502 research outputs found

    High-Resolution Satellite and Archival Tracking of Leatherback Sea Turtles

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    Use of marine biologging devices enables the insight into the cryptic lives of marine fauna and the complex environment they inhabit. Using tracking and acoustic monitoring technologies deployed in tandem, we collected fine-scale data on the behaviour and acoustic environment of the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), nesting in Gabon, Central Africa; a country which supports the largest leatherback nesting population in the world and 60% of all nesting leatherbacks in the Atlantic. A SPLASH10-AF satellite transmitter (Argos tracking), DSG-OpenTag (acoustic and movement) and VHF transmitter (for relocating individuals) were attached to four female turtles using direct carapacial attachment. Data were gathered throughout an entire internesting interval on depth-use, sound, location, and body movement. Here we combine spatial and sound datasets to define the marine soundscape of the nesting leatherback turtle (Chapter 1), whilst combining sound and movement datasets to investigate the effects of ambient acoustic environment on leatherback Vectoral Dynamic Body Acceleration (VeDBA; Chapter 2). Turtles encountered anthrophony (source: shipping activity; occurrence in acoustic files: mean ± SD = 74.7 ± 14.7%, n = 4 turtles; intensity: median = 128.2 dB re 1 µPa, n = 4202), loud noise events (events exceeding the 90th percentile, >135.5 dB re 1 µPa, n = 426), and biophony (source: humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae vocalisations; occurrence in acoustic files: median = 114 vocalisations, n = 4) in the marine soundscape. VeDBA ranged from 0.005 – 0.171g and was significantly affected by depth and broadband sound energy (GLMM: χ21,6 = 8.62, p = <0.05) with individual turtle VeDBA influenced by different sound frequencies within the turtle hearing range. We discuss the potential effects of anthropogenic sound sources on this species and potential application of our methodologies. Our findings provide one of the first examples of animal-borne soundscape monitoring over extended periods (9 – 10 days; n = 4) a novel methodology for investigating the effects of marine acoustics on wild animal movement.VAALCO Inc.Harvest N

    An Evaluation of Laminated Offset Jawed Traps for Reducing Injuries to Coyotes

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    Increasing public concern about injuries caused by foothold traps has resulted in a considerable amount of research for more humane traps. Much of this research effort has focused on evaluating the Victor No. 3 Soft-Catch trap manufactured by Woodstream Corporation, Lititz, Pennsylvania (Linhart and Dasch 1992). Research has concentrated on two major areas: (1) efficiency and selectivity of different trap types and modifications used for capturing coyotes (Canis latrans) and (2) reducing animal injuries associated with trapping (Phillips and Mullis 1991). The Soft-Catch trap has been shown to reduce foot injury sustained by most captured furbearers (Tullar 1984, Olsen et al. 1986, Linhart et al. 1988, Olsen et al. 1988, Onderka et al. 1990)

    Locally Optimally Emitting Clouds and the Origin of Quasar Emission Lines

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    The similarity of quasar line spectra has been taken as an indication that the emission line clouds have preferred parameters, suggesting that the environment is subject to a fine tuning process. We show here that the observed spectrum is a natural consequence of powerful selection effects. We computed a large grid of photoionization models covering the widest possible range of cloud gas density and distance from the central continuum source. For each line only a narrow range of density and distance from the continuum source results in maximum reprocessing efficiency, corresponding to ``locally optimally-emitting clouds'' (LOC). These parameters depend on the ionization and excitation potentials of the line, and its thermalization density. The mean QSO line spectrum can be reproduced by simply adding together the full family of clouds, with an appropriate covering fraction distribution. The observed quasar spectrum is a natural consequence of the ability of various clouds to reprocess the underlying continuum, and can arise in a chaotic environment with no preferred pressure, gas density, or ionization parameter.Comment: 9 pages including 1 ps figure. LaTeX format using aaspp4.st

    Reproductive Life Planning in Adolescents

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    Unplanned pregnancy in adolescents contributes to the burden of disease, mortality, and health and educational disparities experienced by young people during this vulnerable period between childhood and adulthood. Reproductive life planning (RLP) is an approach that has been endorsed and adopted internationally, which prompts individuals and couples to set personal goals regarding if and when to have children based on their own personal priorities. This review discusses RLP tools, their acceptability, effectiveness, and issues in implementation across different contexts, with a specific focus on how RLP has been applied for adolescents. While a range of RLP tools are available and considered acceptable in adult populations, there is minimal evidence of their potential benefits for adolescent populations. Online platforms and information technology are likely to promote reach and implementation of RLP interventions in adolescents. Consideration of the socioecological contexts where adolescent pregnancies are more common should be integral to much needed future work that explores RLP interventions in adolescents

