425 research outputs found

    Psychological Aspects of Slaughter: Reactions of College Students to Killing and Butchering Cattle and Hogs

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    This study examined the reactions of college students involved in slaughtering cattle and hogs as part of their jobs on a college work crew. The 27 students were surveyed on attitudes containing items toward slaughtering animals and toward different uses of animals. Nineteen were later interviewed. Some aspects of slaughtering were reported to be more bothersome than others. There was a relationship between the amount of experience of the subjects in slaughtering and also their general attitudes toward various uses of animals and their responses to several of the items on the questionnaire. The perceived benefits of the slaughtering experience and the justifications given for the killing of domestic animals for food are also discussed

    The mechanisms and mediators of tooth eruption--models for developmental biologists

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    Tooth eruption is a localized process in the jaws which exhibits precise timing and bilateral symmetry. It involves resorption and formation of bone on opposite sides of the erupting tooth and these activities depend on the dental follicle, a thin connective tissue investment of the developing and erupting tooth. Biochemical studies have shown that during eruption cells, proteins and enzymes change in the dental follicle and several growth factors and proteins known to accelerate or retard eruption have been identified. This review discusses these aspects of tooth eruption and proposes testable hypotheses and strategies that can make studies of tooth eruption new experimental opportunities for developmental biologists

    Adopsi QRIS oleh UMKM Menggunakan Kerangka Modified Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

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    In line with the development of payment system digitization, Bank Indonesia created QRIS (Quick Response Indonesia Standard) to reduce payment system fragmentation and create an inclusive payment system. However, most MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) have not used QRIS. This research aims to find out the intention of MSMEs towards adopting QRIS using the theory of modified TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) with the variables trust and self efficacy as external factors. The analysis technique used is Partial Least Square from Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). The results of this study indicate that the intention to use QRIS is influenced by Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) and Perceived Usefulness (PU), however PU has a stronger relation and bigger impact towards Behavioral Intention to Use (BITU). The two external factors have a positive and significant influence on PEOU and PU, however those factors more influential towards PEOU. Therefore, it is better for stakeholders to focus more on forming PU so that they can be more influential towards the intention to adopt QRIS.Seiring perkembangan digitalisasi sistem pembayaran, Bank Indonesia membuat QRIS (Quick Response Indonesia Standard) untuk mengurangi fragmentasi sistem pembayaran serta membuat sistem pembayaran yang inklusif. Namun, sebagian besar UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan menengah) belum menggunakan QRIS. Melalui penelitian ini, peneliti ingin mencari tahu intensi UMKM terhadap adopsi QRIS menggunakan teori model TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) dengan variabel trust dan self-efficacy sebagai faktor eksternal dan teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah Partial Least Square dari Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa intensi penggunaan QRIS dipengaruhi oleh Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) dan Perceived Usefulness (PU), namun PU memiliki hubungan yang kuat dan pengaruh yang besar terhadap Behavioral Intention to Use (BITU). Kedua faktor eksternal memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap PEOU dan PU, namun pengaruhnya lebih besar terhadap PEOU. Oleh karena itu sebaiknya para stakeholder lebih berfokus pada pembentukan persepsi kebermanfaatan sehingga dapat lebih berpengaruh pada intensi untuk mengadopsi QRIS

    Colony-stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1) rescues osteoblast attachment, survival and sorting of beta-actin mRNA in the toothless (tl-osteopetrotic) mutation in the rat

