1,334 research outputs found


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    Kosakata merupakan hal penting dalam pembelajaran bahasa Jepang, karena semakin banyak kosakata semakin baik pula berkomunikasi. Namun dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa Jepang di Sekolah, banyak siswa yang masih kesulitan dalam menguasi kosakata. Maka dari itu, penulis mengadakan penelitian penerapan metode Whole Brain Teaching pada pembelajaran kosakata bahasa Jepang untuk memudahkan siswa dalam mempelajari bahasa Jepang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengetahui kemampuan kosakata siswa sebelum menggunakan metode Whole Brain Teaching, 2) mengetahui kemampuan kosakata siswa sesudah menggunakan metode Whole Brain Teaching, 3) mengetahui pendapat siswa tentang pembelajaran kosakata menggunakan metode Whole Brain teaching. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen kuasi dengan desain one group pretest-posttes design.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMAN 16 Bandung dan sampelnya adalah 24 siswa kelas XI IPA 7 SMAN 16 Bandung. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu, pretes, postes, dan angket. Dari hasil analisis data, diketahui nilai rata-rata pretes sebesar 52,78 postes 95,28 dan db=22, sehingga t hitung yang diperoleh sebesar 8,04. T hitung tersebut lebih besar daripada t tabel (taraf signifikasi 5% = 1,15 dan 1% = 0,23). Dengan begitu H_kditerima yang artinya, metode Whole Brain Teaching efektif dalam meningkatkan kosakata bahasa Jepang siswa. Serta berdasarkan data yang didapat dari angket, dapat dikatakan bahwa metode Whole Brain Teachingmempunyai teknik-teknik yang mampu membuat siswa lebih fokus, lebih kreatif, serta menyenangkan sehingga menghasilkan pembelajaran yang efektif. Keyword: Penerapan, Whole Brain Teaching, Kosakata Vocabulary is important in learning Japanese , because the more the better vocabulary to communicate. But in the process of learning Japanese at school , many students are still difficulties in mastering vocabulary. Therefore , the authors conducted research application of Whole Brain Teaching method in learning Japanese vocabulary to facilitate students in learning Japanese. This research aims to 1) know the vocabulary skills of students before using the Whole Brain Teaching method 2) know the vocabulary skills of students after using the Whole Brain Teaching method 3) find out what students say about learning vocabulary using Whole Brain teaching method. The research method used is the method of quasi-experimental with one group pretest - posttes design. The population in this research were students of SMAN 16 Bandung and the sample was 24 students of class XI Science 7 SMAN 16 Bandung. The instrument used is the pretest , posttest , and questionnaires. The result of data analysis showed that average value of pretest is 57,78 average value of posttest is 95,28 anddb=22, t-count was 8,04 and t-table in the level of 5% (1, 15), while level 1% as big as 0,23. This proved that t-count was bigger that t-table. This means that there was a significant difference in vocabulary skill after using whole brain teaching method in learning Japanese vocabulary. based on the results obtained from the questionnaire known that Whole brain teaching methods have techniques that can make students more focused, more creative also fun so that can produce effective learning. Keyword: Application, Whole Brain Teaching, Vocabular