    The Ursinus Weekly, December 6, 1954

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    West Chester choir sings at vespers • Does Ursinus have adequate parking facilities? • Candlelight Communion to be held Dec. 9 in Bomberger • Improper procedure key in MSGA trial • Rosicrucians add members at after-dinner dessert • Dr. Dugger speaks, shows slides to pre-medical group • Christmas to visit UC in many forms • Beta Sig presents Bill Haley on Jan. 7 • Charles Hudnut wins award in national poetry contest • Seniors hold prom; Elect lord and lady • 300 attend seventeenth annual Messiah performance • Chesterfield holds contest Home for the holidays • Dr. Oliver Gogarty discusses poets • Band practicing for May Day; Marches at basketball games • Editorials • Test of time • Matmen boast 7 lettermen; Two MAC champions return • Gridmen elect Neborak MVP, 1955 captain • Heller, Bauser All Philadelphia 3rd hockey team • Susquehanna, Nat. Aggies bow; Juniata mars record by 78-56 • Westerhoff\u27s proposed revisions passed by MSGAhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1462/thumbnail.jp

    MRI of hippocampal volume loss in early Alzheimer's disease in relation to ApoE genotype and biomarkers

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    Hippocampal volume change over time, measured with MRI, has huge potential as a marker for Alzheimer's disease. The objectives of this study were: (i) to test if constant and accelerated hippocampal loss can be detected in Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment and normal ageing over short periods, e.g. 6–12 months, with MRI in the large multicentre setting of the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI); (ii) to determine the extent to which the polymorphism of the apolipoprotein E (ApoE) gene modulates hippocampal change; and (iii) to determine if rates of hippocampal loss correlate with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease, such as the β-amyloid (Aβ1–42) and tau proteins (tau). The MRI multicentre study included 112 cognitive normal elderly individuals, 226 mild cognitive impairment and 96 Alzheimer's disease patients who all had at least three successive MRI scans, involving 47 different imaging centres. The mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease groups showed hippocampal volume loss over 6 months and accelerated loss over 1 year. Moreover, increased rates of hippocampal loss were associated with presence of the ApoE allele ɛ4 gene in Alzheimer's disease and lower CSF Aβ1–42 in mild cognitive impairment, irrespective of ApoE genotype, whereas relations with tau were only trends. The power to measure hippocampal change was improved by exploiting correlations statistically between successive MRI observations. The demonstration of considerable hippocampal loss in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease patients over only 6 months and accelerated loss over 12 months illustrates the power of MRI to track morphological brain changes over time in a large multisite setting. Furthermore, the relations between faster hippocampal loss in the presence of ApoE allele ɛ4 and decreased CSF Aβ1–42 supports the concept that increased hippocampal loss is an indicator of Alzheimer's disease pathology and a potential marker for the efficacy of therapeutic interventions in Alzheimer's disease

    How many came home? Evaluating ex‐situ conservation of green turtles in the Cayman Islands

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    Ex-situ management is an important conservation tool that allows the preservation of biological diversity outside natural habitats while supporting survival in the wild. Captive breeding followed by reintroduction is a possible approach for endangered species conservation and preservation of genetic variability. The Cayman Turtle Centre Ltd was established in 1968 to market green turtle (Chelonia mydas) meat and other products and replenish wild populations, thought to be locally extirpated, through captive breeding. We evaluated the effects of this reintroduction program using molecular markers (13 microsatellites, 800bp D-loop and STR mtDNA sequences) from captive breeders (N=257) and wild nesting females (N=57) (sampling period: 2013-2015). We divided the captive breeders into three groups: founders (from the original stock), and then two subdivisions of F1 individuals corresponding to two different management strategies, cohort 1995 ("C1995)" and multicohort F1 ("MCF1"). Loss of genetic variability and increased relatedness was observed in the captive stock over time. We found no significant differences in diversity among captive and wild groups, and similar or higher levels of haplotype variability when compared to other natural populations. Using parentage and sibship assignment, we determined that 90% of the wild individuals were related to the captive stock. Our results suggest a strong impact of the reintroduction program on the present recovery of the wild green turtle population nesting in the Cayman Islands. Moreover, genetic relatedness analyses of captive populations are necessary to improve future management actions to maintain genetic diversity in the long term and avoid inbreeding depression

