24 research outputs found

    Variedades de tomates nacionales

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    En el Cinturón Hortícola Platense se producen numerosas especies hortícolas, entre los cultivos más importantes se encuentra el tomate. Dentro de este cultivo existen numerosos híbridos de origen importado y variedades nacionales. Con respecto a estas últimas, el INTA La Consulta y la FCAyF-UNLP han trabajado muchos años para crear variedades que se adapten a diferentes condiciones agroecológicas del país y a las necesidades de los productores hortícolas.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales (FCAF

    Variedades de tomates nacionales

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    En el Cinturón Hortícola Platense se producen numerosas especies hortícolas, entre los cultivos más importantes se encuentra el tomate. Dentro de este cultivo existen numerosos híbridos de origen importado y variedades nacionales. Con respecto a estas últimas, el INTA La Consulta y la FCAyF-UNLP han trabajado muchos años para crear variedades que se adapten a diferentes condiciones agroecológicas del país y a las necesidades de los productores hortícolas.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales (FCAF

    Variedades de tomates nacionales

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    En el Cinturón Hortícola Platense se producen numerosas especies hortícolas, entre los cultivos más importantes se encuentra el tomate. Dentro de este cultivo existen numerosos híbridos de origen importado y variedades nacionales. Con respecto a estas últimas, el INTA La Consulta y la FCAyF-UNLP han trabajado muchos años para crear variedades que se adapten a diferentes condiciones agroecológicas del país y a las necesidades de los productores hortícolas.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales (FCAF

    ITS-NANO - Prioritising nanosafety research to develop a stakeholder driven intelligent testing strategy

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    Background To assess the risk of all nanomaterials (NMs) on a case-by-case basis is challenging in terms of financial, ethical and time resources. Instead a more intelligent approach to knowledge gain and risk assessment is required. Methods A framework of future research priorities was developed from the accorded opinion of experts covering all major stake holder groups (government, industry, academia, funders and NGOs). It recognises and stresses the major topics of physicochemical characterisation, exposure identification, hazard identification and modelling approaches as key components of the current and future risk assessment of NMs. Results The framework for future research has been developed from the opinions of over 80 stakeholders, that describes the research priorities for effective development of an intelligent testing strategy (ITS) to allow risk evaluation of NMs. In this context, an ITS is a process that allows the risks of NMs to be assessed accurately, effectively and efficiently, thereby reducing the need to test NMs on a case-by-case basis. For each of the major topics of physicochemical characterisation, exposure identification, hazard identification and modelling, key-priority research areas are described via a series of stepping stones, or hexagon diagrams structured into a time perspective. Importantly, this framework is flexible, allowing individual stakeholders to identify where their own activities and expertise are positioned within the prioritisation pathway and furthermore to identify how they can effectively contribute and structure their work accordingly. In other words, the prioritisation hexagon diagrams provide a tool that individual stakeholders can adapt to meet their own particular needs and to deliver an ITS for NMs risk assessment. Such an approach would, over time, reduce the need for testing by increasing the reliability and sophistication of in silico approaches. The manuscript includes an appraisal of how this framework relates to the current risk assessment approaches and how future risk assessment could adapt to accommodate these new approaches. A full report is available in electronic format (pdf) at http://www.nano.hw.ac.uk/research-projects/itsnano.html webcite. Conclusion ITS-NANO has delivered a detailed, stakeholder driven and flexible research prioritisation (or strategy) tool, which identifies specific research needs, suggests connections between areas, and frames this in a time-perspective

    A unified framework for nanosafety is needed

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    There is an urgent need for sufficient knowledge to allow reliable assessment of the risks associated with nanomaterials. The formulation of an intelligent testing strategy (ITS) that allows safety assessment across materials is required to overcome the current need of testing each nanomaterial on a case-by-case basis. By taking into consideration the research landscape, the available tools and the stakeholders involved, the ITS-NANO consortium developed a stepping-stone based research framework which can, when implemented, deliver the information required for flexible and broadly acceptable ITS and risk assessment (RA) protocols. It was identified that in order to derive this knowledge, there needs to be research emphasis on linking physicochemical identifiers to exposure and hazard identifiers, and attention should be given to a number of key cross-cutting issues have been identified which, among other things, include development of standards, dose metrics, high throughput techniques, modelling and integration into regulatory frameworks. Finally, the developed approach must be coherent and continuously updatable, supporting the unified framework required to ensure that we acquire sufficient, rigorously validated knowledge formulation of a robust reliable ITS and RA as quickly as possible