188 research outputs found

    Counting Unique-Sink Orientations

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    Unique-sink orientations (USOs) are an abstract class of orientations of the n-cube graph. We consider some classes of USOs that are of interest in connection with the linear complementarity problem. We summarise old and show new lower and upper bounds on the sizes of some such classes. Furthermore, we provide a characterisation of K-matrices in terms of their corresponding USOs.Comment: 13 pages; v2: proof of main theorem expanded, plus various other corrections. Now 16 pages; v3: minor correction

    Design of linear external excitation drive with oscillative motion

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem lineárního oscilačního pohonu s vnějším bu-zením. V první části je uveden popis typů lineárních motorů. Dále je součástí také analýza konkrétních lineárních pohonů z patentové databáze. V další části práce je vlastní návrh kon-cepce lineárního oscilačního pohonu. Návrh obsahuje geometrický model vytvořený v soft-ware Solidworks, výpočet sil v software Ansys a dynamické modely mechanické a elektrické části pohonu v software Matlab/Simulink. Jsou zmíněny též možnosti řízení tohoto pohonu.This thesis deals with design of linear external excitation drive with oscillative motion. In the first part of the work is shown describe types of linear motors. Further is a part of analysis of concrete linear drives from patents database. In the next part of this work is straight design of linear external excitation drive with oscillative motion. The conception in-clude geometric model created with software Solidworks, calculation of forces with software Ansys and dynamic models of mechanical and electrical part of drive with software Mat-lab/Simulink. And is a mentions possibility of controls of this drive too.

    Basics search for simultaneous localization and mapping.

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    Tato práce se zabývá metodami simultánní lokalizace a mapování používanými v aplikacích mobilní robotiky ve světě. Cílem této práce je popsat existující a používané metody simultánní lokalizace a mapování. V první části je uvedeno rozdělení a popis jednotlivých podproblémů simultánní lokalizace a mapování. V druhé části jsou popsány konkrétní metody simultánní lokalizace a mapování. Třetí část se věnuje praktickým aplikacím metod simultánní lokalizace a mapování používaných v robotických úlohách ve světě. Poslední část je věnována robotickým aplikacím v rámci FSI VUT v Brně a použitelnosti jednotlivých metod pro tyto aplikace.This work deals with methods of simultaneous localization and mapping using in mobile robotic problems in the world. Main Goal of the work is describe existing and common using methods of simultaneous localization and mapping. The first part of the work deals with parting and description of each subproblems of simultaneous localization and mapping. The second part is note concrete methods of simultaneous localization and mapping. The third part is attending to practical application of simultaneous localization and mapping using in robotic tasks in the world. The last one is devoted to robotic application within the Faculty of Mechaniacal engineering at Brno Technical University and practicability apportionable methods for the applications.

    Legitimacy: an Evolving Concept

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    Das vorgelegte Project analysiert die Strukturzusammenhänge und den sich verändernden Kontext in denen Legitimität existiert. Das Projekt verwendet auf der existierenden Literatur basierende Kriterien für die Definition von Legitimität und adaptiert diese anhand der empirischen Fallbeispiele Ägypten, Bosnien und Süd-Sudan. Die Hypothese, dass die gewählten Kriterien für die Etablierung von institutioneller Legitimität notwendig sind, aber ihre Bedeutung vom Kontext abhängt, wird durch eine vergleichende qualitative Methode bewiesen. Die Empfehlungen und Ergebnisse des Projektes sollen eine Basis für Entscheidungsträger werden, um zu entscheiden ob internationale Unterstützung oder Intervention notwendig ist um Stabilität herzustellen.This project analyzes the structural environment and the evolving context in which legitimacy exists. The project uses the criteria for the definition of legitimacy based on existing literature and adapts them according to the empirical cases of the project: Egypt, South-Sudan, and Bosnia. Through a comparative qualitative method, the project proves its hypothesis that all of the selected criteria are necessary for the establishment of institutional legitimacy, but that their importance depends on the context. The recommendations and findings of the project provide a basis for decision-makers on whether international support or intervention is necessary to create stability

