27 research outputs found

    THE USE OF PICTURES SERIES IN IMPROVING STUDENTS' WRITING PROCEDURAL TEXT: Quasi Experimental Study of Seventh Grade Students at One Junior High School in Bandung)

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    This research paper entitled “The Use of Picture Series in Improving Students' Writing Procedural Text” was intended to test the effectiveness of using pictures series to improve students’ writing skill especially writing procedural text. The Participants in this study were seventh grade students at one Junior High School in Bandung. There were two classes used in collecting the data: the experimental group and the control group. This study implemented a quasi experimental as the research method. Furthermore, written test was conducted to obtain the data and students' writing products which were then analyzed using writing assessment criteria taken from Rose (2007, as cited by Emilia, 2011, p.151) . The findings showed that there was a significant difference between the mean of the experimental and that of the control group. The mean of the experimental group (M = 65.7) was higher than the control group (M = 60.8) with the large effect size (r = 0.92). It also showed that t (68) = 2.58 and sig = 0.012, p < 0.05 which means the use of pictures series was effective to improve students’ writing skills. It was proved by the students’ experimental group significant improvement in genre, register and discourse aspects in the posttest result. This research is expected to contribute to the teaching of English. In addition, it is suggested to investigate the effectiveness of using pictures series in improving other skills. Penelitian ini berjudul " Penggunaan Gambar Berseri Untuk Mengembangkan Kemapuan Siswa Dalam Menulis Teks Prosedur" penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk menguji keberhasilan penggunaan gambar bereseri untuk mengembangkan kemampuan menulis siswa, khususnya dalam menulis teks prosedur. Peserta dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa dari kelas tujuh di salah satu sekolah menengah pertama di Bandung. Ada dua kelas yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data yaitu kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Quasi-experimental. Tes tertulis digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dan hasil menulis siswa dianalisis menggunakan kriteria penilian khusus yang diambil dari Rose (2007, dalam Emilia, 2011, p.151). Temuan dalam penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang cukup signifikan diantara rata-rata nilai grup eksperimen dan grup kontrol. Nilai rata-rata dari grup eksperimen (M = 65.7) lebih tinggi daripada grup kontrol (M = 60.8) dengan ukuran pengaruh yang tinggi (r=0.92). Selain itu terlihat t(68) = 2.58 dan sig = 0.012, p < 0.05 yang berati penggunaan gambar berseri berhasil mengembangkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks prosedur. Itu telah dibuktikan dengan hasil tulisan siswa dari grup eksperiment di posttest yang mendapat perubahan signifikan dari segi Genre, register, dan Discourse. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam pengajaran bahas inggris. Disarankan untuk meneliti keberhasilan penggunaan gambar berseri dalam mengembangkan kemampuan lainnya


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    Abstrak Media pembelajaran merupakan alat bantu yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan sebagian dari keseluruhan program pembelajaran yang sulit dijelaskan secara verbal. Materi pembelajaran akan lebih mudah dan jelas jika dalam pembelajaran menggunakan media pembelajaran. Melalui media pembelajaran, bahan ajar akan tersampaikan kepada peserta didik secara lebih efektif. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan media pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kompetensi dan teori-teori ilmiahnya guna menunjang pembelajaran yang efektif dan menarik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan media pembelajaran fisika untuk membantu proses belajar peserta didik dan diharapkan mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik pada materi gejala gelombang cahaya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang menggunakan model ADDIE (Analysis – Design – Develop – Implementation – Evaluate). Pada tahapan analysis, materi fisika yang ditetapkan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran fisika adalah materi gejala gelombang cahaya yang diantaranya adalah polarisasi dengan penyerapan selektif, difraksi cahaya, dan interferensi celah ganda. Setelah media selesai dibuat, selanjutnya dilakukan uji coba internal oleh peneliti, validasi media dan materi oleh dosen validator, dan uji coba lapangan kepada peserta didik untuk mengevaluasi dan menguji media pembelajaran yang sudah dikembangkan dengan tujuan yang sudah dibuat. Hasilnya, media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dapat menunjukkan fenomena gejala gelombang cahaya dan mampu meningkatkan rata-rata hasil belajar peserta didik. Kata kunci: media pembelajaran, gejala gelombang cahaya. Abstract Learning media is a tool that functions to explain parts of the whole learning program that are difficult to explain verbally. Learning material will be easier and clearer if learning uses learning media. Through learning media, teaching materials will be conveyed to students more effectively. Therefore, learning media are needed that are in accordance with competence and scientific theories to support effective and interesting learning. The purpose of this research is to develop physics learning media to help the learning process of students and in the material about the phenomenon of light waves. This research is a development research using the ADDIE model (Analysis – Design – Develop – Implementation - Evaluate). At the analysis step, the physics material prepared to develop physics learning media is material on the phenomena of light waves which include polarization with selective absorption, light diffraction, and interference with double slits. After the media has been made, then internal trials are carried out by researcher, media and material validation by validator lecturers, and implementation for students to assess and test learning media that have been developed with the goals have been made. As a result, the developed learning media can show the phenomenon of light waves and be able to increase the average student learning outcomes. Keywords : learning media, light wave symptom


