5,815 research outputs found

    MoVE (Methods: Visual: Explore) Examining the Use of Participatory Visual and Narrative Methods to Explore the Lived Experience of Migrants in Southern Africa

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    In this paper, we explore the opportunities – and challenges – associated with visual research methodologies. Drawing on the MoVE (methods: visual: explore) project that explores the lived experiences of migrant groups in southern Africa, we reflect on our experiences in exploring the visual in research. We argue that including visual and narrative methods- as part of mixed methods studies- offers researchers an important opportunity to engage in the ‘feel’ of events and the lives of the participants of such research projects. Not only do these methods provide a creative platform whereby participants can be included in the production of knowledge, they also highlight the need to consider the subjectivity of knowledge and the power inherent in the production and curation of knowledge. Visual and narrative methodologies offer an opportunity to engage in various theoretical and epistemological frameworks. Importantly, while using these methods are not without logistical and ethical challenges, participants report valuing their involvement in these projects.DFI


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    A principal finalidade das telecomunica??es ? suprir a necessidade humana de se comunicar ? dist?ncia. Ultimamente, devido ao intenso crescimento de aplica??es que utilizam os sistemas de telecomunica??es, a demanda de disponibilidade de bandas de frequ?ncia do espectro eletromagn?tico tem se tornado cada vez maior, gerando necessidades de novas tecnologias para suprir estes requisitos espec?ficos tanto de resposta em frequ?ncia, como n?veis de pot?ncia. Neste contexto, as FSS v?m recebendo a aten??o de diversos grupos de pesquisa, pois podem desempenhar um papel fundamental na otimiza??o de circuitos e antenas. Neste trabalho, ? proposto o desenvolvimento de superf?cies seletivas em frequ?ncia com banda dupla de opera??o, baseadas na geometria, estrela de quatro bra?os associada a an?is trapezoidais. Inicialmente, as caracter?sticas de cada geometria s?o analisadas separadamente. Em seguida, discute-se o efeito da associa??o das duas geometrias. S?o propostas as equa??es iniciais de projeto e apresentados os resultados num?ricos, obtidos com a simula??o com o software Ansys Designer?, sendo esses comparados com resultados experimentais, observando-se uma boa concord?ncia entre os mesmos. Como exemplo de potencial aplica??o, uma frequ?ncia de resson?ncia indesejada ? deslocada e uma FSS com banda dupla de opera??o ? obtida. Considerando as caracter?sticas observadas, assim como a flexibilidade no ajuste da resposta em frequ?ncia, a geometria proposta ?, potencialmente, atrativa para aplica??es tais como FSS reconfigur?veis e paredes inteligentes

    Help or hindrance? The evolutionary impact of whole‐genome duplication on immunogenetic diversity and parasite load

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    Whole‐genome duplication (WGD) events occur in all kingdoms and have been hypothesized to promote adaptability. WGDs identified in the early history of vertebrates, teleosts, and angiosperms have been linked to the large‐scale diversification of these lineages. However, the mechanics and full outcomes of WGD regarding potential evolutionary impacts remain a topic of debate. The Corydoradinae are a diverse subfamily of Neotropical catfishes with over 170 species described and a history of WGDs. They are divided into nine mtDNA lineages, with species coexisting in sympatric—and often mimetic—communities containing representatives of two or more of the nine lineages. Given their similar life histories, coexisting species of Corydoras might be exposed to similar parasite loads and because of their different histories of WGD and genome size they provide a powerful system for investigating the impacts of WGD on immune diversity and function in an animal system. Here, we compared parasite counts and the diversity of the immune‐related toll‐like receptors (TLR) in two coexisting species of Corydoras catfish (C. maculifer and C. araguaiaensis), one diploid and one putative tetraploid. In the putative tetraploid C. araguaiaensis, we found significantly lower numbers of parasites and significantly higher diversity (measured by both synonymous and nonsynonymous SNP counts) in two TLR genes than in the diploid C. maculifer. These results provide insight into how WGD may impact evolution, in this case by providing greater immunogenetic diversity

    A moraliza??o do tempo em Sim?o de Nantua ou o Mercador de Feiras : experi?ncia da hist?ria, imprensa e linguagem sentimental na cultura hist?rica brasileira como contexto da Abdica??o (1831- 1834).

