156 research outputs found

    Mathematics and Medicine: How mathematics, modelling and simulations can lead to better diagnosis and treatments

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    Starting with the discovery of X-rays by Röntgen in 1895, the progress in medical imaging has been extraordinary and immensely beneficial to diagnosis and therapy. Parallel to the increase of imaging accuracy, there is the quest of moving from qualitative to quantitative analysis and patient-tailored therapy. Mathematics, modelling and simulations are increasing their importance as tools in this quest. In this paper we give an overview of relations between mathematical modelling and imaging and focus particularly on the estimation of perfusion in the brain. In the forward model, the brain is treated as a porous medium and a two compartment model (arterial/venous) is used. Motivated by the similarity with techniques in reservoir modelling, we propose an ensemble Kalman filter to perform the parameter estimation and apply the method to a simple example as an illustrative example.acceptedVersio

    Rotation Invariant Texture Classification Using Binary Filter Response Pattern (BFRP)

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    13th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, CAIP 2009, Munster, 2-4 September 2009Using statistical textons for texture classification has shown great success recently. The maximal response 8 (MR8) method, which extracts an 8-dimensional feature set from 38 filters, is one of state-of-the-art rotation invariant texture classification methods. However, this method has two limitations. First, it require a training stage to build a texton library, thus the accuracy depends on the training samples; second, during classification, each 8-dimensional feature is assigned to a texton by searching for the nearest texton in the library, which is time consuming especially when the library size is big. In this paper, we propose a novel texton feature, namely Binary Filter Response Pattern (BFRP). It can well address the above two issues by encoding the filter response directly into binary representation. The experimental results on the CUReT database show that the proposed BFRP method achieves better classification result than MR8, especially when the training dataset is limited and less comprehensive.Department of ComputingRefereed conference pape

    Technical note: development of a 3D printed subresolution sandwich phantom for validation of brain SPECT analysis

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    Purpose: To make an adaptable, head shaped radionuclide phantom to simulate molecular imaging of the brain using clinical acquisition and reconstruction protocols. This will allow the characterization and correction of scanner characteristics, and improve the accuracy of clinical image analysis, including the application of databases of normal subjects. Methods: A fused deposition modeling 3D printer was used to create a head shaped phantom made up of transaxial slabs, derived from a simulated MRI dataset. The attenuation of the printed polylactide (PLA), measured by means of the Hounsfield unit on CT scanning, was set to match that of the brain by adjusting the proportion of plastic filament and air (fill ratio). Transmission measurements were made to verify the attenuation of the printed slabs. The radionuclide distribution within the phantom was created by adding 99mTc pertechnetate to the ink cartridge of a paper printer and printing images of gray and white matter anatomy, segmented from the same MRI data. The complete subresolution sandwich phantom was assembled from alternate 3D printed slabs and radioactive paper sheets, and then imaged on a dual headed gamma camera to simulate an HMPAO SPECT scan. Results: Reconstructions of phantom scans successfully used automated ellipse fitting to apply attenuation correction. This removed the variability inherent in manual application of attenuation correction and registration inherent in existing cylindrical phantom designs. The resulting images were assessed visually and by count profiles and found to be similar to those from an existing elliptical PMMA phantom. Conclusions: The authors have demonstrated the ability to create physically realistic HMPAO SPECT simulations using a novel head-shaped 3D printed subresolution sandwich method phantom. The phantom can be used to validate all neurological SPECT imaging applications. A simple modification of the phantom design to use thinner slabs would make it suitable for use in PET

    Prediction of Glioblastoma Multiform Response to Bevacizumab Treatment Using Multi-Parametric MRI

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    Glioblastoma multiform (GBM) is a highly malignant brain tumor. Bevacizumab is a recent therapy for stopping tumor growth and even shrinking tumor through inhibition of vascular development (angiogenesis). This paper presents a non-invasive approach based on image analysis of multi-parametric magnetic resonance images (MRI) to predict response of GBM to this treatment. The resulting prediction system has potential to be used by physicians to optimize treatment plans of the GBM patients. The proposed method applies signal decomposition and histogram analysis methods to extract statistical features from Gd-enhanced regions of tumor that quantify its microstructural characteristics. MRI studies of 12 patients at multiple time points before and up to four months after treatment are used in this work. Changes in the Gd-enhancement as well as necrosis and edema after treatment are used to evaluate the response. Leave-one-out cross validation method is applied to evaluate prediction quality of the models. Predictive models developed in this work have large regression coefficients (maximum R2 = 0.95) indicating their capability to predict response to therapy

