240 research outputs found

    Optical-guided surgery of the feline fibrosarcoma & Development and characterization of a bi-functional vector for cancer targeting

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    Actuellement, la chirurgie représente la première indication pour la thérapie du cancer. Néanmoins, la résection complète du tissu tumoral, la détection des micrométastases et la préservation des tissus sains pendant l'intervention représentent un enjeu majeur et influencent fortement le pronostic du patient. Les récents développements technologiques en imagerie pour la chirurgie guidée des cancers ont conduit à des résultats précliniques prometteurs et les premiers essais cliniques utilisant des traceurs non-spécifiques confirment déjà le potentiel de ces systèmes pour l'amélioration de la chirurgie. De plus, le diagnostic précoce des tumeurs, ainsi que le développement de thérapies ciblées sont également des axes majeurs de recherche en cancérologie. Dans ce contexte notre équipe a précédemment développé un vecteur synthétique ciblant un récepteur cellulaire l'intégrine aVb3. Ce vecteur est constitué d'un châssis décapeptidique cyclique RAFT (Regioselectively Addressable Functionalized Template) et présentant deux domaines indépendants permettant de séparer les deux fonctions du vecteur. Sur un domaine, la fonction de ciblage est assurée par la présentation multivalente de ligands -RGD- spécifiques du récepteur. L'autre domaine du vecteur porte les molécules d'intérêt à vectoriser, agents thérapeutiques ou de détection pour l'imagerie médicale. Dans la première partie de ces travaux, nous avons évalué la combinaison de ce vecteur couplé à un fluorophore avec une sonde portative pour imager et guider le chirurgien pendant la chirurgie des fibrosarcomes spontanés chez le chat. Cette étude représente une preuve de concept pour la translation clinique chez l'homme. Les résultats ont montré que l'injection du traceur ne provoquait pas d'effets toxiques chez le chat et permettait un marquage spécifique de la tumeur avec un bon ratio tumeur/tissu sain, qui devrait améliorer la qualité de la résection tumorale en aidant le chirurgien à mieux délimiter les marges du tissu tumoral. Dans la seconde partie de ces travaux nous avons développé un nouveau vecteur bi-fonctionnel dérivé du RAFT-RGD. Au composé d'origine a été ajoutée une séquence peptidique clivable par la matrixmetalloprotease-9, une enzyme surexprimée dans la tumorigénèse. Cette molécule à fluorescence activable a montré une amélioration du ciblage tumoral in vitro et in vivo comparée au RAFT-RGD suggérant un effet additionnel lié au double ciblage. Ces résultats préliminaires encouragent la poursuite de sa caractérisation pour son potentiel de pro-drug mais également pour l'étude des interactions entre l'intégrine et l'environment tumoraux.Cancer surgery is still the gold standard therapy in most cancers. Nevertheless, total tumor resection and metastasis detection while preserving healthy tissues represent a crucial point for further prognosis. Development of imaging technologies for intra-operative guided surgery provided promising results and efficient application in preclinical studies and first clinical trials using non-specific tracers already confirmed the improved out-come in surgery. Moreover early and precise diagnosis and targeted therapies are major domains of cancer research. In this context our team previously developed a synthetic vector based on a cyclic decapeptide scaffold RAFT (Regioselectively Addressable Functionalized Template) which allows the independent functionalizing of two domains: a targeting domain with multivalent RGD-ligand targeting the cell receptor integrin aVb3, and a vehicle domain grafted with a pro-drug or an imaging agent. One part of this work consisted in the evaluation of the combination of this molecule carrying a fluorophore with a portable fluorescent imaging device for image-guided surgery of natural occurring feline fibrosarcomas. This study represents a proof of concept for further translation into human clinics. No toxic effects in cats after administration of the tracer could be reported. Furthermore the tumors were specifically labeled showing a good tumor-to-healthy tissue ratio. This should improve tumor resection by helping the surgeon to delineate tumor margins. In parallel we developed a bi-functinal derivative of the RAFT-RGD. Therefore we engrafted a peptide sequence flanked by two fluorophores, which is activatable by matrixmetalloprotease-9, an enzyme overexpressed in tumors. This molecule showed an improved tumor labeling in vitro and in vivo compared to the conventional RAFT-RGD, suggesting an additional effect of the double targeting. These preliminary results encourage further caracterisation for its potential as pro-drug vehicle, as well as for studying interactions between the integrin and the tumor environment.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Near-infrared fluorescence imaging-guided surgery improves recurrence-free survival rate in novel orthotopic animal model of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