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Hist?ria. Departamento de Hist?ria, Instituto de Ci?ncias Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.Esta disserta??o de mestrado est? dividida em tr?s cap?tulos. O primeiro analisar? a experimenta??o brasileira da experi?ncia da hist?ria aberta pelo movimento da Abdica??o de Dom Pedro I em favor de seu filho D. Pedro II em 1831, assim como o comportamento da imprensa peri?dica no tocante ao evento. Discorrendo desde sua repercuss?o at? ao aparecimento sintom?tico da obra Sim?o de Nantua ou o mercador de feiras de Pierre de Jussieu, na semana que antecederia a Abdica??o. O processo aberto pela Abdica??o geraria um desejo por setores conservadores, de regenerar Portugal no Brasil, desejo este findado pela morte de Dom Pedro I em Portugal em 1834. Utilizando dos fios condutores lan?ados com o evento analisa assim o processo de acelera??o do tempo hist?rico pelo l?xico instrumentalizado na imprensa peri?dica e livreira na tentativa de produ??o de um clima hist?rico est?vel. O segundo cap?tulo analisa os debates e situa??es que puderam gerar a emerg?ncia da obra de Jussieu no Brasil, a recep??o da mesma na Fran?a, o debate sobre as edi??es em l?ngua portuguesa, suas apropria??es no Brasil, a instru??o elementar no Brasil como prel?dio de um projeto moral para a na??o rec?m independente, dentre outros aspectos fundamentais que revelam como Brasil e Fran?a, a partir da mesma obra e em contextos e situa??es diferentes buscaram produzir formas e medidas para conforma??o social em torno de objetivos comuns. Realizando assim uma an?lise sobre como a recep??o e dissemina??o de uma obra pode ser sintom?tica aos quadros sociais e pol?ticos que estavam em curso. O terceiro e ?ltimo cap?tulo se det?m a uma leitura e an?lise detalhadas de toda a obra francesa, publicada no Brasil e usada como livro de educa??o moral e c?vica durante todo o Imp?rio do Brasil ap?s seu lan?amento; assim como sua linguagem sentimental de vi?s rom?ntico buscar? conformar uma experi?ncia da hist?ria que teria na moral moderna de Nantua possivelmente sua maior fonte para tomada de decis?es. Tal esfor?o deve ser visto tamb?m como um trabalho de historiografia brasileira da educa??o e hist?ria da educa??o, neste caso, atrav?s da educa??o moral e c?vica no Brasil Imp?rio.This master?s dissertation is divided into three chapters. The first analyses the Brazilian experimentation of the historical experience opened up by the Abdication move made by Dom Pedro I in favor of his son D. Pedro II in 1831, as well as the behavior of the daily press in relation to the event. Detailing from it?s repercussion to the symptomatic appearance of the work Simon de Nantua, Ou Le Marchand Forain written by Pierre de Jussieu, in the week which precedes the Abdication. The process opened by the Abdication, would create a desire in most conservative sectors to regenerate Portugal in Brazil, a desire which would end with the death of Dom Pedro I in Portugal in 1834. Making use of the tensions created by the event analyses the process of the acceleration of the historical time by lexicon used as an instrument by the daily press and book publisher in the attempt to produce a stable historical setting. The second chapter analyses the debate and situations that set up the conditions for the emerging of Jussieu?s work in Brasil, it?s reception in France, the debate about the editions in Portuguese, the appropriation of it in Brasil, its use in the elementary education in Brasil as a prelude to a moral project to the recently independent nation, among other fundamental aspects which reveal how Brazil and France, starting from the same work but in different contexts and settings, tried to find ways and create measures to achieve social conformity towards common objectives. The chapter creates an analysis about how the reception and dissemination of a literary work can be symptomatic to the political and social framework in place at the time. The third and final chapter focuses on the reading and detailed analysis of the entire French work published in Brazil and used as Moral and Civic?s textbook across the entire Brazilian empire after it?s launch; as well as its sentimental language with romantic tone will try to shape a historical experience which would have in the modern moral of Nantua possibly its greatest source for decision making. This thesis should also be seen as work on brasilian historiography of education the history of education, in this case through moral and civic educatio in the Empire Brazil

    Potential zoonotic sources of SARS‐CoV‐2 infections

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    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) causing coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) likely has evolutionary origins in other animals than humans based on genetically related viruses existing in rhinolophid bats and pangolins. Similar to other animal coronaviruses, SARS-CoV-2 contains a functional furin cleavage site in its spike protein, which may broaden the SARS-CoV-2 host range and affect pathogenesis. Whether ongoing zoonotic infections are possible in addition to efficient human-to-human transmission remains unclear. In contrast, human-to-animal transmission can occur based on evidence provided from natural and experimental settings. Carnivores, including domestic cats, ferrets and minks, appear to be particularly susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 in contrast to poultry and other animals reared as livestock such as cattle and swine. Epidemiologic evidence supported by genomic sequencing corroborated mink-to-human transmission events in farm settings. Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 between experimentally infected cats additionally substantiates the possibility of cat-to-human transmission. To evaluate the COVID-19 risk represented by domestic and farmed carnivores, experimental assessments should include surveillance and health assessment of domestic and farmed carnivores, characterization of the immune interplay between SARS-CoV-2 and carnivore coronaviruses, determination of the SARS-CoV-2 host range beyond carnivores and identification of human risk groups such as veterinarians and farm workers. Strategies to mitigate the risk of zoonotic SARS-CoV-2 infections may have to be developed in a One Health framework and non-pharmaceutical interventions may have to consider free-roaming animals and the animal farming industry

