1,726 research outputs found

    Exploring leadership in low-authority environments

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    This thesis contributes to the literature on distributed leadership by exploring leadership experiences in low-authority environments such as those found in professional organizations, where high levels of individual autonomy are combined with a highly educated workforce. A subjective ontology and interpretivist epistemology underpin empirical research consisting of 86 interviews with senior academics (28), senior clinicians (35) and politicians (23). By examining the assumptions of distributed leadership, alongside the attitudes and perceptions of leadership within low-authority environments, this thesis argues that it is problematic to take a singular, typically heroic view of leadership and distribute it such that co-leadership occurs. Findings suggest that there are often multiple, overlapping and potentially conflicting organizational memberships and allegiances which subsist within the whole, and that a lack of reciprocity leads to significant issues when attempting to distribute leadership within low authority settings. The thesis therefore makes a theoretical contribution to distributed leadership whereby it extends current thinking by suggesting that, in low-authority environments, there are often multiple organizational memberships at play which compete for the attention of the professional

    Detection and Interpretation Of Long-Lived X-Ray Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in the X-Class Solar Flare On 2013 May 14

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    Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPP) seen in the time derivative of the GOES soft X-ray light curves are analyzed for the near-limb X3.2 event on 14 May 2013. The pulsations are apparent for a total of at least two hours from the impulsive phase to well into the decay phase, with a total of 163 distinct pulses evident to the naked eye. A wavelet analysis shows that the characteristic time scale of these pulsations increases systematically from \sim25 s at 01:10 UT, the time of the GOES peak, to \sim100 s at 02:00 UT. A second ridge in the wavelet power spectrum, most likely associated with flaring emission from a different active region, shows an increase from \sim40 s at 01:40 UT to \sim100 s at 03:10 UT. We assume that the QPP that produced the first ridge result from vertical kink-mode oscillations of the newly formed loops following magnetic reconnection in the coronal current sheet. This allows us to estimate the magnetic field strength as a function of altitude given the density, loop length, and QPP time scale as functions of time determined from the GOES light curves and RHESSI images. The calculated magnetic field strength of the newly formed loops ranges from about \sim500 G at an altitude of 24 Mm to a low value of \sim10 G at 60 Mm, in general agreement with the expected values at these altitudes. Fast sausage mode oscillations are also discussed and cannot be ruled out as an alternate mechanism for producing the QPP

    Estimating the properties of hard X-ray solar flares by constraining model parameters

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    We compare four different methods of calculating uncertainty estimates in fitting parameterized models to RHESSI X-ray spectra, considering only statistical sources of error. Three of the four methods are based on estimating the scale-size of the minimum in a hypersurface formed by the weighted sum of the squares of the differences between the model fit and the data as a function of the fit parameters, and are implemented as commonly practiced. The fourth method uses Bayesian data analysis and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques to calculate an uncertainty estimate. Two flare spectra are modeled: one from the GOES X1.3 class flare of 19 January 2005, and the other from the X4.8 flare of 23 July 2002. The four methods give approximately the same uncertainty estimates for the 19 January 2005 spectral fit parameters, but lead to very different uncertainty estimates for the 23 July 2002 spectral fit. This is because each method implements different analyses of the hypersurface, yielding method-dependent results that differ greatly depending on the shape of the hypersurface. For the 23 July 2002 flare data, there is a 95% probability that the low energy cutoff lies below approximately 40 keV, and a 68% probability that it lies in the range 7-36 keV. The low-energy cutoff for the 19 January 2005 flare is more tightly constrained to 107+/-4 keV (68% probability). Using the Bayesian/MCMC approach, we also estimate for the first time probability density functions (PDFs) for the total number of flare accelerated electrons and the energy they carry. For the 23 July 2002 event, these PDFs are asymmetric with long tails orders of magnitude higher than the most probable value, caused by the poorly constrained value of the low-energy cutoff. For the 19 January 2005 flare spectrum, the PDFs for the total number of flare accelerated electrons and their energy are much more symmetric and narrow

