8 research outputs found

    Natural and Human-Transformed Vegetation and Landscape Reflected by Modern Pollen Data in the Boreonemoral Zone of Northeastern Europe

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    Modern pollen composition obtained from waterbody surface sediment represents surrounding vegetation and landscape features. A lack of detailed information on modern pollen from Latvia potentially limits the strength of various pollen-based reconstructions (vegetation composition, climate, landscape, human impact) for this territory. The aim of this study is to compare how modern pollen from natural and human-made waterbodies reflects the actual vegetation composition and landscape characteristics. Modern pollen analyses from surface sediment samples of 36 waterbodies from Latvia alongside oceanic-continental, lowland-upland, urban-rural and forested-agricultural gradients have been studied. In addition, we considered the dominant Quaternary sediment, soil type and land use around the studied waterbodies in buffer zones with widths of one and four km. The information on climate for the last 30 years from the closest meteorological station for each study site was obtained. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and principal component analysis. Results show that relative pollen values from surface sediment of waterbodies reflect dominant vegetation type and land use. Modern forest biomass had a positive correlation with pollen accumulation rate, indicating the potential use of pollen-based forest biomass reconstructions for the boreonemoral zone after additional research and calibration.Peer reviewe

    The Reading Palaeofire Database : an expanded global resource to document changes in fire regimes from sedimentary charcoal records

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    Sedimentary charcoal records are widely used to reconstruct regional changes in fire regimes through time in the geological past. Existing global compilations are not geographically comprehensive and do not provide consistent metadata for all sites. Furthermore, the age models provided for these records are not harmonised and many are based on older calibrations of the radiocarbon ages. These issues limit the use of existing compilations for research into past fire regimes. Here, we present an expanded database of charcoal records, accompanied by new age models based on recalibration of radiocarbon ages using IntCal20 and Bayesian age-modelling software. We document the structure and contents of the database, the construction of the age models, and the quality control measures applied. We also record the expansion of geographical coverage relative to previous charcoal compilations and the expansion of metadata that can be used to inform analyses. This first version of the Reading Palaeofire Database contains 1676 records (entities) from 1480 sites worldwide. The database (RPDv1b - Harrison et al., 2021) is available at https://doi.org/10.17864/1947.000345.Peer reviewe

    Natural and Human-Transformed Vegetation and Landscape Reflected by Modern Pollen Data in the Boreonemoral Zone of Northeastern Europe

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    Modern pollen composition obtained from waterbody surface sediment represents surrounding vegetation and landscape features. A lack of detailed information on modern pollen from Latvia potentially limits the strength of various pollen-based reconstructions (vegetation composition, climate, landscape, human impact) for this territory. The aim of this study is to compare how modern pollen from natural and human-made waterbodies reflects the actual vegetation composition and landscape characteristics. Modern pollen analyses from surface sediment samples of 36 waterbodies from Latvia alongside oceanic-continental, lowland-upland, urban-rural and forested-agricultural gradients have been studied. In addition, we considered the dominant Quaternary sediment, soil type and land use around the studied waterbodies in buffer zones with widths of one and four km. The information on climate for the last 30 years from the closest meteorological station for each study site was obtained. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and principal component analysis. Results show that relative pollen values from surface sediment of waterbodies reflect dominant vegetation type and land use. Modern forest biomass had a positive correlation with pollen accumulation rate, indicating the potential use of pollen-based forest biomass reconstructions for the boreonemoral zone after additional research and calibration

    Climatic and vegetational controls of Holocene wildfire regimes in the boreal forest of northern Fennoscandia

