6 research outputs found

    Adelaide Superbasin Detrital Geochronology, Tectonics, and Palaeogeography

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    Research on the tectonics and palaeogeography of the Neoproterozoic to middel Cambrian Adelaide Superbasin utisiling detrital geochronology and geochemistry, Nd isotopes, and Rb-Sr in-situ dating

    pvermees/IsoplotR: 5.6

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    <p>Adds KDE mode identification option; improves robustness of Ludwig regression for U-Pb formats 1, 2 and 3.</p&gt

    Early Evolution of the Adelaide Superbasin

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    Continental rifts have a significant role in supercontinent breakup and the development of sedimentary basins. The Australian Adelaide Superbasin is one of the largest and best-preserved rift systems that initiated during the breakup of Rodinia, yet substantial challenges still hinder our understanding of its early evolution and place within the Rodinian supercontinent. In the past decade, our understanding of rift and passive margin development, mantle plumes and their role in tectonics, geodynamics of supercontinent breakup, and sequence stratigraphy in tectonic settings has advanced significantly. However, literature on the early evolution of the Adelaide Superbasin has not been updated to reflect these advancements. Using new detrital zircon age data for provenance, combined with existing literature, we examine the earliest tectonic evolution of the Adelaide Superbasin in the context of our modern understanding of rift system development. A new maximum depositional age of 893 ± 9 Ma from the lowermost stratigraphic unit provides a revised limit on the initiation of sedimentation and rifting within the basin. Our model suggests that the basin evolved through an initial pulse of extension exploiting pre-existing crustal weakness to form half-grabens. Tectonic quiescence and stable subsidence followed, with deposition of a sourceward-shifting facies tract. Emplacement and extrusion of the Willouran Large Igneous Province occurred at c. 830 Ma, initiating a new phase of rifting. This rift renewal led to widespread extension and subsidence with the deposition of the Curdimurka Subgroup, which constitutes the main cyclic rift sequence in the Adelaide Superbasin. Our model suggests that the Adelaide Superbasin formed through rift propagation to an apparent triple junction, rather than apical extension outward from this point. In addition, we provide evidence suggesting a late Mesoproterozoic zircon source to the east of the basin, and show that the lowermost stratigraphy of the Centralian Superbasin, which is thought to be deposited coevally, had different primary detrital sources

    A Common Language for Gulf War Illness (GWI) Research Studies: GWI Common Data Elements

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    AIMS: The Gulf War Illness programs (GWI) of the United States Department of Veteran Affairs and the Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program collaborated with experts to develop Common Data Elements (CDEs) to standardize and systematically collect, analyze, and share data across the (GWI) research community. MAIN METHODS: A collective working group of GWI advocates, Veterans, clinicians, and researchers convened to provide consensus on instruments, case report forms, and guidelines for GWI research. A similar initiative, supported by the National Institute of Neurologic Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) was completed for a comparative illness, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), and provided the foundation for this undertaking. The GWI working group divided into two sub-groups (symptoms and systems assessment). Both groups reviewed the applicability of instruments and forms recommended by the NINDS ME/CFS CDE to GWI research within specific domains and selected assessments of deployment exposures. The GWI CDE recommendations were finalized in March 2018 after soliciting public comments. KEY FINDINGS: GWI CDE recommendations are organized in 12 domains that include instruments, case report forms, and guidelines. Recommendations were categorized as core (essential), supplemental-highly recommended (essential for specified conditions, study types, or designs), supplemental (commonly collected, but not required), and exploratory (reasonable to use, but require further validation). Recommendations will continually be updated as GWI research progresses. SIGNIFICANCE: The GWI CDEs reflect the consensus recommendations of GWI research community stakeholders and will allow studies to standardize data collection, enhance data quality, and facilitate data sharing