    Orion Handling Qualities During ISS Proximity Operations and Docking

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    NASA's Orion spacecraft is designed to autonomously rendezvous and dock with many vehicles including the International Space Station. However, the crew is able to assume manual control of the vehicle s attitude and flight path. In these instances, Orion must meet handling qualities requirements established by NASA. Two handling qualities assessments were conducted at the Johnson Space Center to evaluate preliminary designs of the vehicle using a six degree of freedom, high-fidelity guidance, navigation, and control simulation. The first assessed Orion s handling qualities during the last 20 ft before docking, and included both steady and oscillatory motions of the docking target. The second focused on manual acquisition of the docking axis during the proximity operations phase and subsequent station-keeping. Cooper-Harper handling qualities ratings, workload ratings and comments were provided by 10 evaluation pilots for the docking study and 5 evaluation pilots for the proximity operations study. For the docking task, both cases received 90% Level 1 (satisfactory) handling qualities ratings, exceeding NASA s requirement. All ratings for the ProxOps task were Level 1. These evaluations indicate that Orion is on course to meet NASA's handling quality requirements for ProxOps and docking

    A millimeter-wave kinetic inductance detector camera for long-range imaging through optical obscurants

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    Millimeter-wave imaging provides a promising option for long-range target detection through optical obscurants such as fog, which often occur in marine environments. Given this motivation, we are currently developing a 150 GHz polarization-sensitive imager using a relatively new type of superconducting pair-breaking detector, the kinetic inductance detector (KID). This imager will be paired with a 1.5 m telescope to obtain an angular resolution of 0.09° over a 3.5° field of view using 3,840 KIDs. We have fully characterized a prototype KID array, which shows excellent performance with noise strongly limited by the irreducible fluctuations from the ambient temperature background. Full-scale KID arrays are now being fabricated and characterized for a planned demonstration in a maritime environment later this year

    Identification of a Bacterial Type III Effector Family with G Protein Mimicry Functions

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    SummaryMany bacterial pathogens use the type III secretion system to inject “effector” proteins into host cells. Here, we report the identification of a 24 member effector protein family found in pathogens including Salmonella, Shigella, and enteropathogenic E. coli. Members of this family subvert host cell function by mimicking the signaling properties of Ras-like GTPases. The effector IpgB2 stimulates cellular responses analogous to GTP-active RhoA, whereas IpgB1 and Map function as the active forms of Rac1 and Cdc42, respectively. These effectors do not bind guanine nucleotides or have sequences corresponding the conserved GTPase domain, suggesting that they are functional but not structural mimics. However, several of these effectors harbor intracellular targeting sequences that contribute to their signaling specificities. The activities of IpgB2, IpgB1, and Map are dependent on an invariant WxxxE motif found in numerous effectors leading to the speculation that they all function by a similar molecular mechanism

    Weed Seed Bank Emergence across the Corn Belt

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    Field experiments, conducted from 1991 to 1994, generated information on weed seedbank emergence for 22 site-years from Ohio to Colorado and Minnesota to Missouri. Early spring seedbank densities were estimated through direct extraction of viable seeds from soil cores. Emerged seedlings were recorded periodically, as were daily values for air and soil temperature, and precipitation. Percentages of weed seedbanks that emerged as seedlings were calculated from seedbank and seedling data for each species, and relationships between seedbank emergence and microclimatic variables were sought. Fifteen species were found in 3 or more site-years. Average emergence percentages (and coefficients of variation) of these species were as follows: giant foxtail, 31.2 (84%); velvetleaf, 28.2 (66); kochia, 25.7 (79); Pennsylvania smartweed, 25.1 (65); common purslane, 15.4 (135); common ragweed, 15.0 (110); green foxtail, 8.5 (72); wild proso millet, 6.6 (104); hairy nightshade, 5.2 (62); common sunflower, 5.0 (26); yellow foxtail, 3.4 (67); pigweed species, 3.3 (103); common lambsquarters, 2.7 (111); wild buckwheat, 2.5 (63), and prostrate knotweed, 0.6 (79). Variation among site-years, for some species, could be attributed to microclimate variables thought to induce secondary dormancy in spring. For example, total seasonal emergence percentage of giant foxtail was related positively to the 1st date at which average daily soil temperature at 5 to 10 cm soil depth reached 16 C. Thus, if soil warmed before mid April, secondary dormancy was induced and few seedlings emerged, whereas many seedlings emerged if soil remained cool until June

