232 research outputs found

    Aggregation of Descriptive Regularization Methods with Hardware/Software Co-Design for Remote Sensing Imaging

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    This study consider the problem of high-resolution imaging of the remote sensing (RS) environment formalized in terms of a nonlinear ill- posed inverse problem of nonparametric estimation of the power spatial spectrum pattern (SSP) of the wavefield scattered from an extended remotely sensed scene (referred to as the scene image). However, the remote sensing techniques for reconstructive imaging in many RS application areas are relatively unacceptable for being implemented in a (near) real time implementation. In this work, we address a new aggregated descriptive-regularization (DR) method and the Hardware/Software (HW/SW) co-design for the SSP reconstruction from the uncertain speckle-corrupted measurement data in a computationally efficient parallel fashion that meets the (near) real time image processing requirements. The hardware design is performed via efficient systolic arrays (SAs). Finally, the efficiency both in resolution enhancement and in computational complexity reduction metrics of the aggregated descriptive-regularized and the HW/SW co-design method is presented via numerical simulations and by the performance analysis of the implementation based on a Xilinx Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) XC4VSX35-10ff668.Universidad de GuadalajaraUniversidad Autónoma de YucatánInstituto Tecnológico de Mérid

    Y-junctions based on circular depressed-cladding waveguides fabricated with femtosecond pulses in Nd:YAG crystal: A route to integrate complex photonic circuits in crystals

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    e have designed and fabricated photonic structures such as, Y-junctions (one of the basic building blocks for construction any integrated photonic devices) and Mach-Zehnder interferometers, based on circular depressed-cladding waveguides by direct femtosecond laser irradiation in Nd:YAG crystal. The waveguides were optically characterized at 633 nm, showing nearly mono-modal behaviour for the selected waveguide radius (9 μm). The effect of the splitting angle in the Y structures was investigated finding a good preservation of the modal profiles up to more than 2°, with 1 dB of additional losses in comparison with straight waveguides. The dependence with polarization of these splitters keeps in a reasonable low level. Our designs pave the way for the fabrication of arbitrarily complex 3D photonic circuits in crystals with cladding waveguides.We acknowledge support from Junta de Castilla y León (Projects UIC016, SA046U16) and MINECO (FIS2013-44174-P, FIS2015-71933-REDT

    Caracterización “in-situ” de aerosoles en entornos industriales agresivos mediante libs a distancia

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    Este trabajo se ha centrado en evaluar las posibilidades analíticas de detección “in situ” de aerosoles sólidos generados durante la fabricación de acero, así como en la determinación de su composición elemental, Con este objetivo, se diseñó un analizador LIBS de pulso doble compacto y versátil, capaz de muestrear a distancias de hasta ocho metros y trabajar en estos entornos industriales hostiles. Se investigaron dos modos de interacción entre el rayo láser y las partículas en el aire, denominados, regímenes de láser de pulso único y de pulso doble.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Técnicas láser de excitación y levitación óptica para la identificación de nanopartículas, Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Ref. CTQ2014-56058-P

    Enhancement and Edge-Preserving Denoising: An OpenCL-Based Approach for Remote Sensing Imagery

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    Image enhancement and edge-preserving denoising are relevant steps before classification or other postprocessing techniques for remote sensing images. However, multisensor array systems are able to simultaneously capture several low-resolution images from the same area on different wavelengths, forming a high spatial/spectral resolution image and raising a series of new challenges. In this paper, an open computing language based parallel implementation approach is presented for near real-time enhancement based on Bayesian maximum entropy (BME), as well as an edge-preserving denoising algorithm for remote sensing imagery, which uses the local linear Stein’s unbiased risk estimate (LLSURE). BME was selected for its results on synthetic aperture radar image enhancement, whereas LLSURE has shown better noise removal properties than other commonly used methods. Within this context, image processing methods are algorithmically adapted via parallel computing techniques and efficiently implemented using CPUs and commodity graphics processing units (GPUs). Experimental results demonstrate the reduction of computational load of real-world image processing for near real-time GPU adapted implementation.ITESO, A.C

    Impacto de la tomografía computada en el manejo de la diverticulitis aguda del colon

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    Introducción: La diverticulitis aguda colónica (DAC) ha incrementado su incidencia durante las últimas décadas. La Tomografía Computada (TC) es el estándar de oro para su diagnóstico, ya que permite la identificación temprana de formas severas y de complicaciones. Objetivo: Comparar variables demográficas, clínicas, radiológicas y pronósticas en pacientes con DAC con manejo médico o quirúrgico. Material y métodos: De enero de 2006 a agosto de 2008, se incluyeron consecutivamente a todos los pacientes adultos con DAC corroborado por medio de TC atendidos en un hospital de tercer nivel de atención privada de la ciudad de Monterrey. Se registraron variables demográficas (edad y género), clínicas, de laboratorio, uso de antimicrobianos y pronósticas. La TC se realizó en todos los pacientes durante las 12 horas inmediatas a su ingreso. Se realizó análisis estadístico descriptivo y comparativo, considerando una diferencia significativa para valores de p < 0.05. Resultados: Se incluyeron 49 pacientes, hombres y mujeres, media de edad 55.2 ± 13.4. Con respecto al manejo, el 28.6% (n=14) fueron manejados quirúrgicamente y el 71.4% (n = 35) tuvo manejo médico. Con respecto a la gravedad, el 89.7% (n = 44) tuvo un episodio leve, requiriendo cirugía el 26.5%(n = 13). No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos con respecto al número de episodios previos de DAC ni a la estancia hospitalaria. No hubo defunciones. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los cuadros de DAC fueron leves. La decisión de la realización de una cirugía no dependió en base a los hallazgos de la TC. El tratamiento con antibióticos es muy heterogéneo y no parece influir en la decisión terapéutica, aunque en el caso de aquellos con cirugía existe una tendencia para el empleo de mayor número. La conducta de manejo quirúrgico es peculiar y no se aproxima a las guías nacionales o internacionales

    Influencia en los estilos de aprendizaje en estudiantes de primer año de licenciatura en una universidad pública.

