2,824 research outputs found

    The Aquarius Co-Moving Group is Not a Disrupted Classical Globular Cluster

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    We present a detailed analysis of high-resolution, high S/N spectra for 5 Aquarius stream stars observed with the MIKE spectrograph on the Magellan Clay telescope. Our sample represents one third of the 15 known members in the stream. We find the stream is not mono-metallic: the metallicity ranges from [Fe/H] = -0.63 to -1.58. No anti-correlation in Na-O abundances is present, and we find a strong positive Mg-Al relationship, similar to that observed in the thick disk. We find no evidence that the stream is a result of a disrupted classical globular cluster, contrary to a previously published claim. High [(Na, Ni, alpha)/Fe] and low [Ba/Y] abundance ratios in the stream suggests it is not a tidal tail from a disrupted dwarf galaxy, either. The stream is chemically indistinguishable from Milky Way field stars with the exception of one candidate, C222531-145437. From its position, velocity, and detailed chemical abundances, C222531-145437 is likely a star that was tidally disrupted from omega-Centauri. We propose the Aquarius stream is Galactic in origin, and could be the result from a disk-satellite perturbation in the Milky Way thick disk on the order of a few Gyr ago: derived orbits, UVW velocities, and angular momenta of the Aquarius members offer qualitative support for our hypothesis. Assuming C222531-145437 is a tidally disrupted member of omega-Centauri, this system is the most likely disk perturber. In the absence of compelling chemical and/or dynamical evidence that the Aquarius stream is the tidal tail of a disrupted satellite, we advocate the "Aquarius group" as a more appropriate description. Like the Canis Major over-density, as well as the Hercules and Monoceros groups, the Aquarius group joins the list of kinematically-identified substructures that are not actually accreted material: they are simply part of the rich complexity of the Milky Way structure.Comment: Accepted to MNRAS. Updated to journal versio

    Circuitos curtos de comercialização de alimentos orgânicos: emancipação socioeconômica na agricultura familiar?

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agroecossistemas, Florianópolis, 2015.Alimentos orgânicos vêm como uma alternativa para a produção de alimentos com menos impactos ambientais, também pode promover desenvolvimento socioeconômico para os agricultores familiares. A distribuição desses alimentos pode ser feita por canais convencionais ou alternativos, como os circuitos curtos com no máximo um intermediário entre o agricultor e os consumidores. As relações estabelecidas entre o varejo e os agricultores dentro dos circuitos curtos de comercialização podem promover a emancipação socioeconômica, porém podem ser tão opressores quanto os circuitos longos, com relações puramente mercantis. Para revelar as diferentes faces desta modalidade de comercialização foram analisadas as relações nas trocas comerciais entre equipamentos que comercializam frutas, legumes e verduras (FLV) orgânicos no varejo e seus fornecedores da agricultura familiar. Uma feira, uma loja especializada e um supermercado foram analisados quanto às relações de reciprocidade e autonomia dos agricultores familiares. Foi realizado um estudo de casos múltiplos, por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, tendo como objeto de estudo um supermercado, uma loja especializada e uma feira, todos em Florianópolis, SC. O grande volume de demanda do supermercado e da loja especializada foi importante para a manutenção dos fornecedores e para o escoamento da produção. Porém, ambos apresentaram relações de reciprocidade assimétricas com seus fornecedores da agricultura familiar. A feira apresentou baixa demanda de produtos, porém grande simetria nas relações de reciprocidade com seus fornecedores da agricultura familiar. Além disso, a feira mostrou maior potencial para promoção de canais de comercialização mais democrático. Também proporcionam maior autonomia para os agricultores familiares, pois está inserida em suas organizações, o que permite a participação dos agricultores nas decisões importantes do mercado, como o preço. A feira se posiciona ativamente a favor dos problemas sociais, econômicos e ambientais que envolvem as dinâmicas do mercado agroalimentar, seguindo as premissas da agricultura orgânica com viés agroecológico. Consequentemente, para a promoção de um mercado mais justo e eficiente, seria conveniente, em primeiro lugar, a abertura de novos pontos de feira e em horários distintos, que poderiam auxiliar na absorção da produção dos agricultores de forma mais simétrica e incentivar o aumento da participação efetiva dos agricultores no supermercado e a loja especializada.Abstract : Organic production of vegetables and fruits is assumed to be less harmful for the environment than conventional production and brings socioeconomic development for smallholder farmers. The distribution of organic products can be executed via the conventional chain or via alternatives, such as the short food supply chain, in which the intermediates between farmer and consumer are limited to maximum one. The relationship between farmers and retailers of short food supply chains can promote socioeconomic emancipation, although they might be as oppressing as conventional retailing in long chains. To gain inside in the relationships of farmers and short food supply chain retailers, an analysis of both actors was performed with regard to organic fruits and vegetables. One fair, one specialized organic shop and one supermarket were analyzed on reciprocity in relationships and autonomy of the small holder farmers by surveys. The supermarket and the specialized shop were determined as canals with a considerable sales volume and great importance in the production flow, but showed asymmetric relations with the small holder suppliers. On the contrary, the fair revealed relationships with its suppliers which were far more symmetric, but accounted for a smaller sales volume. The fair resulted as the most democratic supply modality which offers the most autonomy to its suppliers. Due to the engagement of the fair in farmer organizations, farmers are involved in important decisions such as price setting. Moreover, the fair was, in comparison with the supermarket and the specialized shop, more efficacious in turning its objectives to face social, economic and environmental problems of commercialization of organic products into action. Consequently, to promote a more correct and efficient market, it would be valuable to firstly, open new fairs which can bridge the gap in sales volume in the most symmetric way and secondly, stimulate supermarkets and specialized organic shops to invest in participation with the farmers

