65 research outputs found

    Оценка фискальной иллюзии при налогообложении доходов физических лиц

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    Фискальная иллюзия сама по себе не является негативным явлением, она всего лишь следствие осуществляемой фискальной политики государства. Тем не менее, фискальная иллюзия нарушает представление экономических агентов о масштабах государственного влияния в перераспределении своих доходов и тем самым способствует принятию ими не самых эффективных экономических решений.Фіскальна ілюзія сама по собі не є негативним явищем, вона всього лише слідство здійснюваної фіскальної політики держави. Проте, фіскальна ілюзія порушує уявлення економічних агентів про масштаби державного впливу в перерозподілі своїх доходів і тим самим сприяє ухваленню ними не найефективніших економічних рішень

    High-resolution analysis of HLA class I alterations in colorectal cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies indicate that alterations in Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) class I expression are frequent in colorectal tumors. This would suggest serious limitations for immunotherapy-based strategies involving T-cell recognition. Distinct patterns of HLA surface expression might conceal different immune escape mechanisms employed by the tumors and are worth further study. METHOD: We applied four-color multiparameter flow cytometry (FCM), using a large panel of alloantigen-specific anti-HLA-A and -B monoclonal antibodies, to study membranous expression of individual HLA alleles in freshly isolated colorectal cancer cell suspensions from 21 patients. RESULTS: Alterations in HLA class I phenotype were observed in 8 (38%) of the 21 tumors and comprised loss of a single A or B alleles in 4 cases, and loss of all four A and B alleles in the other 4 cases. Seven of these 8 tumors were located on the right side of the colon, and those showing loss of both HLA-A and -B membranous expression were all of the MSI-H phenotype. CONCLUSION: FCM allows the discrimination of complex phenotypes related to the expression of HLA class I. The different patterns of HLA class I expression might underlie different tumor behavior and influence the success rate of immunotherapy

    Crystal structure of a tripartite complex between C3dg, C-terminal domains of factor H and OspE of Borrelia burgdorferi

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    Complement is an important part of innate immunity. The alternative pathway of complement is activated when the main opsonin, C3b coats non-protected surfaces leading to opsonisation, phagocytosis and cell lysis. The alternative pathway is tightly controlled to prevent autoactivation towards host cells. The main regulator of the alternative pathway is factor H (FH), a soluble glycoprotein that terminates complement activation in multiple ways. FH recognizes host cell surfaces via domains 19–20 (FH19-20). All microbes including Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme borreliosis, must evade complement activation to allow the infectious agent to survive in its host. One major mechanism that Borrelia uses is to recruit FH from host. Several outer surface proteins (Osp) have been described to bind FH via the C-terminus, and OspE is one of them. Here we report the structure of the tripartite complex formed by OspE, FH19-20 and C3dg at 3.18 Å, showing that OspE and C3dg can bind simultaneously to FH19-20. This verifies that FH19-20 interacts via the “common microbial binding site” on domain 20 with OspE and simultaneously and independently via domain 19 with C3dg. The spatial organization of the tripartite complex explains how OspE on the bacterial surface binds FH19-20, leaving FH fully available to protect the bacteria against complement. Additionally, formation of tripartite complex between FH, microbial protein and C3dg might enable enhanced protection, particularly on those regions on the bacteria where previous complement activation led to deposition of C3d. This might be especially important for slow-growing bacteria that cause chronic disease like Borrelia burgdorferi.Peer reviewe

    Identification of CIITA Regulated Genetic Module Dedicated for Antigen Presentation

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    The class II trans-activator CIITA is a transcriptional co-activator required for the expression of Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) genes. Although the latter function is well established, the global target-gene specificity of CIITA had not been defined. We therefore generated a comprehensive list of its target genes by performing genome-wide scans employing four different approaches designed to identify promoters that are occupied by CIITA in two key antigen presenting cells, B cells and dendritic cells. Surprisingly, in addition to MHC genes, only nine new targets were identified and validated by extensive functional and expression analysis. Seven of these genes are known or likely to function in processes contributing to MHC-mediated antigen presentation. The remaining two are of unknown function. CIITA is thus uniquely dedicated for genes implicated in antigen presentation. The finding that CIITA regulates such a highly focused gene expression module sets it apart from all other transcription factors, for which large-scale binding-site mapping has indicated that they exert pleiotropic functions and regulate large numbers of genes

    Dysregulated Recruitment of the Histone Methyltransferase EZH2 to the Class II Transactivator (CIITA) Promoter IV in Breast Cancer Cells

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    One mechanism frequently utilized by tumor cells to escape immune system recognition and elimination is suppression of cell surface expression of Major Histocompatibility Class II (MHC II) molecules. Expression of MHC II is regulated primarily at the level of transcription by the Class II Transactivator, CIITA, and decreased CIITA expression is observed in multiple tumor types. We investigate here contributions of epigenetic modifications to transcriptional silencing of CIITA in variants of the human breast cancer cell line MDA MB 435. Significant increases in histone H3 lysine 27 trimethylation upon IFN-γ stimulation correlate with reductions in transcription factor recruitment to the interferon-γ inducible CIITA promoter, CIITApIV, and with significantly increased CIITApIV occupancy by the histone methyltransferase enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2). Most compelling is evidence that decreased expression of EZH2 in MDA MB 435 variants results in significant increases in CIITA and HLA-DRA mRNA expression, even in the absence of interferon-γ stimulation, as well as increased cell surface expression of MHC II. Together, these data add mechanistic insight to prior observations of increased EZH2 expression and decreased CIITA expression in multiple tumor types

    Implications of the polymorphism of HLA-G on its function, regulation, evolution and disease association

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    The HLA-G gene displays several peculiarities that are distinct from those of classical HLA class I genes. The unique structure of the HLA-G molecule permits a restricted peptide presentation and allows the modulation of the cells of the immune system. Although polymorphic sites may potentially influence all biological functions of HLA-G, those present at the promoter and 3′ untranslated regions have been particularly studied in experimental and pathological conditions. The relatively low polymorphism observed in the MHC-G coding region both in humans and apes may represent a strong selective pressure for invariance, whereas, in regulatory regions several lines of evidence support the role of balancing selection. Since HLA-G has immunomodulatory properties, the understanding of gene regulation and the role of polymorphic sites on gene function may permit an individualized approach for the future use of HLA-G for therapeutic purposes