1,124 research outputs found

    A Comparison of c-C₃H₂ and l-C₃H₂ in the Spiral Arm Clouds

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    Using the IRAM 30-m telescope, we observed molecular absorption lines from c-C₃H₂ produced in diffuse clouds toward the high-mass star forming regions W51 e1/e2 and W49N to determine the abundance ratio between the cyclic and linear isomers of C₃H₂ (N_c/N_l). The abundance ratio is found to be 3-5 in the sources where l-C₃H₂ was previously detected. A possible source of uncertainty in the determination of N_c/N_l is related to the estimate of N(c-C₃H₂). The main goal of this paper is verification of this hypothesis

    A mikszáthi hagyomány a mai magyar sajtó nyelvében

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    High school students on reasons for absenteeism in physical education classes

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    The aim of the study was an attempt to diagnose the phenomenon of absenteeism in PE lessons of high school youth. The survey included 51 randomly selected students aged 14-18 from a selected high school in Lodz. The research was carried out on the basis of the diagnostic survey method and the survey technique, while the research tool was a questionnaire constructed for the needs of the pilot studies, containing closed, semi-open and open questions The results of the research were subjected to statistical analysis, determining the significance of differences using the chi-square test. The research results indicate that girls (36,7%) less often and less willingly participate in PE lessons than boys (66,7%). The main reasons for absenteeism from physical education lessons are the teacher's approach and the way of conducting classes (7,9%); lack of awareness and knowledge of the benefits of physical activity (31,4%); lack of encouragement to take up physical activity on the part of relatives and the teacher (8%), and shame caused by the appearance of the body (13,5%)

    Kolonizacja? Rekolonizacja? Polonizacja? czyli Rosja po polsku

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    The essay aims at showing the possible ways of interpreting the political aspects of literature. A proposed way is based on the functionalization of post-colonial criticism tools for the purpose of contemporary literary studies. The author discusses concept of post-colonial research in connection with Polish literature about Russia and Russians and draws attention to the works of Polish reporters who describe Russia after 1991. The suggestion is that the authors of Polish narratives try to symbolically colonize Russian reality in a political way

    Komunizm znów stoi u bram

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    Marianna z Lubomirskich Sanguszkowa (1693- 1729) – przyczynek do biografii niedocenianej dziedziczki ordynacji ostrogskiej

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    Life of Marianna née Lubomirska has not been the subject of scholars' interest so far, although Lubomirska was the owner of a huge manor, sister of the owner of ostrogski’s estate, sister of Neuburg’s family princess, and finally the wife of the Pawel Karol Sanguszko. Regardless of that, she had never played a significant political role. We know only a few things about her private life, activity and participation in the fight for the ordination. The article attempts to disclose the most important moments, that directly affected the acquisition of rights owed by Marianna Lubomirski Sanguszkowa and her husband Paweł Karol. Analysis of the preserved historical source material reveals the complexity of the conflict based on the proving rights for the Ordination. From the moment of marriage, concluded in 1710, Sanguszko entered on the political arena as an important player, consistently winning his goals. Thanks to her spouse and her evident support - first in conflict with her brother Aleksander Dominik Lubomirski, and then with opponents trying to demonstrate the illegitimacy of his activities - Sanguszko from the 1720’s became the administrator of a huge estate. Marianna herself wasn’t strictly politically involved, leaving matters of political war to her operative spouse. The article is based on three important moments in the princes life - marriage, conflict about dowry and political crisis after the death of her brother – Alexander Dominik LubomirskiPostać Marianny z Lubomirskich Sanguszkowej nie była dotychczas przedmiotem zainteresowania badaczy, Choć Lubomirska była posiadaczką olbrzymiego majątku, siostrą ordynata ostrogskiego i księżnej neuburskiej, a wreszcie żoną marszałka nadwornego litewskiego nie odegrała znaczącej roli politycznej. O jej życiu, działalności i udziale w walce o spadek po ordynacji ostrogskiej wiadomo niewiele. W artykule podjęto próbę przybliżenia najistotniejszych momentów, które bezpośrednio wpłynęły na pozyskanie praw do określonych majątków przez Mariannę z Lubomirskich Sanguszkową i jej męża Pawła Karola. Gruntowna analiza zachowanego materiału źródłowego ujawnia bowiem złożoność spornego problemu walki o ordynację ostrogską. Od momentu małżeństwa, zawartego w 1710 roku, Sanguszko wkroczył na arenę polityczną jako ważny gracz, konsekwentnie zdobywający założone cele. Dzięki osobie swej małżonki, a także jej ewidentnemu poparciu – udzielonemu najpierw w konflikcie z bratem Aleksandrem Dominikiem Lubomirskim, a następnie z przeciwnikami, usiłującymi wykazać bezprawność działań – Sanguszko od lat dwudziestych XVIII wieku stał się zarządcą ogromnego majątku. Marianna sama prawie nie angażowała się politycznie, zostawiwszy sprawy przeciągających się batalii sejmowych rzutkiemu i operatywnemu małżonkowi. Artykuł oparto na trzech kluczowych wydarzeniach z życia księżnej – małżeństwu, walce o wyznaczenie posagu i wydarzeniom po śmierci brata Aleksandra Dominika Lubomirskieg

