13 research outputs found

    A produção escrita dos alunos da 12ª classe: coerência textual

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    Mestrado em Línguas, Literaturas e Culturas - Estudos PortuguesesO presente trabalho sobre a coerência textual na produção escrita - caso dos alunos da 12ª classe da ESG 25 de Setembro, cidade de Quelimane surge das constatações que fizemos ao longo da nossa formação e que nos levaram a inferir que muitos alunos têm dificuldades de produzir texto. Deste modo, decidimos levar a cabo uma pesquisa com o objetivo de compreender como é efetuada a coerência textual nas produções escritas destes alunos assim como, identificar as causas que estão na origem dos problemas de coerência textual com vista a melhorar a qualidade de escrita dos mesmos visto que se encontram num nível de escolaridade avançado. Assim, por meio da entrevista, do questionário bem como dos textos produzidos pelos alunos, da consulta bibliográfica constatámos que estes têm dificuldades de produzir textos aplicando os mecanismos de coesão e em particular de coerencia textual. Apuramos também que há ocorrência de expressões que enunciam situações anormais para o leitor e existe a irrelevância de alguns elementos cognitivos. Com isso, em resposta a questão de investigação inicilamente avançada: Quais são as estratégias utilizadas pelos professores para a melhoria da escrita dos alunos quanto à coerência textual, notámos uma certa falta de entrega por parte dos professores que se limitam a afirmar que os problemas que os alunos enfrentam vem das classes anteriores, mas que têm orientado a realização de atividades em grupos, onde os alunos produzem textos e posteriormente trocam tais textos pelos grupos para a sua devida correção, controlam os cadernos dos alunos e orientam resumos. Contudo, tais atividades não são realizadas com frequência e sim de vez em quando. Falta também, segundo os professores entrevistados, dedicação dos próprios alunos que encaram a atividade sem motivação. É de frisar que a escrita tem relevância especial durante os anos de escolaridade em razão da importância particular atribuida à aprendizagem dessa competência. Portanto, é impossivel realizarmos boas produções ecritas ou orais se não nos forem dadas ferramentas propícias para o desenvolvimento das mesmas. Em suma, com os resultados obtidos, sugerimos que o aluno seja elemento ativo na sua formação, conhecendo as suas carências assim como as suas potencialidades linguísticas de forma a melhorar a sua competência na àrea da escrita. Por sua vez, os professores também devem ser mais exigentes com as produções escritas dos seus alunos e não só como devem estimular o desejo de aprender dos mesmos encontrando para isso as melhores estratégias didático-metodológicas.The present work on textual coherence in written production - For students of 12 grade of ESG 25 de Setembro in Quelimane city arises from findings that we did throughout our training and that led us to infer that many students have difficulties to produce text. Thus, we decided to carry out a survey in order to understand how textual coherence is produced in written production of these students, as well as to identify the causes underlying the problems of textual coherence in order to improve writing quality of the same since they are in an advanced level of education. Being so; through the interview, the questionnaire and the texts produced by the students, the bibliographic researched, we found that they have difficulties in producing texts applying cohesion mechanisms and especially in textual coherence. In addition, we found that there is occurrence of abnormal situations phrases for the reader and there is the irrelevance of some cognitive elements. Thus, in response to the question initially advanced in the research: What are the strategies used by teachers to improve students' writing as textual coherence? We noticed a certain lack of sense of responsibility by teachers who were limited to assert that the problems students face come from previous grades; moreover, they have been guiding the conduct of activities in groups, where students produce texts and later exchange texts by such groups for duly correction. They also verify the students' notebooks and guide summaries. However, such activities are not carried out frequently. According to the teachers interviewed, there is a lack of dedication of the students themselves who partake in the activities without motivation. It is to emphasize that writing is especially relevant during the years of schooling because of the particular importance attributed to its aptitudes and competences. Therefore, it is impossible to accomplish good written or utterance production if significant tools for its development are not given. In conclusion, the results obtained suggest that the student is an active element in their training, knowing their needs as well as their linguistic capabilities in order to improve their competence in writing. In turn, teachers should also be more demanding with the written productions of their students; moreover, they have to stimulate the desire to learn by finding the best didactic-methodological strategies

    Educação Social de Rua e a Questão da Diversidade Cultural: Quem se Importa?

