288 research outputs found

    The Conformal Sector of F-theory GUTs

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    D3-brane probes of exceptional Yukawa points in F-theory GUTs are natural hidden sectors for particle phenomenology. We find that coupling the probe to the MSSM yields a new class of N = 1 conformal fixed points with computable infrared R-charges. Quite surprisingly, we find that the MSSM only weakly mixes with the strongly coupled sector in the sense that the MSSM fields pick up small exactly computable anomalous dimensions. Additionally, we find that although the states of the probe sector transform as complete GUT multiplets, their coupling to Standard Model fields leads to a calculable threshold correction to the running of the visible sector gauge couplings which improves precision unification. We also briefly consider scenarios in which SUSY is broken in the hidden sector. This leads to a gauge mediated spectrum for the gauginos and first two superpartner generations, with additional contributions to the third generation superpartners and Higgs sector.Comment: v2: 51 pages, 2 figures, remark added, typos correcte

    Exotic particles below the TeV from low scale flavour theories

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    A flavour gauge theory is observable only if the symmetry is broken at relatively low energies. The intrinsic parity-violation of the fermion representations in a flavour theory describing quark, lepton and higgsino masses and mixings generically requires anomaly cancellation by new fermions. Benchmark supersymmetric flavour models are built and studied to argue that: i) the flavour symmetry breaking should be about three orders of magnitude above the higgsino mass, enough also to efficiently suppress FCNC and CP violations coming from higher-dimensional operators; ii) new fermions with exotic decays into lighter particles are typically required at scales of the order of the higgsino mass.Comment: 19 pages, references added, one comment and one footnote added, results unchange

    The Intermediate Scale MSSM, the Higgs Mass and F-theory Unification

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    Even if SUSY is not present at the Electro-Weak scale, string theory suggests its presence at some scale M_{SS} below the string scale M_s to guarantee the absence of tachyons. We explore the possible value of M_{SS} consistent with gauge coupling unification and known sources of SUSY breaking in string theory. Within F-theory SU(5) unification these two requirements fix M_{SS} ~ 5 x 10^{10} GeV at an intermediate scale and a unification scale M_c ~ 3 x 10^{14} GeV. As a direct consequence one also predicts the vanishing of the quartic Higgs SM self-coupling at M_{SS} ~10^{11} GeV. This is tantalizingly consistent with recent LHC hints of a Higgs mass in the region 124-126 GeV. With such a low unification scale M_c ~ 3 x 10^{14} GeV one may worry about too fast proton decay via dimension 6 operators. However in the F-theory GUT context SU(5) is broken to the SM via hypercharge flux. We show that this hypercharge flux deforms the SM fermion wave functions leading to a suppression, avoiding in this way the strong experimental proton decay constraints. In these constructions there is generically an axion with a scale of size f_a ~ M_c/(4\pi)^2 ~ 10^{12} GeV which could solve the strong CP problem and provide for the observed dark matter. The prize to pay for these attractive features is to assume that the hierarchy problem is solved due to anthropic selection in a string landscape.Comment: 48 pages, 8 figures. v3: further minor correction

    D-brane Instantons as Gauge Instantons in Orientifolds of Chiral Quiver Theories

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    Systems of D3-branes at orientifold singularities can receive non-perturbative D-brane instanton corrections, inducing field theory operators in the 4d effective theory. In certain non-chiral examples, these systems have been realized as the infrared endpoint of a Seiberg duality cascade, in which the D-brane instanton effects arise from strong gauge theory dynamics. We present the first UV duality cascade completion of chiral D3-brane theories, in which the D-brane instantons arise from gauge theory dynamics. Chiral examples are interesting because the instanton fermion zero mode sector is topologically protected, and therefore lead to more robust setups. As an application of our results, we provide a UV completion of certain D-brane orientifold systems recently claimed to produce conformal field theories with conformal invariance broken only by D-brane instantons.Comment: 50 pages, 32 figures. v2: version published in JHEP with references adde

    On hypercharge flux and exotics in F-theory GUTs

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    We study SU(5) Grand Unified Theories within a local framework in F-theory with multiple extra U(1) symmetries arising from a small monodromy group. The use of hypercharge flux for doublet-triplet splitting implies massless exotics in the spectrum that are protected from obtaining a mass by the U(1) symmetries. We find that lifting the exotics by giving vacuum expectation values to some GUT singlets spontaneously breaks all the U(1) symmetries which implies that proton decay operators are induced. If we impose an additional R-parity symmetry by hand we find all the exotics can be lifted while proton decay operators are still forbidden. These models can retain the gauge coupling unification accuracy of the MSSM at 1-loop. For models where the generations are distributed across multiple curves we also present a motivation for the quark-lepton mass splittings at the GUT scale based on a Froggatt-Nielsen approach to flavour.Comment: 38 pages; v2: emphasised possibility of avoiding exotics in models without a global E8 structure, added ref, journal versio

