3,268 research outputs found

    A network-based threshold model for the spreading of fads in society and markets

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    We investigate the behavior of a threshold model for the spreading of fads and similar phenomena in society. The model is giving the fad dynamics and is intended to be confined to an underlying network structure. We investigate the whole parameter space of the fad dynamics on three types of network models. The dynamics we discover is rich and highly dependent on the underlying network structure. For some range of the parameter space, for all types of substrate networks, there are a great variety of sizes and life-lengths of the fads -- what one see in real-world social and economical systems

    beta-Cu2V2O7: a spin-1/2 honeycomb lattice system

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    We report on band structure calculations and a microscopic model of the low-dimensional magnet beta-Cu2V2O7. Magnetic properties of this compound can be described by a spin-1/2 anisotropic honeycomb lattice model with the averaged coupling \bar J1=60-66 K. The low symmetry of the crystal structure leads to two inequivalent couplings J1 and J1', but this weak spatial anisotropy does not affect the essential physics of the honeycomb spin lattice. The structural realization of the honeycomb lattice is highly non-trivial: the leading interactions J1 and J1' run via double bridges of VO4 tetrahedra between spatially separated Cu atoms, while the interactions between structural nearest neighbors are negligible. The non-negligible inter-plane coupling Jperp~15 K gives rise to the long-range magnetic ordering at TN~26 K. Our model simulations improve the fit of the magnetic susceptibility data, compared to the previously assumed spin-chain models. Additionally, the simulated ordering temperature of 27 K is in remarkable agreement with the experiment. Our study evaluates beta-Cu2V2O7 as the best available experimental realization of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on the honeycomb lattice. We also provide an instructive comparison of different band structure codes and computational approaches to the evaluation of exchange couplings in magnetic insulators.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables: revised version, extended description of simulation result

    Training product unit neural networks with genetic algorithms

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    The training of product neural networks using genetic algorithms is discussed. Two unusual neural network techniques are combined; product units are employed instead of the traditional summing units and genetic algorithms train the network rather than backpropagation. As an example, a neural netork is trained to calculate the optimum width of transistors in a CMOS switch. It is shown how local minima affect the performance of a genetic algorithm, and one method of overcoming this is presented

    Distance distribution in random graphs and application to networks exploration

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    We consider the problem of determining the proportion of edges that are discovered in an Erdos-Renyi graph when one constructs all shortest paths from a given source node to all other nodes. This problem is equivalent to the one of determining the proportion of edges connecting nodes that are at identical distance from the source node. The evolution of this quantity with the probability of existence of the edges exhibits intriguing oscillatory behavior. In order to perform our analysis, we introduce a new way of computing the distribution of distances between nodes. Our method outperforms previous similar analyses and leads to estimates that coincide remarkably well with numerical simulations. It allows us to characterize the phase transitions appearing when the connectivity probability varies.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures (18 .eps files

    Cluster approximations for infection dynamics on random networks

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    In this paper, we consider a simple stochastic epidemic model on large regular random graphs and the stochastic process that corresponds to this dynamics in the standard pair approximation. Using the fact that the nodes of a pair are unlikely to share neighbors, we derive the master equation for this process and obtain from the system size expansion the power spectrum of the fluctuations in the quasi-stationary state. We show that whenever the pair approximation deterministic equations give an accurate description of the behavior of the system in the thermodynamic limit, the power spectrum of the fluctuations measured in long simulations is well approximated by the analytical power spectrum. If this assumption breaks down, then the cluster approximation must be carried out beyond the level of pairs. We construct an uncorrelated triplet approximation that captures the behavior of the system in a region of parameter space where the pair approximation fails to give a good quantitative or even qualitative agreement. For these parameter values, the power spectrum of the fluctuations in finite systems can be computed analytically from the master equation of the corresponding stochastic process.Comment: the notation has been changed; Ref. [26] and a new paragraph in Section IV have been adde

    Thermodynamic versus Topological Phase Transitions: Cusp in the Kert\'esz Line

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    We present a study of phase transitions of the Curie--Weiss Potts model at (inverse) temperature β\beta, in presence of an external field hh. Both thermodynamic and topological aspects of these transitions are considered. For the first aspect we complement previous results and give an explicit equation of the thermodynamic transition line in the β\beta--hh plane as well as the magnitude of the jump of the magnetization (for q⩾3)q \geqslant 3). The signature of the latter aspect is characterized here by the presence or not of a giant component in the clusters of a Fortuin--Kasteleyn type representation of the model. We give the equation of the Kert\'esz line separating (in the β\beta--hh plane) the two behaviours. As a result, we get that this line exhibits, as soon as q⩾3q \geqslant 3, a very interesting cusp where it separates from the thermodynamic transition line

    Cutting edges at random in large recursive trees

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    We comment on old and new results related to the destruction of a random recursive tree (RRT), in which its edges are cut one after the other in a uniform random order. In particular, we study the number of steps needed to isolate or disconnect certain distinguished vertices when the size of the tree tends to infinity. New probabilistic explanations are given in terms of the so-called cut-tree and the tree of component sizes, which both encode different aspects of the destruction process. Finally, we establish the connection to Bernoulli bond percolation on large RRT's and present recent results on the cluster sizes in the supercritical regime.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figure

    Electronic structure and magnetic properties of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg system CuSe2O5

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    A microscopic magnetic model for the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain compound CuSe2O5 is developed based on the results of a joint experimental and theoretical study. Magnetic susceptibility and specific heat data give evidence for quasi-1D magnetism with leading antiferromagnetic (AFM) couplings and an AFM ordering temperature of 17 K. For microscopic insight, full-potential DFT calculations within the local density approximation (LDA) were performed. Using the resulting band structure, a consistent set of transfer integrals for an effective one-band tight-binding model was obtained. Electronic correlations were treated on a mean-field level starting from LDA (LSDA+U method) and on a model level (Hubbard model). In excellent agreement of experiment and theory, we find that only two couplings in CuSe2O5 are relevant: the nearest-neighbour intra-chain interaction of 165 K and a non-frustrated inter-chain coupling of 20 K. From a comparison with structurally related systems (Sr2Cu(PO4)2, Bi2CuO4), general implications for a magnetic ordering in presence of inter-chain frustration are made.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Rainbow matchings in Dirac bipartite graphs

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Coulson, M, Perarnau, G. Rainbow matchings in Dirac bipartite graphs. Random Struct Alg. 2019; 55: 271– 289., which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/rsa.20835. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived VersionsWe show the existence of rainbow perfect matchings in µn-bounded edge colorings of Dirac bipartite graphs, for a sufficiently small µ¿>¿0. As an application of our results, we obtain several results on the existence of rainbow k-factors in Dirac graphs and rainbow spanning subgraphs of bounded maximum degree on graphs with large minimum degree

    Unicyclic Components in Random Graphs

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    The distribution of unicyclic components in a random graph is obtained analytically. The number of unicyclic components of a given size approaches a self-similar form in the vicinity of the gelation transition. At the gelation point, this distribution decays algebraically, U_k ~ 1/(4k) for k>>1. As a result, the total number of unicyclic components grows logarithmically with the system size.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
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