27 research outputs found

    Research of transport specialis competences in Lithuania and Slovénia

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    Competitiveness is closely related to business management, operational efficiency, and new approaches to the management of search. One of the most important and intractable problems of the transport companies remain effective management of the problem, covering a wide range of issues. This is a rational organizational structures, which are not always meeting the company's strategic objectives, set up; advanced management methods, which often are only the failed experience fitting of foreign countries without the necessary adaptation; management of democratization; the staff, especially top-level managers, the potential and environmental non-compliance, the lack of ability to understand the overall economic development trends, make informed decisions, to ensure the company's competitive capacity (Gal J. 2008). In order shape the competitive enterprises realistically, it is necessary to use consistently all opportunities to change the heads of management. This will help not only the traditional methods of enhancing their competence, but the new management philosophy and the installation of plants. The faster and clearer our transport business leaders understand that the company's competitiveness is not only the subject they are and all the staff, the greater the opportunity to become a fully fledged market economy. Recently, rapid changes during the period of not less important is the manager and the social competence, i.e., the effectiveness of social behavior, the ability to adapt to the dynamically changing environment and to take corresponding changes in the decisions. Social competence criteria - this consist of the whole social skills (which includes both verbal and non verbal communication skills) the ability to form interpersonal relationships, be well-liked in group, the ability to achieve the goals. Management has the competence to disclose not only the knowledge and experience, but personal qualities / characteristics as well. Personal competence - the self-assessment of skills and personal characteristics of the combination (of humor to work, motivation, development and the desire to work, and beyond), which is not the level of  knowledge, but the employee's personal characteristics (personal qualities, character and mental qualities, behavioral targeting). Therefore, a lot of career success depends on how the graduate is able to evaluate a particular enterprise or workplace evolving situation and adopt a self-optimal management decisions. Of course, professional, capable practical situations to make the right transportation management solutions, development inevitably must rely on general subjects; the learning is based on certain definitions and classification of knowledge systems. In this article will be submitted to the Lithuanian and Slovenian transport expertise in the study results.Competitiveness is closely related to business management, operational efficiency, and new approaches to the management of search. One of the most important and intractable problems of the transport companies remain effective management of the problem, covering a wide range of issues. This is a rational organizational structures, which are not always meeting the company's strategic objectives, set up; advanced management methods, which often are only the failed experience fitting of foreign countries without the necessary adaptation; management of democratization; the staff, especially top-level managers, the potential and environmental non-compliance, the lack of ability to understand the overall economic development trends, make informed decisions, to ensure the company's competitive capacity (Gal J. 2008). In order shape the competitive enterprises realistically, it is necessary to use consistently all opportunities to change the heads of management. This will help not only the traditional methods of enhancing their competence, but the new management philosophy and the installation of plants. The faster and clearer our transport business leaders understand that the company's competitiveness is not only the subject they are and all the staff, the greater the opportunity to become a fully fledged market economy. Recently, rapid changes during the period of not less important is the manager and the social competence, i.e., the effectiveness of social behavior, the ability to adapt to the dynamically changing environment and to take corresponding changes in the decisions. Social competence criteria - this consist of the whole social skills (which includes both verbal and non verbal communication skills) the ability to form interpersonal relationships, be well-liked in group, the ability to achieve the goals. Management has the competence to disclose not only the knowledge and experience, but personal qualities / characteristics as well. Personal competence - the self-assessment of skills and personal characteristics of the combination (of humor to work, motivation, development and the desire to work, and beyond), which is not the level of  knowledge, but the employee's personal characteristics (personal qualities, character and mental qualities, behavioral targeting). Therefore, a lot of career success depends on how the graduate is able to evaluate a particular enterprise or workplace evolving situation and adopt a self-optimal management decisions. Of course, professional, capable practical situations to make the right transportation management solutions, development inevitably must rely on general subjects; the learning is based on certain definitions and classification of knowledge systems. In this article will be submitted to the Lithuanian and Slovenian transport expertise in the study results


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    Zbirka međimurskog folklornog stvaralaštva - promišljanje odnosa muzeja i zajednice

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    Od preustroja zbirki Muzeja Međimurja Čakovec (MMČ) 2012. godine Etnografski odjel ima sedam zbirki: Zbirku seoskih obrta i rukotvorstva, Zbirku narodnih nošnji i uporabnog tekstila, Zbirku predmeta vezanih uz izradu tekstila, Zbirku predmeta vezanih uz običaje i obrede, Zbirku seoskih igračaka i školskog pribora, Zbirku seoskog gospodarstva i Zbirku seoskog kućanstva. Nakon završenog procesa registracije svi su predmeti Etnografskog odjela inventarizirani i kataloški obrađeni u digitalnoj inventarnoj knjizi, a sve zbirke registrirane

    In memoriam Marija Novak (1945. – 2015.)