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    International audienceBackground. Appropriate animal models are required to test novel therapeutics for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) such as near-infrared (NIR) imaging-guided surgery. Methods. We developed an optimized animal model of orthotopic HNSCC (in female athymic NMRI (Naval Medical Research Institute) nude mice) with a prolonged survival time. Resection of the orthotopic tumors was performed 30 days after implantation with or without the aid of a minia-turized clinical grade NIR optical imaging device, after systemic administration of a fluorescent RGD-based probe that targets a v b 3 integrin. Results. NIR optical imaging-guided surgery increased the recurrence-free survival rate by 50% through the detection of fluorescent cancer residues as small as 185 mm; these fragments could remain unidentified if resection was performed exclusively under unaided visual guidance. Conclusion. NIR optical imaging-guided surgery showed an improved HNSCC tumor resection quality in our optimized orthotopic animal model

    Genuine DNA/polyethylenimine (PEI) Complexes Improve Transfection Properties and Cell Survival

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    Polyethylenimine (PEI) has been described as one of the most efficient cationic polymers for in vitro gene delivery. Systemic delivery of PEI/DNA polyplexes leads to a lung-expression tropism. Selective in vivo gene transfer would require targeting and stealth particles. Here, we describe two strategies for chemically coupling polyethylene glycol (PEG) to PEI, to form protected ligand-bearing particles. Pre-grafted PEG–PEI polymers lost their DNA condensing property, hence their poor performances. Coupling PEG to pre-formed PEI/DNA particles led to the expected physical properties. However, low transfection efficacies raised the question of the fate of excess free polymer in solution. We have developed a straightforward a purification assay, which uses centrifugation-based ultrafiltration. Crude polyplexes were purified, with up to 60% of the initial PEI dose being removed. The resulting purified and unshielded PEI/DNA polyplexes are more efficient for transfection and less toxic to cells in culture than the crude ones. Moreover, the in vivo toxicity of the polyplexes was greatly reduced, without affecting their efficacy

    Zwitterion functionalized gold nanoclusters for multimodal near infrared fluorescence and photoacoustic imaging

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    International audienceGold nanoclusters (Au NCs) are an emerging type of theranostic agents combining therapeutic and imaging features with reduced toxicity. Au NCs stabilized by a zwitterion ligand with a fine control of the metal core size and the ligand coverage were synthesized by wet chemistry. Intense fluorescence signal is reported for the highest ligand coverage whereas photoacoustic signal is stronger for the largest metal core. The best Au NCs candidate with an average molecular weight of 17 kDa could be detected with high sensitivity on a 2D-NIR imaging instrument (LOD = 2.3 µM) and by photoacoustic imaging. In vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrate an efficient cell uptake in U87 cell lines, a fast renal clearance (t 1/2 α = 6.5±1.3 min) and a good correlation between near 2 infrared fluorescence and photoacoustic measurements to follow the early uptake of Au NCs in liver

    Toward noninvasive assessment of flap viability with time-resolved diffuse optical tomography: a preclinical test on rats

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    The noninvasive assessment of flap viability in autologous reconstruction surgery is still an unmet clinical need. To cope with this problem, we developed a proof-of-principle fully automatized setup for fast time-gated diffuse optical tomography exploiting Mellin–Laplace transform to obtain three-dimensional tomographic reconstructions of oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin concentrations. We applied this method to perform preclinical tests on rats inducing total venous occlusion in the cutaneous abdominal flaps. Notwithstanding the use of just four source-detector couples, we could detect a spatially localized increase of deoxyhemoglobin following the occlusion (up to 550 μM in 54 min). Such capability to image spatio-temporal evolution of blood perfusion is a key issue for the noninvasive monitoring of flap viability

    Drug development in oncology assisted by noninvasive optical imaging.

