16 research outputs found

    Školní třída pod genderovou lupou

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    The article presents selected results from an ethnographic study on the (re)production of gender in the classroom. In this analysis, gender is conceived as a principle manifested in interactions, a principle that structures the lives of individuals and the collective, and not as a complex of essential characteristics of an individual. Gender is analysed in relation to other categories like age and ethnicity. These represent additional re/constructed categories that influence social inequality. These categories tend to be viewed as natural sources of social difference and the legitimisation of inequalities. An analysis of the ways in which these categories are activated in the social fi eld makes it possible to go beyond the boundaries of research on the reifi cation of these categories. In this article, the author shows how these categories intertwine and connect and how the interplay between them is manifested in the behaviour and strategies of various actors, i.e. students, in the classroom

    Nejdřív byli dinosauři a pak se narodila prababička aneb Chvála etnografie ve výzkumu dětí

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    Článek se zaměřuje na metodologické aspekty výzkumu dětí a výzkumu s dětmi a ilustruje je na českých i zahraničních výzkumech. Nové přístupy zdůrazňují pojetí dítěte jako kompetentního, autonomního a rovnocenného partnera ve výzkumu. Sociologický výzkum ze své podstaty je však něčím, co z dítěte nutně dělá objekt a uplatňuje na něj kategorie vlastní disciplíny, jakkoli usiluje o vyzdvižení perspektivy dětské. Nicméně je legitimní a v nových studiích dětství žádoucí překonávat paternalistický přístup. K tomu je však nutné velmi pečlivé přezkoumávání vlastních východisek, a to jak teoreticko-metodologických, vyplývajících z disciplíny, ve které se výzkumník/ice pohybuje, tak těch, vyplývajících z pozice dospělého. Hlavní argument článku spočívá v tezi, že ve výzkumu dětí lze uplatnit nejrůznější techniky sběru dat od dotazníku, přes individuální a skupinový rozhovor až po různé kreativní techniky jako je kreslení, drama apod. Pokud má však výzkum ambici zdůraznit roli dítěte jako aktéra a chce uplatňovat jeho perspektivu, je třeba trávit maximum času s dětmi přímo v terénu, pro což se velmi hodí etnografický výzkumný design

    Children’s literature and the politics of gender*

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    The article discusses children’s literature as a matter that can become highly politicized. While often viewed as apolitical, stories for children have always been subjected to hegemonic ideologies and mediated dominant norms. The analysis focuses on gender dimension of this normativity and shows that the attempts to create gender subversive stories for children have to face not only the conservative backlash but they also have to deal with wider cultural context and contemporary meanings of childhood. The last section of the article shows that no matter how gender balanced or stereotypical a story is, the interpretation lies with children themselves. Thus, researchers analyzing messages in children’s stories always have to take into account young readers and their diverse ways of understanding

    Genderové aspekty českého školství

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    Numerous Czech studies have been conducted on how the education system reproduces inequalities. While most of them have dealt with the reproduction of class inequalities, relatively few have focused on the reproduction of gender inequalities. In this article, the authors apply a conceptual understanding of the category of gender to research on education, an approach that avoids both universalising the category of woman, as well as the opposite extreme of individualisation. We claim that female students, even though they differ among themselves in various social and personal ways, are serialised as women by institutions in the education system. They are expected to perform differently, with different motivations, their performance is valued differently and they are expected to follow different professions than male students. The paper focuses in detail on the gendered nature of educational institutions, both in terms of the gender segregation of fi elds and levels of study, as well as in terms of the importance of the interaction that occurs during the processes of teaching and ascribing value and significance to the performance of male and female students. The authors argue that education, generally expected to function as a social ladder and a route to better-paid jobs in the labour market, serves men and women in segregated ways

    Svět pro děti do tří let

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    Title in English: A World for Children Under Three: Insights into the Current Form of Early Childhood Education and Care in the CR The book “A World for Children Under Three. Insights Into the Current Form of ECEC in the CR“ is the first pedagogical-sociological book in the CR dealing with current facilities for children under three years of age – children’s groups / micro-creches, kindergarten classes for two-year-olds, and children’s centres. It is addressed to professionals, students, parents and everyone else interested in bringing the worlds of parents, caregivers and children who meet in these facilities closer together. It presents key research findings of the project ECEC in Day Care Facilities in the CR, relating to children’s collective everyday life, the work of (head) teachers and nannies, and the experiences and expectations of parents, and relates them to the current system framework

    Informal education for boys only? The theme of gender in the work of Jaroslav Foglar

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    The paper deals with the work of the Czech children's author Jaroslav Foglar from a gender perspective, reflecting on two themes in particular: the absence of heroines; and his understanding of boys' reciprocity and friendship with the adoration of physicality. The impetus for this analysis was data from a questionnaire survey, the aim of which was to determine which aspects of Jaroslav Foglar's work are most appreciated by readers and which they think apply to real life. The quantitative analysis of the data (n=1174) did not reveal any statistically significant differences in the men's and women's responses; however, the qualitative analysis of the open - ended statements is illustrative of the underrepresentation of girls among literary heroes. The diverse ways in which Foglar's work captures friendships between boys allow even today's readers to expand their perceptions of masculinity beyond traditionally defined boundaries

    Školní třída pod genderovou lupou

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    Ohrožují soukromé školy rovný přístup ke vzdělávání v České republice?

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    Článek diskutuje aktuální téma rostoucího rodičovského zájmu o soukromé mateřské a základní školy v České republice. V posledních několika letech došlo k výraznému nárůstu objemu soukromého sektoru ve vzdělávání. V roce 2017 zaujalo Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy rezervovaný postoj k zápisu nových subjektů do rejstříku škol, což vyvolalo výrazný mediální ohlas. Tato studie nabízí reflexi veřejné diskuse na toto téma a analyzuje argumenty, které v ní zazněly v souvislosti s naplňováním ideálů rovnosti, redukce sociálních nerovností a upevňování sociální koheze ve vzdělávání. Zamýšlí se nad rizikem prohlubování vzdělanostní segregace dětí v důsledku rodičovského kulturního kapitálu aktivovaného skrze volbu školy

    Kam se dívají zlobivé holky

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