26 research outputs found

    Propuestas educativas virtuales como herramientas de sensibilización en temáticas ambientales para el municipio de Soacha

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    84p.This document shares the virtual educational proposal as an awareness tool on environmental issues, Soacha municipality. According to the online teaching and learning model On line Learning and Training, which will be financed by MJC consulting1, and executed by UNIECCI2. The project investigated conceptual models, methodologies and tools applicable to the creation of virtual, non-formal educational opportunities, supported by the intensive use of interactive systems based on network technology, as well as educational models to make OLL & T3, its computational and infrastructure requirements. , as a basis to guide decision-making in this regard. The teachings derived from the different components are the object of this work. In the first instance, the problem of education in the municipality of Soacha and its possible solutions with virtual education are analyzed. Secondly, it offers a tour of the national and global public advancement of virtual information and virtual education in Colombia. Successful cases and free virtual environmental education tools are evident. As a development, the online teaching and learning methodology is established and the method of gathering information and analyzing it is defined. Finally, there is a schedule where all the activities to be carried out during the project are defined and a budget is mentioned.BIBLIOGRAFÍA Bello Díaz R.E., Educación Virtual: aulas sin paredes, Blog EDUREC, 2009, disponible en: https://edurec.wordpress.com/2009/04/29/educacion-virtual-aulas-sin-paredes/. Betancur D.C. , Ventajas de la educación virtual , Éxito en la virtualidad, 2009, disponible en: http://exitoenlavirtualidad.blogspot.com/2009/03/ventajas-de-la-educacion-virtual.html Exigiendo mejor calidad en materia educativa, entre líneas.com, 2014, disponible en: http://www.entrelineas.co/soacha-exigiendo-mejor-calidad-en-materia-educativa/ Grupo de investigaciones en comunicaciones y publicidad, impacto del uso de las aulas virtuales en el modelo pedagógico, Unilatina, 2009, disponible en: http://www.unilatina.edu.co/pdf/Impacto%20del%20uso%20de%20las%20aulas%20virtuales%20en%20el%20modelo%20pedag%F3gico%20de%20Unilatina.pdf Horta Clavijo, Unidad 2: desarrollo de anteproyecto, especialización en educación para la sostenibilidad ambiental, UNIEECI, 2014, disponible en: http://unieccivirtual.net.co/Aulavirtual_posgrados/pluginfile.php/1729/mod_resource/content/4/unidad2/descargable.pdf ICONTEC, Presentación de tesis, trabajos de grado y otros trabajos de información, ICONTEC, 2008, disponible en: http://www.tecnar.edu.co/sites/default/files/pdfs/NORMA_NTC_1486.pdf Ing. Alvarado P, Proyecto de educación virtual para el instituto tecnológico superior Bolívar, slideshare, 2011, Disponible en: http://es.slideshare.net/paualva008/proyecto-de-educacin-virtual Plan nacional decenal de educación 2006-2016, Evaluación de la articulación del plan de desarrollo 2012-2015, municipio de Soacha ¡bienestar para todos y todas! con el plan nacional decenal de educación 2006-2016, 2006, Disponible en: http://www.plandecenal.edu.co/html/1726/articles-315097_recurso_17.pdf Ramírez G., como hemos cambiado, El profe Virtual, Disponible en: http://www.profevirtual.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13&Itemid=1#.VTa7oyF_NBc Sarmiento Gómez A., La educación en el municipio de Soacha según el censo experimental, Tomo 5 Colección censo de Soacha, 2004, Disponible en: www.oim.org.co/component/docman/doc_download/361-coleccion-censo-soacha-5-la-educacion-en-el-municipio-de-soacha-segun-el-censo-experimental-alfredo-sarmiento-gomez.html Universidad ECCI, Formato desarrollo de proyectos de investigación, Universidad ECCI, especialización en educación para la sostenibilidad ambiental, 2012, Disponible en: http://unieccivirtual.net.co/Aulavirtual_posgrados/mod/folder/view.php?id=1297Este documento comparte la propuesta educativa virtual como herramienta de sensibilización en temáticas ambiental, municipio de Soacha. Según el modelo de enseñanza y aprendizaje en línea On line Learning and Training, el cual será financiado por MJC consulting1, y ejecutado por UNIECCI2. El proyecto indagó sobre modelos conceptuales, metodologías y herramientas aplicables a la creación de oportunidades educativas virtuales, no formales, apoyadas en uso intensivo de sistemas interactivos basados en tecnología de redes, así como sobre modelos educativos para hacer OLL&T3, sus requerimientos computacionales y de infraestructura, como base para orientar la toma de decisiones al respecto. Las enseñanzas derivadas de los distintos componentes son el objeto de este trabajo. En primera instancia se analiza el problema en la educación del municipio de Soacha y sus posibles soluciones con la educación virtual. En segunda medida ofrece un recorrido sobre el avance público nacional y mundial de la información virtual y la educación virtual en Colombia. Se evidencian casos exitosos y herramientas de educación ambiental virtual gratuita. Como desarrollo se establece la metodología de enseñanza y aprendizaje en línea y se define el método de levantamiento de información y análisis de la misma. Como último se tiene el cronograma donde se definen la totalidad de actividades a realizar en el transcurso del proyecto y se menciona un presupuesto

