2,120 research outputs found

    El lobo: su mundo, sus lenguajes... Contribución al fomento del libro y la lectura.

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    El trabajo que se presenta constituye una pi-opuesta de actuación a largo plazo, orientada a centros de Educación Infantil y Primada, que se concreta en una exposición en la que se impliquen y colaboren profesores y alumnos de los niveles señalados. Una exposición que se ofrece como modelo versátil, susceptible de adaptarse a múltiples motivos o tópicos, capaz'de desarrollarse a lo largo de períodos de tiempo variables, según convenga, y que se presta, en fin, a diferentes grados de profundización. La Biblioteca de Centro se contempla como el eje desde donde se irradiarán todas las propuestas y desde donde se coordinará la puesta en marcha de las actividades y trabajos.The work that we present constitutes a long-term proposal directed to preschool and primary education. Our proposal will be materialized on an exhibit in which both teachers and students at the aboye mentioned level collaborate and get implicated. An exhibit that is offered as a versatile model that can both be adapted to multiple motifs and topics and can also be developed throughout 215 El lobo: su mundo, sus lenguajes... Contribución alfomento del libra.. Julia Valenzuela Miranda María Sahuquillo Díaz variable time and at convenience. In sum, it lends itself to different degrees of depth. The school library is considered the focal point from where alí the proposals, activites and work will radiate and set off

    Meaning making through e-learning

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    Different approaches have been proposed to add more educational value to e-Learning. One of these views proposes modern pedagogical models that better fit the nature of the unique features of technology. A related approach is to embed modern learning and instructional design theory into new communication and interaction channels provided by information and communication technologies such as the Internet. This study presents a model for e-Learning illustrated with a specific case study of in-service teacher training in learning with digital media. After presenting the model we describe the design, implementation, and evaluation of an e-Learning program for school teachers that uses our model. We highlight the way teachers construct meaning by reflecting on teaching and learning. Intact e-communities were developed through interaction and communication by using Internet services to share meaning, views, and understanding. Thus meaning was constructed from teachers to be used during everyday school pedagogical practices.Education for the 21 st century - impact of ICT and Digital Resources ConferenceRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI


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    Law is the field of knowledge that has the goal to regulate the life in community. More than that, it is a phenomenon; a social fact. In that sense, the gradual development of society drives the legal science to also develop, restructuring its concepts and employing a rereading in its institutes. Indeed, it is known that law sometimes, by the use of dialectical method, rebuilds itself, given the need to oppose some dogmas to epistemological assumptions. It is in this vein, that constitutional theories are brought to life, making contrast to different moments in the history of law, as well as cultural development of social groups, innovating greatly the interpretation given to several classic legal institutions. This paper seeks, through the systemic analysis of the new Constitutions of Bolivia and Ecuador, to question whether if it is possible to think in a new epistemology regarding the protection of nature’s rights, as a consequence of the recognition of indigenous worldviews. So first it was determined the existence of a new Latin American constitutionalism to then engendering in realizing the consequences of this hermeneutic break to fundamental rights especially with regard the nature law in its objective and also subjective perspective. This research was developed under the scrutiny of constitutional hermeneutics and dialectics technique. 

    Perceived behavioral control as a potential precursor of walking three times a week: Patient's perspectives.

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    BACKGROUND: Behavior change theories can identify people's main motivations to engage in recommended health practices and thus provide better tools to design interventions, particularly human centered design interventions. OBJECTIVES: This study had two objectives: (a) to identify salient beliefs about walking three times a week for 30 minutes nonstop among patients with hypertension in a low-resource setting and, (b) to measure the relationships among intentions, attitudes, perceived social pressure and perceived behavioral control about this behavior. METHODS: Face-to-face interviews with 34 people living with hypertension were conducted in September-October 2011 in Lima, Peru, and data analysis was performed in 2015. The Reasoned Action Approach was used to study the people's decisions to walk. We elicited people's salient beliefs and measured the theoretical constructs associated with this behavior. RESULTS: Results pointed at salient key behavioral, normative and control beliefs. In particular, perceived behavioral control appeared as an important determinant of walking and a small set of control beliefs were identified as potential targets of health communication campaigns, including (not) having someone to walk with, having work or responsibilities, or having no time. CONCLUSIONS: This theory-based study with a focus on end-users provides elements to inform the design of an intervention that would motivate people living with hypertension to walk on a regular basis in low-resource settings