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    The decline in the skills of the community in weaving the distinctive original pepadun tapis is a challenge in preserving the authentic tapis cloth of Lampung's indigenous culture. The purpose of this activity is to enhance the skills of novice tapis weavers in weaving the distinctive original pepadun tapis using a tekang board in the Banding Village, Banding District, Desa Banding&nbsp; &nbsp;Regency. Offline training was conducted, involving 15 novice tapis weavers with pepadun motifs. The training process consisted of three stages: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The primary materials and tools used in this training activity included a set of tapis weaving tools, consisting of gold thread, regular thread, fabric, needles, scissors, and the tekang tapis board. The training instructor was a senior tapis weaver of the distinctive original pepadun tapis, also serving as the coordinator of tapis weavers in Banding Village, who were part of the Tapis Jejama group. The results of the activity show that novice tapis weavers in Banding Village have a basic understanding of weaving the distinctive original pepadun tapis but lacked honing of these skills. Designing pepadun tapis motifs and sewing are fundamental skills that novice weavers need to continuously practice. Novice tapis weavers of the distinctive original pepadun tapis expressed that this training activity has rekindled their awareness of weaving as an authentic Lampung cultural tradition and has renewed their skills in weaving using the tekang board

    The Role of the Department of Industry and Trade in Protecting Consumer Interest in Bengkulu City

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    Consumer protection is an inseparable part of a healthy business. In a healthy business activity, there is a balance of legal protection between consumers and business behavior. The absence of consumer protection is in a weak position, especially if the product produced is a limited product type, so that business actors can abuse their position by monopolizing marketing production, this of course will be very detrimental to consumers. Consumer protection is in the public interest, therefore it is a hope for all people in every country in the world to be able to make it happen. The form of consumer protection is from various interrelated relationships. The relationship between consumers, business actors and the government. Consumer protection is an inseparable part of healthy business activities. In healthy business activities there is a balance of legal protection between consumers and business actors. this is the background to the problem of the role of the industry and trade service in protecting the interests of consumers in the city of Bengkulu which has been regulated in Indonesia according to Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting thesis research with the title "ROLE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY AND TRADE IN PROTECTING CONSUMER INTEREST IN BENGKULU CITY.” data sources in the field. This research is descriptive in nature, namely explaining or explaining why the event occurred, intending to know the state of something about what and how, how much, to what extent and so on. because the research taken is from the facts that exist in a society, legal entity and obtained from data taken in the field

    Human Development Index and Local Government Performance: Evidence from Central Java Province, Indonesia

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    This research examines the relationship between the human development index (HDI) and local government performance. Further, our study divided the HDI into life expectancy, education, and per capita income. The measurement of local government performance was done through evaluation of local government performances from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Republic of Indonesia. The current study sample consists of the local government in Central Java Province during the 2014-2019 period. There are 35 local governments in Central Java Province, with 210 observations. The result of the study shows that HDI has a positive effect on local government performance. The higher HDI index has improved the performance of local government. Further, life expectancy and income per capita positively affect the local government’s performance. On the other hand, education has no significant effect on the local government’s performance. This study also investigates the effect of HDI on future local government performance. The result of the study also confirms the expectation that HDI has improved the next year’s local government performance. It is expected that the local government will give more attention to improving the HDI index, thus, improving the local government’s performance. Keywords: human development index, local government, performance, life expectancy, income per capit


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    Pemasaran farmasi adalah suatu sub-spesialis pemasaran dimana pharmaceutical care diaktualisasikan. Orientasi pemasaran farmasi tidak hanya terbatas pada produk tetapi justru memberikan perhatian yang besar pada layanan farmasi yang prima. Ini mengindikasikan bahwa eksistensi pemasaran farmasi adalah memberi kepuasan atas kebutuhan dan keinginan pasien, bukan hanya sekedar menjual produk untuk meraih keuntungan yang sebesar-besarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat keputusan pasien dalam memilih obat parasetamol anak di Apotek Wilayah Kecamatan Mauk, Kabupaten Tangerang berdasarkan produk (product), harga(price), tempat (place), dan promosi (promotion). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan jenis data yaitu data kuantitatif dan menggunakan instrumen kuesioner sebayak 100 responden yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi yaitu yang mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, melihat dan membaca dengan baik, dan berusia lebih dari 12 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada variabel produk sebanyak 77% responden menyatakan setuju, variabel harga sebanyak 84% responden menyatakan setuju, variabel tempat sebanyak 86% responden menyatakan setuju, dan variabel promosi sebanyak 44% responden menyatakan setuju terhadap tahap keputusan pasien dalam membeli obat parasetamol anak di apotek kecamatan Mauk, Kabupaten Tangerang. Kesimpulan penelitian ini berdasarkan persamaan linier variabel tempat dan promosi mempengaruhi keputusan pasien dalam membeli obat parasetamol anak