    Non-Hodgkin lymphoma response evaluation with MRI texture classification

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To show magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) texture appearance change in non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) during treatment with response controlled by quantitative volume analysis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 19 patients having NHL with an evaluable lymphoma lesion were scanned at three imaging timepoints with 1.5T device during clinical treatment evaluation. Texture characteristics of images were analyzed and classified with MaZda application and statistical tests.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>NHL tissue MRI texture imaged before treatment and under chemotherapy was classified within several subgroups, showing best discrimination with 96% correct classification in non-linear discriminant analysis of T2-weighted images.</p> <p>Texture parameters of MRI data were successfully tested with statistical tests to assess the impact of the separability of the parameters in evaluating chemotherapy response in lymphoma tissue.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Texture characteristics of MRI data were classified successfully; this proved texture analysis to be potential quantitative means of representing lymphoma tissue changes during chemotherapy response monitoring.</p

    Multimodal microscopy for automated histologic analysis of prostate cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Prostate cancer is the single most prevalent cancer in US men whose gold standard of diagnosis is histologic assessment of biopsies. Manual assessment of stained tissue of all biopsies limits speed and accuracy in clinical practice and research of prostate cancer diagnosis. We sought to develop a fully-automated multimodal microscopy method to distinguish cancerous from non-cancerous tissue samples.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We recorded chemical data from an unstained tissue microarray (TMA) using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopic imaging. Using pattern recognition, we identified epithelial cells without user input. We fused the cell type information with the corresponding stained images commonly used in clinical practice. Extracted morphological features, optimized by two-stage feature selection method using a minimum-redundancy-maximal-relevance (mRMR) criterion and sequential floating forward selection (SFFS), were applied to classify tissue samples as cancer or non-cancer.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We achieved high accuracy (area under ROC curve (AUC) >0.97) in cross-validations on each of two data sets that were stained under different conditions. When the classifier was trained on one data set and tested on the other data set, an AUC value of ~0.95 was observed. In the absence of IR data, the performance of the same classification system dropped for both data sets and between data sets.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We were able to achieve very effective fusion of the information from two different images that provide very different types of data with different characteristics. The method is entirely transparent to a user and does not involve any adjustment or decision-making based on spectral data. By combining the IR and optical data, we achieved high accurate classification.</p

    Differentiation of Glioma and Radiation Injury in Rats Using In Vitro Produce Magnetically Labeled Cytotoxic T-Cells and MRI

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    A limitation with current imaging strategies of recurrent glioma undergoing radiotherapy is that tumor and radiation injury cannot be differentiated with post contrast CT or MRI, or with PET or other more complex parametric analyses of MRI data. We propose to address the imaging limitation building on emerging evidence indicating that effective therapy for recurrent glioma can be attained by sensitized T-cells following vaccination of primed dendritic cells (DCs). The purpose of this study was to determine whether cord blood T-cells can be sensitized against glioma cells (U-251) and if these sensitized cytotoxic T-cells (CTLs) can be used as cellular magnetic resonance imaging probes to identify and differentiate glioma from radiation necrosis in rodent models.Cord blood T and CD14+ cells were collected. Isolated CD14+ cells were then converted to dendritic cells (DCs), primed with glioma cell lysate and used to sensitize T-cells. Phenotypical expression of the generated DCs were analyzed to determine the expression level of CD14, CD86, CD83 and HLA-DR. Cells positive for CD25, CD4, CD8 were determined in generated CTLs. Specificity of cytotoxicity of the generated CTLs was also determined by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release assay. Secondary proliferation capacity of magnetically labeled and unlabeled CTLs was also determined. Generated CTLs were magnetically labeled and intravenously injected into glioma bearing animals that underwent MRI on days 3 and 7 post- injection. CTLs were also administered to animals with focal radiation injury to determine whether these CTLs accumulated non-specifically to the injury sites. Multi-echo T2- and T2*-weighted images were acquired and R2 and R2* maps created. Our method produced functional, sensitized CTLs that specifically induced U251 cell death in vitro. Both labeled and unlabeled CTLs proliferated equally after the secondary stimulation. There were significantly higher CD25 positive cells (p = <0.006) in CTLs. In addition, T2- and T2*-weighted MR images showed increased low signal intensity areas in animals that received labeled CTLs as compared to the images from animals that received control cells. Histological analysis confirmed the presence of iron positive cells in sites corresponding to MRI low signal intensity regions. Significant differences (p = <0.001) in tumor R2 and R2* values were observed among the groups of animals. Animals with radiation injury exhibited neither MRI hypointense areas nor presence of iron positive cells.Our results indicate that T-cells can be effectively sensitized by in vitro methods and used as cellular probes to identify and differentiate glioma from radiation necrosis