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    Zbirka međimurskog folklornog stvaralaštva - promišljanje odnosa muzeja i zajednice

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    Od preustroja zbirki Muzeja Međimurja Čakovec (MMČ) 2012. godine Etnografski odjel ima sedam zbirki: Zbirku seoskih obrta i rukotvorstva, Zbirku narodnih nošnji i uporabnog tekstila, Zbirku predmeta vezanih uz izradu tekstila, Zbirku predmeta vezanih uz običaje i obrede, Zbirku seoskih igračaka i školskog pribora, Zbirku seoskog gospodarstva i Zbirku seoskog kućanstva. Nakon završenog procesa registracije svi su predmeti Etnografskog odjela inventarizirani i kataloški obrađeni u digitalnoj inventarnoj knjizi, a sve zbirke registrirane

    The tragedy of the Jewish people of Donja Dubrava

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    "Osjećam se ispunjen velikom srećom i zadovoljstvom zbog postojanja ljudi koji s mnogo entuzijazma istražuju i prate povijest svoga kraja. Kao predsjednika Židovske općine Čakovec posebice me veseli i zahvalan sam, da je gospodin Slaven Ujlaki zajedno s gospođom Janjom Kovač pokazao interes za istraživanjem male židovske zajednice u Donjoj Dubravi. Židovi su u Donjoj Dubravi ostavili neizbrisiv trag te je još uvijek živo sjećanje na njih u cijelom međimurskom kraju. Stambeni objekti kojima su se služili, još uvijek su tu, i nadam se da neće biti devastirani prilikom neizbježne restauracije, čime bi se izgubila njihova autentičnost. Usprkos želji i nastojanju, ovom prilikom nismo uspjeli postaviti Kamen spoticanja, što svakako zaslužuju svi oni koji su u Donjoj Dubravi živjeli i ostavili iza sebe neizbrisiv trag, a čiji životi su okrutno ugašeni. Nadam se da ćemo imati prilike ispraviti tu nepravdu te na taj način, barem simbolično, vratiti Židove ubijene u nacističkim logorima, na njihova ognjišta. Zasigurno je ostalo još mnogo toga za istražiti te se nadam da će istraživači mlađih generacija uspjeti oploditi svoj entuzijazam i nastaviti ovaj neprocjenjivo vrijedan istraživački rad. U svoje osobno ime, u ime Židovske općine Čakovec te u ime cjelokupne židovske zajednice zahvaljujem Slavenu i Janji na zapisu koji će otrgnuti zaboravu židovsku zajednicu Donje Dubrave" (Andrej Pal predsjednik Židovske općine Čakovec)."I feel great happiness and satisfaction because of the existence of people who enthusiastically research and follow the history of their region. As the president of the Jewish Community of Čakovec, I am especially happy and grateful that Mr Slaven Ujlaki together with Mrs Janja Kovač showed an interest in researching the small Jewish community in Donja Dubrava. The Jews left an indelible mark in Donja Dubrava, and their memory is still alive in the entire Međimurje area. The residential buildings they used are still there, and I hope they will not be devastated during the inevitable restoration when their authenticity would be lost. Despite our desire and effort, on this occasion, we failed to set up a stumbling block, which is certainly deserved by all those who lived in Donja Dubrava and left behind an indelible mark, and whose lives were cruelly cut off. I hope we will have the opportunity to correct that injustice and in this way, at least symbolically, return the Jews killed in the Nazi camps to their hearths. There is certainly much more to be explored and I hope that researchers of the younger generations will be able to keep up their enthusiasm and continue this invaluable research work. On my own behalf, on behalf of the Jewish Comunity of Čakovec and on behalf of the entire Jewish community, I thank Slaven and Janja for the record that will tear the Jewish community of Donje Dubrava from oblivion" (Andrej Pal, President of the Jewish Community of Čakovec)

    Proceedings of the "Never Forget" International Seminar on the Holocaust and Human Rights held on February 23, 2023 in Čakovec

