435 research outputs found

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    Variations de la phytomasse herbacée le long d'une toposéquence en zone soudano-guinéenne, Ouango-Fitini (Côte-d'Ivoire)

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    Des mesures de la phytomasse maximale aérienne (qui englobe la matière vivante et la matière morte) ont été faites par la méthode de la récolte le long d'une toposéquence de la région de Ouango-Fitini (4°01'W, 9°35‘N) dans le nord-est de la Côte-d'Ivoire en zone phytogéographique soudano-guinéenne. La phytomasse herbacée maximale varie entre 4 et 12 t/ha. Une influence de la position topographique, des caractéristiques édaphiques et de l'importance du couvert ligneux est manifeste

    Three-dimensional reconstruction of particle holograms: a fast and accurate multiscale approach.

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    10 pagesInternational audienceIn-line digital holography is an imaging technique that is being increasingly used for studying three-dimensional flows. It has been previously shown that very accurate reconstructions of objects could be achieved with the use of an inverse problem framework. Such approaches, however, suffer from higher computational times compared to less accurate conventional reconstructions based on hologram backpropagation. To overcome this computational issue, we propose a coarse-to-fine multiscale approach to strongly reduce the algorithm complexity. We illustrate that an accuracy comparable to that of state-of-the-art methods can be reached while accelerating parameter-space scanning

    Laboratory Monitoring of Patients Treated with Antihypertensive Drugs and Newly Exposed to Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs: A Cohort Study

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    BACKGROUND: Drug-Drug Interactions between Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEIs), Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARBs) or diuretics can lead to renal failure and hyperkalemia. Thus, monitoring of serum creatinine and potassium is recommended when a first dispensing of NSAID occur in patients treated with these drugs. METHODS: We conducted a pharmacoepidemiological retrospective cohort study using data from the French Health Insurance Reimbursement Database to evaluate the proportion of serum creatinine and potassium laboratory monitoring in patients treated with ACEI, ARB or diuretic and receiving a first dispensing of NSAID. We described the first dispensing of NSAID among 3,500 patients of a 4-year cohort (6,633 patients treated with antihypertensive drugs) and analyzed serum creatinine and potassium laboratory monitoring within the 3 weeks after the first NSAID dispensing. RESULTS: General Practitioners were the most frequent prescribers of NSAIDs (85.5%, 95% CI: 84.3-86.6). The more commonly prescribed NSAIDs were ibuprofen (20%), ketoprofen (15%), diclofenac (15%) and piroxicam (12%). Serum creatinine and potassium monitoring was 10.7% (95% CI: 9.5-11.8) in patients treated by ACEIs, ARBs or diuretics. Overall, monitoring was more frequently performed to women aged over 60, treated with digoxin or glucose lowering drugs, but not to patients treated with ACEIs, ARBs or diuretics. Monitoring was more frequent when NSAIDs' prescribers were cardiologists or anesthesiologists. CONCLUSION: Monitoring of serum creatinine and potassium of patients treated with ACEIs, ARBs or diuretics and receiving a first NSAID dispensing is insufficiently performed and needs to be reinforced through specific interventions

    Evaporating droplet hologram simulation for digital in-line holography setup with divergent beam

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    International audienceGeneralized Lorenz-Mie Theory (GLMT) for a multilayered sphere is used to simulate holograms produced by evaporating spherical droplets with refractive index gradient in the surrounding air/vapor mixture. Simulated holograms provide a physical interpretation of experimental holograms produced by evaporating Diethyl Ether droplets with diameter in the order of 50 μm and recorded in a digital in-line holography configuration with a divergent beam. Refractive index gradients in the surrounding medium lead to a modification of the center part of the droplet holograms, where the first fringe is unusually bright. GLMT simulations reproduce well this modification, assuming an exponential decay of the refractive index from the droplet surface to infinity. The diverging beam effect is also considered. In both evaporating and non evaporating cases, an equivalence is found between Gaussian beam and plane wave illuminations, simply based on a magnification ratio to be applied to the droplets' parameters

    The condition of pastoral resources of a land of reception and transit for transhumant herders: the Kotchari territory (Southeastern Burkina Faso)