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    vABSTRAKABDUL JABAR, OPTIMALISASI PENGGUNAAN DANA BAGI HASIL DARI DANA TAMBAHAN MINYAK DAN GAS BUMI DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN MUTU PENDIDIKAN DI ACEH.2015 Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala (v,68 ) pp., bibl., app., tab.KURNIAWAN, S.H., LL.MAlokasi dana Otsus untuk Aceh menurut Pasal 183 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor.11 Tahun 2006 menyebutkan bahwa Pemerintah Pusat sejak tahun 2008 menetapkan besaran dana Otsus 2% (dua persen) dari Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU) Nasional selama 15 tahun dan 1% (satu persen) selama 5 tahun yang berakhir pada tahun 2027. Selain Dana Bagi Hasil sebagaimana disebutkan di atas, Pasal 182 Undang-Undang Nomor. 11 Tahun 2006 tentang Pemerintahan Aceh menyebutkan Pemerintah Aceh berwenang mengelola Tambahan Dana Bagi Hasil minyak dan gas bumi sebagai pendapatan dalam APBA. Paling sedikit 30% (tiga puluh persen) dari pendapatan tersebut dialokasikan untuk membiayai pendidikan di Aceh yang merupakan bagian dari penerimaan Pemerintah Aceh, yaitu bagian dari pertambangan minyak sebesar 55% (lima puluh lima persen), dan bagian dari pertambangan gas bumi sebesar 40% (empat puluh persen).Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sesuai atau tidaknya anggaran yang dialokasikan oleh pemerintah Aceh dari dana pendidikan yang bersumber dari tambahan dana bagi hasil minyak dan gas bumi sebagaimana yang diamanatkan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2006 Tentang Pemerintahan Aceh.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Hukum Yuridis Normatif-Empiris (legal applied research), yaitu data yang di peroleh dari penelitian kepustakaan dengan mengkaji peraturan perundang-undangan, buku-buku dan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah dan jurnal yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini, secara bersamaan juga dilakukan penelitian lapangan yaitu dengan mewawancarai responden dan informan.Hasil penelitian menunjukka dana alokasi TDBH telah sesuai dengan pasal 182 Undang-Undang Pemerintah Aceh. Alokasi terbesar pendidikan menengah (SD, SMA/MA). Alokasi menyerap 70 Persen dari alokasi bidang pendidikan, selain itu terdapat pula alokasi untuk program pembinaan dan pengembangan pendidikan tinggi serta kualitas dan kuantitas tenaga kependidikan (11,3%), pendidikan anak usia dini (6,7%), pendidikan dayah (5,1%), sementara program lainnya mendapat alokasi relatif kecil, yaitu pembinaan olahraga dan kepemudaan (2,2%), pengembangan mutu pendidik (1,9%), pendidikan non formal (1,6%) dan perpustakaan (1,1%). mutu pendidikan yang rendah disebabkan karena distorsi perencanaan pendidikan dan masih minimnya potensi dan jumlah guru dari serta banyak dana di dinas pendidikan Aceh disalahgunakan tidak digunakan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan.Disarankan kepada pemerintah Aceh pemerintah kabupaten atau kota diseluruh wilayah membelanjakan tambahan dana bagi hasil di sektor pendidikan sebanyak 30% di belanjakan untuk peningkatan mutu pendidikan khususnya kepada pengajar dan siswa serta dapat melakukan perubahan mendasar melalui aspek paradigma dan aspek management pendidikan yang diatur didalam perundang-undangan berupa Qanun Aceh, Peraturan Gubernur

    Value of Digitizing Well Interventions and its impact on business and working processes

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    The oil and gas industry continuously enters a phase with new challenges and new ways of thinking, the rise of a digitalization revolution can be the key answer to creating new opportunities to overcome the industry's challenges. The “new reality’’ of low oil prices, Covid-19 still threatening, and the increased focus on climate and environmental considerations globally, has led to a shift in the mindset of the industry; from an increased-production focus to a cost-efficiency focus while maximizing the productivity, minimizing operating costs and sustain operating flexibility. Accomplishing this new way of working may perhaps require a digital transformation. There has generally been little technology development and digitization in the well intervention sector compared with the drilling sector. Real-time data, onshore support centers, and automation have long been used in the drilling sector. This master thesis introduces an innovative project that is being implemented by ALTUS Intervention. Digital Well Intervention (DWI) is a digital platform that digitizes large parts of today's way of working and how ALTUS Intervention is delivering well intervention services. This master's thesis studies how DWI will affect the work process in ALTUS Intervention. The thesis will provide concrete examples of how DWI improves work processes both internally and externally. The project is still in the planning phase, and thus, concrete proposals are given for the further development of DWI. Furthermore, it is studied how DWI can provide value creation. This is based on several case studies with a similar approach as the DWI platform that has been shown to be a great approach to value creation

    06/14/1947 Letter from the Textile Workers Union of America

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    Letter from George Jabar, State Director of the Textile Workers Union of America, to Louis-Philippe Gagné.https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/fac-lpg-1947-04-06/1004/thumbnail.jp


