11 research outputs found
Role of chemokine receptor CX3CR1 in the monocytes mobilization induced by chemotherapy
Les chimiokines (CKs) jouent un rôle important dans l’orchestration de la réponse immunitaireen contrôlant notamment la mobilisation des cellules immunitaires. Les cellules myéloïdes et, enparticulier, les monocytes sont impliquées dans le processus inflammatoire et notamment dansle développement des cancers. En effet, les cellules dérivées des monocytes ou macrophagesassociés aux tumeurs sont fortement représentés dans le micro environnement tumoral et sontsouvent associés à un mauvais pronostic. La caractérisation des mécanismes aboutissant aurecrutement des monocytes dans la tumeur représentent donc un enjeu majeur pourl’optimisation des protocoles thérapeutiques anti-cancéreux. Chez la souris, deux populationsmonocytaires sont caractérisées sur la base de l’expression différentielle des récepteurs auxchimiokines CCR2 et CX3CR1 et interviennent dans leur recrutement et leur différenciation enmacrophages dans les tissus, les monocytes inflammatoires (CCR2+, CX3CR1low) et les monocytesdits résidents (CCR2-, CX3CR1high). L’objectif principal de mon projet de recherche a été de mieuxcomprendre les mécanismes contrôlant la mobilisation des monocytes suite à un traitementchimiothérapeutique. J’ai entrepris d’étudier le rôle des récepteurs aux chimiokines, enparticulier CX3CR1, dans la reconstitution monocytaire après traitement chimiothérapeutiquepar le cyclophosphamide (CP), un agent alkylant reconnu pour son activité myélosuppressive. LeCP provoque un renouvellement des monocytes et une forte infiltration de la tumeur par les LTspécifiques de la tumeur (issus d’un transfert adoptif) associés à la réactivation de la réponseimmune anti-tumorale. Cependant, les LTs spécifiques de l’antigène de la tumeur se localisentpréférentiellement dans des zones riches en cellules dendritiques associées à la tumeur (TuDCs)et sont piégés par ces dernières. Ces interactions diminuent potentiellement le nombre decontacts entre les LT et les cellules tumorales suggérant un rôle pro tumoral des TuDCs. Letraitement au CP provoque une déplétion des cellules myéloïdes suivie d’une reconstitutionmassive des réservoirs de monocytes (moelle osseuse et rate). Au cours de la reconstitutionmonocytaire, l’expression de CX3CR1 diminue et est corrélée à une diminution de l’adhérence exvivo des cellules médullaires. Nous avons mis en évidence une mobilisation accrue desmonocytes inflammatoires au sein des souris CX3CR1- /- comparée aux souris WT et CCR2-/-.L’imagerie in vivo de la moelle osseuse au sein de souris CX3CR1-/- ou à l’aide d’un antagonistede CX3CR1 nous a permis de montrer un rôle spécifique de CX3CR1 dans le « crawling » sur lescellules endothéliales et le confinement des cellules monocytaires au niveau des sinus et duparenchyme médullaire. Nous suggérons qu’au cours de la mobilisation cellulaire induite par leCP le récepteur CX3CR1 contrôle la rétention médullaire des monocytes. Nous pensons que lamodulation du taux de mobilisation cellulaire au cours de la reconstitution induite par CP et/oule ciblage de CX3CR1 pourrait, par augmentation du pool de cellules myéloïdes leucocytairesd’un hôte, contribuer à l’amélioration des réponses cellulaires à la suite d’une lésion tissulaireou d’un dysfonctionnement des défenses immunitaires. De plus, le ciblage de CX3CR1 pourraittrouver des applications dans le domaine de la greffe de HSCs.Chemokines orchestrate immune response especially by leucocytes mobilization. Myeloidcells, notably monocytes, are involved in inflammation and cancer development. Indeedmonocyte-derived cells and macrophages are strongly represented in tumourmicroenvironment and are associated with a bad prognosis. Characterization of mechanismsleading to monocytes recruitment within the tumor is thus a major issue in anti-cancertherapeutic protocols optimization. Based on the differential expression of chemokinereceptors CCR2 and CX3CR1, two populations of monocytes, inflammatory monocytes(CCR2+, CX3CR1low) and resident monocytes (CCR2-, CX3CR1high) have been characterized inmice which are involved in monocytes recruitment and differentiation into macrophages.The main objective of my work was to better understand the mechanisms of monocytesmobilization following chemotherapeutic treatment. I started to study the role of chemokinereceptors with a focus