre os ramos circunflexos direito e esquerdo e, conforme tal origem do ramo interventricular subsinuoso, a forma de dominância coronariana foi predominantemente direita. Conclui-se que a morfologia e distribuição das artérias coronárias de javalis se assemelham à do homem e, desse modo, nossos resultados são úteis para sua concepção da hemodinâmica experimental, e possível utilização como modelos processuais

    Morfometria do forame mandibular aplicada ao bloqueio anestésico local do nervo alveolar inferior de javalis (Sus scrofa scrofa Linnaeus, 1758)

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    Javalis mantidos em criatórios comerciais utilizam os dentes caninos como mecanismo de defesa e ataque a fim de&nbsp;expressar seus instintos naturais, o que pode resultar em fraturas dentárias e da mandíbula propriamente dita. Desta forma,&nbsp;propiciar a dessensibilização local do nervo alveolar inferior é essencial para a execução de procedimentos terapêuticos&nbsp;na cavidade oral destes animais. Logo, objetivou-se realizar a morfometria do forame mandibular desta espécie a fim&nbsp;de correlacioná-lo com as estruturas mandibulares, inferindo, também, sobre a forma mais segura de realização da&nbsp;referida técnica nos espécimes. Para tanto, foram utilizadas seis hemimandíbulas de Sus scrofa scrofa jovens, a partir&nbsp;das quais foram realizadas as mensurações propostas. Em média, a margem lateral do processo condilar distanciou-se&nbsp;142,43 mm da raiz do dente incisivo medial inferior; o eixo longitudinal do corpo da mandíbula mediu 22,3 mm ao&nbsp;nível do diastema existente entre o quarto dente pré-molar e o primeiro dente molar inferiores; e o forame mandibular, a&nbsp;partir do extremo caudal de sua margem ventral, posicionou-se a 26,6 mm da margem ventral do ângulo da mandíbula&nbsp;neste nível, 34,92 mm da margem medial do processo condilar, e 38,63 mm do extremo dorsal da margem caudal do&nbsp;processo coronóide. Na falta de diferenças estatisticamente significantes, e observando que o acidente ósseo estudado&nbsp;posicionou-se no ramo da mandíbula, indica que o procedimento proposto deva ser realizado a partir da introdução da&nbsp;agulha em sentido oblíquo rostroventral por 2,0 cm e angulada a 60º com o referencial anatômico criado pela delimitação&nbsp;medial obtida pelo apoio do dedo polegar na margem lateral do ramo da mandíbula, ventralmente ao arco zigomático,preservando as estruturas próximas e definindo-se uma metodologia anestésica inédita para os Javalis.Boars kept on commercial farms use their canine teeth as a mechanism of defense and attack in order to express their&nbsp;natural instincts, which could result in fractures of the teeth and jaws. Thus, utilizing local desensitization of the inferior&nbsp;alveolar nerve is crucial for executing therapeutic procedures in the oral cavities of those animals. Then, the goal is to&nbsp;carry out the morphometry of the mandibular foramen of that species, correlating it with the mandibular structures,&nbsp;while doing so in the safest manner for the animals. For that purpose, six hemimandibles of young-aged Sus scrofa&nbsp;scrofa were used, from which the proposed measurements were taken. On average, the lateral margin of the condylar&nbsp;process stood 142.43 mm away from the root of the lower medial incisive tooth. The longitudinal axis of the body of the&nbsp;mandible measured 22.3 mm at the level of the diastema that exists between the fourth lower premolar tooth and the&nbsp;first lower molar tooth. The mandibular foramen, from the caudal limit of the ventral margin, would be positioned at26.6 mm from the ventral margin of the angle of the mandible in that level, 34.92 mm away from the medial margin of&nbsp;the condylar process, and 38.63 mm away from the dorsal limit from the caudal margin of the coronoid process. The lack&nbsp;of statistically significant differences, and observing that the osseous accident under scrutiny had been positioned in&nbsp;the ramus of the mandible, indicated that the proposed procedure should be performed from the introduction of the&nbsp;needle in an oblique and rostrodorsal direction for 2.0 cm, and angulated at 60º with the anatomic reference created&nbsp;by the medial demarcation obtained via the support of the thumb on the lateral margin of the ramus of the mandible,&nbsp;ventrally to the zygomatic arch, all while preserving neighboring structures and establishing an unheard-of anesthetic&nbsp;methodology for boars

