350 research outputs found

    Structure and genetic diversity in wild and cultivated populations of Zapote mamey (Pouteria sapota, Sapotaceae) from southeastern Mexico: its putative domestication center

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    Tropical fruit trees are an important component of the human diet; however, little is known about their genetic diversity levels. Zapote mamey (Pouteria sapota) is a tree native to southeastern Mexico and Central America, and Mexico is the leading producer in the world. Studies of the genetic diversity of Zapote mamey have been based on cultivated materials using morphological and biochemical characterization or dominant molecular markers. To gain a deeper understanding about the conservation status of Zapote mamey in its center of origin and domestication, we collected 188 individuals from eight wild and five cultivated populations in southeastern Mexico and characterized them using eight microsatellite loci. STRUCTURE, 3D-PCoA, and neighbor-joining analyses showed three groups in the wild gene pool and one group in the cultivated gene pool. FST values were significant between wild and cultivated gene pools, among the four groups observed and among the 13 populations collected (0.13, 0.25, and 0.36, respectively). Overall, we found low levels of genetic diversity (A = 2.77, HO = 0.29, HE = 0.39), permutation tests did not show significant differences between wild and cultivated gene pools. The Garza–Williamson index showed low values in both gene pools (wild = 0.16, cultivated = 0.11) and the Bottleneck program indicated a decrease in genetic diversity in both gene pools (wild, P = 0.027; cultivated, P = 0.054); both analyses suggest a potential genetic bottleneck within this species. This study can help to generate adequate sampling techniques and to develop effective management strategies for Zapote mamey of southeastern Mexico

    Enhancement and Edge-Preserving Denoising: An OpenCL-Based Approach for Remote Sensing Imagery

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    Image enhancement and edge-preserving denoising are relevant steps before classification or other postprocessing techniques for remote sensing images. However, multisensor array systems are able to simultaneously capture several low-resolution images from the same area on different wavelengths, forming a high spatial/spectral resolution image and raising a series of new challenges. In this paper, an open computing language based parallel implementation approach is presented for near real-time enhancement based on Bayesian maximum entropy (BME), as well as an edge-preserving denoising algorithm for remote sensing imagery, which uses the local linear Stein’s unbiased risk estimate (LLSURE). BME was selected for its results on synthetic aperture radar image enhancement, whereas LLSURE has shown better noise removal properties than other commonly used methods. Within this context, image processing methods are algorithmically adapted via parallel computing techniques and efficiently implemented using CPUs and commodity graphics processing units (GPUs). Experimental results demonstrate the reduction of computational load of real-world image processing for near real-time GPU adapted implementation.ITESO, A.C

    Los mecanismos de reparación integral (RIT) como elementos unificadores del ordenamiento internacional y el derecho nacional en busca de la consolidación del Ius Commune Interamericano

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    The main obligation of a State with its inhabitants and even the international community is to protect the fundamental rights of each of them, an obligation that is reinforced after the atrocities of World War II, but in the Latin American reality this lay this obligation to be fulfilled by these countries, because in each of these territories have been dictatorships and abuses of authority that have unleashed uncontrollable periods of strong violence, which have undoubtedly intimidated rights of individuals in these situations States to not fulfill their respective loads, they are on duty to compensate each of the victims affected by such conduct, complying with international standards uttered on the rights of the victims; thus the present investigation seeks to determine whether they have been repaired effectively to victims of each of the conflicts that occurred in those nations in the countries of Mexico and Colombia, in addition to determining whether these measures comply with the guidelines regionally and internationally They ask, in order to establish the possibility that full reparation is one of the ways in which the ius commune Inter, for which this paper was developed in four thematic areas is consolidated: i) conceptualization of the victim and their respective rights, also establishing ii) Full compensation in the inter-frame and their respective iii) measures of reparation at national level to end the iv) Progress in strengthening the inter-American ius communeLas principales obligaciones que tienen los Estados con sus habitantes e incluso con la comunidad internacional es promover, respetar, proteger y garantizar los derechos humanos, deber que se refuerza después de las atrocidades cometidas en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, pero en la realidad latinoamericana están lejos de cumplirse, pues han existido dictaduras, corrupción, inmunidad, desigualdad social y abusos de autoridad graves, periodos incontrolables, desatando violencia a niveles de crueldad, indudablemente han amedrentado los derechos de las personas, ante estas situaciones los Estados tienen el deber de reparar de forma integral a las víctimas por las conductas u omisiones injustas, con los parámetros internacionales convencionales; de esta manera, la presente investigación busca determinar si México y Colombia han reparado efectivamente a las víctimas de cada uno de los conflictos acontecidos en esas naciones, además de determinar si esas medidas cumplen con los lineamientos suscritos regional e internacionalmente, con el fin de establecer la posibilidad de que la reparación integral sea una de la formas en las que se consolida el ius commune interamericano, por lo que se desarrollará este escrito en cuatro ejes temáticos: i) Conceptualización de la víctima y sus respectivos derechos, ii) Establecer la reparación integral en el marco interamericano, iii) Medidas de reparación integral a nivel nacional, iv) Avances en la consolidación del ius commune interamericano

