2,238 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari proyek akhir ini adalah untuk mengembalikan fungsi sistem kelistrikan dari sepeda motor Honda Astrea Prima tahun 1989, agar sistem kelistrikan sepeda motor tersebut dapat berfungsi seperti semula. Kondisi awal sistem kelistrikan sepeda motor dalam keadaan rusak karena terbakar api. Proses perbaikan yang dilakukan dengan melalui beberapa tahap, yaitu mengidentifikasi kerusakan, merencanakan kebutuhan, melaksanakan perbaikan serta pengukuran dan analisis pada sistem kelistrikan. Kerusakan yang terjadi pada sistem pengapian karena tidak adanya beberapa komponen dari sistem pengapian seperti: CDI, koil pengapian dan busi. Kerusakan yang terjadi pada sistem pengisian karena tidak adanya beberapa komponen pengisian seperti: baterai dan rectifier. Kerusakan pada sistem penerangan tidak adanya beberapa komponen seperti: baterai, holder kanan dan kiri, bola lampu, reflector, rectifier. Kerusakan pada sistem pemberi isyarat tidak adanya komponen flasher, lampu tanda belok dan klakson. Hasil setelah dilakukannya perbaikan dengan cara pemasangan dan penambahan komponen sistem kelistrikan menjadikan kinerja semua komponen dapat diketahui dan berfungsi seperti semula. Untuk pengukuran dari setiap komponen sistem kelistrikan dilakukan, dengan hasil sesuai dari spesifikasi meskipun ada bagian tertentu yang tidak sama karena dari kualitas kabel body yang kurang bagus. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan penambahan komponen yang tidak ada ataupun rusak dapat menjadikan kerja sepeda motor berfungsi kembali seperti semula

    GUA-gua hunian prasejarah di pulau Rote, Indonesia Timur

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    This article is written based on the results of several archaeological investigations carried out by the National Research and Development Centre of Archaeology in prehistoric caves, in the Rotendao Regency on the Island of Rote, the Province of East Nusa Tenggara between 2006 - 2009. The investigations were focused on Mbia Hudale, Bafak, and Bote caves which are assumed to have prolific archaeological remains. Excavations on these caves reveal traces of human occupation dated back to Late Pleistocene - Holocene epoch. This is evident in the abundance of cultural remains found in these sites, such as plain and decorated potteries, mollusk shells, jewelry (beads) made of shell, lithic stone flakes and blades, as well as faunal remains. Not a single human bone was found during the excavations. Furthermore, archaeological surveys conducted in this area have identified 18 potential caves and rockshelters, as well as a Palaeolithic opensite which are scattered within 8 districts. The results of the researches suggest that prehistoric caves in the Island of Rote are potential and prospective in illuminating prehistoric human migration and cultural processes that took place in the eastern part of Indonesia during Late Pleistocene until Holocene epoch

    Retrospeksi penelitian budaya paleolitik di Nusa Tenggara Timur dan prospeknya di masa depan

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    Wilayah Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) mempunyai peran strategis dalam kehidupan masa lampau, terutama sebagai jalur migrasi manusia maupun fauna di wilayah Indonesia Timur. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi budaya Paleolitik di NTT yang perlu dikaji kembali dan prospeknya terhadap penelitian arkeologi di masa depan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan penalaran induktif yang datanya dikumpulkan melalui studi pustaka. Data dianalisis melalui pendekatan deskriptif-kualitatif. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa wilayah NTT sebagai wilayah terluar memiliki tinggalan budaya Paleolitik dari kala Pleistosen yang mempunyai peran strategis dan prospek penelitian arkeologi, terutama dalam kaitannya melacak jalur migrasi manusia purba dan budayanya di wilayah Indonesia Timu