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    Kotchari pasturelands, which include a portion of the W National Park, were characterized by three complementary methods: an analysis of a colour composition of an Aster image, a floristical analysis and a pastoral survey. Nine pastoral landscape units with diverse tree cover were described, they include ten agrostological groups. The landscape units located outside the protected area, especially on thin to fairly deep soils, show the highest density in ligneous species and the highest herbaceous richness as well as the least dominance between species. Conversely, herbaceous phytomass and ligneous cover are higher in the protected area, particularly on the deep hydromorphic soils units. In addition, these units are more or less heterogeneous, some containing several agrostological groups. In general, the pasture lands located outside the protected area tend to be the most degraded: in some of them there is a regeneration of trees and a decrease of perennial herbaceous species. In all, although the phytomass is rather abundant and the pastoral values are acceptable in most units, those located outside the W park appear not very interesting in terms of pastoral use. Their ability to produce herbaceous regrowth after vegetation fires is low, the landscape is highly fragmented and the access to some units is not possible all year long. The pastoral status of the pastoral units inside the protected area, which have the highest phytomasses and the best pastoral values, is clearly much better. The strong interest of transhumant herders in this region seems guided on the one hand by the quality and availability of forage that is better at the end of the dry season than in their home grazing territory, and on the other hand by the opportunity of illegal use of pastoral resources in protected areasLes pâturages du terroir de Kotchari, qui incluent une portion du Parc national du W, ont été caractérisés par trois méthodes complémentaires: une analyse en composition colorée d'une image satellitaire Aster, une analyse floristique et une enquête pastorale. Neuf unités paysagères pastorales plus ou moins densément boisées qui comprennent dix groupements agrostologiques ont été décrites. Celles situées à l'extérieur de l'aire protégée présentent la densité en ligneux la plus élevée et la strate herbacée la plus riche en espèces avec la dominance entre espèces la moins marquée, surtout sur les sols minces à moyennement profonds. La phytomasse herbacée sur pied et le recouvrement ligneux apparaissent en revanche plus élevés dans l'aire protégée, notamment dans les unités sur sols profonds hydromorphes. Par ailleurs, ces unités sont plus ou moins hétérogènes, certaines renfermant plusieurs groupements agrostologiques. De manière générale, il y a une tendance à la dégradation des pâturages dans les unités situées en dehors de l'aire protégée: certaines d'entre elles présentent un début d'embuissonnement et les herbacées pérennes y sont en diminution. Au total, malgré une phytomasse globalement satisfaisante et des valeurs pastorales acceptables, la plupart des unités situées hors du parc W apparaissent peu intéressantes au plan pastoral. Leur potentiel en repousses herbacées après les feux est faible, les milieux sont fortement fragmentés et il est impossible d'accéder à certaines d'entre elles toute l'année. Le statut pastoral des unités pastorales à l'intérieur de l'aire protégée, qui ont les plus fortes phytomasses et les meilleures valeurs pastorales, est clairement bien meilleur. Le fort attrait des transhumants pour ce terroir semble s'expliquer par une production fourragère meilleure et plus disponible en fin de saison sèche que dans les territoires d'attache d'une part, par l'usage possible des ressources interdites des aires protégées d'autre part

    Net-Exchange parameterization of infrared radiative transfers in Venus' atmosphere

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    International audienceThermal radiation within Venus atmosphere is analyzed in close details. Prominent features are identified, which are then used to design a parameterization (a highly simplified and yet accurate enough model) to be used in General Circulation Models. The analysis is based on a net exchange formulation, using a set of gaseous and cloud optical data chosen among available referenced data. The accuracy of the proposed parameterization methodology is controlled against Monte Carlo simulations, assuming that the optical data are exact. Then, the accuracy level corresponding to our present optical data choice is discussed by comparison with available observations, concentrating on the most unknown aspects of Venus thermal radiation, namely the deep atmosphere opacity and the cloud composition and structure

    Effects of Whole-Body Cryotherapy vs. Far-Infrared vs. Passive Modalities on Recovery from Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Highly-Trained Runners

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    Enhanced recovery following physical activity and exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) has become a priority for athletes. Consequently, a number of post-exercise recovery strategies are used, often without scientific evidence of their benefits. Within this framework, the purpose of this study was to test the efficacy of whole body cryotherapy (WBC), far infrared (FIR) or passive (PAS) modalities in hastening muscular recovery within the 48 hours after a simulated trail running race. In 3 non-adjoining weeks, 9 well-trained runners performed 3 repetitions of a simulated trail run on a motorized treadmill, designed to induce muscle damage. Immediately (post), post 24 h, and post 48 h after exercise, all participants tested three different recovery modalities (WBC, FIR, PAS) in a random order over the three separate weeks. Markers of muscle damage (maximal isometric muscle strength, plasma creatine kinase [CK] activity and perceived sensations [i.e. pain, tiredness, well-being]) were recorded before, immediately after (post), post 1 h, post 24 h, and post 48 h after exercise. In all testing sessions, the simulated 48 min trail run induced a similar, significant amount of muscle damage. Maximal muscle strength and perceived sensations were recovered after the first WBC session (post 1 h), while recovery took 24 h with FIR, and was not attained through the PAS recovery modality. No differences in plasma CK activity were recorded between conditions. Three WBC sessions performed within the 48 hours after a damaging running exercise accelerate recovery from EIMD to a greater extent than FIR or PAS modalities
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