580 research outputs found
ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan air kelapa dan dosis terbaik terhadap pertumbuhan populasi Nannochloropsis sp. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium BPBAP Ujung Batee, Kabupaten Aceh Besar pada bulan Agustus sampai September 2016. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri atas 5 perlakuan dan 4 kali ulangan yaitu A = 0 ml air kelapa + 2000 ml air laut, B = 50 ml air kelapa + 1950 ml air laut, C = 100 ml air kelapa + 1900 ml air laut, D = 150 ml air kelapa + 1850 ml air laut, dan E = 200 ml air kelapa + 1800 ml air laut. Hasil uji Analysis of Varians (ANOVA) menunjukkan bahwa pemberian air kelapa dengan dosis yang berbeda berpengaruh nyata (
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini mendeskripsikan perancangan dan implementasi sistem absensi auto id RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) yang terintegrasi dengan sistem informasi web. Penerapan dan pelaksanaan absensi secara konvensional dengan menggunakan media kertas (paper based) pada universitas mempunyai beberapa masalah, antara lain terganggunya proses perkuliahan dengan edaran dokumen absen, kemungkinan rusak dan hilangnya dokumen absen, terjadinya human error dalam proses rekapitulasi data absensi dan banyaknya waktu yang terbuang dengan menggunakan metode ini. Penelitian ini menawarkan sebuah solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, yaitu dengan merancang sebuah perangkat keras yang mampu merekam data absensi perkuliahan secara otomatis berbasis RFID. Perancangan dilakukan dengan menggunakan tag pasif sebagai kartu identitas anggota perkuliahan, reader RFID MFRC522, raspberry pi B+, RTC DS3231, dan LCD 16x2 karakter. Data RFID dimanfaatkan untuk diintegrasikan dengan sistem basis data. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode eksperimental. Data yang didapat dari RFID diolah oleh sistem dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk text dan diagram yang dapat diakses melalui website, sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk pemantauan dan penilaian kinerja oleh Tim Pengendali Mutu Akademik (TPMA). Kata kunci: Absensi, Auto id RFID, Identifikasi otomatis, Modul Mifare RC522 RFID reader, Mifare passive tag card, Microcomputer Ruspberry Pi B+, web service
Performance Evaluation of Virtual Flow Metering Models and Its Application to Metering Backup and Production Allocation
In the oil and gas industry, reliable and accurate measurements of the amount of oil, gas and water being produced by individual wells is essential. The production revenue for each well is determined from measured flow rates. Measurement of well production can be achieved by using multiphase flow meters on individual wells. However, the use of such metering technique is not always reliable or economical. As an alternative technique to monitoring individual well performance in real-time, multiphase flow simulators together with pressure and temperature sensors located at different locations in the production systems have been recently deployed to estimate individual well flow rates. In the oil and gas industry, this technique has been called Virtual Flow Metering (VFM). In this study, the implementation and performance of commercially available multiphase flow simulators are evaluated using actual field production data. Field measurements from sensors are used which have been installed in various points of the productions system such as in the wellbore bottomhole and wellhead are used. This study is consisted of two parts: i) evaluation of the performance of virtual flow meters (flow models) with actual field data, and ii) evaluate the performance of VFM in different application scenarios such as flow metering backup and well production allocation. The model results are compared to actual flow rates to evaluate the effect of using different number of measuring points of pressure , temperature, and the effect of fluid properties. Although, the VFMs are easy to install, cheap and have low-cost maintenance, they have not been accepted as a replacement to MPFMs so far. This study will also investigate the combination of VFMs and MPFMs as a potential solution for the common problem of MPFMs malfunction and need of frequent calibration due flow assurance problems (such as scale deposition, and significant variations in multiphase flow behavior)
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ″Veteran″ Jawa Timur adalah salah
satu universitas yang terbaik di surabaya. Seperti halnya universitas-universitas
lainnya yang ada di surabaya, khususnya pada teknik informatika yang
didalamnya banyak terdapat komunitas, kumpulan dari berbagai populasi yang
hidup pada suatu waktu dan daerah tertentu yang saling berinteraksi dan
mempengaruhi satu sama lain.