    The Polish teacher‘s technique in education of junior high school (on the basis of analyzed documents)

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    The aim of the article is to depict and assess the chosen aspects of the Polish teacher’s technique conducted thanks to the analysis of the syllabus in the conspects, notebooks, short tests and teacher’s teaching activities. The aspects assessed there: the ways of defining the topics, the aims of the lessons, teaching methods, the ways of taking notes and exercises. The analysis proved that not only the teacher takes care of the realization of the syllabus in the junior high school but it showed that traditional teaching methods dominate as well.The aim of the article is to depict and assess the chosen aspects of the Polish teacher’s technique conducted thanks to the analysis of the syllabus in the conspects, notebooks, short tests and teacher’s teaching activities. The aspects assessed there: the ways of defining the topics, the aims of the lessons, teaching methods, the ways of taking notes and exercises. The analysis proved that not only the teacher takes care of the realization of the syllabus in the junior high school but it showed that traditional teaching methods dominate as well

    Capacidad criminal, capacidad ficcional, tensiones entre historia y ficción en la novela negra centroamericana

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    La novela negra, muy presente en la producción narrativa actual hispanoamericana, adquiere cada vez más rasgos de lo que Clifford Geertz llama "género confuso". Se borran, cada vez más permeables, las fronteras del género. La novela negra va cobrando más importancia como instrumento de critica y analisis histórico-politico. Hay quienes hablan incluso de la novela negra como nueva novela social. ¿Puede conservar intacto su estatus de una obra de ficción?. El objetivo del artículo es de presentar dos casos particulares de "jugueteo" o tensiones entre la historia, política, actualidad y ficción que se observan en la novela negra actual en Hispanoamerica. Las novelas analizadas, en una suerte de lectura comparativa, son Insensatez de Horacio Castellanos Moya y El material humano de Rodrigo Rey Rosa. En ambos textos que rozan el género negro (o incluso el de un thriller) y cuestiones políticas, se tiende, por un lado, a ficcionalizar la historia y, por otro, a servirse de la ficción como una suerte de máscara para proponer interpretaciones más o menos arriesgadas de hechos ocurridos.Crime fiction, very recurrent in the recent Latin American narrative production, takes more and more characteristics of what Clifford Geertz called "blurred genres". Gender boundaries are becoming more and more permeable, whereas crime fiction is gaining importance as an instrument of criticism and historical-­-political analysis. There are people who even talk about crime fiction in terms of a new social novel. Can it still maintain its status of being a work of fiction? The aim of this paper is to present two special cases of "playfullness" or tensions between history, politics, current affairs and fiction observed in current crime fiction of Latin America. The analyzed novels, via a kind of a comparative reading, are Insensatez by Horacio Castellanos Moya and El material humano by Rodrigo Rey Rosa. In both texts verging on crime fiction (or even thriller) and political issues, there is a tendency, on the one hand, to fictionalize history and, on the other, to use fiction as a kind of a mask to propose less or more risky interpretations of events

    The Innovative Gaildorf Wind-Water Project Guarantees Reliability of Power Supply

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    This chapter presents a pilot project, which is an innovative solution related to renewable energy sources (RES). It refers to the integrated system that covers a wind farm (4×3, 4 MW) and a pumped hydro storage PHS (16 MW). Environmental conditions and components of the system were characterised in structural and operational terms. The wind turbines that are part of the system are of considerable height (one of them is even the highest turbine in the world). This is partly the result of the hybrid construction of their towers. Around the bases, there are Bains, which function as a short-term energy storage with the total capacity of 160,000 m3 of water. The turbines were installed 200 m above sea level, and this also has a positive impact on their operational parameters. The short-term energy storage is connected with the long-term energy storage located in a valley by means of a pipeline. The response time for switching between the energy generation and storage functions is 30 s. The innovative nature of the project is determined by the short-term energy storage. The investment is fully automated. The hybrid power plant began its operation in 2018