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    Language plays a very important rule in our live. It is used to communicate each other to express their ideas or emotion. Literary work is one of language usage that made to give pleasure and enjoyment to the reader. Poetry and music are kind of litarary work. Song is the combination between poetry and music. The purpose of this study is to find out the general meaning, the detailed meaning, and the message inside the lyrics poem “How Many Hours” Michael Learns to Rock’s song. This study uses descriptive qualitative method as the research design because there is no treatment in this study as in experimental research. The approach that is used in this study is objective approach because this study does not concern with the author’s experience and life. The object of this study is the lyrics of “How Many Hours” in Michael Learns to Rock’s song , because it contains general meaning, detailed meaning and the message inside. The general meaning of the lyrical poem “How Many Hours” is about poet’s expression toward war and its effects, and his hope on peace. The detailed meaning of the lyrical poem “How Many Hours”, in the beginning, the poet describes a condition of a family who lives in the middle of the war. The poet shows the sadness of a mother towars her life and the future of her little son. A young calm man has changed become a stiff and rigorous man because of the war. In the second stanza, the poet shows the voice of them who live in the middle of war that they need a protection, a safe place, and a nice world. In the third stanza, the poet wants to say that war happens because there is no mutual love among human being. The war gives a long tear and fear to the citizenries. Their days are never far from a long suffering and fear that they themselves do not know when will those feeling diappear. In the last stanza, the poet teases the people who do not care to the war by showing a picture in which the children are still playing in their world that has become broken. The message found in the lyrical poem “How Many Hours” is that war gives fear, trauma, and suffering to the citizenries. Every person should have mutual love among others, so that, the war will not happen


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    Background Morphine is the most abundant analgesic which commonly used for post mastectomy’s pain reliever. Altough, it is potentially cause the adverse effect such as nausea and vomiting. Aim To determine the nausea and vomiting experience on patient who received morphine for post mastectomy’s pain reliever. Methods This study was descriptive observational. The patient undergoing mastectomy surgery who received morphine as post operative pain reliever at the Central of Surgery Instalation and Ward in dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang from July 1st to December 31st 2014. The data was taken from patient’s medical record. Results There were 40 patients received morphine as post mastectomy analgetic surgery on July 1st to December 31st 2014. After taking morphine as post mastectomy analgetic, 26 patients have had experienced PONV in 24hours. On the beginning (0 hour after surgery), 12 patient (30%) were having nausea and vomiting. On 6 hours after surgery, 17 patient (42,5%) were having nausea and vomiting. On 12 hours after surgery, 13 patient (32,5%) were having nausea and vomiting. On 24 hours after surgery, 1 patient (2,5%) were having nausea and vomiting. Conclusion It was about 65% that morphine may cause PONV effects in 24hours with PONV’s score 0 and 1. Keywords: morphine, nausea and vomiting post mastectom


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    A lot of industrial use water in their process to support their operational. One of the systems that use a lot of water in a textile industry is the cooling water system. In this system, water is taken from water source (etc: deep well). The water is then flown into a condenser that is connected with a chiller and is used as a media to decrease the temperature of the production machine, room, and all the equipment that is used in the industry. There is two kind of Cooling water system: 1.) Once through system, which a cooling system that runs water through the system once, then the water discarded. 2.) Recirculation system, which is a cooling system that circulates water so it will be reused. The advantage of once through system is that the system can run well cause the quality of the water can be maintained. But the disadvantage is the use of water will be very big or will be squandered. On the contrary using the recirculation system can save more water. This study will evaluate the efficiency of water using in the open recirculation cooling water system. The statistic test result taken from three units of the textile industry, shows that the changes of the debit are comparable to the changes of concentration and the changes of the temperature (∆T) from the water bait hardness and the blow down water. To reach an optimal level of the temperature in the cooling system can be done by adjusting the water bait debit and the blow down. To establish the optimization in the blow down can be done by analyzing the regression and the correlation between debit cycles and the temperature changing (∆T). The graph shows that debit cycles will be optimal when the temperature changing (∆T) is optimal too, that is when the ∆T=5°C. The evaluation of the efficiency is done by comparing the amount of water that is been use between the once through system and the open recirculation system in the optimum level. Without counting the debit, we can also count the efficient by using the optimality of the system. In the once through system the cycles is considered as 1 (one), cause there is no cycles in this system. The optimal cycles in cooling system in Weaving unit, the Spinning unit and the Diesel unit is 2,6; 2,5; and 2,5. Because of that the calculation of the efficient evaluation of the water using in the cooling system of PT. X in the Diesel and Spinning unit is 60% and in the Weaving unit is 62%. (key words : cycles, debit, hardness, delta T, efficiency

    Pelatihan Penggunaan Perangkat lunak CorelDRAW di MGMP Seni Budaya Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah

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    Perkembangan karakter peserta didik dalam hal kemampuan dan penguasaan teknologi informasi menyebabkan munculnya kebutuhan baru yang harus dipenuhi oleh pendidik untuk menyamakan pola komunikasi dalam proses belajar mengajar. Pola komunikasi terutama pada aspek media pembelajaran yang perlu penyesuaian dalam hal konten dan cara penyampaian sesuai dengan kebutuhan peserta didik. Tujuan dari pembinaan pelatihan CorelDRAW adalah mendorong para pendidik yang tergabung dalam MGMP Seni Budaya Jawa Tengah untuk menguasai teknis penggunaan perangkat lunak CorelDRAW. Luaran dari penguasaan perangkat lunak tersebut adalah pendidik mampu merancang dan memvisualkan materi-materi bahan ajar yang sebelumnya berupa verbal dan teks saja ke dalam bentuk visual sesuai dengan mata pelajaran yang diampu. Pembinaan dan pelatihan menggunakan metode pelatihan tatap muka secara langsung menggunakan metode gabungan, yakni ceramah, demonstrasi cara, demonstrasi hasil, dan diskusi dengan pendampingan secara instruksional dan dilengkapi dengan media tutorial dalam bentuk buku digital dan video latihan. Setelah memenuhi durasi pelatihan selama 12 pertemuan, peserta pelatihan dapat menguasai pengoperasian perangkat lunak dan mampu mengolah cipta media pembelajaran sesuai dengan mata pelajaran yang diampu. Dengan terpenuhinya materi tingkat dasar diperlukan pelatihan lanjutan sebagai pendalaman pengetahuan penggunaan dan operasional feature dan fasilitas CorelDRAW tingkat menengah

    Pengembangan media pembelajaran puzzle pada materi operasi aljabar

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    Pelajaran matematika  khususnya materi aljabar dianggap sulit dan tidak menarik sebagian siswa karena materi sagatlah abstrak, akibatnya nilai siswa menjadi kurang optimal. Di dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut guru dapat menggunakan media pembelajaran, salah satunya media puzzel. Penggunaan media pembelajaran haruslah memenuhi kriteria kelayakan, oleh karena itu dalam pengembangan media pembelajaran membutuhkan validasi. Validasi meliputi tiga validator yaitu ahli praktisi, ahli materi, dan ahli media pembelajaran matematika. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui validasi pengembangan media pembelajaran puzzle pada materi operasi aljabar. Validator  penelitian ini meliputi dua dosen FKIP program studi pendidikan matematika, satu guru mata pelajaran matematika Analisis yang digunakan analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Analisis kualitatif berupa komentar dan saran yang dikemukakan oleh validator, yang digunakan sebagai dasar untuk memperbaiki dan mengetahui kelayaan produk yang dikembangkan. Analisis kuantitatif dilakukan dengan mencari rata-rata dari semua validator. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran yang telah dibuat sesuai dan cocok dengan penggunaan media pelajaran puzzel aljabar yang dikembangkan dengan tingkat kevalidan 4.31. Sedangkan kualitas materi dalam media pembeljaran puzzle aljabar sesuai dengan materi operasi aljabar dengan tingkat kevalidan 4,23 dan kualitas media pembeljaran puzzle aljabar baik dan dapat digunakan untuk media pembelajaran pada materi operasi aljabar dengan tingkat kevalidan 4,42. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulankan bahwa media pembelajaran puzzle pada materi operasi aljabar dapat digunakan dengan kriteria kevalidan sangat vali

    Persentase Karkas Dan Giblet Burung Puyuh (Coturnix-Coturnix Japonica) Betina Fase Layer Yang Diberi Ekstrak Buah Pare

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    Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) is a vine plant with fruits having oblong-shaped fruits which have distinct warty exterior and bitter taste.  The fruits are known to have an antibiotic benefit.  This study was aimed at assessing the effects of the inclusion of bitter melon fruit extract in drink water on carcass and giblet percentages of quails.  The study was conducted at the Trial Farm of Department of Animal Science, Djuanda University, Bogor, in February to March 2019.  One-hundred female quails aged 37 days were used.  The birds were allocated to 20 units of pens and each pen was occupied by 5 birds.  A completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 4 replicates  was used.  Treatments consisted of 0% bitter melon fruit extract (R0, control), 2.5% bitter melon fruit extract (R1), 5.0% bitter melon fruit extract (R2), 7.5% bitter melon fruit extract (R3), and 10.0% bitter melon fruit extract (R4).  Data were subjected to an analysis of variance (Anova) and a Duncan test.  Measurements were taken on live weight, carcass weight, gizzard weight, liver weight, and heart weight.  Results showed that treatments did not give any significant effects on carcass and giblet percentages.  It was suggested that for future studies, nutrient content analysis on bitter melon be conducted beforehand.&nbsp
