1,116 research outputs found

    Influencia del volumen pélvico en la cirugía del cáncer de recto

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    El cáncer de recto se ha asociado tradicionalmente a tasas de recidiva local de 20-30%. La introducción de la escisión total del mesorrecto por Heald1 supuso una caída de la tasa de recidiva local a menos del 10%. Recientemente, primero Quirqke2 y posteriormente Nagtegal3 han propuesto una clasificación del estado macroscópico del mesorrecto tras la resección quirúrgica en tres niveles, demostrando que los especímenes que ellos han denominado incompletos se asocian a una mayor tasta de recidiva local. Por otro lado, diversos trabajos coinciden en que la supervivencia específica por cáncer de recto a los 2 y 5 años es inferior en varones respecto a mujeres4. Existe una impresión generalizada de que en concreto, la pelvis del varón, más estrecha y profunda, en algunos tipos antropométricos, y en general las pelvis estrechas dificultan notablemente la cirugía pélvica y del cáncer de recto de modo concreto5,6. Es posible, que en este tipo de individuos, las dificultades de exposición del conjunto recto/mesorrecto se asocie a una peor calidad de las resecciones. En los últimos años, estos trabajos han demostrado que determinadas medidas en la pelvis se asocian significativamente a una menor tasa de resecabilidad en pacientes con cáncer de recto. Sin embargo, hasta nuestro conocimiento, en la fecha de inicio de este estudio, ningún trabajo ha evaluado este aspecto estudiando la posible relación entre la totalidad de la pelvis, como espacio donde se desarrolla la cirugía, y la calidad de la resección mesorrectal tal y como la han categorizado Quirke y Nagtegaal. Hipótesis: determinado por los distintos tipos antropométricos, el volumen de la pelvis verdadera condiciona la calidad de la resección en la cirugía del cáncer de recto, encontrándose en las pelvis pequeñas un mayor número de resecciones incompletas del mesorrecto en el tratamiento del cáncer de recto, y tras ello, una tasa mayor de recidiva local. Consecuentemente, la evaluación de dicho volumen podría identificar de forma preoperatoria a pacientes con mayor riesgo de resecciones incompleta

    A Simple Method to Improve Autonomous GPS Positioning for Tractors

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    Error is always present in the GPS guidance of a tractor along a desired trajectory. One way to reduce GPS guidance error is by improving the tractor positioning. The most commonly used ways to do this are either by employing more precise GPS receivers and differential corrections or by employing GPS together with some other local positioning systems such as electronic compasses or Inertial Navigation Systems (INS). However, both are complex and expensive solutions. In contrast, this article presents a simple and low cost method to improve tractor positioning when only a GPS receiver is used as the positioning sensor. The method is based on placing the GPS receiver ahead of the tractor, and on applying kinematic laws of tractor movement, or a geometric approximation, to obtain the midpoint position and orientation of the tractor rear axle more precisely. This precision improvement is produced by the fusion of the GPS data with tractor kinematic control laws. Our results reveal that the proposed method effectively reduces the guidance GPS error along a straight trajectory.regional 2010 Research Project Plan of the Junta de Castilla y León, (Spain), under project VA034A10-2. It was also partially supported by the 2009 ITACyL project entitled ―Realidad aumentada, Bci y correcciones RTK en red para el guiado GPS de tractores (ReAuBiGPS

    Susceptibilidad antimicrobiana y genotipificación de pseudomonas aeruginosa de pacientes con fibrosis quística y otras patologías en Cartagena (Colombia)

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     Objetivo: el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el genotipo y susceptibilidad antimicro- biana de Pseudomonas aeruginosa de pacientes con fibrosis quística y otras patologías. Materiales y métodos: se analizaron 20 aislados de pacientes con fibrosis quística y 20 de pacientes con otras enfermedades por medio de la prueba de susceptibilidad antimicrobiana por microdilución en caldo y técnica del ADN polimorfo amplificado aleatorio. Resultados: se observó que los aislados de pacientes con fibrosis quística presentaron mayor resistencia (56 %) en comparación con aislados de pacientes sin fibrosis quística (25 %). Los antimicrobianos más efectivos en ambos grupos fueron cefepima, ceftriaxona y meropenem. Desde el punto de vista genotípico, se observa heterogeneidad entre las cepas de pacientes con fibrosis quística y dos grupos con cepas idénticas de origen hospitalario, lo que sugiere una posible transmisión cruzada. Conclusión: Concluimos que los porcentajes de resistencia de Pseudomonas aeruginosa en este estudio son altas, y este hallazgo se acentúa en el caso de pacientes con fibrosis quística, lo cual deja muy pocas opciones de tratamiento. La tipificación por técnica del ADN polimorfo amplificado aleatorio permitió conocer la variabilidad de genotipos para tener control sobre la transmisión de cepas, lo cual constituye un tópico de importancia en el sistema de salud y el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los pacientes