    Propuesta de un plan estratégico de data & analytics para la empresa Canvia

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como principal objetivo proponer, mediante un plan estratégico basado en data & analytics, un roadmap para la empresa Canvia (referente en la industria de la consultoría de servicios de Tecnologías de la Información [TI] en el Perú), que le permita en los próximos 3 años incrementar el actual nivel de madurez analítica en sus procesos internos y que ello le permita mantener el liderazgo en la industria y reducir el riesgo latente de la competencia. Partiendo de ello, inicialmente se realiza un diagnóstico general de la situación actual de la compañía a fin de determinar los principales problemas que afronta en sus diversas áreas de negocio

    Differential Flag Leaf and Ear Photosynthetic Performance Under Elevated (CO2) Conditions During Grain Filling Period in Durum Wheat

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    Elevated concentrations of CO2 (CO2) in plants with C3 photosynthesis metabolism, such as wheat, stimulate photosynthetic rates. However, photosynthesis tends to decrease as a function of exposure to high (CO2) due to down-regulation of the photosynthetic machinery, and this phenomenon is defined as photosynthetic acclimation. Considerable efforts are currently done to determine the effect of photosynthetic tissues, such us spike, in grain filling. There is good evidence that the contribution of ears to grain filling may be important not only under good agronomic conditions but also under high (CO2). The main objective of this study was to compare photoassimilate production and energy metabolism between flag leaves and glumes as part of ears of wheat (Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum cv. Amilcar) plants exposed to ambient [a(CO2)] and elevated [e(CO2)] (CO2) (400 and 700 μmol mol–1, respectively). Elevated CO2 had a differential effect on the responses of flag leaves and ears. The ears showed higher gross photosynthesis and respiration rates compared to the flag leaves. The higher ear carbohydrate content and respiration rates contribute to increase the grain dry mass. Our results support the concept that acclimation of photosynthesis to e(CO2) is driven by sugar accumulation, reduction in N concentrations and repression of genes related to photosynthesis, glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and that these were more marked in glumes than leaves. Further, important differences are described on responsiveness of flag leaves and ears to e(CO2) on genes linked with carbon and nitrogen metabolism. These findings provide information about the impact of e(CO2) on ear development during the grain filling stage and are significant for understanding the effects of increasing (CO2) on crop yield.This research was supported by the Spanish Innovation and Universities Ministry (PCIN-2017-007) and the Ministry of Education and Sciences (grants PID2019-107154RB-100; PID2019-110445RB-100). RV was the recipient of an FPI fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BES-2010-031029). RS-B was supported by the Juan de la Cierva program JDC-Formación (FJCI-2016-28164)

    Detection of event related potentials in brain-computer interfaces using the wavelet transform

