118 research outputs found


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    Over the years there have been a number of different computational methodsthat allow for the identification of outliers. Methods for robust estimation are knownin the set of M-estimates methods (derived from the method of MaximumLikelihood Estimation) or in the set of R-estimation methods (robust estimationbased on the application of some rank test). There are also algorithms that are notclassified in any of these groups but these methods are also resistant to gross errors,for example, in M-split estimation. Another proposal, which can be used to detectoutliers in the process of transformation of coordinates, where the coordinates ofsome points may be affected by gross errors, can be a method called RANSACalgorithm (Random Sample and Consensus). The authors present a study that wasperformed in the process of 2D transformation parameter estimation usingRANSAC algorithm to detect points that have coordinates with outliers. Thecalculations were performed in three scenarios on the real geodetic network.Selected coordinates were burdened with simulated values of errors to confirm theefficiency of the proposed method

    Stress as a social tool that limits the freedom of the individual (review)

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    Recenzja książki Petera Sloterdijka Stres a wolność. Tłum. B. Baran, Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Aletheia, 2018. In the reviewed text entitled Stres a wolność (Stress and Freedom) Peter Sloterdijk argues that society by means of stress regulates the area of the freedom of individuals. The review presents the content, discusses the form and assesses the scope of the issue

    Po co recenzji tytuł? – recenzja

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    Od chwili, gdy tylko zamknęłam książkę chodzą mi po głowie dwa zdania, z których każde nadać by się mogło na tytuł tej recenzji. „Po co Inteligentce filozof?” – stanowiłoby doskonały punkt wyjścia do próby interpretacji, o czym i w jakim celu napisana została recenzowana książka. Jednak wymagałoby to wprowadzenia osoby Autorki, wraz z jej wykształceniem, pochodzeniem, historią rodziny. Odnotowania, że (w wywiadzie dla Polskiego Radia) przy okazji promocji pośmiertnie wydanej książki jej matki, Flory Bieńkowskiej oraz innego dzieła Autorki poświęconego Gustawowi Herlingowi-Grudzińskiemu, Ewa Bieńkowska odmalowuje portret intelektualny swojego ojca, zadziwiająco podobny w głównych rysach do sylwetek swoich bohaterów, jak nam ich przedstawia. To zadanie wymagające rozszerzonych studiów. Stykam się z Autorką po raz pierwszy i moje śledztwo to zaledwie wstępne rozpoznanie, zdecydowanie wykraczające poza ramy recenzji [...]. Recenzja książki: Po co filozofowi religia : Stanisław Brzozowski, Leszek Kołakowski / Ewa Bieńkowska. - Kraków : Wydawnictwo Znak, 2020

    Chrześcijaństwo w porządku filozoficznym dowiedzione - próba rekapitulacji Leszka Kołakowskiego rozważań o religii

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    The article is an attempt at philosophical reflection on the possibility of rational justification of religion and its place in today’s world by recreating Leszek Kołakowski’s intellectual path to the Absolute as a guarantor of the value and its apology of Christianity in this context. Following the movement of thoughts in works from Religious consciousness and The Church Bond through The Presence of Myth to Main Currents of Marxism, the author shows how Kołakowski came to the position that faith is an inalienable element of the human condition; we cannot believe it at all, only the objects of our faith can be different. Analyzing Kołakowski’s texts, taking into account their chronology, it can be seen that from the perspective of Marxism he tried to capture the essence of religion, while studying religion allowed him to see the features of religious thinking in Marxism. As a consequence, he noticed that faith, next to reason, is an indelible way of our knowledge, and the myth can be removed only by replacing it with another myth. The climax of this thinking seems to be Horror Metaphysicus – according to his own declaration – the opus magnum of Kołakowski. The author argues that the entire apology of Christianity, which dominates in the late philosophical activity of Kołakowski, should be understood in this context. The paper also shows why we should defend Christianity – even if, according to the author of The Presence of Myth, is one of the myths – as the best combination the individual and social dimension of our existence

    Family in the context of relations between freedom and responsibility: crisis or evolution?

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    At the beginning of the twenty first century, Chantal Delsol wrote that the man of late modernity is characterized by his attempt to regress to a period in history before his attainment of autonomy and subjectivity, both of which Delsol associates, among other things, with the essential and formative role of the family. Turning to a society or a group with which he could identify, man – in her opinion – takes a step back towards a tribal form of existence, which deprives him of the right to self-government. Demographic data seem to confirm the tendencies which Delsol has described: the rising number of divorces, the dropping number of marriages, and the increasing presence of the welfare state in the life of an individual. We might tend to think that reality bears out the pessimistic vision of the man of late modernity Delsol puts forth. Yet it is the role of philosophy to call into doubt all that seems obvious and to ask questions where to all appearances there is no room for doubt. This article proposes this kind of undertaking as an attempt to examine Delsol’s diagnosis through the lens of Kołakowski’s philosophy. With the help of Kołakowski’s treatment of the relationship between freedom and responsibility, and by applying his thoughts on the irremovable tension between the individual and the collective man, a motif distinctly present in his considerations, this article poses anew the question of whether we indeed are facing a crisis or an evolution of the family. Are the changes which we are observing a threat to our culture and civilization, or evidence of progress