    Progresos en el nivel de inglés de estudiantes universitarios a través de un curso basado en contenido

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    RESUMEN: La enseñanza basada en contenidos es beneficiosa en el aprendizaje de un idioma. El presente artículo muestra cómo los estudiantes universitarios mejoraron su nivel de inglés por medio de la metodología de contenido cuando ellos asistían a un curso de Microbiología Molecular. El curso fue un trabajo colaborativo entre la Escuela de Microbiología y la Escuela de Idiomas de una universidad pública. La metodología utilizada fue un estudio de caso y se utilizaron cinco instrumentos y la prueba MELICET para comprobar el progreso de los estudiantes en el idioma inglés. Los hallazgos indican que siete estudiantes de pregrado mejoraron sus habilidades de habla y escucha. Finalmente, este estudio ofrece dos implicaciones: las universidades deberían ofrecer más cursos basados en contenidos, los profesores de idiomas y los profesores de contenido deberían trabajar colegiadamente.ABSTRATC: Content-Based Instruction ( CBI ) may result in improved proficiency in language skills due to the meaningful combination of subject matter and foreign language as a means of communication. This paper shows how university students improved their level of English by means of a content methodology as they attended a course called Topics in Molecular Microbiology. The course was a collaborative enterprise between the School of Microbiology and the School of Languages at a public university. The methodology used was a case study. Five instruments and the MELICET test were used and analyzed in order to check students’ language gains. The findings support that seven undergraduate students improved their speaking and listening skills. Finally, this study offers two implications: Universities should offer more CBI courses; language teachers and content teachers should work collaboratively

    Three Decades of Fuzzy AHP: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    [EN] For decades, Fuzzy Sets Theory (FST) has been consistently developed, and its use has spread across multiple disciplines. In this process of knowledge transfer, fuzzy applications have experienced great diffusion. Among them, Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (fuzzy AHP) is one of the most widely used methodologies today. This study performs a systematic review following the PRISMA statement and addresses a bibliometric analysis of all articles published on fuzzy AHP in journals indexed in Web of Science, specifically in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). The analyzed database includes 2086 articles published between 1994 and 2022. The results show the thematic clusters, the evolution of the academic conversation and the main collaboration networks. The main contribution of this article is to clarify the research agenda on fuzzy AHP. The results of the study allow academics to detect publication opportunities. In addition, the evidence found allows researchers and academics setting the field¿s agenda to advise the editors of high-impact journals on gaps and new research trends.Castello-Sirvent, F.; Meneses-Eraso, C.; Alonso-Gómez, J.; Peris-Ortiz, M. (2022). Three Decades of Fuzzy AHP: A Bibliometric Analysis. Axioms. 11(10):1-34. https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms11100525134111

    Condiciones de salud bucal de los recuperadores informales del sector de guayaquil y de sus familias. Medellín, Colombia, 2003

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    ABSTRACT: A study was undertaken to characterize the socioeconomic and health conditions of the informal recyclers of the sector of Guayaquil, Medellín - Colombia, that shows how the life conditions define to a large extent their health situation. There, in a population of 68 recyclers and relatives, a transversal descriptive study was carried out in order to find out about their oral health conditions. By means of an oral clinic history some aspects related to their representations and practices in health habits were recognized, also a complete examination, following the design of the III National Study of Oral Health on 1998, was done. The findings indicate to us how this group is in unfavorable conditions with respect to the general population and gives us standards to establish clear intervention strategies that permit to improve their precarious health conditions by offering welfare.RESUMEN: Se realizó una investigación que caracteriza las condiciones socioeconómicas y de salud de los recuperadores informales del sector de Guayaquil, Medellín, Colombia, la cual muestra cómo las condiciones de vida definen en gran medida su situación de salud. Allí, en una población de 68 recuperadores y familiares se elaboró un estudio de carácter descriptivo, transversal, para conocer sus condiciones de salud bucal. Por medio de la anamnesis y de un examen odontológico completo, siguiendo los lineamientos del III Estudio Nacional de Salud Bucal de 1998, se reconocieron algunos aspectos relacionados con sus representaciones y prácticas en salud, hábitos, y la situación de salud bucal de cada individuo. Los hallazgos nos indican cómo este grupo está en condiciones desfavorables con respecto a la población general y nos da pautas para establecer estrategias de intervención claras que permitan mejorar sus condiciones de salud tan precarias ofreciendo bienestar

