877 research outputs found

    Intraspecific Resource Partitioning By Hampala Macrolepidota (Van Hasselt) In Lotic And Lentic Environment Of Kenyir Reservoir, Malaysia

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    A study of Intraspecific Resource Partitioning on a tropical sport fish 'Side bar barb' Hampala macrolepidota van Hasselt, was carried out in lotic and lentic habitat at Kenyir Reservoir, Terengganu, Malaysia. Physico-chemical regimes of Kenyir Reservoir were also studied to determine the species ecological requirements. The water quality data showed that Kenyir Reservoir is suitable for fish culture. The most vital ecological factors, temperature and dissolved oxygen levels, were within the acceptable range for fish until 10.0 m depth. Waterlevel and rain fall both showed significant (P<.05) effects on the availability of fish in both habitats. A significant difference (P<. 05) of fish abundance have been observed in different depths of both habitat. Medium and large size fishes were ubiquitous in the study area. In the lotic habitat, medium and larger size fishes mostly used pool and riffle zones as their macrohabitat, whereas smaller size fishes preferred the rapid zone. In the lentic habitat, medium and large size fishes were found mostly around the submerged trees of the littoral area. Significantly, higher proportion (P<. 05) of larger fish were available in the lotic than in the lentic habitat throughout the season. In lotic habitat cobble, boulder and bedrock were predominantly used as substrate by small, medium and large size fishes respectively, whereas sand and clay were predominantly used by medium and large size in lentic habitat. Openwater area had remarkably less density of fish and availability of all sizes in both littoral and open water showed significant difference (P<.0 5).Habitat overlap values responsible for diet variation and food partitioning that evolved according to both temporal and ontogenic trends indicated that different size classes reduce spatial overlap by occupying different habitats and among depths within habitat. Segregation of sexes (aws < aw ) indicated that overlap within a habitat may be reduced by spatial separation of sexes. Niche breadth (Bi < 2) indicated that all size of Hampala macrolepidota appeared to be extreme specialist feeders. Occurrence of food partitioning was not found extensively between size classes of Hampala macrolepidota in Kenyir Reservoir. Diet overlap aw quantifying the sharing of food resources between the different size classes and high dietary overlap (aw >.6 0) between them indicates biological significance

    Entertainment-Education to Promote Safe Motherhood: in the context of Bangladesh

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    We are now in the era of technological miracles, including in the field of communication. Satellite television brings us news and information across national boundaries. The media have a strong influence of people’s knowledge, attitudes, and practices. The power of media can be used very effectively to make people healthier. Systematic communication strategies can improve health behavior. Communication shapes how people conduct their daily lives, even their sexual behavior. Mass media techniques that combine entertainment with health education are particularly effective in producing behavior changes. The entertainment education approach are based on assumption that the power of mainstream popular culture is great enough to generate models for over all social behavior. This article is attempt to analyze that how entertainment education could be an important tool to promote safe motherhood in the context of Bangladesh. Key words: Entertainment education, Communication, Safe motherhood, Health promotion, Maternal health, Behavior Change Résumé: Nous sommes maintenant dans l’ère de miracles technologiques, y compris dans le domaine de la communication. La télévision par satellite nous apporte des actualités et des informations à travers les frontières nationales. Le média a une influence importante sur les connaissances des gens, sur leurs attitudes et pratiques. Le pouvoir de média peut être utilisé d’une façon efficace pour rendre la population plus saine. Les stratégies de communication systématique peut améliorer les habitudes hygiéniques des gens. La communicaion façonne leur conduite dans la vie quotidienne, voire leur comportements sexuels. Les techniques de média combinant les divertissements et l’éducation de santé sont particulièrement efficaces pour changer les comportements. L’approche de l’éducation divertissante est basée sur l’hypothèse que le pouvoir de la culture de tendance générale est assez puissant pour engendrer des modèles pour tous les comportements sociaux. Cet article tente d’analyser comment l’éducation divertissante peut devenir un outil important pour promouvoir une maternité saine au Bangladesh. Mots-Clés: éducation divertissante, communication, maternité saine, promotion de la santé, santé maternelle, changements de comportemen

    Text documents clustering using data mining techniques

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    Increasing progress in numerous research fields and information technologies, led to an increase in the publication of research papers. Therefore, researchers take a lot of time to find interesting research papers that are close to their field of specialization. Consequently, in this paper we have proposed documents classification approach that can cluster the text documents of research papers into the meaningful categories in which contain a similar scientific field. Our presented approach based on essential focus and scopes of the target categories, where each of these categories includes many topics. Accordingly, we extract word tokens from these topics that relate to a specific category, separately. The frequency of word tokens in documents impacts on weight of document that calculated by using a numerical statistic of term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF). The proposed approach uses title, abstract, and keywords of the paper, in addition to the categories topics to perform the classification process. Subsequently, documents are classified and clustered into the primary categories based on the highest measure of cosine similarity between category weight and documents weights

