6 research outputs found

    The effect of cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and fruit and vegetable consumption on IVF outcomes: A review and presentation of original data

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    Background - Lifestyle factors including cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and nutritional habits impact on health, wellness, and the risk of chronic diseases. In the areas of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and pregnancy, lifestyle factors influence oocyte production, fertilization rates, pregnancy and pregnancy loss, while chronic, low-grade oxidative stress may underlie poor outcomes for some IVF cases. Methods - Here, we review the current literature and present some original, previously unpublished data, obtained from couples attending the PIVET Medical Centre in Western Australia. Results - During the study, 80 % of females and 70 % of male partners completed a 1-week diary documenting their smoking, alcohol and fruit and vegetable intake. The subsequent clinical outcomes of their IVF treatment such as quantity of oocytes collected, fertilization rates, pregnancy and pregnancy loss were submitted to multiple regression analysis, in order to investigate the relationship between patients, treatment and the recorded lifestyle factors. Of significance, it was found that male smoking caused an increased risk of pregnancy loss (p = 0.029), while female smoking caused an adverse effect on ovarian reserve. Both alcohol consumption (β = 0.074, p < 0.001) and fruit and vegetable consumption (β = 0.034, p < 0.001) had positive effects on fertilization. Conclusion - Based on our results and the current literature, there is an important impact of lifestyle factors on IVF clinical outcomes. Currently, there are conflicting results regarding other lifestyle factors such as nutritional habits and alcohol consumption, but it is apparent that chronic oxidative stress induced by lifestyle factors and poor nutritional habits associate with a lower rate of IVF success

    Familial transmission of borderline personality disorder

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    Hintergrund Forschungsergebnisse weisen übereinstimmend darauf hin, dass Kinder von Müttern mit einer Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung (BPS) ein erhöhtes Risiko aufweisen, emotionale und verhaltensbezogene Auffälligkeiten zu entwickeln und/oder im Jugendalter selbst BPS-spezifische Symptomausprägungen zu zeigen. Fragestellung Welche Faktoren sind bei der familiären Transmission der BPS involviert, und welche Implikationen für die Praxis können darauf aufbauend abgeleitet werden? Material und Methode Auf der Basis einer umfassenden Literaturrecherche wurden aktuelle Forschungsbefunde zur familiären Transmission der BPS von Müttern zu ihren Kindern zusammengetragen und Kernbefunde in einem Transmissionsmodell integriert. Ergebnisse Das hier postulierte Transmissionsmodell bildet ein komplexes Zusammenspiel verschiedener Einflussfaktoren und Übertragungsmechanismen ab. Neben Faktoren aufseiten der Mutter und des Kindes werden externe Faktoren in das Modell integriert. Darüber hinaus werden (epi-)genetische und pränatale Einflüsse, die Bedeutung der Mutter-Kind-Interaktion und familiäre sowie soziale bzw. gesellschaftliche Einflüsse als Übertragungsmechanismen betont. Zudem wird eine potenziell präventive Wirkung der Hilfesysteme angenommen. Schlussfolgerung Aus dem Modell werden Ansatzpunkte abgeleitet, die dazu beitragen könnten, die Vulnerabilität sowie Belastungsfaktoren zu reduzieren und somit eine gesunde kindliche Entwicklung in dieser Risikogruppe zu fördern.Background In recent years studies have shown consistent indications that maternal borderline personality disorder (BPD) puts children at risk for developing emotional and behavioral problems as well as for showing BPD-specific symptoms themselves in adolescence. Objective This article reviews factors contributing to the familial transmission of BPD and provides implications for practice derived from these findings. Material and methods Based on a comprehensive literature search current empirical findings on the familial transmission (mother to child) of BPD were aggregated and core findings were integrated into a transmission model. Results The transmission model postulated in this study shows a complex interplay of different influencing factors and mechanisms of transmission. In addition to mother- and child-related risk factors, external factors are integrated into the model. Furthermore, different mechanisms of transmission are emphasized: (epi)genetic and prenatal influences, the importance of mother-child interaction, familial and social resp. societal influences. A potential preventive effect of the welfare system is postulated. Conclusion Possible implications are derived from the model that could help to reduce vulnerability and stress factors and thus promote healthy development of children in this high-risk group