    Weed Seed Bank Emergence across the Corn Belt

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    Field experiments, conducted from 1991 to 1994, generated information on weed seedbank emergence for 22 site-years from Ohio to Colorado and Minnesota to Missouri. Early spring seedbank densities were estimated through direct extraction of viable seeds from soil cores. Emerged seedlings were recorded periodically, as were daily values for air and soil temperature, and precipitation. Percentages of weed seedbanks that emerged as seedlings were calculated from seedbank and seedling data for each species, and relationships between seedbank emergence and microclimatic variables were sought. Fifteen species were found in 3 or more site-years. Average emergence percentages (and coefficients of variation) of these species were as follows: giant foxtail, 31.2 (84%); velvetleaf, 28.2 (66); kochia, 25.7 (79); Pennsylvania smartweed, 25.1 (65); common purslane, 15.4 (135); common ragweed, 15.0 (110); green foxtail, 8.5 (72); wild proso millet, 6.6 (104); hairy nightshade, 5.2 (62); common sunflower, 5.0 (26); yellow foxtail, 3.4 (67); pigweed species, 3.3 (103); common lambsquarters, 2.7 (111); wild buckwheat, 2.5 (63), and prostrate knotweed, 0.6 (79). Variation among site-years, for some species, could be attributed to microclimate variables thought to induce secondary dormancy in spring. For example, total seasonal emergence percentage of giant foxtail was related positively to the 1st date at which average daily soil temperature at 5 to 10 cm soil depth reached 16 C. Thus, if soil warmed before mid April, secondary dormancy was induced and few seedlings emerged, whereas many seedlings emerged if soil remained cool until June

    Capillary Assembly of Anisotropic Particles at Cylindrical Fluid-Fluid Interfaces

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    The unique behavior of colloids at liquid interfaces provides exciting opportunities for engineering the assembly of colloidal particles into functional materials. The deformable nature of fluid-fluid interfaces means that we can use the interfacial curvature, in addition to particle properties, to direct self-assembly. To this end, we use a finite element method (Surface Evolver) to study the self-assembly of rod-shaped particles adsorbed at a simple curved fluid-fluid interface formed by a sessile liquid drop with cylindrical geometry. Specifically, we study the self-assembly of single and multiple rods as a function of drop curvature and particle properties such as shape (ellipsoid, cylinder, and spherocylinder), contact angle, aspect ratio, and chemical heterogeneity (homogeneous and triblock patchy). We find that the curved interface allows us to effectively control the orientation of the rods, allowing us to achieve parallel, perpendicular, or novel obliquely orientations with respect to the cylindrical drop. In addition, by tuning particle properties to achieve parallel alignment of the rods, we show that the cylindrical drop geometry favors tip-to-tip assembly of the rods, not just for cylinders, but also for ellipsoids and triblock patchy rods. Finally, for triblock patchy rods with larger contact line undulations, we can achieve strong spatial confinement of the rods transverse to the cylindrical drop due to the capillary repulsion between the contact line undulations of the particle and the pinned contact lines of the sessile drop. Our capillary assembly method allows us to manipulate the configuration of single and multiple rod-like particles and therefore offers a facile strategy for organizing such particles into useful functional materials