on CX3CR1 in monocytes reconstitution following cyclophosphamide(CP) treatment. CP is an alkylant agent known for its myelosuppressive properties. Thischemotherapeutic agent induces a transitory anti tumour immune response associated witha monocyte renewal and a strong infiltration of the tumour by adoptively transferred Tlymphocytes. However, antigen-specific T cells are trapped by tumour-associated dendriticcells (TuDCs). This potentially decreases interactions between T lymphocytes and tumourcells suggesting an immunosuppressive role of TuDCs. CP induces a strong depletion ofmyeloid cells followed by a massive reconstitution of bone marrow and spleen monocytesreservoirs. CX3CR1 expression on bone marrow monocytes is decreased duringreconstitution and correlated with a decreasing adhesion of these cells to CX3CL1 ex vivo.We highlighted an increased mobilization of inflammatory monocytes in CX3CR1-/- micecompared to WT and CCR2-/-. Intra vital imaging of bone marrow within CX3CR1-/- mice orwith the help of a CX3CR1 antagonist allowed us to show a specific role of CX3CR1 in thelumen crawling and confinement of monocyte-derived cells in both sinusoid andparenchyma of the bone marrow. We suggest that CX3CR1 controls the release of bonemarrow monocytes during CP-induced mobilization. We think that modulating the rate ofcellular mobilization, by increasing the host’s leukocyte pool during CP inducedreconstitution and/or targeting CX3CR1, could contribute to improve cellular responsefollowing tissue damage or immune cell dysfunction. Furthermore, targeting CX3CR1couldprovide applications in the stem cell transplantation domain
Etude du rôle du récepteur de chimiokine CX3CR1 dans la mobilisation monocytaire induite par chimiothérapie
Chemokines orchestrate immune response especially by leucocytes mobilization. Myeloidcells, notably monocytes, are involved in inflammation and cancer development. Indeedmonocyte-derived cells and macrophages are strongly represented in tumourmicroenvironment and are associated with a bad prognosis. Characterization of mechanismsleading to monocytes recruitment within the tumor is thus a major issue in anti-cancertherapeutic protocols optimization. Based on the differential expression of chemokinereceptors CCR2 and CX3CR1, two populations of monocytes, inflammatory monocytes(CCR2+, CX3CR1low) and resident monocytes (CCR2-, CX3CR1high) have been characterized inmice which are involved in monocytes recruitment and differentiation into macrophages.The main objective of my work was to better understand the mechanisms of monocytesmobilization following chemotherapeutic treatment. I started to study the role of chemokinereceptors with a focus on CX3CR1 in monocytes reconstitution following cyclophosphamide(CP) treatment. CP is an alkylant agent known for its myelosuppressive properties. Thischemotherapeutic agent induces a transitory anti tumour immune response associated witha monocyte renewal and a strong infiltration of the tumour by adoptively transferred Tlymphocytes. However, antigen-specific T cells are trapped by tumour-associated dendriticcells (TuDCs). This potentially decreases interactions between T lymphocytes and tumourcells suggesting an immunosuppressive role of TuDCs. CP induces a strong depletion ofmyeloid cells followed by a massive reconstitution of bone marrow and spleen monocytesreservoirs. CX3CR1 expression on bone marrow monocytes is decreased duringreconstitution and correlated with a decreasing adhesion of these cells to CX3CL1 ex vivo.We highlighted an increased mobilization of inflammatory monocytes in CX3CR1-/- micecompared to WT and CCR2-/-. Intra vital imaging of bone marrow within CX3CR1-/- mice orwith the help of a CX3CR1 antagonist allowed us to show a specific role of CX3CR1 in thelumen crawling and confinement of monocyte-derived cells in both sinusoid andparenchyma of the bone marrow. We suggest that CX3CR1 controls the release of bonemarrow monocytes during CP-induced mobilization. We think that modulating the rate ofcellular mobilization, by increasing the host’s leukocyte pool during CP inducedreconstitution and/or targeting CX3CR1, could contribute to improve cellular responsefollowing tissue damage or immune cell dysfunction. Furthermore, targeting CX3CR1couldprovide applications in the stem cell transplantation domain.Les chimiokines (CKs) jouent un rôle important dans l’orchestration