    Scientific Programming Tools for Water Management

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    This special issue delivers a platform in which researchers expose intersections between algorithm design, software platforms, and hardware architectures to deal with emerging challenges in the scientific field of management of water and water-dependent resources. Since the call for papers was announced in June 2019, this special issue has received 10 manuscripts. After a rigorous review process, 6 papers have been finally accepted for publication. Published papers deal with groundwater quality monitoring, coastal groundwater-dependent irrigation agriculture, desertification risk, water recovery from tailings, future scenarios of water resources, and vulnerability of coastal aquifers


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    TEACHING TASKS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SKILL REPRESENTING CHEMICAL REACTIONS IN NINE GRADERESUMENEsta investigación contribuye a resolver la problemática que se relaciona con el desarrollo de la habilidad representar reacciones químicas mediante ecuaciones en los estudiantes de noveno grado, dadas por dificultades para escribir esquemas con fórmulas químicas, para ajustar correctamente e interpretar tanto cualitativa como cuantitativamente la reacción química. Para su solución se propone un sistema de tareas docentes con un enfoque integrador y en estrecho vínculo con la vida cotidiana. Después de implementado el mismo en la práctica pedagógica se lograron trasformaciones positivas en todos los indicadores que evalúan el desarrollo de la habilidad representar reacciones químicas mediante ecuaciones.PALABRAS CLAVE: habilidades; habilidad representar reacciones químicas, secundaria básica.ABSTRACTThis research contributes to solve the problems related to the development of the ability to represent chemical reactions by means of equations in the ninth grade students, due to difficulties in writing schemes with chemical formulas, to correctly adjust and interpret both qualitatively and quantitatively the reaction chemistry. For its solution, a system of teaching tasks with an integrative approach and in close connection with daily life is proposed. After the same was implemented in pedagogical practice, positive transformations were achieved in all the indicators that evaluate the development of the ability to represent chemical reactions through equations.KEYWORDS: abilities; Ability to represent chemical reactions, basic secondary

    La influencia de la publicidad en el proceso de dicisión de compra de los consumidores en la empresa Lotería Nacional, de la ciudad de Matagalpa durante el segundo semestre del año 2018

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    El presente trabajo correspondió al tema “La influencia de la publicidad en el proceso de decisión de compra de los consumidores en la empresa Lotería Nacional, de la ciudad de Matagalpa durante el segundo semestre del año 2018”. Este trabajo se realizó con los siguientes objetivos como lo fueron: identificar los tipos de consumidores existentes en la empresa, describir los tipos de publicidad que realiza la empresa y determinar la influencia de la publicidad realizada por la empresa Lotería Nacional. Mediante un proceso de investigación que ha permitido analizar como la publicidad ha influido en los clientes que compran lotería, tomando en cuenta dos variables como son la publicidad y decisión de compra. Se utilizaron varios métodos de investigación para cumplir con dichos objetivos entre ellos las técnicas de recolección de instrumentos que se procesaron en una base de datos. Se procedió a la elaboración una tabla de variables para deducir las encuestas, cabe destacar que la tabla de variables fue elaborada en base a la investigación que se realizó en la investigación aplicada, una vez listos y aprobados los instrumentos fueron aplicados para su debida interpretación haciendo utilización del programa spss y las tablas de frecuencia para lograr la creación de las gráficas comparativas, que fueron interpretadas y así se llegó a las siguientes conclusiones, en su mayoría los clientes que compran son consumidores que lo hacen por necesidad, la publicidad más efectiva es la que va de acuerdo al producto, publicidad social y los medios más utilizados son la televisión y radio y que la publicidad es un factor muy importante que influye en el cliente para que tome su decisión de comprar dichos producto

    A Hybrid Metaheuristic-Based Approach for the Aerodynamic Optimization of Small Hybrid Wind Turbine Rotors

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    This work presents a novel framework for the aerodynamic design and optimization of blades for small horizontal axis wind turbines (WT). The framework is based on a state-of-the-art blade element momentum model, which is complemented with the XFOIL 6.96 software in order to provide an estimate of the sectional blade aerodynamics. The framework considers an innovative nested-hybrid solution procedure based on two metaheuristics, the virtual gene genetic algorithm and the simulated annealing algorithm, to provide a near-optimal solution to the problem. The objective of the study is to maximize the aerodynamic efficiency of small WT (SWT) rotors for a wide range of operational conditions. The design variables are (1) the airfoil shape at the different blade span positions and the radial variation of the geometrical variables of (2) chord length, (3) twist angle, and (4) thickness along the blade span. A wind tunnel validation study of optimized rotors based on the NACA 4-digit airfoil series is presented. Based on the experimental data, improvements in terms of the aerodynamic efficiency, the cut-in wind speed, and the amount of material used during the manufacturing process were achieved. Recommendations for the aerodynamic design of SWT rotors are provided based on field experience

