398 research outputs found

    Weyl quantization of degree 2 symplectic graded manifolds

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    Let SS be a spinor bundle of a pseudo-Euclidean vector bundle (E,g)(E,\mathrm{g}) of even rank. We introduce a new filtration on the algebra D(M,S)\mathcal{D}(M,S) of differential operators on SS. As main property, the associated graded algebra grD(M,S)\mathrm{gr}\mathcal{D}(M,S) is isomorphic to the algebra O(M)\mathcal{O}(\mathcal{M}) of functions on M\mathcal{M}, where M\mathcal{M} is the symplectic graded manifold of degree 22 canonically associated to (E,g)(E,\mathrm{g}). Accordingly, we define the Weyl quantization on M\mathcal{M} as a map WQ:O(M)D(M,S)\mathcal{WQ}_\hbar:\mathcal{O}(\mathcal{M})\to\mathcal{D}(M,S), and prove that WQ\mathcal{WQ}_\hbar satisfies all desired usual properties. As an application, we obtain a bijection between Courant algebroid structures (E,g,ρ,[,])(E,\mathrm{g},\rho,[\cdot,\cdot]), that are encoded by Hamiltonian generating functions on M\mathcal{M}, and skew-symmetric Dirac generating operators DD(M,S)D\in\mathcal{D}(M,S). The operator D2D^2 gives a new invariant of (E,g,ρ,[,])(E,\mathrm{g},\rho,[\cdot,\cdot]), which generalizes the square norm of the Cartan 33-form of a quadratic Lie algebra. We study in detail the particular case of EE being the double of a Lie bialgebroid (A,A)(A,A^*).Comment: 41 page

    Recherche, offres de formation et nouveaux métiers en matière environnementale

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    International audienceDans le contexte de mutation technologique imposée par les nouvelles contraintes environnementales, le système de formation et de recherche se trouve confronté à un paradoxe : d'un côté, au niveau de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, il est le principal acteur dans la construction de nouveaux savoirs et de l'autre, au niveau des offres de formations professionnelles et des diplômes qui s'y rattachent, il traverse une période d'adaptation pour répondre en la matière à la demande économique et sociale qui connaît une progression rapide et importante

    Anorexia nervosa and nutritional assessment: contribution of body composition measurements

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    The psychiatric condition of patients suffering from anorexia nervosa (AN) is affected by their nutritional status. An optimal assessment of the nutritional status of patients is fundamental in understanding the relationship between malnutrition and the psychological symptoms. The present review evaluates some of the available methods for measuring body composition in patients with AN. We searched literature in Medline using several key terms relevant to the present review in order to identify papers. Only articles in English or French were reviewed. A brief description is provided for each body composition technique, with its applicability in AN as well as its limitation. All methods of measuring body composition are not yet validated and/or feasible in patients with AN. The present review article proposes a practical approach for selecting the most appropriate methods depending on the setting, (i.e. clinical v. research) and the goal of the assessment (initial v. follow-up) in order to have a more personalised treatment for patients suffering from A

    « Interprétation d’un conflit : retour sur les spécificités de la mobilisation en France contre la loi Travail (2016) »

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    International audienceInterprétation d'un conflit : retour sur les spécificités de la mobilisation en France contre la loi Travail (2016) Jean-Philippe MELCHIOR Les mobilisations sociales d'envergure nationale modifient souvent, à plus ou moins brève échéance, le rapport des forces politiques. En France, le mouvement de grève de novembre-décembre 1995 a fragilisé le gouvernement d'Alain Juppé et a fait perdre à la droite les élections législatives anticipées du printemps 1997. Plus proche de nous, la longue mobilisation des salariés contre la réforme des retraites, imposée par Nicolas Sarkozy en 2010, a renforcé le discrédit de ce dernier et favorisé la victoire de François Hollande à l'élection présidentielle de 2012. De même, il est possible de relier la sévérité des défaites subies par le candidat socialiste Benoît Hamon à la présidentielle et par les candidats socialistes aux élections législatives du printemps 2017 à l'importante mobilisation sociale du printemps 2016 contre la loi El Khomri. Certes, avant même que l'opposition au projet de la loi Travail 1 ne conduise à la première journée d'action organisée par les syndicats du 9 mars 2016, la cote de popularité du président de la République François Hollande, était déjà très basse 2. Cependant, en oeuvrant avec son Premier ministre à la remise en cause de plusieurs éléments essentiels du code du travail, un an avant la fin de son mandat, le chef de l'État prit le risque de se couper définitivement de pans entiers de son électorat. Quant à ses liens avec sa majorité, ils s'étaient tellement dégradés du fait de l'orientation néolibérale de ses choix économiques qu'il fallut utiliser à plusieurs reprises la procédure du 49.3 pour faire adopter le texte, procédure pourtant dénoncée avec vigueur par François Hollande quelques années plus tôt quand il était dans l'opposition 3. Un tel constat oblige à comprendre ce qui s'est fondamentalement joué lors de ce conflit social. Dans un premier temps, il s'agira de caractériser le conflit et de le mettre en perspective avec d'autres mobilisations sociales plus anciennes. Les premiers éléments de diagnostic étant posés, il sera possible, dans un deuxième temps, d'analyser les raisons de la défaite et d'interroger les effets 1 L'intitulé exact de ce texte est le suivant : « Loi relative au travail, à la modernisation du dialogue social et à la sécurisation des parcours professionnels ». Par commodité, elle sera appelée « loi Travail » ou « loi El Khomri » dans ce chapitre. 2 En février 2016, 80% des Français estimaient que François Hollande n'était pas un bon président. L'impopularité a atteint 83% en mai et 86% en octobre. Sondages Odoxa-France Inter. 3 Lors du vote du Contrat Première Embauche (CPE) en 2006, François Hollande avait déclaré : « Le 49.3 est une brutalité, le 49.3 est un déni de démocratie, le 49.3 est une manière de freiner ou d'empêcher le débat parlementaire. » Ouest France, 10 mai 2016