    A web content mining application for detecting relevant pages using Jaccard similarity

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    The tremendous growth in the availability of enormous text data from a variety of sources creates a slew of concerns and obstacles to discovering meaningful information. This advancement of technology in the digital realm has resulted in the dispersion of texts over millions of web sites. Unstructured texts are densely packed with textual information. The discovery of valuable and intriguing relationships in unstructured texts demands more computer processing. So, text mining has developed into an attractive area of study for obtaining organized and useful data. One of the purposes of this research is to discuss text pre-processing of automobile marketing domains in order to create a structured database. Regular expressions were used to extract data from unstructured vehicle advertisements, resulting in a well-organized database. We manually develop unique rule-based ways of extracting structured data from unstructured web pages. As a result of the information retrieved from these advertisements, a systematic search for certain noteworthy qualities is performed. There are numerous approaches for query recommendation, and it is vital to understand which one should be employed. Additionally, this research attempts to determine the optimal value similarity for query suggestions based on user-supplied parameters by comparing MySQL pattern matching and Jaccard similarity

    Adherence to therapy among Iraqi patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Background :-adherence to therapy is defined as the extent to which a person’s behavior in taking medication, following a diet, and/or executing lifestyle changes, corresponds with agreed recommendations from a healthcare provider. Patients presenting with type 2 diabetes mellitus are initially encouraged to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen, followed by early medication that generally includes one or more oral hypoglycemic agents and later may include an injectable treatment. To prevent the complications associated with type 2 diabetes, therapy frequently also includes medications for control of blood pressure, dyslipidemia and other disorders, since patients often have more than three or four chronic conditions.   Aim :-Despite the benefits of therapy, studies have indicated that recommended glycemic goals are achieved by less than 50% of patients, which may be associated with decreased adherence to therapies. Measure the adherence to therapy among Iraqi patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Materials and amethods:-Various measures to increase patient satisfaction and increase adherence in type 2 diabetes have been investigated. These include reducing the complexity of therapy by fixed-dose combination pills and less frequent dosing regimens, using medications that are associated with fewer adverse events (hypoglycemia or weight gain), educational initiatives with improved patient–healthcare provider communication, reminder systems and social support to help reduce costs. Results :-As a result, hyperglycemia and long term complications increase morbidity and premature mortality, and lead to increased costs to health services. Reasons for no adherence are multifactorial and difficult to identify. They include age, information, perception and duration of disease, complexity of dosing regimen, poly therapy, psychological factors, safety, tolerability and cost. Conclusions:-It is evident from many studies that type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease pharmacologic treatment is essential to maintain glycemic control and reduce adverse cardiovascular outcomes. Even though adherence to medications leads to beneficial outcomes, it was found to be suboptimal. High cost of medications was significantly associated with poor antidiabetic drug adherence, other reasons for poor adherence including age, social and psychological factors, education and a lack of understanding of the long-term benefits of treatment, the complexity of the medication regimen, cost of medication and negative treatment perceptions. Poor communication between doctor and patient, adverse outcomes such as weight gain and hypoglycemia, and failure of clinicians to modify medications appropriately can also affect adherence. Keywords:- diabetic , adherence , medications , adverse effect , cos

    Evolution of human from primates - A review on religio-scientific discourse

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    The term evolution is the self-modification by any organism to adapt to the changes to their living environment. For many decades, arguments were put forth by scientists to refute the religious beliefs on divinely creation of creatures especially humans. Though, to some extent, the process of evolution is true due to interbreeding efficiency of living organisms, the single ancestral lineage from unicellular to complex multicellular organisms is still under debate among the researchers and also between scientists and theologists. Many arguments were placed by both the groups to prove/refute the existence and continuous process of evolution. However, concrete scientific evidence to prove the evolution of human from primates (immediate ancestral lineage) is still questionable. Numerous scientific articles and books attempted to address this issue put forth by scientific and religious communities. However, they failed to address the connection and turning point in arguments between scientific and religious communities. Hence, the present paper was aimed to review the view point of both pro-evolutionists and arguments given by the religio-scientific community to answer the misconception on primate-human evolution. It also addresses the purpose of human creation in line with the arguments from philosophers and theologist

    Vector Autoregressive Integrating Moving Average (Varima) Model of COVID-19 Pandemic and Oil Price