    Nueva Gestión Pública y Arreglo Organizacional en el Gobierno Municipal de Texcoco

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    Registra el efecto del discurso de la Nueva Gestión Pública en el arreglo organizacional del municipio de Texcoco, Estado de México.Artículo publicado en la Revista Gestión y Estrategia, Departamento de Administración de la División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Unidad Azcapotzalc

    Exportando "fracasso": porquê a pesquisa de países desenvolvidos pode não beneficiar os países em desenvolvimento

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    La brecha 10/90, establecida por el Global Forum for Health Research, enfatiza que el 90% del gasto global en investigación médica está orientada a problemas que afectan solo al 10% de la población mundial. El aplicar los resultados de investigaciones de los países desarrollados a los problemas de los países pobres podría resultar en un una solución conveniente, potencialmente fácil y tentadora para esta brecha. En este artículo, argumentamos que tal aproximación acarrea el riesgo de exportar fracasos. Las intervenciones de salud que demuestran ser efectivas en el contexto de un país desarrollado no implican, necesariamente, que funcionará en los países en desarrollo.O "gap 10/90" foi inicialmente apontada pelo Global Forum for Health Research. Refere-se ao achado de que 90% dos gastos mundiais em pesquisa médica é voltada a problemas que afetam apenas 10% da população mundial. Resultados de pesquisa aplicáveis provenientes dos países ricos aos problemas dos pobres poderiam ser uma solução tentadora, conveniente e potencialmente fácil para solução desse gap. O artigo teve por objetivo apresentar argumentos de que tal abordagem acarretaria o risco de exportar fracassos. Intervenções em saúde que se mostram efetivas no contexto específico de um país ocidental industrializado necessariamente não funcionará em um país em desenvolvimento.The '10/90 gap' was first highlighted by the Global Forum for Health Research. It refers to the finding that 90% of worldwide medical research expenditure is targeted at problems affecting only 10% of the world's population. Applying research results from the rich world to the problems of the poor may be a tempting, potentially easy and convenient solution for this gap. This paper had the objective of presenting arguments that such an approach runs the risk of exporting failure. Health interventions that are shown to be effective in the specific context of a Western industrialized setting will not necessarily work in the developing world

    Perceived behavioral control as a potential precursor of walking three times a week: Patient’s perspectives

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    Background: Behavior change theories can identify people’s main motivations to engage in recommended health practices and thus provide better tools to design interventions, particularly human centered design interventions. Objectives: This study had two objectives: (a) to identify salient beliefs about walking three times a week for 30 minutes nonstop among patients with hypertension in a low-resource setting and, (b) to measure the relationships among intentions, attitudes, perceived social pressure and perceived behavioral control about this behavior. Methods: Face-to-face interviews with 34 people living with hypertension were conducted in September-October 2011 in Lima, Peru, and data analysis was performed in 2015. The Reasoned: Action Approach was used to study the people’s decisions to walk. We elicited people’s salient beliefs and measured the theoretical constructs associated with this behavior. Results: Results pointed at salient key behavioral, normative and control beliefs. In particular, perceived behavioral control appeared as an important determinant of walking and a small set of control beliefs were identified as potential targets of health communication campaigns, including (not) having someone to walk with, having work or responsibilities, or having no time. Conclusions: This theory-based study with a focus on end-users provides elements to inform the design of an intervention that would motivate people living with hypertension to walk on a regular basis in low-resource settings