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    We have shown that in the osteopetrotic rat mutation toothless (tl) osteoblasts are absent from older bone surfaces in mutants and that mutant osteoblasts in vivo lack the prominent stress fiber bundles polarized along bone surfaces in osteoblasts from normal littermates. Our recent data demonstrate that in normal osteoblasts in vitro beta- and gamma-actin mRNAs have different, characteristic intracellular distributions and that tl (mutant) osteoblasts fail to differentially sort these mRNAs. Because bone resorption and formation are highly interdependent and injections of CSF-1, a growth factor, increase bone resorption and growth in tl rats, we examined the effects of CSF-1 treatment on osteoblast survival and ultrastructure in vivo and ability to sort actin mRNAs in vitro. Neonatal CSF-1 treatment of mutants restores osteoblasts on older bone surfaces, normalizes the intracellular distribution of stress fibers in osteoblasts in vivo and promotes normal sorting of beta-actin mRNA in mutant osteoblasts in vitro without normalizing gamma-actin distribution. These data suggest the beta- and gamma-actin mRNAs in osteoblasts are sorted by different mechanisms and that the differential sorting of beta-actin mRNA is related to the characteristic polarization of stress fibers in osteoblasts and their survival on bone surfaces. This experimental system can be used to explore the relationships and regulation of these aspects of cell and tissue biology

    National British Orthodontic Society (BOS) Orthognathic Audit 2017-2018

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    OBJECTIVE: To carry out a UK national clinical audit of orthognathic acceptance criteria and information provided to orthognathic patients before treatment. DESIGN: National clinical audit. SETTING: Data collected using Bristol Online Surveys. PARTICIPANTS: Sixty-nine UK hospital orthodontic departments submitted data. METHODS: Data were collected at two time points using Bristol Online Surveys over a period of 12 months. These were before treatment at the first multidisciplinary clinic (MDT) and immediately after surgery. The data collected included: Index of Orthognathic Functional Treatment Need (IOFTN); Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN); age; previous orthodontic treatment; attendance at an MDT; treatment times; and information provision. RESULTS: Eighty-five units agreed to take part in the audit with 69 submitting data, giving a response rate of 81%. The data from 3404 patients were uploaded, 2263 before treatment and 1141 immediately after surgery. Of patients, 91.07% had an IOFTN score of 4 or 5 and 88.73% had an IOTN score of 4 or 5. The mean age at the first MDT was 22 years in the first cohort and 21 years and 4 months in the second immediate post-surgery cohort. Of patients, 37.93% had undergone some form of previous orthodontic treatment, but only 0.28% had undergone previous orthognathic treatment; 96.93% had an MDT confirm that orthodontic treatment by itself was insufficient to adequately correct their functional symptoms. The average treatment time from bond up to surgery was 2 years and 6 months. With respect to information provision, patients received information from a number of sources, principally the British Orthodontic Society (BOS) patient information leaflets and the BOS website Your Jaw Surgery. CONCLUSIONS: In the UK, the majority of orthognathic cases fulfil the criteria for acceptance for NHS-funded orthognathic treatment, as outlined by the Chief Dental Officer's interim guidance on orthognathic treatment. This suggests any prior approval process would not be a good use of NHS resources in the commissioning of orthognathic treatment

    National BOS Orthognathic Audit 2017-2018

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    Objective; To carry out a UK national clinical audit of orthognathic acceptance criteria and information provided to orthognathic patients prior to treatment. / Design; National clinical audit. / Setting; Data collected using Bristol Online Surveys (BOS). / Participants; 69 UK hospital orthodontic departments submitted data. / Methods; Data was collected at two time points using BOS over a period of 12 months. These were prior to treatment at the first multidisciplinary clinic (MDT), and immediately post-surgery. The data collected included: IOFTN, IOTN, age, previous orthodontic treatment, attendance at an MDT, treatment times and information provision. / Results; 85 units agreed to take part in the audit with 69 submitting data, giving a response rate of 81%. The data from 3404 patients were uploaded, 2263 prior to treatment and 1141 immediately post-surgery. 91.07% of patients had an IOFTN score of 4 or 5 and 88.73% had an IOTN score of 4 or 5. The mean age at the first MDT was 22yr in the first cohort, and 21yr and 4mo in the second immediate post-surgery cohort. 37.93% of patients had undergone some form of previous orthodontic treatment, but only 0.28% had undergone previous orthognathic treatment. 96.93% had a multidisciplinary team confirm that orthodontic treatment by itself was insufficient to adequately correct their functional symptoms. The average treatment time from bond up to surgery was 2yr and 6mo. With respect to information provision, patients received information from a number of sources, principally the BOS patient information leaflets and the BOS website Your Jaw Surgery. / Conclusions; In the UK, the majority of orthognathic cases fulfil the criteria for acceptance for NHS funded orthognathic treatment, as outlined by the Chief Dental Officer’s interim guidance on orthognathic treatment. This suggests any prior approval process would not be a good use of NHS resources in the commissioning of orthognathic treatment

