The tragedy of the Jewish people of Donja Dubrava


"Osjećam se ispunjen velikom srećom i zadovoljstvom zbog postojanja ljudi koji s mnogo entuzijazma istražuju i prate povijest svoga kraja. Kao predsjednika Židovske općine Čakovec posebice me veseli i zahvalan sam, da je gospodin Slaven Ujlaki zajedno s gospođom Janjom Kovač pokazao interes za istraživanjem male židovske zajednice u Donjoj Dubravi. Židovi su u Donjoj Dubravi ostavili neizbrisiv trag te je još uvijek živo sjećanje na njih u cijelom međimurskom kraju. Stambeni objekti kojima su se služili, još uvijek su tu, i nadam se da neće biti devastirani prilikom neizbježne restauracije, čime bi se izgubila njihova autentičnost. Usprkos želji i nastojanju, ovom prilikom nismo uspjeli postaviti Kamen spoticanja, što svakako zaslužuju svi oni koji su u Donjoj Dubravi živjeli i ostavili iza sebe neizbrisiv trag, a čiji životi su okrutno ugašeni. Nadam se da ćemo imati prilike ispraviti tu nepravdu te na taj način, barem simbolično, vratiti Židove ubijene u nacističkim logorima, na njihova ognjišta. Zasigurno je ostalo još mnogo toga za istražiti te se nadam da će istraživači mlađih generacija uspjeti oploditi svoj entuzijazam i nastaviti ovaj neprocjenjivo vrijedan istraživački rad. U svoje osobno ime, u ime Židovske općine Čakovec te u ime cjelokupne židovske zajednice zahvaljujem Slavenu i Janji na zapisu koji će otrgnuti zaboravu židovsku zajednicu Donje Dubrave" (Andrej Pal predsjednik Židovske općine Čakovec)."I feel great happiness and satisfaction because of the existence of people who enthusiastically research and follow the history of their region. As the president of the Jewish Community of Čakovec, I am especially happy and grateful that Mr Slaven Ujlaki together with Mrs Janja Kovač showed an interest in researching the small Jewish community in Donja Dubrava. The Jews left an indelible mark in Donja Dubrava, and their memory is still alive in the entire Međimurje area. The residential buildings they used are still there, and I hope they will not be devastated during the inevitable restoration when their authenticity would be lost. Despite our desire and effort, on this occasion, we failed to set up a stumbling block, which is certainly deserved by all those who lived in Donja Dubrava and left behind an indelible mark, and whose lives were cruelly cut off. I hope we will have the opportunity to correct that injustice and in this way, at least symbolically, return the Jews killed in the Nazi camps to their hearths. There is certainly much more to be explored and I hope that researchers of the younger generations will be able to keep up their enthusiasm and continue this invaluable research work. On my own behalf, on behalf of the Jewish Comunity of Čakovec and on behalf of the entire Jewish community, I thank Slaven and Janja for the record that will tear the Jewish community of Donje Dubrava from oblivion" (Andrej Pal, President of the Jewish Community of Čakovec)

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