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     RESUMO O presente artigo faz uma análise crítica sobre a situação da educação de rua, em Moçambique, e sua influência no debate em torno da diversidade cultural. Todavia, entende-se que a diversidade cultural constitui uma plataforma de desenvolvimento de uma sociedade, e que o seu estímulo, de diversas formas, é uma abordagem pontual e necessária, principalmente no setor da educação. Entretanto, em Moçambique, por um lado, o Sistema Nacional de Educação dá mais ênfase a educação formal, isto é, institucionalizada, e por outro reconhece a educação informal, setor que não abrange o espaço “rua”, desta feita, ignorando completamente o direito à educação das crianças de rua. É neste âmbito que se enquadra o nosso artigo, cujo objetivo é refletir sobre a situação da educação de rua e seu impacto na promoção da diversidade cultural em Moçambique. Para o efeito, recorremos aos métodos hermenêuticos, apoiados pelas técnicas de revisão bibliográfica. Portanto, o artigo conclui que há pouca preocupação de promover a diversidade cultural por meio da educação das crianças de e na rua, pelo que o espaço “rua” é visto como de mendigos e que o direito à proteção e à educação tem sido negados através de políticas públicas que são pouco claras, razão pela qual instamos a quem de direito a sua sensibilidade.Palavras-chave: Educação de rua. Inclusão. Diversidade cultural. Moçambique. Street Social Education and the Question of Cultural Diversity: Who Cares?ABSTRACTThis article provides a critical analysis of the situation of street education in Mozambique and its influence on the debate around cultural diversity. However, it is understood that cultural diversity constitutes a platform for the development of a society, and that its encouragement, through different forms, is a punctual and necessary approach, mainly in the education sector. However, in Mozambique, on the one hand, the National Education System places more emphasis on formal, that is, institutionalized education, and on the other, it recognizes informal education, a sector that does not cover the “street” space, this time completely ignoring the right the education of street children. It is in this context that our article fits, which aims to reflect on the situation of street education and its impact on the promotion of cultural diversity in Mozambique. For this purpose, we use hermeneutic methods, supported by bibliographic review techniques. Therefore, the article concludes that there is little concern to promote cultural diversity through education in children from and on the street, so the “street” space is seen as a space for beggars and that the right to protection and education has been denied through public policies that are unclear, which is why we urge those entitled to their sensitivity.Keywords: Street education. Inclusion. Cultural diversity. Mozambique.

    Educação social de rua como mudança paradigmática em Moçambique

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    Nos dias que correm, a questão social tem-nos interessado bastante, eis a razão de pretendermos levar a cabo a pesquisa sobre a educação social da criança em situação de rua. Verificamos a existência de um número elevado de crianças e adolescentes a deambular pelas ruas, protagonizando assaltos a viaturas, assim como aos munícipes. Pretendemos retratar e trazer a reflexão desta realidade que muitas vezes nos causa grande indignação e revolta. Não é fácil ver crianças a passarem necessidade num ato de violação dos direitos fundamentais dos seres humanos. Uma criança precisa de amparo, carinho e acolhimento no seio da sociedade em geral e da família. Há, portanto, necessidade de se pensar num programa sério de ocupação destas crianças e de se criar a figura do educador social de rua em Moçambique. Olhamos para a pedagogia do educador social como uma saída, uma busca, a cultura da solidariedade. Pretendemos, deste modo, perceber também os esforços, se é que existem, por parte do Estado no que tange a educação dessas crianças, pois entendemos que as crianças encontradas permanentemente nas ruas dos centros das cidades, aparentemente desvinculadas de qualquer instituição responsável por um direcionamento educacional, são o indicador mais concreto dos efeitos produzidos por uma situação de ausência e inacessibilidade dos direitos do cidadão. Portanto, o trabalho terá o propósito de apresentar a educação social de rua como uma nova proposta pedagógica em Moçambique.Este trabalho é apoiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito do projeto UIDB/00736/2020 (financiamento base) e UIDP/00736/2020 (financiamento programático)

    Educação Social de Rua Como Mudança Paradigmática em Moçambique

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    Nos dias que correm, a questão social tem-nos interessado bastante, eis a razão de pretendermos levar a cabo a pesquisa sobre a educação social da criança em situação de rua. Verificamos a existência de um número elevado de crianças e adolescentes a deambular pelas ruas, protagonizando assaltos a viaturas, assim como aos munícipes. Pretendemos retratar e trazer a reflexão desta realidade que muitas vezes nos causa grande indignação e revolta. Não é fácil ver crianças a passarem necessidade num ato de violação dos direitos fundamentais dos seres humanos. Uma criança precisa de amparo, carinho e acolhimento no seio da sociedade em geral e da família. Há, portanto, necessidade de se pensar num programa sério de ocupação destas crianças e de se criar a figura do educador social de rua em Moçambique. Olhamos para a pedagogia do educador social como uma saída, uma busca, a cultura da solidariedade. Pretendemos, deste modo, perceber também os esforços, se é que existem, por parte do Estado no que tange a educação dessas crianças, pois entendemos que as crianças encontradas permanentemente nas ruas dos centros das cidades, aparentemente desvinculadas de qualquer instituição responsável por um direcionamento educacional, são o indicador mais concreto dos efeitos produzidos por uma situação de ausência e inacessibilidade dos direitos do cidadão. Portanto, o trabalho terá o propósito de apresentar a educação social de rua como uma nova proposta pedagógica em Moçambique

