521 research outputs found

    Quality of Life from the South, Local Knowledge, Socio-Ecological Relationships, and Citizen Participation in Times of Global Climate Change

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    The quality of life in the South is coping with several problems and tensions that require solution: poverty, socio-territorial and climatic inequalities, lack of scientific and technological development, corruption, migration, lack of access to services, obsolescence of public institutions, and low citizen’s participation in the social affairs. There is a global crisis of the Anthropocene’s development model. Currently, this context explains multiple mobilizations such as social, environmental, gender, ethnic, working class, and student ones in the South, especially in Latin America. The mobilizations tend to deepen to the extent that the underlying problems are not solved with due urgency, depth, and focus on the human dignity. However, most people and communities value, practice, and aspire to improve their levels of quality of life. This is based on experiences and traditions—such as Living Well—that they have cultivated, beyond the empire of colonizing forces and based on common goods that have learned in a closer relationship with nature. In the South, there is cultural diversity, good coexistence practices, cooperative traditions, food quality, and biodiversity that are the bases for deepening the dreaming quality of life

    Analysis of the Demand of Dark Tourism: A Case Study in Córdoba (Spain)

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    Visiting places where death is present, either due to a natural tragedy, war, the Holocaust, etc., or because there is the presence of a non-visible entity or paranormal phenomenon, is increasingly more accepted in modern times. It has become a kind of tourism that has grown in demand, though it remains a minority. The city of Cordoba, in the south of Spain, is swarming with houses and places where legends have endured over centuries as a consequence of the coexistence of three cultures – Jewish, Christian and Arab. In turn, popular culture considers these places as having a characteristic “charm” due to the phenomena that happen there. This work analyses the profile of dark tourism tourists, particularly in two sub-segments - that of ghosts and of cemeteries - as well as the existing offer. The aim is to design and improve a quality tourist product that is adapted to the requirements of the demand

    Extradition and international law in context of non-international armed conflict: the Edwar Cobo Tellez case before the Supreme Court of Justice of Colombian

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    El derecho internacional y la cooperación internacional en materia penal expresan la demanda creciente de la participación conjunta de los Estados en la aplicación de justicia, proponiendo el diseño de mecanismos que garanticen la lucha contra la impunidad frente a asuntos de trascendencia para la comunidad internacional. En este entendido, nos cuestionamos si: ¿aplica la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Colombia el Derecho Internacional, al conceptuar sobre la extradición de perpetradores de violaciones de los derechos humanos y del Derecho Internacional Humanitario asociados al conflicto armado interno? Analizamos para ello el asunto de alias Diego Vecino - Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia. Este artículo de reflexión aporta fundamentos teóricos que faciliten conceptuar con carácter vinculante acerca de la extradición o no de jefes de grupos armados al margen de la ley, considerando la necesidad de garantizar principios de verdad, de justicia y de reparación, orientados a la solución del conflicto armado en Colombia.International law and international cooperation in criminal matters express the growing demand for the joint participation of States in the application of justice, proposing the design of mechanisms that guarantee the fight against impunity in matters of relevance for the international community. With this understanding, we wonder whether the Supreme Court of Justice of Colombia applies International Law when considering the extradition of perpetrators of violations to human rights and the International Humanitarian Law associated to the non-international armed conflict. For this purpose, the case of alias Diego Vecino, Chief Commander of the ‘Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia’, AUC (a paramilitary organization) was analyzed. This reflection article provides theoretical foundations that facilitate a binding effect of extraditing or not extraditing heads of armed groups outside the law, considering the need to guarantee principles of truth, justice and reparation, aimed at solving the armed conflict in Colombia

    Cost-effectiveness of ceftolozane/tazobactam for the treatment of complicated intraabdominal and urinary tract infections in Colombia