    Anorexia nervosa and nutritional assessment: contribution of body composition measurements

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    article aims at reviewing present knowledge on these topics in order to determine energy requirements for maintaining a neutral energy balance in ALS patients. Maintaining a neutral energy balance prevents malnutrition and its complications and may improve physical functioning, quality of life and survival. Prevalence of malnutrition varies between 16 and 55% in ALS patients. Energy intakes are below recommended dietary allowances in 70% of ALS patients at least. These elements suggest a chronic negative energy balance with an imbalance between requirements and intakes. While insufficient intakes can be compensated with nutritional support, the energy requirements are unclear. Studies generally report hypermetabolism in ALS patients. Estimation of total energy expenditure and as a corollary energy needs, necessitates taking into account this hypermetabolism, physical activity and possibly mechanical ventilation. The review suggests a flow chart for optimal nutritional follow-up in clinics. Further studies are required to assess whether optimal nutritional follow-up improves outcome

    Developmental predictors of inattention-hyperactivity from pregnancy to early childhood

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    Objective The objective of the study was to characterize the developmental sequence of pre- and postnatal risk factors for inattention-hyperactivity symptoms in preschoolers. Materials and Methods Longitudinal data came from a French population based birth cohort study (EDEN; N = 1311 mother-child pairs followed from the pregnancy onwards). Inattention-hyperactivity symptoms were assessed with the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire when participating children were 3 years of age. Potential risk factors were classified in four domains (fetal exposures and child somatic characteristics, child temperament, child neurodevelopmental status, psychosocial environment) and four periods (before pregnancy, prenatal/birth, infancy, toddlerhood). Their role as potential moderator or mediator was tested with path analysis to determine the developmental sequence.Results A low family socioeconomic status before pregnancy was the main environmental risk factor for inattention-hyperactivity symptoms at 3 years, and its effect occurred via two pathways. The first was a risk pathway, where lower SES was associated with higher maternal depression and anxiety during pregnancy; then to higher maternal and child distress and dysregulation in infancy; and in turn to higher levels of inattention-hyperactivity at 3 years. The second was a protective pathway, where higher SES was associated with longer duration of breastfeeding during infancy; then to better child neurodevelopmental status in toddlerhood; and in turn to lower levels of inattention-hyperactivity at 3 years. Discussion This study identified psychosocial factors at several developmental periods that represent potential targets for preventing the emergence of inattention-hyperactivity symptoms in early childhood

    Long-memory recursive prediction error method for identification of continuous-time fractional models

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    This paper deals with recursive continuous-time system identification using fractional-order models. Long-memory recursive prediction error method is proposed for recursive estimation of all parameters of fractional-order models. When differentiation orders are assumed known, least squares and prediction error methods, being direct extensions to fractional-order models of the classic methods used for integer-order models, are compared to our new method, the long-memory recursive prediction error method. Given the long-memory property of fractional models, Monte Carlo simulations prove the efficiency of our proposed algorithm. Then, when the differentiation orders are unknown, two-stage algorithms are necessary for both parameter and differentiation-order estimation. The performances of the new proposed recursive algorithm are studied through Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, the proposed algorithm is validated on a biological example where heat transfers in lungs are modeled by using thermal two-port network formalism with fractional models

    Truncation of fractional derivative for online system identification

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    Fractional derivatives are non local operators that has compacity property in terms of parameter number for modeling diffusive phenomenon with very few parameters. One of its main properties is its non-local behavior, as it can be exploited to model long-memory phenomena such as heat transfers. However, such non-locality implies a constant knowledge of the full past of the function to be differentiated. In the context of real-time system identification, this may limit the experiences as calculations become slower as time progresses. This study deals with the relationship between frequency content of a signal and its truncation error in order to obtain real-time exploitable algorithms

    Modeling thermal systems with fractional models: human bronchus application

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    System thermal modeling allows heat and temperature simulations for many applications, such as refrigeration design, heat dissipation in power electronics, melting processes and bio-heat transfers. Sufficiently accurate models are especially needed in open-heart surgery where lung thermal modeling will prevent pulmonary cell dying. For simplicity purposes, simple RC circuits are often used, but such models are too simple and lack of precision in dynamical terms. A more complete description of conductive heat transfer can be obtained from the heat equation by means of a two-port network. The analytical expressions obtained from such circuit models are complex and nonlinear in the frequency ω. This complexity in Laplace domain is difficult to handle when it comes to control applications and more specifically during surgery, as heat transfer and temperature control of a tissue may help in reducing necrosis and preserving a greater amount of a given organ. Therefore, a frequency-domain analysis of the series and shunt impedances will be presented and different techniques of approximations will be explored in order to obtain simple but sufficiently precise linear fractional transfer function models. Several approximations are proposed to model heat transfers of a human middle bronchus and will be quantified by the absolute errors