    Distribución geográfica de los parientes silvestres del acervo genético mesoamericano del frijol lima (Phaseolus lunatus L.) en México

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    The Mesoamerican gene pool of wild Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L., Fabaceae) is an important source of genes for genetic improvement of the species. Is widely distributed from northern Mexico to northern Argentina. Reports in Mexico indicate that this gene pool is distributed from Sinaloa to Chiapas on the Pacific Coast and southern Tamaulipas to the Yucatan Peninsula on the Coast of Gulf of Mexico, as well as, in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. However, despite the knowledge we have about the distribution of this gene pool, in Mexico there are still collecting gaps and unexplored regions. The objective of this study was to collect wild populations of Lima bean in Mexico to know its current distribution and establish management and conservation strategies. To do this, we collected within the natural distribution range of the Mesoamerican gene pool of Lima bean in Mexico, with the passport data was designed a geographical distribution map and assessed the conservation status of populations. Results indicated that wild populations of Lima bean have a wide geographical distribution localized mainly in tropical deciduous forest and semideciduous and elevations from zero to 2, 292 meters. In most wild population collected a low conservation status was observed, in consequence was proposed the development of strategies for in situ and ex situ conservation for wild populations with higher degree of erosion.El estudio de la fenología de las especies permite entender y predecir épocas de floración y fructificación útiles en el manejo de árboles tropicales caducifolios. La presente investigación se realizó en tres plantaciones de Cordia dodecandra (P1, P2 y P3) establecidas en el año 2002 en Xmatkuil, Yucatán, que se han manejado de diferente manera: poda, riego y deshierbe (P1); deshierbe (P2) y sin manejo (P3). Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron evaluar la fenología, la producción y calidad de los frutos de tres plantaciones. La fenología se determinó una vez al mes, utilizando el método de Fournier. La producción se evaluó cosechando y contabilizando la totalidad de frutos de todos los árboles de cada plantación, y la calidad del fruto, mediante el peso y medidas del largo y ancho de una muestra (n=20) de cada plantación. Además, se obtuvo el porcentaje de humedad de los mismos poniéndolos en una secadora a 60° C. Los resultados mostraron que P1 presentó hojas en porcentajes del 100% en septiembre 2011, en octubre disminuyó y el porcentaje de hojas fue de 25% y posteriormente en el periodo de noviembre 2011-agosto 2012 nuevamente hubo 100% de hojas. P2 y P3, perdieron sus hojas durante el periodo diciembre-marzo. Respecto a la floración, P1 presentó flores en porcentajes del 25% durante casi todo el año, a excepción de junio y julio, en los que no se registró la presencia de ninguna estructura floral; el pico máximo se observó en marzo. Las otras dos plantaciones sólo tuvieron floración durante la época de sequía (diciembre-mayo). En el mes de febrero, P2 presentó un pico máximo y P3 en marzo. La presencia de frutos en P1 se observó en octubre, noviembre y enero, incrementándose hasta obtener un pico máximo en mayo. En P2 la fructificación se observó de enero-junio y presentó un pico máximo en marzo, y en P3, de febrero-mayo con pico máximo en mayo. La mayor producción y calidad de frutos se registró en P1 presentando diferencias significativas

    Structure and genetic diversity in wild and cultivated populations of Zapote mamey (Pouteria sapota, Sapotaceae) from southeastern Mexico: its putative domestication center

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    Tropical fruit trees are an important component of the human diet; however, little is known about their genetic diversity levels. Zapote mamey (Pouteria sapota) is a tree native to southeastern Mexico and Central America, and Mexico is the leading producer in the world. Studies of the genetic diversity of Zapote mamey have been based on cultivated materials using morphological and biochemical characterization or dominant molecular markers. To gain a deeper understanding about the conservation status of Zapote mamey in its center of origin and domestication, we collected 188 individuals from eight wild and five cultivated populations in southeastern Mexico and characterized them using eight microsatellite loci. STRUCTURE, 3D-PCoA, and neighbor-joining analyses showed three groups in the wild gene pool and one group in the cultivated gene pool. FST values were significant between wild and cultivated gene pools, among the four groups observed and among the 13 populations collected (0.13, 0.25, and 0.36, respectively). Overall, we found low levels of genetic diversity (A = 2.77, HO = 0.29, HE = 0.39), permutation tests did not show significant differences between wild and cultivated gene pools. The Garza–Williamson index showed low values in both gene pools (wild = 0.16, cultivated = 0.11) and the Bottleneck program indicated a decrease in genetic diversity in both gene pools (wild, P = 0.027; cultivated, P = 0.054); both analyses suggest a potential genetic bottleneck within this species. This study can help to generate adequate sampling techniques and to develop effective management strategies for Zapote mamey of southeastern Mexico

    Evaluación de la huella de carbono en el barrio de la viña Lorca por rehabilitación de daños en edificios tras el sismo de 2011.

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    Evaluación de la huella de carbono en el barrio de la viña Lorca por rehabilitación de daños en edificios tras el sismo de 2011