    Mortalidade cerebrovascular: tendência e sazonalidade nas capitais brasileiras, 2000–2019

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a tendência e a sazonalidade das taxas de mortalidade cerebrovascular na população adulta das capitais brasileiras de 2000 a 2019. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico e descritivo de séries temporais de mortalidade por causas cerebrovasculares em adultos (≥ 18 anos) residentes nas capitais do Brasil no período 2000–2019, obtidas do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade. Técnicas de estatística descritiva foram aplicadas na análise exploratória dos dados e no resumo de taxas específicas, padronizadas e razões por características sociodemográficas. A regressão de pontos de junção ( jointpoint regression model) e stimou a t endência d as t axas d e m ortalidade c erebrovascular p or s exo, grupos etários e regiões geográficas. A variabilidade sazonal por regiões geográficas das taxas foi estimada utilizando o modelo aditivo generalizado por meio de splines de suavização cúbica. RESULTADOS: As pessoas maiores de 60 anos representaram 77% dos óbitos cerebrovasculares. Predominaram o sexo feminino (52%), a raça branca (47%), os solteiros (59%) e a baixa escolaridade (57%, ensino fundamental). As capitais Recife (20/1.000 hab.) e Vitória (16/1.000 hab.) apresentaram as maiores taxas brutas de mortalidade. Aplicando as taxas padronizadas Recife (49/10.000 hab.) e Palmas (47/10.000 hab.) prevaleceram. As taxas de mortalidade cerebrovascular no Brasil apresentam uma tendência favorável ao declínio em ambos os sexos e em adultos. A sazonalidade mostrou influenciar na elevação das taxas entre os meses de julho a agosto em quase todas as capitais das regiões, exceto na Norte, que se elevaram nos meses de março, abril e maio. CONCLUSÕES: Os óbitos por causa cerebrovascular prevaleceram em pessoas idosas, solteiras e com baixa escolaridade. A tendência foi favorável ao declínio, sendo o inverno o período de maior risco. As diferenças regionais permitem subsidiar os tomadores de decisões em relação à implementação de políticas públicas para reduzir a mortalidade cerebrovascular.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the trend and seasonality of cerebrovascular mortality rates in the adult population of Brazilian capitals from 2000 to 2019. METHODS: This is an ecological and descriptive study of a time series of mortality due to cerebrovascular causes in adults (≥ 18 years) living in Brazilian capitals from 2000 to 2019, based on the Brazilian Mortality Information System. Descriptive statistical techniques were applied in the exploratory analysis of data and in the summary of specific, standardized rates and ratios by sociodemographic characteristics. The jointpoint regression model was used to estimate the trend of cerebrovascular mortality rates by gender, age groups, and geographic regions. The seasonal variability of rates by geographic regions was estimated using the generalized additive model by smoothing cubic splines. RESULTS: People aged over 60 years comprised 77% of all cerebrovascular deaths. Women (52%), white individuals (47%), single people (59%), and those with low schooling (57%, elementary school) predominated in our sample. Recife (20/1,000 inhab.) and Vitória (16/1,000 inhab.) showed the highest crude mortality rates. Recife (49/10,000 inhab.) and Palmas (47/10,000 inhab.) prevailed after we applied standardized rates. Cerebrovascular mortality rates in Brazil show a favorable declining trend for adults of all genders. Seasonality influenced rate increase from July to August in almost all region capitals, except in the North, which rose in March, April, and May. CONCLUSIONS: Deaths due to cerebrovascular causes prevailed in older single adults with low schooling. The trend showed a tendency to decline and winter, the greatest risk. Regional differences can support decision-makers in implementing public policies to reduce cerebrovascular mortality

