83 research outputs found

    Stem cell transplantation for a myelodysplastic syndrome in children

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    The myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a rare, clonal disorder of pluripotent stem cells in children and is characterized by ineffective haematopoiesis, morphologic abnormalities in one or more cell lines in a usually cellular bone marrow, and by predilection for the acute leukaemia. A large proportion of children with MDS present associated clinical abnormalities. Allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) is the only definitive cure for this heterogeneous group of lethal disorders. Results with SCT have been difficult to interpret due to the variability of conditioning regimens, types of donors, and pretransplant therapy. In many series, the outcome with donors other than matched siblings has been extremely poor. The optimal pre-transplant therapy and conditioning regimen for SCT in MDS have not yet been defined. The establishment of several international working groups will eventually help to elucidate the pathogenesis of childhood MDS and will evaluate new treatment strategies to improve their clinical outcome

    Historical block of flats development with its impact on market prices of flats on the present in Liberec

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    Tato diplomová práce na téma Historický vývoj výstavby bytových domů a jeho vliv na tržní ceny bytů v současnosti v Liberci provází problematikou korelace mezi stavebními slohy a jejich cenou v současné době. Je rozdělena na 2 části, a to teoretickou a praktickou. Teoretická část práce je zaměřena na vysvětlení pojmů jako je bydlení, bytový fond, trh s byty a jeho selhání, na které navazuje dějinný popis ve výstavbě bytových domů. V dalších kapitolách této části práce se hovoří o územním plánování a bytové politice. Praktická část nahlíží na toto téma z pohledu konkrétního města, kterým je Liberec. U něj jsou uvedeny základní informace o místních podmínkách, dějinách architektury a následně prostřednictvím databáze komodit realitního trhu ověřovány zmíněné korelace ceny a epochy výstavby. Hlavním pramenem zkoumání je v diplomové práci porovnávání průměrných cen za m2 u jednotlivých typů budov. V průběhu a na konci práce jsou výsledky okomentovány a vzájemně porovnány.This thesis on historical development of the construction of residential buildings and its effect on market prices of dwellings currently in Liberec accompanies the issue of correlation between architectural styles and price currently. It is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is focused on explaining concepts such as housing, housing stock, housing market and its failure, which follows the historical description of the construction of residential buildings. In other chapters of this part is talking about urban planning and housing policy. The practical part looks at this issue from the perspective of a particular town, which is Liberec. For him the basic information about the local conditions, history of architecture and subsequently through the commodities market tested real estate prices mentioned correlation and era of construction. The main source of research is in the thesis comparing average prices per m2 for each building type. During and at the end, the results are commented and compared.

    New biological and genetic classification and therapeutically relevant categories in childhood B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia [version 1; referees: 3 approved]

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    Traditionally, genetic abnormalities detected by conventional karyotyping, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and polymerase chain reaction divided childhood B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP-ALL) into well-established genetic subtypes. This genetic classification has been prognostically relevant and thus used for the risk stratification of therapy. Recently, the introduction of genome-wide approaches, including massive parallel sequencing methods (whole-genome, -exome, and -transcriptome sequencing), enabled extensive genomic studies which, together with gene expression profiling, largely expanded our understanding of leukemia pathogenesis and its heterogeneity. Novel BCP-ALL subtypes have been described. Exact identification of recurrent genetic alterations and their combinations facilitates more precise risk stratification of patients. Discovery of targetable lesions in subsets of patients enables the introduction of new treatment modalities into clinical practice and stimulates the transfer of modern methods from research laboratories to routine practice

    The state of research into children with cancer across Europe : new policies for a new decade

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    Overcoming childhood cancers is critically dependent on the state of research. Understanding how, with whom and what the research community is doing with childhood cancers is essential for ensuring the evidence-based policies at national and European level to support children, their families and researchers. As part of the European Union funded EUROCANCERCOMS project to study and integrate cancer communications across Europe, we have carried out new research into the state of research in childhood cancers. We are very grateful for all the support we have received from colleagues in the European paediatric oncology community, and in particular from Edel Fitzgerald and Samira Essiaf from the SIOP Europe office. This report and the evidence-based policies that arise from it come at a important junction for Europe and its Member States. They provide a timely reminder that research into childhood cancers is critical and needs sustainable long-term support.peer-reviewe