    “Media” e educação: caminhos para a construção da identidade

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    O estudo que fazemos aborda o tema dos media e o papel na promoção de valores e identidades locais. Esta reflexão, de base teórica, relaciona os meios de comunicação de massa e a construção da identidade com as relações sociais e culturais. Apresentamos a contextualização e as teorias que ilustram as nossas posições relacionadas com a cultura e com a sociedade moçambicana. Consideramos que o contacto entre os indivíduos, através das culturas é um repertório de ações humanas e dos seus produtos, guardados e transmitidos de geração em geração, como factores determinantes para a consolidação dos hábitos e costumes. Com este estudo esperamos construir uma janela onde os media exercem o seu papel valorizador da cultura local e, sobretudo, conferem o poder de discernir o bem do mal, assim como os valores e as ideologias que estão por detrás das textualidades mediáticas. Daí que se espera que esta reflexão contribua para o desenvolvimento de uma perspectiva comunicacional que se adeque aos mais variados ambientes culturais. A conclusão que apresentamos vai no sentido de podermos desenvolver uma teoria crítica, que atenda aos “devaneios” de dominação existentes nos media, resistindo à ideia de transformação social que não considere a valorização das identidades

    Advancing the global public health agenda for NAFLD: a consensus statement

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a potentially serious liver disease that affects approximately one-quarter of the global adult population, causing a substantial burden of ill health with wide-ranging social and economic implications. It is a multisystem disease and is considered the hepatic component of metabolic syndrome. Unlike other highly prevalent conditions, NAFLD has received little attention from the global public health community. Health system and public health responses to NAFLD have been weak and fragmented, and, despite its pervasiveness, NAFLD is largely unknown outside hepatology and gastroenterology. There is only a nascent global public health movement addressing NAFLD, and the disease is absent from nearly all national and international strategies and policies for non-communicable diseases, including obesity. In this global Delphi study, a multidisciplinary group of experts developed consensus statements and recommendations, which a larger group of collaborators reviewed over three rounds until consensus was achieved. The resulting consensus statements and recommendations address a broad range of topics — from epidemiology, awareness, care and treatment to public health policies and leadership — that have general relevance for policy-makers, health-care practitioners, civil society groups, research institutions and affected populations. These recommendations should provide a strong foundation for a comprehensive public health response to NAFLD

    Advancing the global public health agenda for NAFLD: a consensus statement

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    © Springer Nature Limited 2021, corrected publication 2021Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a potentially serious liver disease that affects approximately one-quarter of the global adult population, causing a substantial burden of ill health with wide-ranging social and economic implications. It is a multisystem disease and is considered the hepatic component of metabolic syndrome. Unlike other highly prevalent conditions, NAFLD has received little attention from the global public health community. Health system and public health responses to NAFLD have been weak and fragmented, and, despite its pervasiveness, NAFLD is largely unknown outside hepatology and gastroenterology. There is only a nascent global public health movement addressing NAFLD, and the disease is absent from nearly all national and international strategies and policies for non-communicable diseases, including obesity. In this global Delphi study, a multidisciplinary group of experts developed consensus statements and recommendations, which a larger group of collaborators reviewed over three rounds until consensus was achieved. The resulting consensus statements and recommendations address a broad range of topics - from epidemiology, awareness, care and treatment to public health policies and leadership - that have general relevance for policy-makers, health-care practitioners, civil society groups, research institutions and affected populations. These recommendations should provide a strong foundation for a comprehensive public health response to NAFLD.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Association of Country Income Level With the Characteristics and Outcomes of Critically Ill Patients Hospitalized With Acute Kidney Injury and COVID-19

