144 research outputs found

    Ontogenetic movements of cod in Arctic fjords and the Barents Sea as revealed by otolith microchemistry

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    The distribution of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in northern Norwegian waters is expanding eastward and northward in the Barents Sea and along western Svalbard. In the Arctic fjords of Svalbard, cod has become abundant, but little is known about the biology, origin, or residence patterns of these populations. To address this issue, we used laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to quantify the trace elemental composition of cod otoliths at age-0, age-3 and the year of spawning at five distinct locations in northern Norway and western Svalbard. Chemical composition data was used to identify natal sources of cod, their broad-scale migration patterns, and to determine if cod are currently resident in Arctic fjords. Our results suggest that cod collected at Kongsfjord, Isfjord, outside Svalbard, Lofoten, and Porsangerfjord were recruited mainly from the Barents Sea, conforming to the Northeast Arctic cod ecotype. The degree of chemical overlap between Porsangerfjord and Isfjord cod, however, varied with fish age, suggesting individual movements consistent with the Norwegian coastal cod ecotype. Finally, the chemical composition of mature fish at Isfjord, and to a lesser extent Kongsfjord, suggests that cod from the Barents Sea might have recently established residency in these two Arctic fjords.acceptedVersio

    Listening In on the Past: What Can Otolith δ18O Values Really Tell Us about the Environmental History of Fishes?

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    Oxygen isotope ratios from fish otoliths are used to discriminate marine stocks and reconstruct past climate, assuming that variations in otolith δ18O values closely reflect differences in temperature history of fish when accounting for salinity induced variability in water δ18O. To investigate this, we exploited the environmental and migratory data gathered from a decade using archival tags to study the behaviour of adult plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in the North Sea. Based on the tag-derived monthly distributions of the fish and corresponding temperature and salinity estimates modelled across three consecutive years, we first predicted annual otolith δ18O values for three geographically discrete offshore sub-stocks, using three alternative plausible scenarios for otolith growth. Comparison of predicted vs. measured annual δ18O values demonstrated >96% correct prediction of sub-stock membership, irrespective of the otolith growth scenario. Pronounced inter-stock differences in δ18O values, notably in summer, provide a robust marker for reconstructing broad-scale plaice distribution in the North Sea. However, although largely congruent, measured and predicted annual δ18O values of did not fully match. Small, but consistent, offsets were also observed between individual high-resolution otolith δ18O values measured during tag recording time and corresponding δ18O predictions using concomitant tag-recorded temperatures and location-specific salinity estimates. The nature of the shifts differed among sub-stocks, suggesting specific vital effects linked to variation in physiological response to temperature. Therefore, although otolith δ18O in free-ranging fish largely reflects environmental temperature and salinity, we counsel prudence when interpreting otolith δ18O data for stock discrimination or temperature reconstruction until the mechanisms underpinning otolith δ18O signature acquisition, and associated variation, are clarified

    Effect of Remote Ischaemic Conditioning on the inflammatory cytokine cascade of COVID-19 (RIC in COVID-19): a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    © The Author(s) 2022. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.Purpose Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 may develop a hyperinflammatory, dysregulated cytokine “storm” that rapidly progresses to acute respiratory distress syndrome, multiple organ dysfunction, and even death. Remote ischaemic conditioning (RIC) has elicited anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective benefits by reducing cytokines following sepsis in animal studies. Therefore, we investigated whether RIC would mitigate the inflammatory cytokine cascade induced by COVID-19. Methods We conducted a prospective, multicentre, randomized, sham-controlled, single-blind trial in Brazil and South Africa. Non-critically ill adult patients with COVID-19 pneumonia were randomly allocated (1:1) to receive either RIC (intermittent ischaemia/reperfusion applied through four 5-min cycles of inflation (20 mmHg above systolic blood pressure) and deflation of an automated blood-pressure cuff) or sham for approximately 15 days. Serum was collected following RIC/sham administration and analyzed for inflammatory cytokines using flow cytometry. The endpoint was the change in serum cytokine concentrations. Participants were followed for 30 days. Results Eighty randomized participants (40 RIC and 40 sham) completed the trial. Baseline characteristics according to trial intervention were overall balanced. Despite downward trajectories of all cytokines across hospitalization, we observed no substantial changes in cytokine concentrations after successive days of RIC. Time to clinical improvement was similar in both groups (HR 1.66; 95% CI, 0.938–2.948, p 0.08). Overall RIC did not demonstrate a significant impact on the composite outcome of all-cause death or clinical deterioration (HR 1.19; 95% CI, 0.616–2.295, p = 0.61). Conclusion RIC did not reduce the hypercytokinaemia induced by COVID-19 or prevent clinical deterioration to critical care.Peer reviewe

    Not just bricks and mortar: planning hospital cancer services for Aboriginal people

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Aboriginal people in Australia experience higher mortality from cancer compared with non-Aboriginal Australians, despite an overall lower incidence. A notable contributor to this disparity is that many Aboriginal people do not take up or continue with cancer treatment which almost always occurs within major hospitals.</p> <p>Thirty in-depth interviews with urban, rural and remote Aboriginal people affected by cancer were conducted between March 2006 and September 2007. Interviews explored participants' beliefs about cancer and experiences of cancer care and were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and coded independently by two researchers. NVivo7 software was used to assist data management and analysis. Information from interviews relevant to hospital services including and building design was extracted.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Relationships and respect emerged as crucial considerations of participants although many aspects of the hospital environment were seen as influencing the delivery of care. Five themes describing concerns about the hospital environment emerged: (i) being alone and lost in a big, alien and inflexible system; (ii) failure of open communication, delays and inefficiency in the system; (iii) practicalities: costs, transportation, community and family responsibilities; (iv) the need for Aboriginal support persons; and (v) connection to the community.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Design considerations and were identified but more important than the building itself was the critical need to build trust in health services. Promotion of cultural safety, support for Aboriginal family structures and respecting the importance of place and community to Aboriginal patients are crucial in improving cancer outcomes.</p