    Complete Boolean Algebras and Extremally Disconnected Compact Spaces

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    We study the existence of special points in extremally disconnected compact topological spaces that witness their nonhomogeneity. Via Stone duality, we are looking for ultrafilters on complete Boolean algebras with special combinatorial properties. We introduce the notion of a coherent ultrafilter (coherent P-point, coherently selective). We show that generic existence of such ultrafilters on every complete ccc Boolean algebra of weight not exceeding the continuum is consistent with set theory, and that they witness the nonhomogeneity of the corresponding Stone spaces. We study the properties of the order-sequential property on σ-complete Boolean algebras and its relation to measure-theoretic properties. We ask whether the order-sequential topology can be compact in a nontrivial case, and partially answer the question in a special case of the Suslin algebra associated with a Suslin tree

    Specifics of a Financing Management of a Building Company in Economic Instability Phase

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    Tato diplomová práce na téma Specifika finančního řízení stavebního podniku v období ekonomické nestability provází problematikou hospodaření společností v době krize. Je rozdělena na 2 části, a to teoretickou a praktickou. Teoretická část práce je zaměřena na vysvětlení pojmů jako je krize a podnik, na které navazuje samotné pojetí krizového řízení. Je zde popsáno, jak lze krizi v podniku rozpoznat a jaké nástroje lze použít pro její řešení. Praktická část nahlíží na toto řízení z pohledu jak malé, tak i velké firmy, přičemž obě mají velice podobnou náplň činnosti. Z hlediska velké firmy je předmětem zkoumání akciová společnost Strabag a.s., která je součástí nadnárodní rakouské korporace. Na úrovni malé firmy je pozornost zaměřena na společnost s ručením omezeným, která působí v Libereckém kraji. Hlavním pramenem zkoumání je v diplomové práci finanční analýza aplikovaná na obě firmy. Na konci práce jsou výsledky obou firem porovnány.This thesis on specifics of financial management construction company in a time of economic instability is accompanied by the issue of management companies in times of crisis. It is divided into two parts: a theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is focused on explaining concepts such as crisis and the company, which is followed by the very notion of crisis management. It describes how to recognize the crisis in the company and what tools can be used to solve it. The practical part looks at this from the perspective of management small and large companies, both have very similar content activities. In terms of big companies is being explored as a joint stock company Strabag, which is part of the Austrian multinational corporations. At the level of small business is focused on a limited liability company, which is active in smaler district. The main source of investigation in this thesis is the financial analysis applied to both companies. At the end of the work, the results of both companies compared.

    The Potential of Cyber Threats in the Critical Energy Infrastructure

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    Diploma thesis analyses the potential of Cyber Threats towards critical energy infrastructure in terms of network theories originating in graph theories, complex networks and technological possibilities how to compromise security of networks belonging to critical infrastructure. By the analysis of defined dependent and independent variables the author finds out how networks behave under which circumstances, what means exist in the field of network security and if adopted measures to increase security are in accordance with the effort of creation safe and decentralized system of critical energy infrastructure. Main emphasis is put on the concept of smart grids as possible solution of decentralization. In these terms technical means of security are studied especially with emphasis on SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) systems and the Internet as one of the essential component of communication in modern communication technologies

    Creation of entering and system for entering and evaluating term paper of the subject 4IT340 - Introduction to Database Administration

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    The thesis focuses on the creation of entering and system for entering and evaluating term paper of the subject 4IT340 - Introduction to Database Administration. The objectives of the thesis are the analysis of systems that are used to test knowledge, the creation of term paper entering and the creation of an application that enters the work to students as well as judge it. Firstly, the current state of entering a term paper has been analysed and consequently key demands have been defined. I've tried to find a suitable system on the basis of these demands. Since it wasn't possible to find a suitable system, the only possibility left was to develop a new application. This application has been developed on the school server Oracle. The main functionality is provided by storage procedures programmed in PL / SQL. Furthermore, entering a term paper, which consists of a series of practical tasks has been created. This entering was subsequently imported into the application. Finally, documentation which includes the description of the application installation procedure and user manual has been created. The developed system has been already tested and is ready to be put into full operation