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    1. Climate change is expected to increase wildfire activity in boreal ecosystems, thus threatening the carbon stocks of these forests, which are currently the largest terrestrial carbon sink in the world. Describing the ecological processes involved in fire regimes in terms of frequency, size, type (surface vs. crown) and severity (biomass burned) would allow better anticipation of the impact of climate change on these forests. In Fennoscandia, this objective is currently difficult to achieve due to the lack of knowledge of long-term (centuries to millennia) relationships between climate, fire and vegetation.2. We investigated the causes and consequences of changes in fire regimes during the Holocene (last similar to 11,000 years) on vegetation trajectories in the boreal forest of northern Finland. We reconstructed fire histories from sedimentary charcoal at three sites, as well as vegetation dynamics from pollen, moisture changes from Sphagnum spore abundance at two sites, and complemented these analyses with published regional chironomid-inferred July temperature reconstructions.3. Low-frequency, large fires were recorded during the warm and dry mid-Holocene period (8500-4500 cal. year BP), whereas high-frequency, small fires were more characteristic of the cool and wet Neoglacial period (4500 cal. year BP onward). A higher proportion of charcoal particles with a woody aspect-characterizing crown fires-was recorded at one of the two sites at times of significant climatic and vegetational changes, when the abundance of Picea abies was higher.4. Synthesis. Our results show both a direct and an indirect effect of climate on fire regimes in northern Fennoscandia. Warm and dry periods are conducive to large surface fires, whereas cool and moist periods are associated with small fires, either crown or surface. Climate-induced shifts in forest composition also affect fire regimes. Climatic instability can alter vegetation composition and structure and lead to fuel accumulation favouring stand-replacing crown fires. Considering the ongoing climate warming and the projected increase in extreme climatic events, Fennoscandian forests could experience a return to a regime of large surface fires, but stand-replacing crown fires will likely remain a key ecosystem process in areas affected by climatic and/or vegetational instability.Peer reviewe

    Indicative value and training set of freshwater organic-walled algal palynomorphs (non-pollen palynomorphs)

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    Only a few studies have related modern non-pollen palynomorphs to environmental variables, limiting the development of non-pollen palynomorphs training sets. Here, we perform substantial groundwork by developing a training set for freshwater organic-walled algal palynomorphs. We sampled surface sediments from 78 waterbodies across Latvia in north-eastern Europe with the aim of gaining infor-mation on the distribution and diversity of algal palynomorphs. We analysed the preferred living con-ditions (water and sediment properties) of algal palynomorphs in conjunction with climate and catchment characteristics (Quaternary sediment type, landscape usage, and composition). In total, 94 species/taxa belonging to four phyla (Cyanobacteria, Chlorophyta, Charophyta, and Ochrophyta) were identified. By applying statistical and descriptive analyses, we showed the indicative value of algal palynomorphs along various gradients. Using the established training set, we for the first constructed organic-walled algal palynomorphs-based pH and electric conductivity reconstructions for two lakes where natural and anthropogenic variability was recognised. Freshwater algal palynomorphs assem-blages constrained by environmental and climatic variables open new horizons for further non-pollen palynomorphs qualitative and quantitative research. (c) 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Palaeoecological data indicates land-use changes across Europe linked to spatial heterogeneity in mortality during the Black Death pandemic

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    The Black Death (1347-1352 CE) is the most renowned pandemic in human history, believed by many to have killed half of Europe’s population. However, despite advances in ancient DNA research that conclusively identified the pandemic’s causative agent (bacterium Yersinia pestis), our knowledge of the Black Death remains limited, based primarily on qualitative remarks in medieval written sources available for some areas of Western Europe. Here, we remedy this situation by applying a pioneering new approach, ‘big data palaeoecology’, which, starting from palynological data, evaluates the scale of the Black Death’s mortality on a regional scale across Europe. We collected pollen data on landscape change from 261 radiocarbon-dated coring sites (lakes and wetlands) located across 19 modern-day European countries. We used two independent methods of analysis to evaluate whether the changes we see in the landscape at the time of the Black Death agree with the hypothesis that a large portion of the population, upwards of half, died within a few years in the 21 historical regions we studied. While we can confirm that the Black Death had a devastating impact in some regions, we found that it had negligible or no impact in others. These inter-regional differences in the Black Death’s mortality across Europe demonstrate the significance of cultural, ecological, economic, societal and climatic factors that mediated the dissemination and impact of the disease. The complex interplay of these factors, along with the historical ecology of plague, should be a focus of future research on historical pandemics

    The Reading Palaeofire Database: an expanded global resource to document changes in fire regimes from sedimentary charcoal records

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    ABSTRACT: Sedimentary charcoal records are widely used to reconstruct regional changes in fire regimes through time in the geological past. Existing global compilations are not geographically comprehensive and do not provide consistent metadata for all sites. Furthermore, the age models provided for these records are not harmonised and many are based on older calibrations of the radiocarbon ages. These issues limit the use of existing compilations for research into past fire regimes. Here, we present an expanded database of charcoal records, accompanied by new age models based on recalibration of radiocarbon ages using IntCal20 and Bayesian age-modelling software. We document the structure and contents of the database, the construction of the age models, and the quality control measures applied. We also record the expansion of geographical coverage relative to previous charcoal compilations and the expansion of metadata that can be used to inform analyses