    Breast cancer incidence, stage, treatment and survival in ethnic groups in South East England

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    Studies from the US have shown variations in breast cancer incidence, stage distribution, treatment and survival between ethnic groups. Data on 35 631 women diagnosed with breast cancer in South East England between 1998 and 2003 with self-assigned ethnicity information available were analysed. Results are reported for White, Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Black Caribbean, Black African and Chinese women. Age-standardised breast cancer incidence rate ratios, patterns of stage of disease at diagnosis, treatment, overall and breast cancer-specific survival were examined. All ethnic groups studied had lower age-standardised breast cancer incidence rates than White women, with Bangladeshi women having the lowest rate ratio (0.23, 95% CI: 0.20–0.26). White women were the most likely to have a stage recorded at diagnosis (adjusted proportion 75%), and least likely to be diagnosed with metastatic disease (7%). Black African women were the least likely to have a record of cancer surgery (63%) or hormone therapy (32%), and most likely to receive chemotherapy (38%). After fully adjusting for age, socioeconomic deprivation, stage of disease and treatment received, there was no significant variation in breast cancer-specific survival. However, Black African women had significantly worse overall survival (hazard ratio 1.24, P=0.025). These findings suggest that a strategy of earlier detection should be pursued in Black and South Asian women

    Effect of Addition of an Intimate Partner Violence Intervention to a Nurse Home Visitation Program on Maternal Quality of Life: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Importance: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a public health problem with significant adverse consequences for women and children. Past evaluations of a nurse home visitation program for pregnant women and first-time mothers experiencing social and economic disadvantage have not consistently shown reductions in IPV. Objective: To determine the effect on maternal quality of life of a nurse home visitation program augmented by an IPV intervention, compared with the nurse home visitation program alone. Design, Setting, and Participants: Cluster-based, single-blind, randomized clinical trial at 15 sites in 8 US states (May 2011-May 2015) enrolling 492 socially disadvantaged pregnant women (≥16 years) participating in a 2.5-year nurse home visitation program. Interventions: In augmented program sites (n = 229 participants across 7 sites), nurses received intensive IPV education and delivered an IPV intervention that included a clinical pathway to guide assessment and tailor care focused on safety planning, violence awareness, self-efficacy, and referral to social supports. The standard program (n = 263 participants across 8 sites) included limited questions about violence exposure and information for abused women but no standardized IPV training for nurses. Main Outcomes and Measures: The primary outcome was quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF; range, 0-400; higher score indicates better quality of life) obtained through interviews at baseline and every 6 months until 24 months after delivery. From 17 prespecified secondary outcomes, 7 secondary end points are reported, including scores on the Composite Abuse Scale, SPAN (Startle, Physiological Arousal, Anger, and Numbness), Prime-MD Patient Health Questionnaire, TWEAK (Tolerance/Worry About Drinking/Eye-Opener/Amnesia/C[K]ut Down on Drinking), Drug Abuse Severity Test, and the 12-Item Short-Form Health Survey (physical and mental health), version 2. Results: Among 492 participants enrolled (mean age, 20.4 years), 421 (86%) completed the trial. Quality of life improved from baseline to 24 months in both groups (change in WHOQOL-BREF scores from 299.5 [SD, 54.4] to 308.2 [SD, 52.6] in the augmented program group vs from 293.6 [SD, 56.4] to 316.4 [SD, 57.5] in the standard program group). Based on multilevel growth curve analysis, there was no statistically significant difference between groups (modeled score difference, -4.9 [95% CI, -16.5 to 6.7]). There were no statistically significant differences between study groups in any of the secondary participant end points. There were no adverse events recorded in either group. Conclusions and Relevance: Among pregnant women experiencing social and economic disadvantage and preparing to parent for the first time, augmentation of a nurse home visitation program with a comprehensive IPV intervention, compared with the home visitation program alone, did not significantly improve quality of life at 24 months after delivery. These findings do not support the use of this intervention. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01372098