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    Peningkatan penduduk dengan pesatnya ekonomi masyarakat Kota Sukabumi yang diikuti dengan adanya, perkembangan dengan jumlah kendaraan dan berkembang, untuk itu di perlukan tanah  timbunan ataupun galiannya dengan perolehan tinggi tanah serta perencanaan dan perolehan tanah  timbunan mutu baik dan pemadatan tanah dan struktur serta pembebanan yang ada.Tanah di daerah Nyalindung yang tidak stabil dan menyebar di seluruh Kecamatan Nyalindung, memiliki jenis tanah yaitu tanah lempung, lanau, ,batu, Kerikil berdasarkan taksonomi tanah tahun 2010 (USDA), jenis tanah lempung dapat digunakan bahan sebelum dilaksanakaan suatu kontruksi jalannya dengan pembaruan, tetapi tanah yang tidak stabil dapat merusak jalan, karena penyebarannya yang tidak stabil dapat merubah tanah kontruksi jalan pedesaan, sehingga banyak kontruksi jalan pedesaan yang rusak walaupun sudah di perbaiki.Berdasarkan latar belakang diatas, maka bagaimana pemadatan pada tanah di daerah Nyalindung dengan menggunakan metode modified proctor Tujuan dari penelitian ini Untuk mengetahui jenis tanah dan sifat-sifat fisik tanah yang berasal dari Kecamatan Nyalindung Kabupaten Sukabumi dan Untuk mengetahui nilai kepadatan tanah yang ada di daerah Nyalindung. peneliti menggunakan metode eksperimen berdasarkan data primer yang dilakukan dilaboraturium Teknik Sipil Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi. Metode penelitian dipergunakan dengan secara langsung dilaboratorium dan dilapangan. Maksud kajian ini untuk melihat jenis tanah jalan di daerah Kebonkai Desa Nyalindung. Dengan adanya eksperimen ini diperuntukan untuk melihat fisik uji propertis.Hasil data yang diperoleh pada percobaan 1, 2, dan 3 tidak kurang dari di lab 85% dengan jarak antar pengujian sand cone 50 meter. oleh karena itu Kesimpulan yang didapat Sifat fisik tanah yang berasal dari Kecamatan Nyalindung Kabupaten Sukabumi memiliki jenis tanah lempung dan Kepadatan tanah pengujian kompaksi sebesar 1,219 gr/cm3 dan sand cone yang memiliki berat isi tanah kering 1,06 gr/cm3, 1,07 gr/cm3, 1,08 gr/cm3 dan ratio sebesar sebesar 87,23 %, 87,75 %, 88,41 %. Sehingga nilai tersebut tidak kurang dari nilai ratio sand cone sebesar 85 % dari data laboratorium. sehingga peneliti menyarankan Dibutuhkannya, ada nya kajian yang berlanjut dengan memakai metode yang berbeda sehingga mendapatkan hasil yang lebih optimal dan mendapatkan perbandingan dari hasil penelitian ini.

    Studies of high molecular weight systems by NMR spectroscopy

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    Proteins are essential components for all living cells. For better understanding of proteins and how they work, it is essential to know their 3D structure as well as how they interact with other molecules and their dynamics. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a versatile technique to study biomolecules, most notably proteins, in solution. NMR provides structural information at atomic resolution and, compared to the other techniques with similar resolution, the measurements can be carried out under near-physiological conditions that are meaningful for the investigation of dynamics. A great number of unnatural amino acids can now be incorporated into proteins both in vivo and by cell-free protein synthesis at genetically encoded positions. Isotopically labelled unnatural amino acids present outstanding probes for site-specific studies of proteins by NMR. In this thesis, the unnatural amino acid 13C-O-tert-butyltyrosine (13C-Tby) was incorporated as an NMR probe to study the proteins IMP-1 and the E. coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB). IMP-1 is a clinically important metallo-beta-lactamase which catalyzes the hydrolysis of almost all beta-lactam antibiotics. In order to develop inhibitors against this enzyme it is important to understand its structure and dynamics. Pseudocontact shifts (PCSs) provide long-range structural information on biological macromolecules. In Chapter 2, PCSs were measured to study the conformation of an active site loop of IMP-1 and its change upon binding of a ligand. This loop is important as it lines the substrate binding site and contributes to substrate specificity. The results suggest that the binding of an inhibitor induces two different conformations in the loop which are in slow equilibrium between each other. E. coli SSB is a homotetramer of molecular mass 76 kDa. It binds single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) with high affinity and little sequence specificity in two main binding modes, named (SSB)65 and (SSB)35. Chapter 3 describes studies of ssDNA-SSB complexes at high and low salt concentrations by solution NMR spectroscopy. Furthermore, experiments were conducted to determine the binding polarity of ssDNA on SSB. The results obtained are in broad agreement with the unusual binding polarity reported by the crystal structure of a complex between E. coli SSB and a poly-deoxycytidine oligomer. In addition to using the tert-butyl group of a Tby residue as an NMR probe, the present thesis introduced a novel chemical tag containing a trimethylsilyl (TMS) group. Chapter 4 demonstrates the ability of the tert-butyl and TMS groups to deliver site-specific information in high-molecular weight systems without any isotope labelling. The approach was illustrated by measuring intermolecular nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs) in the 95 kDa complex between SSB and ssDNA

    Strategic technology alliances, technology transfer and the performance of Malaysian manufacturer