    The impact of treatment, socio-demographic and clinical characteristics on health-related quality of life among Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma survivors: a systematic review

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    Cancer survivors are at risk of experiencing adverse physical and psychosocial effects of their cancer and its treatment. Both Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) survivors face problems that can affect their health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The authors systematically reviewed the literature on HRQoL among HL and NHL survivors. A PubMed and PsychINFO literature search for original articles published until May 2011 was performed. Twenty-four articles, which met the predefined inclusion criteria, were subjected to a quality checklist. HL survivors showed the most problems in (role) physical, social and cognitive functioning, general health, fatigue and financial problems. In addition, HL survivors treated with a combination of therapies, with older age and female sex reported worse HRQoL. NHL survivors showed the most problems in physical functioning, appetite loss, vitality and financial problems. Having had chemotherapy was negatively associated with HRQoL, but no differences in chemotherapy regimens were found. Furthermore, in NHL survivors not meeting public exercise guidelines, HRQoL is low but can be improved with more exercise. More research on the longitudinal comparison between HL and NHL survivors and healthy controls should be performed in order to better understand the long-term (side) effects of treatment on HRQoL and possibilities to alleviate these

    Going Coastal: Shared Evolutionary History between Coastal British Columbia and Southeast Alaska Wolves (Canis lupus)

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    Many coastal species occupying the temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest in North America comprise endemic populations genetically and ecologically distinct from interior continental conspecifics. Morphological variation previously identified among wolf populations resulted in recognition of multiple subspecies of wolves in the Pacific Northwest. Recently, separate genetic studies have identified diverged populations of wolves in coastal British Columbia and coastal Southeast Alaska, providing support for hypotheses of distinct coastal subspecies. These two regions are geographically and ecologically contiguous, however, there is no comprehensive analysis across all wolf populations in this coastal rainforest.By combining mitochondrial DNA datasets from throughout the Pacific Northwest, we examined the genetic relationship between coastal British Columbia and Southeast Alaska wolf populations and compared them with adjacent continental populations. Phylogenetic analysis indicates complete overlap in the genetic diversity of coastal British Columbia and Southeast Alaska wolves, but these populations are distinct from interior continental wolves. Analyses of molecular variation support the separation of all coastal wolves in a group divergent from continental populations, as predicted based on hypothesized subspecies designations. Two novel haplotypes also were uncovered in a newly assayed continental population of interior Alaska wolves.We found evidence that coastal wolves endemic to these temperate rainforests are diverged from neighbouring, interior continental wolves; a finding that necessitates new international strategies associated with the management of this species

    Ecological commonalities among pelagic fishes: comparison of freshwater ciscoes and marine herring and sprat

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    Systematic comparisons of the ecology between functionally similar fish species from freshwater and marine aquatic systems are surprisingly rare. Here, we discuss commonalities and differences in evolutionary history, population genetics, reproduction and life history, ecological interactions, behavioural ecology and physiological ecology of temperate and Arctic freshwater coregonids (vendace and ciscoes, Coregonus spp.) and marine clupeids (herring, Clupea harengus, and sprat, Sprattus sprattus). We further elucidate potential effects of climate warming on these groups of fish based on the ecological features of coregonids and clupeids documented in the previous parts of the review. These freshwater and marine fishes share a surprisingly high number of similarities. Both groups are relatively short-lived, pelagic planktivorous fishes. The genetic differentiation of local populations is weak and seems to be in part correlated to an astonishing variability of spawning times. The discrete thermal window of each species influences habitat use, diel vertical migrations and supposedly also life history variations. Complex life cycles and preference for cool or cold water make all species vulnerable to the effects of global warming. It is suggested that future research on the functional interdependence between spawning time, life history characteristics, thermal windows and genetic differentiation may profit from a systematic comparison of the patterns found in either coregonids or clupeids

    P2 receptors are involved in the mediation of motivation-related behavior

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    The importance of purinergic signaling in the intact mesolimbic–mesocortical circuit of the brain of freely moving rats is reviewed. In the rat, an endogenous ADP/ATPergic tone reinforces the release of dopamine from the axon terminals in the nucleus accumbens as well as from the somatodendritic region of these neurons in the ventral tegmental area, as well as the release of glutamate, probably via P2Y1 receptor stimulation. Similar mechanisms may regulate the release of glutamate in both areas of the brain. Dopamine and glutamate determine in concert the activity of the accumbal GABAergic, medium-size spiny neurons thought to act as an interface between the limbic cortex and the extrapyramidal motor system. These neurons project to the pallidal and mesencephalic areas, thereby mediating the behavioral reaction of the animal in response to a motivation-related stimulus. There is evidence that extracellular ADP/ATP promotes goal-directed behavior, e.g., intention and feeding, via dopamine, probably via P2Y1 receptor stimulation. Accumbal P2 receptor-mediated glutamatergic mechanisms seem to counteract the dopaminergic effects on behavior. Furthermore, adaptive changes of motivation-related behavior, e.g., by chronic succession of starvation and feeding or by repeated amphetamine administration, are accompanied by changes in the expression of the P2Y1 receptor, thought to modulate the sensitivity of the animal to respond to certain stimuli