de la réponse immunitaireen contrôlant notamment la mobilisation des cellules immunitaires. Les cellules myéloïdes et, enparticulier, les monocytes sont impliquées dans le processus inflammatoire et notamment dansle développement des cancers. En effet, les cellules dérivées des monocytes ou macrophagesassociés aux tumeurs sont fortement représentés dans le micro environnement tumoral et sontsouvent associés à un mauvais pronostic. La caractérisation des mécanismes aboutissant aurecrutement des monocytes dans la tumeur représentent donc un enjeu majeur pourl’optimisation des protocoles thérapeutiques anti-cancéreux. Chez la souris, deux populationsmonocytaires sont caractérisées sur la base de l’expression différentielle des récepteurs auxchimiokines CCR2 et CX3CR1 et interviennent dans leur recrutement et leur différenciation enmacrophages dans les tissus, les monocytes inflammatoires (CCR2+, CX3CR1low) et les monocytesdits résidents (CCR2-, CX3CR1high). L’objectif principal de mon projet de recherche a été de mieuxcomprendre les mécanismes contrôlant la mobilisation des monocytes suite à un traitementchimiothérapeutique. J’ai entrepris d’étudier le rôle des récepteurs aux chimiokines, enparticulier CX3CR1, dans la reconstitution monocytaire après traitement chimiothérapeutiquepar le cyclophosphamide (CP), un agent alkylant reconnu pour son activité myélosuppressive. LeCP provoque un renouvellement des monocytes et une forte infiltration de la tumeur par les LTspécifiques de la tumeur (issus d’un transfert adoptif) associés à la réactivation de la réponseimmune anti-tumorale. Cependant, les LTs spécifiques de l’antigène de la tumeur se localisentpréférentiellement dans des zones riches en cellules dendritiques associées à la tumeur (TuDCs)et sont piégés par ces dernières. Ces interactions diminuent potentiellement le nombre decontacts entre les LT et les cellules tumorales suggérant un rôle pro tumoral des TuDCs. Letraitement au CP provoque une déplétion des cellules myéloïdes suivie d’une reconstitutionmassive des réservoirs de monocytes (moelle osseuse et rate). Au cours de la reconstitutionmonocytaire, l’expression de CX3CR1 diminue et est corrélée à une diminution de l’adhérence exvivo des cellules médullaires. Nous avons mis en évidence une mobilisation accrue desmonocytes inflammatoires au sein des souris CX3CR1- /- comparée aux souris WT et CCR2-/-.L’imagerie in vivo de la moelle osseuse au sein de souris CX3CR1-/- ou à l’aide d’un antagonistede CX3CR1 nous a permis de montrer un rôle spécifique de CX3CR1 dans le « crawling » sur lescellules endothéliales et le confinement des cellules monocytaires au niveau des sinus et duparenchyme médullaire. Nous suggérons qu’au cours de la mobilisation cellulaire induite par leCP le récepteur CX3CR1 contrôle la rétention médullaire des monocytes. Nous pensons que lamodulation du taux de mobilisation cellulaire au cours de la reconstitution induite par CP et/oule ciblage de CX3CR1 pourrait, par augmentation du pool de cellules myéloïdes leucocytairesd’un hôte, contribuer à l’amélioration des réponses cellulaires à la suite d’une lésion tissulaireou d’un dysfonctionnement des défenses immunitaires. De plus, le ciblage de CX3CR1 pourraittrouver des applications dans le domaine de la greffe de HSCs
Insect mimicry of plants dates back to the Permian
International audienceIn response to predation pressure, some insects have developed spectacular plant mimicry strategies (homomorphy), involving important changes in their morphology. The fossil record of plant mimicry provides clues to the importance of predation pressure in the deep past. Surprisingly, to date, the oldest confirmed records of insect leaf mimicry are Mesozoic. Here we document a crucial step in the story of adaptive responses to predation by describing a leaf-mimicking katydid from the Middle Permian. Our morphometric analysis demonstrates that leaf-mimicking wings of katydids can be morphologically characterized in a non-arbitrary manner and shows that the new genus and species Permotettigonia gallica developed a mimicking pattern of forewings very similar to those of the modern leaf-like katydids. Our finding suggests that predation pressure was already high enough during the Permian to favour investment in leaf mimicry
CD8+ Tumor-Infiltrating T Cells Are Trapped in the Tumor-Dendritic Cell Network