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    Projekt Židovske općine Čakovec “Never Forget - Nikad ne zaboravimo” važan je jer predstavlja vrijednu inicijativu lokalne zajednice da ,,odozdo“ ukaže na važnost sjećanja i obrazovanja o Holokaustu. Ovaj zbornik, kao dio projekta, predstavlja pokušaj revitalizacije istraživanja i debata o Holokaustu u Hrvatskoj. Zbornik predstavlja radove autora koji dolaze iz krajnje različitih područja, institucija i razina obrazovanja te njeguju različite pristupe i metode. Neki od radova fokusiraju se na istraživanja lokalne povijesti kroz fokus na empirijska istraživanja, drugi pak naglasak stavljaju na interdisciplinarni pristup te teorije o problemima reprezentacije i spoznaje o Holokaustu. Neki od autora u zbomiku najavljuju nove publikacije, projekte i istraživanja koji imaju potencijal značajno obogatiti područje studija Holokausta u Hrvatskoj. Ovaj zbomik, kao i projekt “Never Forget - Nikad ne zaboravimo”, vrijedna je inicijativa koja ima za cilj povezati autore i edukatore te dodatno osnažiti istraživanje i obrazovanje o Holokaustu kao i sjećanje na židovsku zajednicu u Hrvatskoj.The "Never Forget" project of the Jewish Municipality of Čakovec is important because it represents a valuable initiative of the local community to point out the importance of remembering and educating about the Holocaust "from below." This collection, as part of the project, represents an attempt to revitalize research and debates about the Holocaust in Croatia. The collection presents the works of authors who come from very different fields, institutions and levels of education and nurture different approaches and methods. Some of the papers focus on local history research through a focus on empirical research, while others emphasize an interdisciplinary approach and theories on the problems of representation and knowledge about the Holocaust. Some of the authors in the magazine announce new publications, projects and research that have the potential to significantly enrich the field of Holocaust studies in Croatia. This booklet, as well as the "Never Forget" project, is a valuable initiative that aims to connect authors and educators and further strengthen research and education about the Holocaust as well as the memory of the Jewish community in Croatia.Sadržaj: Loranda Miletić “Poučavanje i učenje o Holokaustu u Republici Hrvatskoj na primjeru Jadranskog dijaloga”, Siniša Bjedov “Književnost i povijesti u zastupanju stvarnosti”, Goran Hutinec “Deportacije iz NDH i hrvatskih zemalja u Auschwitz”, Vladimir Huzjan “Što varaždinski srednjoškolci znaju i misle o fašizmu i antifašizmu? U povodu 80. obljetnice progona Židova u Varaždinu (1941.- 2021)”, Janja Kovač i Slaven Ujlaki “Tragedija židovskog naroda Donje Dubrave”, Vojko Kunaver “Nastava povijesti o Holokaustu u slovenskom školskom prostoru”, Helena Zečar Lajtman “Holokaust - etičko i sociološko gledište”. Kristina Vinković “Obrada dokumentarnog filma ,,May Your Memory Be Love - the Story of Ovadia Baruch”