    Mudan?a organizacional no setor p?blico: o caso de uma institui??o de ensino na Para?ba

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    As organiza??es necessitam estar constantemente adaptadas ao ambiente contornado por cont?nuas mudan?as para que garantam sua sobreviv?ncia e competitividade no mercado. No setor p?blico, tais mudan?as tamb?m est?o presentes, pois cada vez mais os usu?rios dos servi?os oferecidos exigem maiores n?veis de qualidade e satisfa??o na presta??o desses. Este artigo tem como objetivo propor sistem?ticas de trabalho como ferramentas de gest?o para superar os desafios nos processos de mudan?as organizacionais encontrados em uma institui??o de ensino p?blica de ensino m?dio na cidade de Santa Luzia ? PB. Para isso, realizou-se um estudo de caso na referida institui??o. Os resultados analisados demonstram que a escola em estudo disp?e de pontos de resist?ncia ? mudan?a e que as propostas de supera??o dos obst?culos obtidas neste trabalho podem levar ? institui??o ao caminho do sucesso na consolida??o das mudan?as organizacionais

    Mudan?a organizacional no setor p?blico : o caso de uma Institui??o de Ensino na Para?ba

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    As organiza??es necessitam estar constantemente adaptadas ao ambiente contornado por cont?nuas mudan?as para que garantam sua sobreviv?ncia e competitividade no mercado. No setor p?blico, tais mudan?as tamb?m est?o presentes, pois cada vez mais os usu?rios dos servi?os oferecidos exigem maiores n?veis de qualidade e satisfa??o na presta??o desses. Este artigo tem como objetivo propor sistem?ticas de trabalho como ferramentas de gest?o para superar os desafios nos processos de mudan?as organizacionais encontrados em uma institui??o de ensino p?blica de ensino m?dio na cidade de Santa Luzia ? PB. Para isso, realizou-se um estudo de caso na referida institui??o. Os resultados analisados demonstram que a escola em estudo disp?e de pontos de resist?ncia ? mudan?a e que as propostas de supera??o dos obst?culos obtidas neste trabalho podem levar ? institui??o ao caminho do sucesso na consolida??o das mudan?as organizacionais


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    The aim of this article is to map the forms of representation of female/male and body/sex/gender categories in the book Embrulho líquido (2012), by Bianca Lafroy. Based on the body representations as an “abject body” (BUTLER, 2013) and pharmaco-pornographic body (PRECIADO, 2008), we intend to problematize these categories in the poetic construction being addressed. Using critical-literary analysis of the poetic text and its relationship with the social context as a methodology, we seek to conduct interdisciplinary dialogues, in particular with History. We thus conclude that the poetry of Bianca Lafroy contains a number of body, sex and gender representations that make exchanges, approach, refuse and dialogue, paradoxically, with heteronormativity while constituting a literary performance whose stage  is poetry. A proposta deste artigo é cartografar as formas de representação das categorias feminino/masculino, corpo/sexo/gênero no livro Embrulho líquido (2012), de Bianca Lafroy. A partir das representações de corpo como “corpo abjeto” (BUTLER, 2013) e do corpo farmacopornográfico (PRECIADO, 2008), pretendemos problematizar essas categorias na construção poética em foco. Tendo como metodologia a análise crítico-literária do texto poético e sua relação com o contexto social, buscamos realizar, ainda, diálogos interdisciplinares, principalmente com a História. Assim, concluímos que na poesia de Bianca Lafroy estão presentes várias representações de corpo, sexo e gênero que se intercambiam, aproximam, recusam e dialogam, paradoxalmente, com a heteronormatividade, constituindo uma performance literária cujo palco é a poesia. &nbsp

    Solar Thermal Systems – Towards a systematic characterization of building integration

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    AbstractCharacterization is defined as the act of describing distinctive characteristics or essential features. In most solar thermal collecting systems the energy performance characterization is commonly used as the most important criteria by which the system (or component) is represented. Building Integrated Solar Thermal Systems (BISTS) however are typically classified across a range of operating parameters, system features and mounting configurations, and other criteria are similarly important to be considered. Therefore BISTS characterization should also account for the architectural and building physics integration based on structural, functional and aesthetical features. A comprehensive characterization of BISTS is necessary to give designers, installers and end users confidence that the final solution selected is appropriate to the comprehensive building requirements