    Education Tools for Entrepreneurship

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    Entrepreneurship in all of its aspects, connotations and applications has undoubtedly become a major force for new and sustainable wealth creation not only in emerging but also in developed economies. The challenge consists in how to inspire or work beyond the mental limits in the classroom, to determine which learning platforms are required or useful to unlock and stimulate creativity and to eliminate the human aversion to failure. Can educators teach entrepreneurship? Can universities teach that failure may be a necessary part of this process? Is the education or the conditions created in the surrounding environment the key factor? Is there an entrepreneurial education tool or methodology that could help stu- dents to develop an entrepreneurial attitude or mind-set? This book confirms that education is a positive response to all of these questions. This force is indeed opening new possibilities for individuals which transcend all generations and lifestyles, new ways to foster development across industries as well as new innovation and entrepreneurial ecologies that help to develop robust socio- economical communities, such as those in Boston, Massachusetts; the Silicon Valley in California; Monterrey, Mexico; the Basque Country in Spain; and obvi- ously many additional examples. In this context, this book is a joint effort by a group of professors and academic institutions from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, Mexico, Spain and Portugal, which introduce this entrepreneurial mind-set into both the traditional face-to-face classroom and the emerging “virtual” classroom: as expected, the aim is to imple- ment “new intellectual wealth” and new enriched and enhanced methodologies and tools to the learning dynamics which students undertake in their academic careers. In my capacity as an entrepreneur for more than 30 years and also as chairman of the Board of Trustees of CETYS University in Mexico (one of the participating universities in this book), I see tremendous potential and I especially celebrate this entrepreneurial approach to education as a crucial factor in developing agents of vi change, new wealth creation, robust socio-economic development and ultimately, societal prosperity and peace. The potential outcome is vitally important when seeking the methodology which will liberate the creative and practical aspects of development. Are the tools and methods the same in all cultures? It is an intellectual delight to observe the entrepreneurship dynamics in our teaching-learning process and the high-level involvement of professors, students and mentors-coaches from many areas of human activity (NGOs, businesses, civil associations) in order to provide new relevant, rigorous and robust entrepreneurship- based learning. This book on “Education Tools for Entrepreneurship” is a tribute to the profes- sors and academic institutions which envision entrepreneurship and innovation as a new driving force for global education and development

    Contribution of wind farms to the stability of power systems with high penetration of renewables

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Modeling and Control of Wind Energy Conversion Systems.Power system inertia is being reduced because of the increasing penetration of renewable energies, most of which use power electronic interfaces with the grid. This paper analyses the contribution of inertia emulation and droop control to the power system stability. Although inertia emulation may appear the best option to mitigate frequency disturbances, a thorough analysis of the shortcomings that face real-time implementations shows the opposite. Measurement noise and response delay for inertia emulation hinder controller performance, while the inherently fast droop response of electronic converters provides better frequency support. System stability, expressed in terms of rate of change of frequency (ROCOF) and frequency nadir, is therefore improved with droop control, compared to inertia emulation.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities grant number PID2019-106028RB-I0

    Comparison of Two Energy Management System Strategies for Real-Time Operation of Isolated Hybrid Microgrids

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    The propagation of hybrid power systems (solar–diesel–battery) has led to the development of new energy management system (EMS) strategies for the effective management of all power generation technologies related to hybrid microgrids. This paper proposes two novel EMS strategies for isolated hybrid microgrids, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses using simulations. The proposed strategies are different from the EMS strategies reported thus far in the literature because the former enable the real-time operation of the hybrid microgrid, which always guarantees the correct operation of a microgrid. The priority EMS strategy works by assigning a priority order, while the optimal EMS strategy is based on an optimization criterion, which is set as the minimum marginal cost in this case. The results have been obtained using MATLAB/Simulink to verify and compare the effectiveness of the proposed strategies, through a dynamic microgrid model to simulate the conditions of a real-time operation. The differences in the EMS strategies as well as their individual strengths and weaknesses, are presented and discussed. The results show that the proposed EMS strategies can manage the system operation under different scenarios and help power system operator obtain the optimal operation schemes of the microgrid.This work was supported by the Autonomous Community of Madrid under the PROMINT-CM project (S2018/EMT-4366)

    Learning and Teaching after 50 Years of THORAX Surgery

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    Surgeries are practiced in different areas, and specifically in the thorax described in this chapter, the medical doctors must know in detail the biological structures in which they perform such surgical procedures. Therefore, in this chapter, we refer to the descriptive and topographical anatomy written by French doctors L. Testut and A. Latarjet. In earlier times, for several reasons, the medical surgeon operated all body organs and was involved in resolving the pathology of different areas. Currently and in the future, medical knowledge in thoracic surgery will cover subspecialties specifically divided, for example: assisted video surgery, interventional bronchoscopy, and mediastinoscopies to take mediastinal biopsies using robotic surgery of pulmonary exeresis to shorten the hospitalization period and even the days spent in the intensive care unit