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    La presente investigación tuvo como propósito analizar los diferentes estilos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes que estaban cursando el primer año de la carrera en una universidad pública de México. Para identificar los estilos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes fue utilizado el cuestionario Honey- Alonso de Estudios de Aprendizaje (CHAEA). El tipo de estudio que fue realizado es de tipo no experimental, ex post facto (Gall, Borg and Gall, 1996; Kerlinger y Howard, 2002). En el periodo académico de agosto del 2012 a junio del 2013. Los datos se obtuvieron del cuestionario aplicado a 1,272 estudiantes de 3 facultades, F1, F2 y F3 y fueron analizados a través del paquete SPPS versión 21, utilizando estadística descriptiva. Los resultados indican que predomina el estilo de aprendizaje reflexivo en los estudiantes de las 3 facultades con preferencia moderada según el Baremo General de Preferencia en Estilos de Aprendizaje (Alonso, Gallego y Honey, 2007), seguido por el pragmático, el teórico y por último se encuentra el activo

    Quantification of high speed actions across a competitive microcycle in professional soccer

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    The main aim of this study was to compare the high-speed training session (TRs) and competitive match (OMs) demands induced on professional soccer players across an in-season microcycle. Maximum velocity (MV) and the number of actions and distance performed at high (N-HV > 14.4 km·h-1), very high velocity (N-VHV > 19.8 km·h-1) and sprint (N-SP > 25.2 km·h-1), in different distance zones (0–5, 5–15, 15–30, >30 m) were evaluated. Twelve professional soccer players competing within the Spanish 1st Division were the participants of the study. TRs were categorised according to days leading to the match day (MD-5, MD-4, MD-3, MD-1). The results showed significant differences between OMs and TRs across all analysed variables, except for N-HV, N-VHV, and N-SP 15–30m in the comparisons between OMs and MD-4. In addition, N-SP 15–30 m in MD-4 and MD-3 were significantly higher than in MD-1 (ES = 0.87 and 0.80, respectively) without differences in MV highlighting a tapering strategy. To conclude, the current investigation revealed a potential tapering strategy in professional soccer in conjunction to highlighting a way of maintaining MV and high speed actions across low-distance ranges (30 m) across the TRs in order to replicate the velocity peaks occurred in OMs.This study has been funded by the project PPJIA2020.04, of the Precompetitive Research Projects program for Young Researchers of the Own Plan 2020, of the University of Granada

    Characterization of sub-channel based Málaga atmospheric optical links with real β  parameter

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    A generalization of the Málaga atmospheric optical communications links treated as a finite number of generalized-K distributed sub-channels is analyzed in terms of outage probability and outage rate when its β parameter belongs to the set of real numbers. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is the first time that β ∈ ℜ is considered. The new analytical expressions derived in this paper lead to a new physical and more realistic interpretation of atmospheric optical links, especially in terms of performance

    Depressed-Cladding 3-D Waveguide Arrays Fabricated With Femtosecond Laser Pulses

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    We report on the fabrication of waveguide arrays based on depressed-cladding structures produced by femtosecond laser direct inscription in a Nd:YAG crystal. The arrays consisted of seven divergent hexagonal waveguides with different separations between the waveguides at the exit of the crystal. Optical characterization in the visible (633 nm) and near infrared (800 nm) was performed. The obtained modal profiles show multimodal behavior in the visible and nearly single-mode at 800 nm. The propagation losses were measured to be 1.6-3.0 dB/cm in all the cases. Microluminescence maps were obtained showing the presence of defects only at the damage tracks and a residual stress that slightly affects the waveguide core in the vicinity of the tracks. This affected area is responsible for a modal profile distortion that can be clearly seen at 633 nm, but does not modify the modal profiles in the near infrared. Our results show a very good performance of the fabricated structures and suggest a promising potential use in photonic applications (i.e., photonic lanterns) that can be easily implemented in other transparent materials.This work was supported in part by Junta de Castilla y León (Projects UIC016, SA046U16), MINECO (FIS2013-44174-P, FIS2015-71933-REDT), and in part the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MAT2013-47395-C4-1-R and MAT2016-75362-C3-1-R). The work of L. Labrador-Páez was supported in part by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid for the “Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI-UAM)” program

    Delta-Sigma Converter Processing: aplicacion de herramienta de software libre para el analisis y caracterizacion de convertidores ƒÃƒ´

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    La caracterización y prueba de convertidores A/D Sigma-Delta es una tarea compleja que requiere alta capacidad de procesamiento de datos medidos. Existe software dedicado al análisis de datos obtenidos de convertidores Delta-Sigma, sin embargo, muchos de ellos son comerciales con un costo significativo, requieren la adquisición de hardware propietario y no pueden usarse de manera separada, por tanto no se adapta a las necesidades propias de análisis de convertidores diseñados a la medida. En este trabajo se presentan resultados obtenidos de la caracterización de un convertidor Delta-Sigma, a partir de una herramienta computacional realizada en software libre, que calcula métricas de desempeño del sistema bajo análisis.Palabra(s) Clave(s): conversión A/D, caracterización de convertidores A/D,procesamiento de señal, Sigma-Delta ADC, octave