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    Una interfaz cerebro computadora (ICC) es un sistema que provee una forma de comunicación directa entre el cerebro de una persona y el mundo exterior. Para el presente trabajo se utilizaron ICC basadas en EEG utilizando el paradigma de potenciales evocados relacionados con eventos (PRE). El objetivo de este trabajo es resolver en forma eficiente el problema de clasificación, en el cual se tienen dos clases posibles: registros con respuesta (PRE) y registros sin respuesta. Para esto se propone evaluar el desempeño de una ICC utilizando la transformada wavelet diádica discreta (DDWT, del inglés Dyadic Discrete Wavelet Transform) y la transformada wavelet packet (WPT, del inglés Wavelet Packet Transform) como métodos de extracción de características para la detección de la señal de PRE. La base de datos utilizada posee registros de EEG de época única de diez sujetos sanos. A partir de los patrones temporales (registros sin post-procesamiento) se generaron cinco conjuntos de patrones wavelet luego de aplicar la DDWT y WPT mediante diferentes técnicas. Se evaluó el desempeño de cada conjunto de patrones wavelet y de los patrones temporales mediante un clasificador lineal de Fisher. Se encontró que los patrones DDWT filtrados a 16 Hz presentan resultados de clasificación superiores a los patrones temporales. De esta manera al mejorar la etapa de extracción de características se mejora la clasificación, y consecuentemente, el desempeño del sistema completo de una ICC.A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a system that provides a direct communication between the brain of a person and the outside world. For the present work we used an EEG-based event-related evoked potentials BCI. This paper aims to efficiently solve the problem of classification, which has two possible classes: recordings with evoked-potentials (ERP) and recordings without them. We proposed to evaluate the performance of a BCI using the discrete dyadic wavelet transform (DDWT) and the wavelet packet transform (WPT) as feature extraction methods for ERP signal detection. The database consisted of single-epoch EEG recordings from ten healthy subjects. From temporal patterns (recordings without any post-processing), five wavelet patterns were generated after applying DDWT and WPT via different techniques. The performance of the wavelet and temporal patterns were analyzed with the Fisher linear classifier finding that DDWT patterns, filtered at 16 Hz, presented better classification results than temporal patterns. This means that improving the feature extraction step, improves classification, and consequently, the performance of the entire BCI system.Fil: Peterson, Victoria. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe; ArgentinaFil: Atum, Yanina. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Jauregui, Florencia. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Gareis, Iván Emilio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Acevedo, Rubén. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Rufiner, Hugo Leonardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentin

    Short-Term Exposure to High Atmospheric Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) Severely Impacts Durum Wheat Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism in the Absence of Edaphic Water Stress

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    Low atmospheric relative humidity (RH) accompanied by elevated air temperature and decreased precipitation are environmental challenges that wheat production will face in future decades. These changes to the atmosphere are causing increases in air vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and low soil water availability during certain periods of the wheat-growing season. The main objective of this study was to analyze the physiological, metabolic, and transcriptional response of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) metabolism of wheat (Triticum durum cv. Sula) to increases in VPD and soil water stress conditions, either alone or in combination. Plants were first grown in well-watered conditions and near-ambient temperature and RH in temperature-gradient greenhouses until anthesis, and they were then subjected to two different water regimes well-watered (WW) and water-stressed (WS), i.e., watered at 50% of the control for one week, followed by two VPD levels (low, 1.01/0.36 KPa and high, 2.27/0.62 KPa; day/night) for five additional days. Both VPD and soil water content had an important impact on water status and the plant physiological apparatus. While high VPD and water stress-induced stomatal closure affected photosynthetic rates, in the case of plants watered at 50%, high VPD also caused a direct impairment of the RuBisCO large subunit, RuBisCO activase and the electron transport rate. Regarding N metabolism, the gene expression, nitrite reductase (NIR) and transport levels detected in young leaves, as well as determinations of the δ15N and amino acid profiles (arginine, leucine, tryptophan, aspartic acid, and serine) indicated activation of N metabolism and final transport of nitrate to leaves and photosynthesizing cells. On the other hand, under low VPD conditions, a positive effect was only observed on gene expression related to the final step of nitrate supply to photosynthesizing cells, whereas the amount of 15N supplied to the roots that reached the leaves decreased. Such an effect would suggest an impaired N remobilization from other organs to young leaves under water stress conditions and low VPD.This work was supported by the Spanish Innovation and Universities Ministry (AGL2016-79868-R; 427 PCIN-2017-007) and the Basque Country Government consolidated group program (IT-932-16)

    Detección de potenciales evocados relacionados a eventos en interfaces cerebro-computadora mediante transformada wavelet