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    Purpose: A coronavirus associated with severe respiratory syndrome has created Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), a highly contagious illness that affects the entire world population. On the other hand, COVID-19 is having a direct impact on human life because of its proliferation. So, the study's goal is to forecast and analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the oil price utilizing multiple time series analysis methods (VARIMA model).   Theoretical framework: Recent literature has reported that the multivariate time series is robust model for forecasting and analyzing dynamic relationship between series, while the univariate ARIMA model has been generalized to include vector variables, that is an extension of its capabilities. The VAR (p) model analyzes the interdependence between two or more series but does not take into account the impact of shocks at various time variable delays.   Design/methodology/approach: This study uses VARMA (p, q) model which links a set of variables to their prior iterations as well as those of other variables and shocks to those same variables. Sample data concerning the COVID-19 pandemic and oil price was globally provided. It contains daily observations of them variables for the years 2020-2022.   Findings: The best model is VARIMA (2,1,2), and the results shown that the oil price is not only influenced by itself but also influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, the standard error grows over time of the forecast.   Research, Practical &amp; Social implications: The best model is sound for short-term forecasting but unstable for long-term forecasting. Future researchers can integrate factors across areas. Include tourism demand and industry variables in modeling.   Originality/value: Collecting COVID-19 pandemic data and oil price series in a modern model that is a multivariate time series model with a high predicted level of model accuracy between these variables in order to predict and analyze the effects between them series and estimate the interaction between these two series with the most recent data is the value of this study, and then offers merchants the chance to comprehend the forecasting of oil price throughout the covid-19 effects as well as the associated risks

    Nutrition and Quality Properties of Low-calorie Cake Made by Low-calorie Fat Formula

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    اجريت هذه الدراسة لانتاج دهن منخفض السعرات الحرارية يتميز بالمواصفات الطبيعية للدهون التجارية وبخصائص مقبولة الجودة و استخدامها في اعداد كيك منخفض السعرات كبديل لدهون التقصير. تم تحضير نماذج دهون منخفضة السعرة عن طريق خلط شمع النحل المحلي مع زيت عباد الشمس بثلاث نسب مختلفة (25:75 ، 50:50 ، 75:25) على اساس الوزن .تم تقييم الخواص الفيزيائية و الكيميائية للعينات الثلاث اضافة الى الخصائص التغذوية والسعرية والحسية للكيك المحضر ومقارنتها بعينة السيطرة. هناك ارتفاع ملحوظ في خصائص نقطة الانصهار و قيمة البيروكسيد (P≤0.05 ) للعينات الثلاث اما بالنسبة لنتائج الاحماض الدهنية الحرة و قيمة الحامض فكانت اعلى في25:75 Aو 75:25 C &nbsp;مقارنة بالعينة B 50:50.على عكس ذلك فانمستوى المزج 25:75Aكان لديه اعلى نقطة دخان. لا توجد اي فروقات معنوية (p&gt;0.05) بالنسبة للخصائص الحسية فيما يتعلق بالطعم ، النكهة، اللون،النعومة، النسجة والاحساس بالفم اضافة الى المجموع الاجمالي. المحتويات الغذائية: الرماد ، البروتين ، الكربوهيدرات، وقيمة السعرات الحرارية جميعها تأثرت معنويا(P≤0.05). اما القيم المئوية لخفض السعرات الحرارية تأثرت معنويا و بشكل ملحوظ (P≤ 0.05) بالنسبة لجميع العينات.The present study was conducted to produce a low-calorie fat (LCF) characterized by normal specification of commercial fat and acceptable quality properties, to be used in making low calorie cakes with Low-calorie fat. The low- calorie fat formulated by blending of beeswax and sunflower oil in three different ratios (25:75, 50:50, 75:25) w/w. The physiochemical properties of Low-calorie fat and nutritional, caloric and sensory properties of prepared cakes were evaluated. The properties of melting point and peroxide value are significantly increased (P≤ 0.05) for the three formulated fats. While the values of free fatty acids and acid value, their values are higher in A25:75 and C 75:25 samples as compared with B 50:50 sample. Inversely, the blending level of 25:75 had a higher smoke point score. The sensory properties of prepared cakes all are&nbsp; insignificant (p&gt;0.05) for control A, B and C samples in terms of Taste, Favor, Crumb color, Crumb softness, texture and overall score. A nutritional content sash, protein, carbohydrate, caloric value, caloric decreasing percentage values are significantly (P≤ 0.05) influenced by control, A, B and C samples. The caloric value of all cake samples is significantly (P≤ 0.05) decreased with respect to control sample

    Solution of Fuzzy Fredholm Integral Equation via Modified Homotopy Method

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    In this paper, we proposed a modification to the Homotopy method by introducing accelerating parameters for solving fuzzy integral equations.The modified method is employed to find exact solutions for fuzzy Fredholm integral equations . The results imply that the modified method is very simple and effective