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    Introduction: Acute kidney injury (AKI) has been identified as one of the most common and significant problems in hospitalized patients with COVID-19. However, studies examining the relationship between COVID-19 and AKI in low- and low-middle income countries (LLMIC) are lacking. Given that AKI is known to carry a higher mortality rate in these countries, it is important to understand differences in this population. Methods: This prospective, observational study examines the AKI incidence and characteristics of 32,210 patients with COVID-19 from 49 countries across all income levels who were admitted to an intensive care unit during their hospital stay. Results: Among patients with COVID-19 admitted to the intensive care unit, AKI incidence was highest in patients in LLMIC, followed by patients in upper-middle income countries (UMIC) and high-income countries (HIC) (53%, 38%, and 30%, respectively), whereas dialysis rates were lowest among patients with AKI from LLMIC and highest among those from HIC (27% vs. 45%). Patients with AKI in LLMIC had the largest proportion of community-acquired AKI (CA-AKI) and highest rate of in-hospital death (79% vs. 54% in HIC and 66% in UMIC). The association between AKI, being from LLMIC and in-hospital death persisted even after adjusting for disease severity. Conclusions: AKI is a particularly devastating complication of COVID-19 among patients from poorer nations where the gaps in accessibility and quality of healthcare delivery have a major impact on patient outcomes

    Thrombotic and hemorrhagic complications of COVID-19 in adults hospitalized in high-income countries compared with those in adults hospitalized in low- and middle-income countries in an international registry

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    Background: COVID-19 has been associated with a broad range of thromboembolic, ischemic, and hemorrhagic complications (coagulopathy complications). Most studies have focused on patients with severe disease from high-income countries (HICs). Objectives: The main aims were to compare the frequency of coagulopathy complications in developing countries (low- and middle-income countries [LMICs]) with those in HICs, delineate the frequency across a range of treatment levels, and determine associations with in-hospital mortality. Methods: Adult patients enrolled in an observational, multinational registry, the International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infections COVID-19 study, between January 1, 2020, and September 15, 2021, met inclusion criteria, including admission to a hospital for laboratory-confirmed, acute COVID-19 and data on complications and survival. The advanced-treatment cohort received care, such as admission to the intensive care unit, mechanical ventilation, or inotropes or vasopressors; the basic-treatment cohort did not receive any of these interventions. Results: The study population included 495,682 patients from 52 countries, with 63% from LMICs and 85% in the basic treatment cohort. The frequency of coagulopathy complications was higher in HICs (0.76%-3.4%) than in LMICs (0.09%-1.22%). Complications were more frequent in the advanced-treatment cohort than in the basic-treatment cohort. Coagulopathy complications were associated with increased in-hospital mortality (odds ratio, 1.58; 95% CI, 1.52-1.64). The increased mortality associated with these complications was higher in LMICs (58.5%) than in HICs (35.4%). After controlling for coagulopathy complications, treatment intensity, and multiple other factors, the mortality was higher among patients in LMICs than among patients in HICs (odds ratio, 1.45; 95% CI, 1.39-1.51). Conclusion: In a large, international registry of patients hospitalized for COVID-19, coagulopathy complications were more frequent in HICs than in LMICs (developing countries). Increased mortality associated with coagulopathy complications was of a greater magnitude among patients in LMICs. Additional research is needed regarding timely diagnosis of and intervention for coagulation derangements associated with COVID-19, particularly for limited-resource settings

    Characteristics and outcomes of an international cohort of 600 000 hospitalized patients with COVID-19

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    Background: We describe demographic features, treatments and clinical outcomes in the International Severe Acute Respiratory and emerging Infection Consortium (ISARIC) COVID-19 cohort, one of the world's largest international, standardized data sets concerning hospitalized patients. Methods: The data set analysed includes COVID-19 patients hospitalized between January 2020 and January 2022 in 52 countries. We investigated how symptoms on admission, co-morbidities, risk factors and treatments varied by age, sex and other characteristics. We used Cox regression models to investigate associations between demographics, symptoms, co-morbidities and other factors with risk of death, admission to an intensive care unit (ICU) and invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV). Results: Data were available for 689 572 patients with laboratory-confirmed (91.1%) or clinically diagnosed (8.9%) SARS-CoV-2 infection from 52 countries. Age [adjusted hazard ratio per 10 years 1.49 (95% CI 1.48, 1.49)] and male sex [1.23 (1.21, 1.24)] were associated with a higher risk of death. Rates of admission to an ICU and use of IMV increased with age up to age 60 years then dropped. Symptoms, co-morbidities and treatments varied by age and had varied associations with clinical outcomes. The case-fatality ratio varied by country partly due to differences in the clinical characteristics of recruited patients and was on average 21.5%. Conclusions: Age was the strongest determinant of risk of death, with a ∼30-fold difference between the oldest and youngest groups; each of the co-morbidities included was associated with up to an almost 2-fold increase in risk. Smoking and obesity were also associated with a higher risk of death. The size of our international database and the standardized data collection method make this study a comprehensive international description of COVID-19 clinical features. Our findings may inform strategies that involve prioritization of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 who have a higher risk of death