    Fishing and bottom water temperature as drivers of change in maximum shell length in Atlantic surfclams (Spisula solidissima)

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    Maximum shell length of Atlantic surfclams (Spisula solidissima) on the Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB) continental shelf, obtained from federal fishery survey data from 1982-present, has decreased by 15-20 mm. Two potential causes of this decreasing trend, fishery removal of large animals and stress due to warming bottom temperatures, were investigated using an individual-based model for post-settlement surfclams and a fifty-year hindcast of bottom water temperatures on the MAB. Simulations showed that fishing and/or warming bottom water temperature can cause decreases in maximum surfclam shell length (body size) equivalent to those observed in the fished stock. Independently, either localized fishing rates of 20% or sustained bottom temperatures that are 2 degrees C warmer than average conditions generate the observed decrease in maximum shell length. However, these independent conditions represent extremes and are not sustained in the MAB. The combined effects of fishing and warmer temperatures can generate simulated length decreases that are similar to observed decreases. Interannual variability in bottom water temperatures can also generate fluctuations in simulated shell length of up to 20 mm over a period of 10-15 years. If the change in maximum size is not genotypic, simulations also suggest that shell size composition of surfclam populations can recover if conditions change; however, that recovery could take a decade to become evident

    Breaking Good: Fracture Modes for Realtime Destruction

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    Drawing a direct analogy with the well-studied vibration or elastic modes, we introduce an object's fracture modes, which constitute its preferred or most natural ways of breaking. We formulate a sparsified eigenvalue problem, which we solve iteratively to obtain the n lowest-energy modes. These can be precomputed for a given shape to obtain a prefracture pattern that can substitute the state of the art for realtime applications at no runtime cost but significantly greater realism. Furthermore, any realtime impact can be projected onto our modes to obtain impact-dependent fracture patterns without the need for any online crack propagation simulation. We not only introduce this theoretically novel concept, but also show its fundamental and practical superiority in a diverse set of examples and contexts

    STAR: Sparse Trained Articulated Human Body Regressor

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    The SMPL body model is widely used for the estimation, synthesis, and analysis of 3D human pose and shape. While popular, we show that SMPL has several limitations and introduce STAR, which is quantitatively and qualitatively superior to SMPL. First, SMPL has a huge number of parameters resulting from its use of global blend shapes. These dense pose-corrective offsets relate every vertex on the mesh to all the joints in the kinematic tree, capturing spurious long-range correlations. To address this, we define per-joint pose correctives and learn the subset of mesh vertices that are influenced by each joint movement. This sparse formulation results in more realistic deformations and significantly reduces the number of model parameters to 20% of SMPL. When trained on the same data as SMPL, STAR generalizes better despite having many fewer parameters. Second, SMPL factors pose-dependent deformations from body shape while, in reality, people with different shapes deform differently. Consequently, we learn shape-dependent pose-corrective blend shapes that depend on both body pose and BMI. Third, we show that the shape space of SMPL is not rich enough to capture the variation in the human population. We address this by training STAR with an additional 10,000 scans of male and female subjects, and show that this results in better model generalization. STAR is compact, generalizes better to new bodies and is a drop-in replacement for SMPL. STAR is publicly available for research purposes at http://star.is.tue.mpg.de.Comment: ECCV 202

    Gamma-ray Burst UV/optical afterglow polarimetry as a probe of Quantum Gravity

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    A possible birefringence effect that arises in quantum gravity leads to a frequency-dependent rotation of the polarization angle of linearly polarized emission from distant sources. Here we use the UV/optical polarization data of the afterglows of GRB 020813 and GRB 021004 to constrain this effect. We find an upper limit on the Gambini & Pulin birefringence parameter η<2×107| \eta | <2\times 10^{-7}. This limit is of 3 orders better than the previous limits from observations of AGNs and of the Crab pulsar. Much stronger limits may be obtained by the future observation of polarization of the prompt γ\gamma-rays.Comment: typos correcte

    High-Resolution Spectroscopic Study of Extremely Metal-Poor Star Candidates from the SkyMapper Survey