    Prikazi / Book Reviews

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    Digitalna humanistika i digitalizacija etnografske baštine. Godišnji znanstveno-stručni skup Hrvatskog etnološkog društva i 8. znanstveni seminar u čast Branimiru Brataniću, Etnografski muzej Zagreb, 1. lipnja 2017. godine (Janja Kovač); Stranputice humanistike, Petar Bagarić, Ozren Biti i Tea Škokić, ur., Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Zagreb, 2017., 215 str. (Ljiljana Gavrilović); Sensitive Objects. Affect and Material Culture, Jonas Frykman and Maja Povrzanović Frykman, eds., Nordic Academic Press, Lund, 2016, 285 pp. (Meglena Zlatkova); Emanuela Guano, Creative Urbanity. An Italian Middle Class in the Shade of Revitalization, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2017., 242 str. (Valentina Gulin Zrnić); Mjesto izvedbe i stvaranje grada, Valentina Gulin Zrnić, Nevena Škrbić Alempijević i Josip Zanki, ur. Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika, Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Zagreb, 2016., 203 str. (Iva Grubiša); Novi Travnik: između utopije i nostalgije, Mario Katić i Velimir Bugarin, ur., Sveučilište u Zadru, Udruga "Baština" Novi Travnik, HKD "Napredak" Sarajevo, Zadar, 2016., 172 str. (Luka Šešo); Mune i Žejane Maksu Pelozi. Zbornik radova sa znanstvenoga skupa Mune Maksu Pelozi, Vele Mune, 24. listopada 2015., Robert Doričić, Helena Doričić, Igor Eterović, Ivana Eterović i Nevena Škrbić Alempijević, ur. Udruga "Žejane", Žejane, 2016., 281 str. (Sara Mikelić); Osama(e). Život naselja do tri stanovnika u Istri. / L\u27ermo(i). La vita nei villagi con fino a tre abitanti in Istria, autorica izložbe i kataloga Ivona Orlić, Etnografski muzej Istre / Museo Etnografico dell\u27Istria, 25. 12. 2016. – 5. 4. 2017. (Ana-Marija Vukušić); Sandi Blagonić, Istrijani protiv Istrana. Diskurzivna konstrukcija identiteta i simbolička natjecanja, Naklada Jesenski i Turk, Zagreb, 2016., 183 str. (Katja Sirotić); Reana Senjković, Svaki dan pobjeda. Kultura omladinskih radnih akcija, Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Srednja Europa, Zagreb, 2016., 350 str. (Matea Korda); Duško Petrović, Izbjeglištvo u suvremenom svijetu. Od političkoteorijskih utemeljenja do biopolitičkih ishoda, Naklada Ljevak, Zagreb, 2016., 440 str. (Tomislav Pletenac); Tijana Trako Poljak, Hrvatski simbolički identitet. Značenja nacionalnih simbola iz perspektive hrvatskih građana, Tim press, Zagreb, 2016., 313 str. (Marijeta Rajković Iveta); Milana Černelić, Bunjevci. Ishodišta, sudbine, identiteti, Filozofski fakultet, Odsjek za etnologiju i kulturnu antropologiju, FF-press, Zavod za kulturu vojvođanskih Hrvata, Zagreb, Subotica, 2016., 264 str. (Petra Kelemen); Balázs Borsos, The Regional Structure of Hungarian Folk Culture, Waxmann, Münster, New York, 2017., 436 str. (Jelka Vince Pallua); Christine A. Jones, Mother Goose Refigured. A Critical Translation of Charles Perrault’s Fairy Tales, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, 2016., 216 str. (Nada Kujundžić)Digitalna humanistika i digitalizacija etnografske baštine. Godišnji znanstveno-stručni skup Hrvatskog etnološkog društva i 8. znanstveni seminar u čast Branimiru Brataniću, Etnografski muzej Zagreb, 1. lipnja 2017. godine (Janja Kovač); Stranputice humanistike, Petar Bagarić, Ozren Biti i Tea Škokić, ur., Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Zagreb, 2017., 215 str. (Ljiljana Gavrilović); Sensitive Objects. Affect and Material Culture, Jonas Frykman and Maja Povrzanović Frykman, eds., Nordic Academic Press, Lund, 2016, 285 pp. (Meglena Zlatkova); Emanuela Guano, Creative Urbanity. An Italian Middle Class in the Shade of Revitalization, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2017., 242 str. (Valentina Gulin Zrnić); Mjesto izvedbe i stvaranje grada, Valentina Gulin Zrnić, Nevena Škrbić Alempijević i Josip Zanki, ur. Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika, Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Zagreb, 2016., 203 str. (Iva Grubiša); Novi Travnik: između utopije i nostalgije, Mario Katić i Velimir Bugarin, ur., Sveučilište u Zadru, Udruga "Baština" Novi Travnik, HKD "Napredak" Sarajevo, Zadar, 2016., 172 str. (Luka Šešo); Mune i Žejane Maksu Pelozi. Zbornik radova sa znanstvenoga skupa Mune Maksu Pelozi, Vele Mune, 24. listopada 2015., Robert Doričić, Helena Doričić, Igor Eterović, Ivana Eterović i Nevena Škrbić Alempijević, ur. Udruga "Žejane", Žejane, 2016., 281 str. (Sara Mikelić); Osama(e). Život naselja do tri stanovnika u Istri. / L\u27ermo(i). La vita nei villagi con fino a tre abitanti in Istria, autorica izložbe i kataloga Ivona Orlić, Etnografski muzej Istre / Museo Etnografico dell\u27Istria, 25. 12. 2016. – 5. 4. 2017. (Ana-Marija Vukušić); Sandi Blagonić, Istrijani protiv Istrana. Diskurzivna konstrukcija identiteta i simbolička natjecanja, Naklada Jesenski i Turk, Zagreb, 2016., 183 str. (Katja Sirotić); Reana Senjković, Svaki dan pobjeda. Kultura omladinskih radnih akcija, Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Srednja Europa, Zagreb, 2016., 350 str. (Matea Korda); Duško Petrović, Izbjeglištvo u suvremenom svijetu. Od političkoteorijskih utemeljenja do biopolitičkih ishoda, Naklada Ljevak, Zagreb, 2016., 440 str. (Tomislav Pletenac); Tijana Trako Poljak, Hrvatski simbolički identitet. Značenja nacionalnih simbola iz perspektive hrvatskih građana, Tim press, Zagreb, 2016., 313 str. (Marijeta Rajković Iveta); Milana Černelić, Bunjevci. Ishodišta, sudbine, identiteti, Filozofski fakultet, Odsjek za etnologiju i kulturnu antropologiju, FF-press, Zavod za kulturu vojvođanskih Hrvata, Zagreb, Subotica, 2016., 264 str. (Petra Kelemen); Balázs Borsos, The Regional Structure of Hungarian Folk Culture, Waxmann, Münster, New York, 2017., 436 str. (Jelka Vince Pallua); Christine A. Jones, Mother Goose Refigured. A Critical Translation of Charles Perrault’s Fairy Tales, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, 2016., 216 str. (Nada Kujundžić