    Pivoting in Linear Complementarity: TwoPolynomial-Time Cases

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    We study the behavior of simple principal pivoting methods for the P-matrix linear complementarity problem (P-LCP). We solve an open problem of Morris by showing that Murty's least-index pivot rule (under any fixed index order) leads to a quadratic number of iterations on Morris's highly cyclic P-LCP examples. We then show that on K-matrix LCP instances, all pivot rules require only a linear number of iterations. As the main tool, we employ unique-sink orientations of cubes, a useful combinatorial abstraction of the P-LC

    Numerical Investigation of Spray Collapse in GDI with OpenFOAM

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    During certain operating conditions in spark-ignited direct injection engines (GDI), the injected fuel will be superheated and begin to rapidly vaporize. Fast vaporization can be beneficial for fuel–oxidizer mixing and subsequent combustion, but it poses the risk of spray collapse. In this work, spray collapse is numerically investigated for a single hole and the spray G eight-hole injector of an engine combustion network (ECN). Results from a new OpenFOAM solver are first compared against results of the commercial CONVERGE software for single-hole injectors and validated. The results corroborate the perception that the superheat ratio RpR_p, which is typically used for the classification of flashing regimes, cannot describe spray collapse behavior. Three cases using the eight-hole spray G injector geometry are compared with experimental data. The first case is the standard G2 test case, with iso-octane as an injected fluid, which is only slightly superheated, whereas the two other cases use propane and show spray collapse behavior in the experiment. The numerical results support the assumption that the interaction of shocks due to the underexpanded vapor jet causes spray collapse. Further, the spray structures match well with experimental data, and shock interactions that provide an explanation for the observed phenomenon are discussed

    Improvement of Restless Legs Syndrome Under Treatment of Cancer Pain With Morphine and Fentanyl

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    Restless-Legs-Syndrome (RLS), also known as Willis-Ekbom disease, is a sleep- and rest related disorder characterized by the unpleasant urge to move the legs. Pharmacological therapy is mainly based on dopamine-agonists and delta-2-alpha calcium channel ligands. Also, randomized-controlled-trials (RCTs) reported effectiveness of oral oxycodone (in combination with naloxone), and intrathecal opioids have also been administered for this indication. In the case reported here, a patient with advanced pancreatic cancer was referred to an acute palliative care unit for the treatment of cancer-related pain. Yet, in thorough exploration of her symptom burden, the patient reported that she felt her quality of life had been predominantly limited by symptoms other than cancer pain. Her medical history and neurological examination revealed that these symptoms were most obviously caused by severe RLS. In the years before, pharmacological therapies with dopamine-agonists and delta-2-alpha calcium channel ligands were initiated, but failed to relieve the RLS. In the palliative care ward, intravenous morphine was successfully titrated to treat her cancer pain. Concurrently, the patient also experienced almost complete relief from her RLS-symptoms and an increase in quality of life. The amelioration of her RLS-symptoms continued after morphine therapy was switched from intravenous to oral administration. Even after the patient was dismissed to home care and opioid rotation to transdermal fentanyl, symptom control of RLS remained excellent. To our knowledge, this is the first report of successfully treating RLS with intravenous and oral morphine. Since morphine is more easily available worldwide and the cost of morphine therapy is substantially lower compared to oxycodone/naloxone, comparisons to morphine may be an intriguing option for future RCTs

    Modulation of aggression in male mice: influence of group size and cage size

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    Aggression in group-housed male mice is known to be influenced by both cage size and group size. However, the interdependency of these two parameters has not been studied yet. In this study, the level of aggression in groups of three, five, or eight male BALB/c mice housed in cages with a floor size of either 80 or 125 cm2/animal was estimated weekly after cage cleaning for a period of 14 weeks. Furthermore, urine corticosterone levels, food and water intake, body weight, and number of wounds were measured weekly. At the end of the experiment, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity, testosterone levels, and weight of spleen, thymus, testes, and seminal vesicles were determined. Results indicate a moderate increase of intermale aggression in larger cages when compared to the smaller cages. Aggression in groups of eight animals was considerably higher than in groups of three animals. The increase of agonistic behavior was observed both in dominant and subordinate animals. Physiological parameters indicate differences in stress levels between dominant and subordinate animals. It is concluded that aggressive behavior in group-housed male BALB/c mice is best prevented by housing the animals in small groups of three to five animals, while decreasing floor size per animal may be used as a temporary solution to decrease high levels of aggression in an existing social group.