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    Organizations are realizing the strategic importance of technology alliances to enhance and maintain their competitive advantage. The turbulent business environment compels firms to adopt appropriate technologies for effective and efficient operations. While many firms are inclined to source external technology or form alliances, there are various considerations that can affect the success of such initiatives. This study examines the relationship between factors enabling strategic technology alliances (STAs), technology transfer and organizational performance. Based on three theories namely: Resource-based View (RBV); Organizational Learning Theory (OLT); and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), this paper presents a model on the antecedent and outcomes of STA that is analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings depict that absorptive capacity, type of alliances; relative advantage and perceived ease of technology implementation affect the alliance, which in turn determine organizational performance. Further tests show that technology transfer only partially mediates the relationship between STA and organizational performance. This research provides platforms and consideration for the implementation of new technologies and capabilities in manufacturing firms in a developing nation

    A Framework for Managing Knowledge and Competencies in a Group Project Implementation

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    Every organisation realizes that its organisational knowledge which resides in individual brain or stored in organisational processes, products, facilities, systems and documentation is quickly becoming a sustainable competitive advantage. This growing attention has lead to the idea that these resources must be protected, cultivated and shared among its members. As organisation's knowledge is built upon these human resources, and effective way of managing these resources is a challenge. The challenges poses problems such as when knowledge can be lost when people leave the organisation, problem in difficulties to manage tacit knowledge and also in managing the competencies, expertise and capabilities of the organisation. The research has explored and proposed a framework to achieve its objectives, in capturing, and structuring knowledge in acquiring competitiveness edge in an organisation. KEPSNet (Knowledge Extract,Profiling, and Sharing Network), has approached the problems in managing knowledge and competencies based on three key elements of peopleprocess- product, conceptual theory and by prescribing a knowledge model of five layers: knowledge object, agents, knowledge functionalities, knowledge services and knowledge application. KEPSNet provided a practical application of knowledge capture and reuses of relevant know-how, experiences, best practices from a group project implementation. KEPSNet implementation as a Portal provided functionalities, for group project to capture and retain their knowledge in group repository with the use of concept maps, thus providing facilities for retrieving and sharing knowledge, structured and retained in the group knowledge repository. Two software agents introduced in KEPSNet implementation: the Profile Agent and Knowledge Agent has shown that it has adopted an autonomous way of managing knowledge, maintaining competency profile to reflect the level of knowledge of the expertise and to support knowledge sharing during group project implementation. KEPSNet Portal and agents were developed on Domino Lotus Notes, while Cmap Tool was used as the knowledge modeling tool for knowledge capture in this researc

    Orienting to probable stimuli increases speed, precision, and kurtosis. A study in perceptual estimation.

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    Stimulus probabilities affect detection performance. Rare targets, even in security or medical screenings, are missed more often than frequent ones. To minimize such probability-related costs, there is a need to understand how probability effects develop and how they might interact with perceptual processes. A previous experiment demonstrated that estimates of Gabor orientations were more precise on trials where the Gabor location was exogenously cued. Exogenous cues might be biasing perceptual processing towards the features in the cued location, and enhancing the perceptual representations of the target. Here, the same “attentional” effects were replicated without the use of explicit cues. Instead, different location-orientation conjunctions occurred with different probabilities. Across different probability distributions, it was consistently observed that participants rapidly developed faster and more precise estimations for higher-probability tilts. This occurred despite participants not being instructed on the underlying probability distributions, despite participants not being able to indicate confidence differences (Experiment 1b), despite the probability distribution being complex (Experiment 2), and despite probability differences being fine-grained (Experiment 3). High-probability tilts were also consistently associated with a distribution of angular errors that were more kurtotic than for low-probability tilts. Mixture model analyses suggested that these kurtosis differences reflect a mix of ‘precise’ and ‘coarse’ estimations, with high-probability tilts being associated with more of the former. Additionally, near-vertical orientations were associated with an increased kurtosis, particularly when vertical tilts were probable. Similar to mechanisms underlying perceptual biases, these findings suggest that acquired information might be affecting neural sensitivity to result in better-encoded perceptual representations for high-probability tilts

    The Iraqi protest movement: from identity politics to issue politics

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    Beginning in mid-July 2015, one of the largest social protest movements in modern Iraqi history erupted spontaneously in the city of Basra and spread to cities of central and southern Iraq, including the capital Baghdad. This paper examines the principal aspects of this social movement, particularly its political, social and economic underpinnings, its social composition and its growth, and its message and slogans that are mainly directed against political Islam, critiqued as a conduit for corruption. It analyses the impact of the shift from identity to issue-based politics in Iraq – most evident in the 2018 May elections