    Identification of Defects and Hazards in Structures Based on the Point Cloud Using the OptD Method

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    Structural changes taking place in buildings and structures due to the passage of time are a normal phenomenon. However, the building objects are also adversely affected by atmospheric conditions or violent natural phenomena. Every year, our surroundings are increasingly attacked by extreme weather phenomena such as: floods, hurricanes, heavy storms with rain or extreme heat. Such phenomena are natural elements of nature, however they significantly interfere in the technical condition of the building. They often cause measurable economic losses: flooding, cracks, construction displacements and even their total destruction. At the time of estimating losses, calculating the costs of repair, and then making decisions about the method of restoration, a helpful tool can be laser scanning: terrestrial, airborne or mobile, depending on the character of the object and the size of the disaster. The paper presents an identification of defects and hazards in structures based on the point cloud using the OptD method

    Sublokatorstwo jako kategoria kultury polskiej

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    Eng. title: Subtenancy as a category of Polish cultur

    „Sublokatorka” po latach. Z Hanną Krall rozmawiają Elżbieta Janicka i Joanna Tokarska-Bakir. Warszawa, 28 lutego i 8 marca 2013 roku

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    "Sublokatorka" now. An interview with Hanna Krall: Warsaw, 28 February and 28 March 2013 The interview was conducted by Elżbieta Janicka and Joanna Tokarska-Bakir. Hanna Krall told the story of the issues related to the publication of Sublokatorka, which finally appeared in the Paris-based printing house Libella, owned by Zofia and Kazimierz Romanowicz, in 1985. Hanna Krall also spoke about how the book was received by the public in the unofficial underground discourse in the Communist Poland. Moreover, the author of Sublokatorka told the interviewers about the construction of stories about the Holocaust, as well as about the people who inspired the protagonists of Sublokatorka: Luba Bielicka-Blum, Rywka Urman, Krystyna Krahelska, Krzysztof Kieślowski and Jerzy Stuhr.   „Sublokatorka” po latach. Z Hanną Krall rozmawiają Elżbieta Janicka i Joanna Tokarska-Bakir. Warszawa, 28 lutego i 8 marca 2013 roku Hanna Krall opowiada Elżbiecie Janickiej i Joannie Tokarskiej-Bakir o kłopotach z publikacją Sublokatorki, która ostatecznie ukazała się w paryskim wydawnictwie Zofii i Kazimierza Romanowiczów Libella w 1985 roku. Tematem rozmowy jest także burzliwy, niewolny od werbalnej agresji, odbiór książki w drugim, niezależnym obiegu kultury w PRL. W wywiadzie mowa ponadto o sposobach konstruowania i stawkach opowieści o Zagładzie, a także o pierwowzorach postaci z Sublokatorki takich jak: Luba Bielicka-Blum, Rywka Urman, Krystyna Krahelska, Krzysztof Kieślowski czy Jerzy Stuhr

    Vitamin C as a weapon against cancer

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    Since vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has been discovered over 80 years ago, it is known as a “miracle pill” because it possesses a lot of properties which are extremely essential for correct functioning of the organism. For a long time it has been also debated the usage of the ascorbic acid in prevention and cancer treatment. Literature reviewed in this paper provides many valuable information about mechanisms of anticancer effect of the vitamin C and about potential ability of ascorbic acid application in fight against cancer. That includes: parenteral administration of pharmacological doses of vitamin C, its beneficial influence on the final effect of chemo- and radiotherapy and its highly promising co-administration with other active compounds. Onkol. Prak. Klin. 2011; 7, 1: 9–23Odkąd ponad 80 lat temu odkryto witaminę C (kwas askorbinowy) i poznano jej niezwykle istotne dla prawidłowego funkcjonowania organizmu właściwości, zaczęto postrzegać ją jako „cudowną pigułkę”. Od dawna debatowano również na temat wykorzystania kwasu askorbinowego w prewencji i leczeniu raka. Zebrane i przedstawione w niniejszej pracy dane z piśmiennictwa dostarczają wielu cennych informacji na temat mechanizmów przeciwnowotworowego działania witaminy C oraz potencjalnych możliwości jej zastosowania w walce z nowotworem: począwszy od pozajelitowego podawania farmakologicznych dawek kwasu askorbinowego, przez jego korzystny wpływ na końcowy efekt chemio- i radioterapii, aż do bardzo obiecującego efektu podawania witaminy w połączeniu z innymi substancjami aktywnymi. Onkol. Prak. Klin. 2011; 7, 1: 9–2