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    Q3Objective: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of ceftolozane/tazobactam + metronidazole (C/T+M) and ceftolozane/tazobactam (C/T) compared with 8 alternatives used in the treatment of complicated intraabdominal infection (cIAI) and complicated urinary tract infection (cUTI) respectively. Methods: A Monte Carlo simulation decision model was used for the estimation and comparison of treatment-related costs, and quality adjusted life years for patients with cIAI treated with C/T+M in comparison with cefepime + metronidazole, ciprofloxacin + metronidazole, doripenem, levofloxacin + metronidazole, meropenem, piperacillin/tazobactam, ceftazidime + metronidazole or imipenem/cilastatin and patients with cUTI treated with C/T in comparison with cefepime, ciprofloxacin, doripenem, levofloxacin, meropenem, piperacillin/tazobactam, ceftazidime or imipenem/cilastatin. Local costs were estimated using base cases identified by experts and consulting local databases. Sensitivity values of the PACTS (Program to Assess Ceftolozane/Tazobactam Susceptibility) study in Latin America were used in the model. Results: C/T+M and C/T obtained incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICER) that were below the Colombian cost-effectiveness threshold (3 GDP per capita) in most comparisons, and were dominated by meropenem, considering only gram-negative microorganisms. Sensitivity assessments were also carried out, in which only the population with P. aeruginosa infections was considered, showing positive results for C/T+M and C/T (cost-effective or dominant with regards to all comparators). Conclusions: C/T+M and C/T could be cost-effective alternatives in the treatment of CIAI and CUTI in Colombia, when there is an adequate and rational use of antibiotics. The results of the sensitivity analyses showed dominance and cost-effectiveness with regards to every comparator in patients infected with P. aeruginosaRevista Nacional - Indexad

    Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy and Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome after Discontinuation of Fingolimod

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    R.P.M. and F.J.B.H. have contributed to the conception and design of the work. R.P.M. and M.C.G. have contributed to the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data for the work. L.G.R. and F.J.B.H. have contributed to drafting the work and revising it critically. All the authors have approved the version to be published.Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a rare complication of immunosuppressive treatment in MS patients. Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) appears after the withdrawal of certain drugs such as natalizumab (NTZ) or fingolimod. The development of PML-IRIS after NTZ treatment has been described, and its diagnosis is made by clinical and radiological criteria and the determination of the John Cunningham virus in CSF. We present a clinical case of a patient with MS who, after the withdrawal of fingolimod, developed PML-IRIS despite sustained lymphopenia. This is important for pharmacovigilance purposes, not only for NTZ but also for alternative drugs used in MS treatment

    Analysis of the sustainability of the patios festival: Intangible heritage of humanity

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    Cordoba is a heritage city located in the south of Spain, has four recognitions by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, of which three refer to the material heritage (The "Mosque" recognized in 1984, (Unesco, 1984) , the "Historic Center of the City" (Unesco, 1994), the "Archaeological Site of Medina Azahara" (2018)) and one that is intangible heritage ("the Festival of the Patios" (2012)). With this rich cultural heritage this city is a potential tourist destination, in the segment of cultural tourism. The “patio” as a material part of the house and social area of expansion in certain houses has been evolving from the Roman era to the present, becoming an element of tourist attraction since its inclusion of the “Festival Patios of Córdoba” (FPC) in the Representative List of Intangible Heritage of Humanity (LRPI), promoted by UNESCO, in December 2012 has been a milestone in the celebration of a popular holiday conditioned both by the habitat that welcomes it, the “patios houses” located in the historic center of Córdoba, as for the way of life of those who generate this celebration, the inhabitants of these patio houses. A way of lifehabitus- closely linked, in turn, to said habitat. The patio has generated a growing tourist interest awakened in both national and international markets. This fact implicitly carries with it a responsibility that affects both the organizer of the competition that has retained the Festival during the last eighty years, the town hall, and the generators of the cultural dynamics that make it possible, the inhabitants of patio houses. Currently, the Festival is subject to two tensions: the intense tourist activity that is generated during the days of its celebration in May, and the safeguarding and protection measures that aim to preserve and maintain the heritage resource so as not to exhaust, precisely, its interest tourist. The coordination of these two forces, apparently opposed, should be the objective of those who intend to assume the role of promoter of a management plan of the FPC, since it is, precisely, the capacity of the site to develop a good management tool the aspect in the one that UNESCO puts more emphasis to maintain the inclusion of the good in the LRPI. In this work we will focus on the Patios Festival and its sustainability from the point of view of the Offer, surveying the managers and owners thereof