    CANDELS: The Contribution of the Observed Galaxy Population to Cosmic Reionization

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    We present measurements of the specific ultraviolet luminosity density from a sample of 483 galaxies at 6<z<8. These galaxies were selected from new deep near-infrared HST imaging from the CANDELS, HUDF09 and ERS programs. In contrast to the majority of previous analyses, which assume that the distribution of galaxy ultraviolet (UV) luminosities follows a Schechter distribution, and that the distribution continues to luminosities far below our observable limit, we investigate the contribution to reionization from galaxies which we can observe, free from these assumptions. We find that the observable population of galaxies can sustain a fully reionized IGM at z=6, if the average ionizing photon escape fraction (f_esc) is ~30%. A number of previous studies have measured UV luminosity densities at these redshifts that vary by 5X, with many concluding that galaxies could not complete reionization by z=6 unless a large population of galaxies fainter than the detection limit were invoked, or extremely high values of f_esc were present. The observed UV luminosity density from our observed galaxy samples at z=7-8 is not sufficient to maintain a fully reionized IGM unless f_esc>50%. Combining our observations with constraints on the emission rate of ionizing photons from Ly-alpha forest observations at z=6, we can constrain f_esc<34% (2-sigma) if the observed galaxies are the only contributors to reionization, or <13% (2-sigma) if the luminosity function extends to M_UV = -13. These escape fractions are sufficient to complete reionization by z=6. These constraints imply that the volume ionized fraction of the IGM becomes less than unity at z>7, consistent with a number of complementary reionization probes. If faint galaxies dominate reionization, future JWST observations will probe deep enough to see them, providing an indirect constraint on the ionizing photon escape fraction [abridged].Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, Submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Burden of disease from inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene in low- and middle-income settings: a retrospective analysis of data from 145 countries

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    objective To estimate the burden of diarrhoeal diseases from exposure to inadequate water, sanitation and hand hygiene in low- and middle-income settings and provide an overview of the impact on other diseases. methods For estimating the impact of water, sanitation and hygiene on diarrhoea, we selected exposure levels with both sufficient global exposure data and a matching exposure-risk relationship. Global exposure data were estimated for the year 2012, and risk estimates were taken from the most recent systematic analyses. We estimated attributable deaths and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) by country, age and sex for inadequate water, sanitation and hand hygiene separately, and as a cluster of risk factors. Uncertainty estimates were computed on the basis of uncertainty surrounding exposure estimates and relative risks. results In 2012, 502 000 diarrhoea deaths were estimated to be caused by inadequate drinking water and 280 000 deaths by inadequate sanitation. The most likely estimate of disease burden from inadequate hand hygiene amounts to 297 000 deaths. In total, 842 000 diarrhoea deaths are estimated to be caused by this cluster of risk factors, which amounts to 1.5% of the total disease burden and 58% of diarrhoeal diseases. In children under 5 years old, 361 000 deaths could be prevented, representing 5.5% of deaths in that age group. conclusions This estimate confirms the importance of improving water and sanitation in low- and middle-income settings for the prevention of diarrhoeal disease burden. It also underscores the need for better data on exposure and risk reductions that can be achieved with provision of reliable piped water, community sewage with treatment and hand hygiene
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