Di kampus Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ″Veteran″ Jawa Timur
Khususnya di Fakultas Teknologi Industri ini sendiri terdapat banyak Komunitas.
Seperti HIMATIFA, HIMASIFO, KOLU, MIO, ILC dan lain sebagianya. Dari
sekian banyaknya Komunitas tersebut sayangnya tidak terdapat media yang bisa
memberikan informasi tentang Komunitas tersebut.
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informasi yang dapat membantu mahasiswa memperoleh informasi tentang
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Informasi Komunitas Berbasis Web dan SMS Gateway di Fakultas Teknologi
Industri UPN ″Veteran″ Jawa Timur. Sistem informasi dapat memudahkan para
mahasiswa atau user dalam mencari informasi mengenai Komunitas serta
bagaimana mendapatkan informasi Komunitas secara online
Stifle Injuries in the Canine
Stifle injuries are the most common cause for rear limb lameness in the adult dog. The recognition and treatment of these injuries is an important part of any small animal practice. This article will discuss the diagnosis and various methods for repair of stifle disorders
Preparasi Pollen Tanaman Tembakau (Nicotiana tabacum L.) untuk Penyinaran Sinar Gamma
Selama ini pemuliaan budidaya tembakau varietas somporis masih dilakukan secara konvensional. Pemuliaan secara konvensional sering mengalami kendala seperti masa produksi yang lebih lama dan hasil yang diperoleh tidak seragam. Oleh karenanya diperlukan alternatif teknik pemuliaan budidaya tembakau yang lebih cepat dan efisien. Salah satu teknik yang dapat dikembangkan adalah induksi ginogenesis untuk membentuk tanaman haploid menggunakan pollen yang diberi penyinaran sinar gamma. Tahap preparasi pollen sebelum dilakukan penyinaran sinar gamma sangat penting dilakukan. Proses pembibitan tanaman tembakau mulai dari benih, fase vegetatif hingga fase generatif dilakukan sesuai dengan panduan budidaya tanaman tembakau. Bunga yang digunakan untuk pemanenan pollen adalah bunga yang memiliki ciri panjang bunga ± 5 - 5,5 cm, ujung mahkota bunga sedikit membuka dan berwarna hijau kekuningan. Pollen yang didapat disimpan pada suhu 4 oC selama 3 hari untuk menunggu tanaman donor berbunga. Hasil penelitian menunjukan tanaman tembakau varietas somporis menghasilkan rata-rata 5,5 mg pollen per bunga. Setelah dipolinasi pada tanaman donor, pollen yang telah disimpan selama 3 hari pada suhu 4 oC memiliki viabilitas yang tinggi. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari persentase pembentukan polongnya yang mencapai 100%
Modern Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School): Competitive Advantages in Darul Yatama Wal-Masakin (Dayama) Islamic Boarding School in Jerowaru East Lombok
Nowadays, Islamic boarding schools have experienced a very significant change considering the current of globalization which is increasingly expanding to all sides of human life. To be able to compete in this era, Islamic boarding schools – in one hand - must work together with other institutions and make changes by applying management as a foundation in developing boarding schools on the other, in order to be able to compete and become a modern boarding school in all fields such as entrepreneurship boarding school. This study aims to determine entrepreneurship planning, management strategies used and marketing management of Darul Yatama Wal-Masakin Islamic boarding school. This study used qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques carried out by unstructured interviews, non-participant observation, and documentation. The data were analyzed with an interactive model consisting of data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Checking the data validation was done by increasing the perseverance of observation and triangulation. Based on the results of this study, it was found that; a) Entrepreneurship planning started from the results of the fundamental thinking of its founder, namely TGH. Muhammad Mutawalli Yahya Al-Kalimi with the concept of independence. The concept of independence that he initiated was to prepare facilities that can be used as a source of funds to finance the management of the Islamic boarding schools; b) Management strategies in developing entrepreneurship can be seen from the business units developed such as: gas stations, animal husbandry, agriculture, fisheries and cooperatives. c) Marketing management used was involving and making all society as partners in every business that was developed
In Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Methanolic Extract of Piper retrofractum Vahl.