    Examination of the Feynman-Hibbs Approach in the Study of NeN_N-Coronene Clusters at Low Temperatures

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    Feynman-Hibbs (FH) effective potentials constitute an appealing approach for investigations of many-body systems at thermal equilibrium since they allow us to easily include quantum corrections within standard classical simulations. In this work we apply the FH formulation to the study of NeN_N-coronene clusters (N=N= 1-4, 14) in the 2-14 K temperature range. Quadratic (FH2) and quartic (FH4) contributions to the effective potentials are built upon Ne-Ne and Ne-coronene analytical potentials. In particular, a new corrected expression for the FH4 effective potential is reported. FH2 and FH4 cluster energies and structures -obtained from energy optimization through a basin-hoping algorithm as well as classical Monte Carlo simulations- are reported and compared with reference path integral Monte Carlo calculations. For temperatures T>4T> 4 K, both FH2 and FH4 potentials are able to correct the purely classical calculations in a consistent way. However, the FH approach fails at lower temperatures, especially the quartic correction. It is thus crucial to assess the range of applicability of this formulation and, in particular, to apply the FH4 potentials with great caution. A simple model of NN isotropic harmonic oscillators allows us to propose a means of estimating the cut-off temperature for the validity of the method, which is found to increase with the number of atoms adsorbed on the coronene molecule

    Coronene molecules in helium clusters: Quantum and classical studies of energies and configurations

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    Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to their work.Coronene-doped helium clusters have been studied by means of classical and quantum mechanical (QM) methods using a recently developed He–C24H12 global potential based on the use of optimized atom-bond improved Lennard-Jones functions. Equilibrium energies and geometries at global and local minima for systems with up to 69 He atoms were calculated by means of an evolutive algorithm and a basin-hopping approach and compared with results from path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) calculations at 2 K. A detailed analysis performed for the smallest sizes shows that the precise localization of the He atoms forming the first solvation layer over the molecular substrate is affected by differences between relative potential minima. The comparison of the PIMC results with the predictions from the classical approaches and with diffusion Monte Carlo results allows to examine the importance of both the QM and thermal effects.This work has been supported by MICINN Grant Nos. FIS2011-29596-C02-01, FIS2013-48275-C2-1-P, and FIS2014-51993-P. R.R.-C. acknowledges funding from the Grant No. JAE-Pre-2010-01277. J.H.-R. and J.B. acknowledge the financial support from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under Grant No. FIS2013-41532-P.Peer reviewe


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    El presente trabajo, describe el desarrollo de una simulación con un modelo de elementos finitos basado en una aplicación del software ANSYS. El principal objetivo es identificar el desgaste producido en la herramienta de corte monofilo mediante la simulación de un proceso de torneado de metales. Se inicia con el diseño de la herramienta seguido de un análisis de elementos finitos en dos dimensiones para determinar los parámetros y condiciones requeridos en la simulación. Una vez se establecen los parámetros requeridos para el procesamiento se realiza un análisis en tres dimensiones. Posteriormente, se hace un estudio comparativo con imágenes obtenidas (mediante técnicas de visión artificial) del proceso real de desgate de herramienta, de esta manera se validan los resultados obtenidos en el proceso de simulación. Los principales factores comparados son: la influencia de un primer impacto, formación de viruta y la zona crítica que se ve influenciada por el desgaste