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    A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a system that provides a direct communication between the brain of a person and the outside world. For the present work we used an EEG-based event-related evoked potentials BCI. This paper aims to efficiently solve the problem of classification, which has two possible classes: recordings with evoked-potentials (ERP) and recordings without them. We proposed to evaluate the performance of a BCI using the discrete dyadic wavelet transform (DDWT) and the wavelet packet transform (WPT) as feature extraction methods for ERP signal detection. The database consisted of single-epoch EEG recordings from ten healthy subjects. From temporal patterns (recordings without any post-processing), five wavelet patterns were generated after applying DDWT and WPT via different techniques. The performance of the wavelet and temporal patterns were analyzed with the Fisher linear classifier finding that DDWT patterns, filtered at 16 Hz, presented better classification results than temporal patterns. This means that improving the feature extraction step, improves classification, and consequently, the performance of the entire BCI system.Uma interface cérebro-computador (BCI) é um sistema que fornece uma forma de comunicação direta entre o cérebro de uma pessoa e o mundo exterior. Para este trabalho foram utilizados ICC baseado EEG evocados usando o paradigma de potenciais relacionados a eventos (ERP). O objetivo deste trabalho é resolver de forma eficiente o problema de classificação, em que há duas classes possíveis: registros Respondidas (PRE) e registros sem resposta. Para isso é avaliar o desempenho de uma ICC usando a wavelet diádica transformada discreta (DDWT, Discrete Wavelet Diádica Inglês Transform) e transformar pacote wavelet (WPT Transformada Wavelet Packet Inglês) como métodos de extração de características para a detecção de sinal PRE. A base de dados utilizada tem apenas EEG registra o tempo de dez indivíduos saudáveis. A partir dos padrões temporais (sem registros de pósprocessamento), cinco conjuntos de padrões após a aplicação wavelet e WPT DDWT gerado por várias técnicas. O desempenho de cada conjunto de padrões de wavelet e padrões temporais usando um classificador linear Fisher foi avaliado. Descobrimos que os padrões DDWT filtrados para 16 Hz apresentaram resultados acima da classificação padrões temporais. Assim, para melhorar a classificação de estágio de extração de características é melhorada, e, consequentemente, o desempenho de todo o sistema no ICC.Una interfaz cerebro computadora (ICC) es un sistema que provee una forma de comunicación directa entre el cerebro de una persona y el mundo exterior. Para el presente trabajo se utilizaron ICC basadas en EEG utilizando el paradigma de potenciales evocados relacionados con eventos (PRE). El objetivo de este trabajo es resolver en forma eficiente el problema de clasificación, en el cual se tienen dos clases posibles: registros con respuesta (PRE) y registros sin respuesta. Para esto se propone evaluar el desempeño de una ICC utilizando la transformada wavelet diádica discreta (DDWT, del inglés Dyadic Discrete Wavelet Transform) y la transformada wavelet packet (WPT, del inglés Wavelet Packet Transform) como métodos de extracción de características para la detección de la señal de PRE. La base de datos utilizada posee registros de EEG de época única de diez sujetos sanos. A partir de los patrones temporales (registros sin post-procesamiento) se generaron cinco conjuntos de patrones wavelet luego de aplicar la DDWT y WPT mediante diferentes técnicas. Se evaluó el desempeño de cada conjunto de patrones wavelet y de los patrones temporales mediante un clasificador lineal de Fisher. Se encontró que los patrones DDWT filtrados a 16 Hz presentan resultados de clasificación superiores a los patrones temporales. De esta manera al mejorar la etapa de extracción de características se mejora la clasificación, y consecuentemente, el desempeño del sistema completo de una ICC

    Is nitrogen source the key for overcoming photosynthetic acclimation in Arabidopsis plants exposed to elevated CO2?