Cabai jamu (Piper retrofractum Vahl.), which is originally from Indonesia and is extensively cultivated and traditionally used in Sumenep, Madura possess high potential medicinal properties. Therefore, providing scientific rationale of their traditional usage would be necessarily required. This research aimed to investigate the antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of P. retrofractum Vahl. using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay. This research was carried out using methanol concentrations of 0, 5, 15, 30, 45 and 60 ppm. In addition, ascorbic acid was used as the standard antioxidant. Meanwhile, the parameters measured are the extract yield, percentage of inhibition and IC50. The results showed that the DPPH activity of the extracts was increased in a dose dependent manner, which was found in the range of 0-31.53% as compared to ascorbic acid (0-43.19%). The IC50 values of methanol extract in DPPH radical was obtained to be 101. 74 ppm. Meanwhile, the IC50 value of the ascorbic acid was found to be 66.12 ppm. This result indicates that methanol extract of P. retrofractum possess mild antioxidant activity. Therefore, further investigation using other solvent extracts need to be carried out to evaluate the antioxidant compounds present in the plant extract
Review Fake Narratives about Prophet Mohammad (Pbuh) in Mathnavi
The story of divine prophets' life in Quran has almost been told briefly and due to emphasizing on issues including edifications and lessons, there are not any details or marginal subjects in it. A brief review of many books written in this topic confirms this claim that many events and happenings related to divine prophets and key characters are being inspired from other sources than the Word of God, and many ornaments have been added to them in the passage of time. Due to the same reason, a great part of Israelites is related to the prophets' story of life. Rumi is among the poets who use the prophets' story of life in different parts of the Mathnavi either in a direct way or in a mysterious form and parable. But, this great book is not also saved from some fictitious stories of the prophet's life. In this research, Israelites about Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) are extracted from six books of Mathnavi and reviewed. The fictitious stories about Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) throughout the book are just three stories. These three stories include the story of Prophet's cleavage of chest, legend of the Gharanigh (satanic verses), and the story of Prophet's decision of committing suicide. The research method is descriptive analytical. Regarding the stories and the way of applications of these legends by Rumi, it can be understood that although the fictitious stories are limitedly found in Mathnavi, this limited number has been also used in order to teaching and expressing mystic thoughts and delicate issues of spiritual journeys. Keywords: Israelites, Mathnavi, Islam Prophet (pbuh), holly Quran, Rumi
Pembinaan Kecerdasan Spiritual Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Ma Al- Khoiriyah Kerpangan Leces Kabupaten Probolinggo
Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam bagi seorang pelajar akan memotivasinya untuk menjadikan sekolah sebagai lahan ibadah menuntut ilmu dan prestasi, juga melatih kualitas hubungan harmonis dengan guru, orang tua, dan sesama rekannya. Spiritualitas juga memiliki dampak integritas dan harmonisasi yang melibatkan kesatuan batin dan keterhubungan dengan manusia lain serta realitas yang lebih luas, serta kemampuan individu untuk menjadi transenden (berfikir jauh ke depan) sehingga dapat menjalin hubungan yang lebih efektif dengan sesama. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan yang dilaksanakan di Madrasah Aliyah Al- Koiriyah. Dalam teknik pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Dan Teknik pengolahan data menggunakan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan diakhiri dengan penarikan kesimpulan. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah 1) Cara yang dilakukan guru dalam pembinaan kecerdasan spiritual pada siswa-siswi Madrasah Aliyah Al- Khoiriyah Desa Kerpangan leces Probolinggo diantaranya, yang paling utama yaitu melakukan pendisiplinan waktu baik untuk melakukan kegiatan shalat sunnah dhuha, maupun dalam Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar(KBM) seta pembiasaan-pembiasan lainnya. 2) Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) untuk mewujudkan visi dari lembaga pendidikan agar terwujudnya lembaga pendidikan yang favorit dengan menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai keislaman dan akhlaqul karimanya. Pembiasaan yang menjunjung tinggi keagamaan islamiyah akan membentuk kecerdasan spiritual
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