50 research outputs found

    The stranding anomaly as population indicator: the case of Harbour Porpoise <i>Phocoena phocoena</i> in North-Western Europe

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    Ecological indicators for monitoring strategies are expected to combine three major characteristics: ecological significance, statistical credibility, and cost-effectiveness. Strategies based on stranding networks rank highly in cost-effectiveness, but their ecological significance and statistical credibility are disputed. Our present goal is to improve the value of stranding data as population indicator as part of monitoring strategies by constructing the spatial and temporal null hypothesis for strandings. The null hypothesis is defined as: small cetacean distribution and mortality are uniform in space and constant in time. We used a drift model to map stranding probabilities and predict stranding patterns of cetacean carcasses under H-0 across the North Sea, the Channel and the Bay of Biscay, for the period 1990-2009. As the most common cetacean occurring in this area, we chose the harbour porpoise <i>Phocoena phocoena</i> for our modelling. The difference between these strandings expected under H-0 and observed strandings is defined as the stranding anomaly. It constituted the stranding data series corrected for drift conditions. Seasonal decomposition of stranding anomaly suggested that drift conditions did not explain observed seasonal variations of porpoise strandings. Long-term stranding anomalies increased first in the southern North Sea, the Channel and Bay of Biscay coasts, and finally the eastern North Sea. The hypothesis of changes in porpoise distribution was consistent with local visual surveys, mostly SCANS surveys (1994 and 2005). This new indicator could be applied to cetacean populations across the world and more widely to marine megafauna

    Lenalidomide in combination with dexamethasone at first relapse in comparison with its use as later salvage therapy in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma

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    This subset analysis of data from two phase III studies in patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma (MM) evaluated the benefit of initiating lenalidomide plus dexamethasone at first relapse. Multivariate analysis showed that fewer prior therapies, along with ÎČ2-microglobulin (≀2.5 mg/L), predicted a better time to progression (TTP; study end-point) with lenalidomide plus dexamethasone treatment. Patients with one prior therapy showed a significant improvement in benefit after first relapse compared with those who received two or more therapies. Patients with one prior therapy had significantly prolonged median TTP (17.1 vs. 10.6 months; P=0.026) and progression-free survival (14.1 vs. 9.5 months, P=0.047) compared with patients treated in later lines. Overall response rates were higher (66.9% vs. 56.8%, P=0.06), and the complete response plus very good partial response rate was significantly higher in first relapse (39.8% vs. 27.7%, P=0.025). Importantly, overall survival was significantly prolonged for patients treated with lenalidomide plus dexamethasone with one prior therapy, compared with patients treated later in salvage (median of 42.0 vs. 35.8 months, P=0.041), with no differences in toxicity, dose reductions, or discontinuations despite longer treatment. Therefore, lenalidomide plus dexamethasone is both effective and tolerable for second-line MM therapy and the data suggest that the greatest benefit occurs with earlier use

    Le syndic et le conseil de gérance.

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    L'action directe du sous-traitant. Entre Ă©claircies et brouillard persistant

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    L’association des copropriĂ©taires en tant que partie dĂ©fenderesse Ă  une action en rectification du mode de rĂ©partition des charges communes

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    1. Aux termes d’un arrĂȘt rendu le 1er juin 2023, la Cour de cassation casse un jugement prononcĂ© en degrĂ© d’appel par le tribunal de premiĂšre instance du Brabant wallon en date du 24 fĂ©vrier 2021. Ce jugement avait dĂ©clarĂ© irrecevable l’action en rectification du mode de rĂ©partition des charges communes initiĂ©e par deux copropriĂ©taires, au motif qu’elle avait Ă©tĂ© dirigĂ©e Ă  l’encontre de l’association des copropriĂ©taires ; la juridiction d’appel estimant que cette action eut dĂ» ĂȘtre introduite contre chacun des copropriĂ©taires individuellement. Il doit d’emblĂ©e ĂȘtre relevĂ© que la juridiction du Brabant wallon avait Ă©tĂ© amenĂ©e Ă  se prononcer sous l’empire de l’ancien texte lĂ©gal, soit avant la rĂ©forme du droit de la copropriĂ©tĂ© intervenue courant de l’annĂ©e 20182. Or, cette rĂ©forme a mis fin Ă  la controverse soumise Ă  la Cour de cassation dans l’arrĂȘt commentĂ© ; j’y reviendra infra. C’est donc au regard de l’avant-derniĂšre version de l’alinĂ©a 2 du §1er et du §6, 2° de l’article 577-9 de l’ancien Code civil que notre Cour suprĂȘme fut amenĂ©e Ă  se positionner. Dans son arrĂȘt, la Cour rappelle le libellĂ© desdites dispositions lĂ©gales et en dĂ©duit qu’ « Il suit de l’économie de l’article 577-9, §1er, alinĂ©a 2, que cette disposition s’applique aux demandes visĂ©es Ă  l’article 577-9, §6, 2° [Ă  savoir les demandes en rectification du mode de rĂ©partition des charges communes], en sorte que ces demandes peuvent ĂȘtre dirigĂ©es contre l’association des copropriĂ©taires qui a la qualitĂ© et l’intĂ©rĂȘt requis pour s’en dĂ©fendre. ». 2. MĂȘme si l’intĂ©rĂȘt pratique de l’enseignement de l’arrĂȘt commentĂ© doit bien Ă©videment ĂȘtre singuliĂšrement relativisĂ© ensuite de l’entrĂ©e en vigueur de la rĂ©forme de 2018, celui-ci est l’occasion de souligner les importantes Ă©volutions enregistrĂ©es au niveau du contentieux de la copropriĂ©tĂ© depuis la grande rĂ©forme du droit de la copropriĂ©tĂ© forcĂ©e des immeubles et groupes d’immeubles bĂątis par la loi du 30 juin 1994 et de constater que celles-ci s’inscrivent dans un mouvement gĂ©nĂ©ral de clarification et d’extension du pouvoir reconnu aux associations de copropriĂ©taires d’ĂȘtre actrices (en demande ou en dĂ©fense) dans la sphĂšre judiciaire

    Copropriété et responsabilité civile.

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