    Yukawa hierarchies at the point of E8E_8 in F-theory

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    We analyse the structure of Yukawa couplings in local SU(5) F-theory models with E8E_8 enhancement. In this setting the E8E_8 symmetry is broken down to SU(5) by a 7-brane configuration described by T-branes, all the Yukawa couplings are generated in the vicinity of a point and only one family of quarks and leptons is massive at tree-level. The other two families obtain their masses when non-perturbative effects are taken into account, being hierarchically lighter than the third family. However, and contrary to previous results, we find that this hierarchy of fermion masses is not always appropriate to reproduce measured data. We find instead that different T-brane configurations breaking E8E_8 to SU(5) give rise to distinct hierarchical patterns for the holomorphic Yukawa couplings. Only some of these patterns allow to fit the observed fermion masses with reasonable local model parameter values, adding further constraints to the construction of F-theory GUTs. We consider an E8E_8 model where such appropriate hierarchy is realised and compute its physical Yukawas, showing that realistic charged fermions masses can indeed be obtained in this case.Comment: 46 pages + appendices, 5 figures. v2, added references and typos corrected, version accepted on JHEP. v3, typos correcte

    F-theory and Neutrinos: Kaluza-Klein Dilution of Flavor Hierarchy

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    We study minimal implementations of Majorana and Dirac neutrino scenarios in F-theory GUT models. In both cases the mass scale of the neutrinos m_nu ~ (M_weak)^2/M_UV arises from integrating out Kaluza-Klein modes, where M_UV is close to the GUT scale. The participation of non-holomorphic Kaluza-Klein mode wave functions dilutes the mass hierarchy in comparison to the quark and charged lepton sectors, in agreement with experimentally measured mass splittings. The neutrinos are predicted to exhibit a "normal" mass hierarchy, with masses m_3,m_2,m_1 ~ .05*(1,(alpha_GUT)^(1/2),alpha_GUT) eV. When the interactions of the neutrino and charged lepton sectors geometrically unify, the neutrino mixing matrix exhibits a mild hierarchical structure such that the mixing angles theta_23 and theta_12 are large and comparable, while theta_13 is expected to be smaller and close to the Cabibbo angle: theta_13 ~ theta_C ~ (alpha_GUT)^(1/2) ~ 0.2. This suggests that theta_13 should be near the current experimental upper bound.Comment: v2: 83 pages, 10 figures, references adde

    Identifying Experimental Tool Use Through Confocal Microscopy

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    Characterizing use-wear traces quantitatively is a valid way to improve the capacity of use-wear analysis. This aim has been on specialists’ agenda since the beginning of the discipline. Micropolish quantification is especially important, as this type of trace allows the identification of worked materials. During the last decade, confocal microscopy has been used as a promising approach to address this question. Following previous efforts in plant microwear characterization (Ibáñez et al. Journal of Archaeological Science, 48, 96–103, 2014; Journal of Archaeological Science, 73, 62–81, 2016), here we test the capacity of the method for correctly grouping experimental tools used for working eight types of materials: bone, antler, wood, fresh hide, dry hide, wild cereals, domestic cereals, and reeds. We demonstrate, for the first time, that quantitative texture analysis of use-wear micropolish based on confocal microscopy can consistently identify tools used for working different contact materials. In this way, we are able to move toward using texture analysis as part of the standard functional analysis of prehistoric instruments.This study is part of the projects HAR2016-74999-P, HAR2015-68566-P, and HAR2016-81971-REDT funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.Peer reviewe

    Wavefunctions and the Point of E8 in F-theory

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    In F-theory GUTs interactions between fields are typically localised at points of enhanced symmetry in the internal dimensions implying that the coefficient of the associated operator can be studied using a local wavefunctions overlap calculation. Some F-theory SU(5) GUT theories may exhibit a maximum symmetry enhancement at a point to E8, and in this case all the operators of the theory can be associated to the same point. We take initial steps towards the study of operators in such theories. We calculate wavefunctions and their overlaps around a general point of enhancement and establish constraints on the local form of the fluxes. We then apply the general results to a simple model at a point of E8 enhancement and calculate some example operators such as Yukawa couplings and dimension-five couplings that can lead to proton decay.Comment: 46 page

    Abelian Gauge Fluxes and Local Models in F-Theory

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    We analyze the Abelian gauge fluxes in local F-theory models with G_S=SU(6) and SO(10). For the case of G_S=SO(10), there is a no-go theorem which states that for an exotic-free spectrum, there are no solutions for U(1)^2 gauge fluxes. We explicitly construct the U(1)^2 gauge fluxes with an exotic-free bulk spectrum for the case of G_S=SU(6). We also analyze the conditions for the curves supporting the given field content and discuss non-minimal spectra of the MSSM with doublet-triplet splitting.Comment: 43 pages, 15 tables; typos corrected, reference adde
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