    A Framework for Classifying Indonesian News Curator in Twitter

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    News curators in twitter are a user, which is interested in following, spreading, giving feedback of recent popular articles. There are two kinds of this user, news curator as human user and news aggregator as bot user. In prior works about news curator, the classification system built using followers, URL, mention and retweet feature. However, there are limited prior works for classifiying Indonesian News Curator in twitter and still hard for labelling data involve just two features: followers and URL. In this paper, we proposed a framework for classifying Indonesian news curator in twitter using NaĂŻve Bayes Classifier (NBC) and added features such as location, bio profile, and common tweet. Another purpose for analysing the influential features of certain class, so its make easier for labelling data of this role in the future. Examination result using percentage split as evaluating system produced 87% accuracy. The most influential features for news curator are followers, bio profile, mention and retweet. For news aggregator class are followers, location, and URL. The rest just common tweet feature for not both class. We implemented Feature Subset Selection (FSS) for increasing system performance and avoiding the over fitting data, it has produced 92.90% accuracy


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    Abstract: The problems of this reasearch are (1) whether there is influence to the educating cost on the learning outcomes of economics lesson learners, (2) whether there is influence to the educational facilities on economics subjects learners, and (3) whether there is influence of both on the learning outcomes of the students of economics subjects. The population of this research is the students of class X SMA Bukit Asam Tanjung Enim, comprising 171 students. It uses the Kerjcie Table sothat 118 samples are obtained. The tecnique of data collection uses the methods of documentation, observation and questionnaires. This documentation is used to see the learning result of students, observation used to know the facilities owned by  the schools, and distribution of questionnaires to determine the effects the cost of education and educational facilities on learning outcomes. The results of reasearch showed that (1) there is influence caused by the cost of education on learning outcomes of economics subjects in high school learners Bukit Asam. from the calculations, it is obtained that the F count> F table atau75,97> 3.92, (2) there is significant influence of educational facilities to the learning outcome, and proved from the calculations : the F count> F table or 59.09> 3.92, and  (3) there is simultaneous influence of both the cost of education and educational facilities to the learning outcomes, as indicated by the following calculations, the F count> F table, or 49.174> 3.92.Abstrak: Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu  (1) apakah ada pengaruh biaya pendidikan terhadap hasil belajar mata pelajaran ekonomi peserta didik (2) apakah ada pengaruh fasilitas pendidikan terhadp hasil belajar  mata pelajaran ekonomi peserta didik (3) apakah ada pengaruh biaya pendidikan dan fasilitas pendidikan terhadap hasil belajar mata pelajaran ekonomi peserta didik. Populasi penelitian ini adalah kelas X di SMA Bukit Asam Tanjung Enim yang berjumlah 171 peserta didik. Sampel menggunakan table kerjcie sehingga di peroleh 118 sampel. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi, observasi dan angket. Dokumentasi untuk melihat Hasil belajar peserta didik, observasi untuk melihat fasilitas yang di miliki sekolah, dan penyebaran angket untuk mengetahui pengaruh biaya pendidikan dan fasilitas pendidikan terhadap hasil belajar. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1) ada pengaruh biaya pendidikan terhadap hasil belajar mata pelajaran ekonomi peserta didik di SMA Bukit Asam. terlihat dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh Fhitung > Ftabel atau75,97 > 3,92 , (2) ada pengaruh yang signifikan fasilitas pendidikan terhadap hasil belajar terbukti dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh Fhitung > Ftabel  atau atau 59,09 > 3,92, (3) ada pengaruh yang simultan atau bersama biaya pendidikan dan fasilitas pendidikan  terhadap hasil belajar terbukti dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh F hitung > F tabel , atau 49,174 > 3,9

    Responding to the Humanitarian Crisis of the Rohingya in Myanmar: A Comparison between the Role of State and NGOs

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    The present study discusses the role of NGOs in the efforts of the Indonesian Humanitarian Alliance for Myanmar (AKIM: Aliansi Kemanusian Indonesia Untuk Myanmar) to handle the humanitarian crisis experienced by Ethnic Rohingya groups in Myanmar in 2017. This phenomenon in Myanmar began to draw a lot of attention when the AKIM was able to contribute to the cause even though state actors and IGO attempts were blocked by the Myanmar government. In this case, NGOs were able to play a role outside the traditional structure of modern international relations that was inaccessible to state or international organizations (IGOs) or state governments. This phenomenon indicates that NGOs have more access to attempts to settle the humanitarian crisis being experienced by the ethnic Rohingya groups in Myanmar. This is notable because the Myanmar government has blocked the aid of other countries and IGOs and has denied the assistance offered by the United Nations. The qualitative method was used in this study, employing a case study model to observe the effects that occurred. During data collection researchers, used study documents, and then the data was processed through interpretive analytical techniques to draw conclusions and formulate a model for the study