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    The SkyMapper Southern Sky Survey is carrying out a search for the most metal-poor stars in the Galaxy. It identifies candidates by way of its unique filter set that allows for estimation of stellar atmospheric parameters. The set includes a narrow filter centered on the Ca II K 3933A line, enabling a robust estimate of stellar metallicity. Promising candidates are then confirmed with spectroscopy. We present the analysis of Magellan-MIKE high-resolution spectroscopy of 122 metal-poor stars found by SkyMapper in the first two years of commissioning observations. 41 stars have [Fe/H] <= -3.0. Nine have [Fe/H] <= -3.5, with three at [Fe/H] ~ -4. A 1D LTE abundance analysis of the elements Li, C, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Zn, Sr, Ba and Eu shows these stars have [X/Fe] ratios typical of other halo stars. One star with low [X/Fe] [X/Fe values appears to be "Fe-enhanced," while another star has an extremely large [Sr/Ba] ratio: >2. Only one other star is known to have a comparable value. Seven stars are "CEMP-no" stars ([C/Fe] > 0.7, [Ba/Fe] < 0). 21 stars exhibit mild r-process element enhancements (0.3 <=[Eu/Fe] < 1.0), while four stars have [Eu/Fe] >= 1.0. These results demonstrate the ability to identify extremely metal-poor stars from SkyMapper photometry, pointing to increased sample sizes and a better characterization of the metal-poor tail of the halo metallicity distribution function in the future.Comment: Minor corrections to text, missing data added to Tables 3 and 4; updated to match published version. Complete tables included in sourc

    Criminal compliance, controle e lógica atuarial: a relativização do 'nemo tenetur se detegere'

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    The present article will seek to investigate the phenomena actually known as criminal compliance that, especially with the Law 9.613/1998, brings to the Brazilian criminal law scenario deeply and important modifications. We believe that the implementation of the so called compliance duties, especially with the advent of the new anti-money laundering law (Statute 12.683/2012), is responsible for the deterioration of the fundamental principle of&nbsp;nemo tenetur se detegere, characterized by the statal limitation in achieving evidences against the will of the suspect or the indicted. This new facet of penal intervention that mitigates and weakens constitutional rights of the jurisdictionalized integrates a larger context, that a long a time ago David Garland called as culture of control. The institutional modifications brought by the new law, inside this criminological vision may be better understood through the demonstration that the Brazilian State, as it happens in United States and some European countries, adopt an actuarial criminal politics, responsible, mostly, by the risk management and by the apparatus of governmentality dissemination, what, according to Foucault, will give rise to an actuation focused on prevention, precisely with the aim to gain security.O presente artigo procurará investigar o fenômeno atualmente conhecido como criminal compliance, que especialmente com a Lei 9.613/1998, trouxe para o cenário do direito penal brasileiro importantes e profundas alterações. Acredita-se que a implementação dos denominados deveres de compliance seja responsável, especialmente com o advento da nova lei de lavagem de dinheiro (Lei 12.683/2012), pelo enfraquecimento do princípio fundamental do nemo tenetur se detegere, caracterizado pela limitação do Estado na obtenção de provas contra a vontade do suspeito ou acusado. Essa nova faceta da intervenção penal, que mitiga e enfraquece direitos constitucionais dos jurisdicionalizados, integra um contexto mais amplo, e que há bom tempo David Garland denominava como cultura do controle. As modificações institucionais trazidas pela nova lei, dentro dessa visão criminológica, podem ser mais bem compreendidas através da demonstração de que o Estado brasileiro, na esteira do que ocorreu nos Estados Unidos e em alguns países europeus, passa a adotar uma política criminal atuarial, responsável, sobretudo, pela gestão de riscos e pela disseminação de dispositivos de governamentalidade, que segundo Foucault, ensejarão uma atuação voltada para a prevenção, justamente com o fito de se obter segurança

    A Note on Thermodynamics of Black Holes in Lovelock Gravity

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    The Lovelock gravity consists of the dimensionally extended Euler densities. The geometry and horizon structure of black hole solutions could be quite complicated in this gravity, however, we find that some thermodynamic quantities of the black holes like the mass, Hawking temperature and entropy, have simple forms expressed in terms of horizon radius. The case with black hole horizon being a Ricci flat hypersurface is particularly simple. In that case the black holes are always thermodynamically stable with a positive heat capacity and their entropy still obeys the area formula, which is no longer valid for black holes with positive or negative constant curvature horizon hypersurface. In addition, for black holes in the gravity theory of Ricci scalar plus a 2n2n-dimensional Euler density with a positive coefficient, thermodynamically stable small black holes always exist in D=2n+1D=2n+1 dimensions, which are absent in the case without the Euler density term, while the thermodynamic properties of the black hole solutions with the Euler density term are qualitatively similar to those of black holes without the Euler density term as D>2n+1D>2n+1.Comment: Latex, 10 pages, v2: typos corrected, references added, to appear in PL