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    International audienceEarly and accurate detection of tumors, like the development of targeted treatments, is a major field of research in oncology. The generation of specific vectors, capable of transporting a drug or a contrast agent to the primary tumor site as well as to the remote (micro-) metastasis would be an asset for early diagnosis and cancer therapy. Our goal was to develop new treatments based on the use of tumor-targeted delivery of large biomolecules (DNA, siRNA, peptides, or nanoparticles), able to induce apoptosis while dodging the specific mechanisms developed by tumor cells to resist this programmed cell death. Nonetheless, the insufficient effectiveness of the vectorization systems is still a crucial issue. In this context, we generated new targeting vectors for drug and biomolecules delivery and developed several optical imaging systems for the follow-up and evaluation of these vectorization systems in live mice. Based on our recent work, we present a brief overview of how noninvasive optical imaging in small animals can accelerate the development of targeted therapeutics in oncology

    A Novel Anti-CEACAM5 Monoclonal Antibody, CC4, Suppresses Colorectal Tumor Growth and Enhances NK Cells-Mediated Tumor Immunity

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    Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA, CEACAM5, and CD66e) has been found to be associated with various types of cancers, particularly colorectal carcinoma, and developed to be a molecular target for cancer diagnosis and therapy. In present study, we generated a novel anti-CEACAM5 monoclonal antibody, namely mAb CC4, by immunizing mice with living colorectal cancer LS174T cells. Immunohistochemical studies found that mAb CC4 specifically and strongly binds to tumor tissues, especially colorectal adenocarcinoma. In xenografted mice, mAb CC4 is specifically accumulated in tumor site and remarkably represses colorectal tumor growth. In vitro functional analysis showed that mAb CC4 significantly suppresses cell proliferation, migration and aggregation of colorectal cancer cells and also raises strong ADCC reaction. More interestingly, mAb CC4 is able to enhance NK cytotoxicity against MHC-I-deficient colorectal cancer cells by blocking intercellular interaction between epithelial CEACAM5 and NK inhibitory receptor CEACAM1. These data suggest that mAb CC4 has the potential to be developed as a novel tumor-targeting carrier and cancer therapeutic

    Myoconductive and osteoinductive free-standing polysaccharide membranes

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    Free-standing (FS) membranes have increasing applications in the biomedical field as drug delivery systems for wound healing and tissue engineering. Here, we studied the potential of free-standing membranes made by the layer-by-layer assembly of chitosan and alginate to be used as a simple biomimetic system of the periosteum. The design of a periosteum-like membrane implies the elaboration of a thick membrane suitable for both muscle and bone formation. Our aim was to produce well-defined ∼50 μm thick polysaccharide membranes that could be easily manipulated, were mechanically resistant, and would enable both myogenesis and osteogenesis in vitro and in vivo. The membranes were chemically crosslinked to improve their mechanical properties. Crosslinking chemistry was followed via Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and the mechanical properties of the membranes were assessed using dynamic mechanical analysis. The loading and release of the potent osteoinductive growth factor bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) inside and outside of the FS membrane was followed by fluorescence spectroscopy in a physiological buffer over 1 month. The myogenic and osteogenic potentials of the membranes in vitro were assessed using BMP-2-responsive skeletal myoblasts. Finally, their osteoinductive properties in vivo were studied in a preliminary experiment using a mouse ectopic model. Our results showed that the more crosslinked FS membranes enabled a more efficient myoblast differentiation in myotubes. In addition, we showed that a tunable amount of BMP-2 can be loaded into and subsequently released from the membranes, depending on the crosslinking degree and the initial BMP-2 concentration in solution. Only the more crosslinked membranes were found to be osteoinductive in vivo. These polysaccharide-based membranes have strong potential as a periosteum-mimetic scaffold for bone tissue regeneration.This work was financially supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the scholarship SFRH/BPD/96797/2013, Fundo Social Europeu (FSE), and Programa Diferencial de Potencial Human (POPH) granted to Sofia G. Caridade. C.M. is indebted to the Association Francaise contre les Myopathies for financial support via a post-doctoral fellowship (AFM project 16673). J.A. acknowledges the Whitaker International Fellows and Scholars Program for support via a post-doctoral fellowship. This work was supported by the European Commission (FP7 program) via a European Research Council starting grant (BIOMIM, GA 259370 to C.P.) and by the AFM (grant Microtiss, 16530). We thank Isabelle Paintrand for her technical help with the confocal apparatus

    Cancer optical imaging using fluorescent nanoparticles.

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    International audienceDeveloping imaging technologies and molecular probes that allow cancer detection at its earlier stages, that would also provide predictive information on the chances of a given tumor to respond to a therapy, to monitor non-invasively and in real time how efficiently this therapy will reach the tumor as well as the early or long-term tumor's response is of course of major importance. Imaging methods are also expected to play major roles in the drug development process very early in the laboratory, during the translation phase from in vitro assays to preclinical systems, as well as to evaluate their ADME (pharmacokinetics and pharmacology for absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion). Finally, functional imaging will also bring some more details on the local and real time biological activity of the drug
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