    Sites of Anesthetic Block of the Lateral and Medial Palmar Metacarpal Nerves in Equines of Indeterminate Breed

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    Background: Local anesthesia blockage at equines claudication diagnosis besides favoring the beginning of the therapy and relieving patient’s pain, it allows the identification of the specific affected region and its origin, however, if it is done incorrectly (by improper volume of anesthetics application and/or mistakenly nerve identification due to the lack of anatomic referential) it may cause inflammation, infection or even tissue necrosis. The aim was describing anatomically lateral and medial palmar metacarpal nerves in equines to improve diagnostic anesthetic block techniques on four metacarpophalangeal articulation joints of the specie.Materials, Methods & Results: A number of 20 thoracic limbs from 10 equines of indeterminate breed were used to be fixated in 10% phormaldehyde and with a marked arterial system by water solution of red dyed latex. The structures were identified by dissection, and their denomination bases on Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria (N.A.V.) by the International Committee on Veterinary Gross Anatomical Nomenclature. The study had been approved by the Board of Ethics in Animal Use of the University Center of Patos de Minas (UNIPAM), protocol n° 18/17. The lateral and medial palmar metacarpal nerves have been observed in all of the specimens originated from the deep branch of lateral palmar nerve, immediately distal to the intercarpal articulation. After its origin, the first nerve stretched ipsilaterally from the common trunk, whilst the second nerve positioned counter-lateral manner after superficially crossing the interosseus muscle. Both penetrated at the level of the mid third of the referred muscle and the metacarpal bone III and, assumed respectively a parallel medial position to the metacarpal bone IV and lateral to the metacarpal II, being intimately associated to the palmar face of the metacarpal bone III. Distally, those nerves emerged from a palmar position to a lateral and medial to the distal extremity of the metacarpal bones, corresponding and adjacent to the metacarpophalangeal articulation palmar recession, where they had finally ramified to partially innervate the associated articular capsule and the subcutaneous tissue of the region.Discussion: The lateral and medial palmar metacarpal nerves present similar origin and disposition to the above described, however, besides largely mentioned in literature, we point out here as recommended by N.A.V., no use of terms like axial and abaxial as position indicators for equine. As a part of block anesthetic diagnosis of four metacarpophalangeal articulation points, it is hereby suggested for the studied nerves desensitization, should be palpated the distal extremities of the metacarpal bones IV and II. After the identification, using thumb located from the extremity at proximal direction way, introduce the needle bilaterally for 1.5 cm downright between the above mentioned metacarpal bones and the interosseus muscle, being these latter and the flexor muscle tendons drawn in the palmar direction. Thus, it becomes valid to affirm that the technique of four-point diagnostic anesthetic block of the metacarpophalangeal articulation has been perfected for equines, and that it will limit the chances of false results on account of misplaced puncturing of nearby structures, such as, for example, the synovial recesses, mentioned as the location of the utmost gravity, hence septic synovitis may come in play

    Molecular Evidence Supports Five Lineages within Chiropotes (Pitheciidae, Platyrrhini)

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    Pitheciines have unique dental specializations among New World monkeys that allow them to feed on fruits with hard pericarps, thus playing a major role as seed predators. The three extant pitheciine genera, Pithecia, Cacajao and Chiropotes, are all endemic to the Amazon region. Because of the uncertainties about interspecific relationships, we reviewed the systematics and taxonomy of the genus Chiropotes. The phylogenetic analyses were performed based on Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference, while species delimitation analyses were carried out using multispecies coalescent methods. In addition, we estimated genetic distances, divergence time and the probable ancestral distribution of this genus. Our results support five species of Chiropotes that emerged during the Plio-Pleistocene. Biogeographic estimates suggest that the ancestor of the current Chiropotes species occupied the endemism areas from Rondônia and Tapajós. Later, subsequent radiation and founder effects associated with the formation of the Amazonian basins probably determined the speciation events within Chiropotes
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