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    Trabajo presentado en el XIII Congreso Hispano-Luso de Fisiología Vegetal, celebrado en Oeiras (Portugal) en julio de 2013.Although the current [CO 2 ] in the atmosphere is generally limiting for C available information suggests that the predicted [ CO 2 ] increase will enhance rates in plants. However, it has been previously (B loom 2010, Stitt Krapp 1999) observed that responsiveness of plants to elevated [CO 2 ] will me mediated by its interaction with other li miting environmental factors, such as nitrogen availabilit y. According to those studies, N availability might decrease or eliminate the positive effect of elevated CO 2 on photosynthetic rates and consequently plant growth. The ‘capacity’ to adjust photosynthetic activity with plant C requirements has been described as a key process co nditioning photosynthetic performance under elevated [CO 2 ]. From this point of view, the reduction in photos ynthetic rates would be conditioned by a plant’s ability to develop new sin ks, or to expand the storage capacity or rate of existing sinks. According to Bloom et al . (2010), photosynthetic down might be conditioned by nitrate reductase activity and the inhibition of NO nt decline in plant N compounds. Furthermore, accor ding to those authors, the kind of nitrogen form applied to plants has a key role in r esponsiveness of plants to elevated [CO order to test the relevancy of N fertilization form in photosynthetic performance under elevated ] conditions, Arabidopsis thaliana (Columbia 0), grown hydroponically were exposed to ambient versus elevated [CO 2 ] concentrations (380 and 800 ppm respectively). Tw o different N forms were supplied at 0.75 mM, KNO 3 and NH 4 NO 3 . The plants were grown in a growth chamber (Hereaus Vötsch HPS 1500) at 16/8h (d/n) ph otoperiod, 22/18ºC (d/n) thermoperiod, 80% rH, 200 μmol photons m -2 s -1 PPDF, during 8 weeks (prior to flowering). Our resu lts revealed that Arabiopsis responsiveness to N fertili zation form was larger than that to elevated ], being the plants fertilized with NH 4 NO 3 and [CO 2 ] the ones with the largest biomass production and photosynthetic rates. More specifica lly, in NO 3 fed plants exposure to 800 ppm had significant effect in net photosynthesis (A N ) and electron transport rate (ETR), but Rubisco maximum carboxylation rate (Vc max ) and electron transport rate contributing to RuBP regeneration (J max ) had no significative effect. Furthermore, in thos e plants Rubisco and tot soluble protein (TSP) content was depleted by 35 an d 25 % respectively. In the other hand, A , J max such parameters were stimulated in NH 4 NO 3 fed plants. The larger responsiveness of photosynthetic apparatus observed in ammonium nitrate feed plants at 800 ppm was explained by their capacity to maintain con trol Rubisco and TSP content values. Those results remark the crucial influence of N sou rce on photosynthesis and its implications on protein metabolism of Arabidopsis plants grown in elevated CO 2.This study was supported in part by the the Spanish National Research and Development Programme (AGL2009-13339-C02-02) and AGL2011-30386-CO2-O2). Ivan Jauregui was the recipient of a FPI grant whereas Iker Aranjuelo was the recipient of a Ramón y Cajal research grant (Economy and Competitiveness Ministry).Peer Reviewe

    Root and shoot performance of Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to elevated CO2:a physiologic, metabolic and transcriptomic response

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    The responsiveness of C3 plants to raised atmospheric [CO2] levels has been frequently described as constrained by photosynthetic downregulation. The main goal of the current study was to characterize the shoot-root relationship and its implications in plant responsiveness under elevated [CO2] conditions. For this purpose, Arabidopsis thaliana plants were exposed to elevated [CO2] (800 ppm versus 400 ppm [CO2]) and fertilized with a mixed (NH4NO3) nitrogen source. Plant growth, physiology, metabolite and transcriptomic characterizations were carried out at the root and shoot levels. Plant growth under elevated [CO2] conditions was doubled due to increased photosynthetic rates and gas exchange measurements revealed that these plants maintain higher photosynthetic rates over extended periods of time. This positive response of photosynthetic rates to elevated [CO2] was caused by the maintenance of leaf protein and Rubisco concentrations at control levels alongside enhanced energy efficiency. The increased levels of leaf carbohydrates, organic acids and amino acids supported the augmented respiration rates of plants under elevated [CO2]. A transcriptomic analysis allowed the identification of photoassimilate allocation and remobilization as fundamental process used by the plants to maintain the outstanding photosynthetic performance. Moreover, based on the relationship between plant carbon status and hormone functioning, the transcriptomic analyses provided an explanation of why phenology accelerates under elevated [CO2] conditions