Chemotherapy enhances the antitumor adaptive immune T cell response, but the immunosuppressive tumor environment often dominates, resulting in cancer relapse. Antigen-presenting cells such as tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) and tumor dendritic cells (TuDCs) are the main protagonists of tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) immuno-suppression. TAMs have been widely investigated and are associated with poor prognosis, but the immuno-suppressive activity of TuDCs is less well understood. We performed two-photon imaging of the tumor tissue to examine the spatiotemporal interactions between TILs and TuDCs after chemotherapy. In a strongly immuno-suppressive murine tumor model, cyclophosphamide-mediated chemotherapy transiently enhanced the antitumor activity of adoptively transferred ovalbumin-specific CD8+ T cell receptor transgenic T cells (OTI) but barely affected TuDC compartment within the tumor. Time lapse imaging of living tumor tissue showed that TuDCs are organized as a mesh with dynamic interconnections. Once infiltrated into the tumor parenchyma, OTI T cells make antigen-specific and long-lasting contacts with TuDCs. Extensive analysis of TIL infiltration on histologic section revealed that after chemotherapy the majority of OTI T cells interact with TuDCs and that infiltration is restricted to TuDC-rich areas. We propose that the TuDC network exerts antigen-dependent unproductive retention that trap T cells and limit their antitumor effectiveness
CX3CR1 reduces Ly6Chigh-monocyte motility within and release from the bone marrow after chemotherapy in mice
The chemokine receptor CCR2 controls the release of Ly6C monocytes from the bone marrow and their recruitment to sites of inflammation. A second chemokine receptor, CX3CR1, is differentially expressed on monocyte subsets. We examined the role of CX3CR1 in monocyte trafficking during the recovery phase after cyclophosphamide (CP)-induced myeloablation and observed that, in the absence of CCR2, Ly6C monocytes accumulated in the bone marrow and peripheral reconstitution was severely impaired compared with wild-type (WT) mice. In contrast, in the absence of CX3CR1, Ly6C monocytes accumulated less rapidly in the marrow but recovered faster in the blood and were more recruited into the spleen, suggesting an opposite action between CCR2 and CX3CR1 in myelorestoration. During the recovery phase, marrow medullar monocytes displayed lower CX3CR1 expression and reduced their adherence to coated CX3CL1. Intravital imaging of the bone marrow showed that CP treatment impacts monocyte trafficking between the parenchyma and the vasculature. Medullar monocytes in CX3CR1 mice and mice treated with a specific antagonist of CX3CR1 displayed increased mean velocity and displacement and a reduced arrest coefficient compared withWT mice. This study indicates that CX3CR1 reduces the motility of Ly6C monocytes in the bone marrow and thereby controls their release
HIV-1 Envelope Glycoproteins Induce the Production of TNF-α and IL-10 in Human Monocytes by Activating Calcium Pathway.
Human HIV-1 infection leads inevitably to a chronic hyper-immune-activation. However, the nature of the targeted receptors and the pathways involved remain to be fully elucidated. We demonstrate that X4-tropic gp120 induced the production of TNF-α and IL-10 by monocytes through activation of a cell membrane receptor, distinct from the CD4, CXCR4, and MR receptors. Gp120 failed to stimulate IL-10 and TNF-α production by monocytes in Ca2+ free medium. This failure was total for IL-10 and partial for TNF-α. However, IL-10 and TNF-α production was fully restored following the addition of exogenous calcium. Accordingly, addition of BAPTA-AM and cyclosporine-A, fully and partially inhibited IL-10 and TNF-α respectively. The PKA pathway was crucial for IL-10 production but only partially involved in gp120-induced TNF-α. The PLC pathway was partially and equivalently involved in gp120-induced TNF-α and IL-10. Moreover, the inhibition of PI3K, ERK1/2, p38 MAP-kinases and NF-κB pathways totally abolished the production of both cytokines. In conclusion, this study revealed the crucial calcium signaling pathway triggered by HIV-1 gp120 to control the production of these two cytokines: TNF-α and IL-10. The finding could help in the development of a new therapeutic strategy to alleviate the chronic hyper-immune-activation observed in HIV-1 infected patients