4,967 research outputs found

    Initial rotor position estimation and sensorless direct torque control of surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motors considering saturation saliency

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    For a practical direct torque-controlled (DTC) permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drive system, the information of the initial rotor position, which is usually obtained by a mechanical position sensor, is essential for starting under the full load. To avoid the disadvantages of using mechanical position sensors, great efforts have been made on the development of sensorless control schemes. An initial rotor position estimation strategy is presented for a DTC PMSM drive based on a nonlinear model of PMSM incorporating both structural and saturation saliencies. In the new scheme, specially designed high-voltage pulses are applied to amplify the saturation saliencies. The peak currents corresponding to the voltage pulses are used, in combination with the inductance patterns, to determine the d-axis position and the polarity of the rotor. The presented initial rotor position identification strategy has been implemented in a sensorless DTC drive for a surface-mounted PMSM. Experiments are conducted to confirm the effectiveness of the method and the performance of the drive system. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2008

    Longevity of the Permian Emeishan mantle plume (SW China): 1 Ma, 8 Ma or 18 Ma?

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    After the formation of the ∼ 260 Ma Emeishan large igneous province, there were two volumetrically minor magmatic pulses at ∼ 252 Ma and ∼ 242 Ma, respectively. Alkaline mafic dykes intruding both 260 Ma and 252 Ma felsic plutons in the Panxi region, southwestern China, have compositions similar to the Emeishan flood basalts. One dyke is dated using the SHRIMP zircon U-Pb technique at 242 ± 2 Ma, ∼ 18 Ma younger than the start of Emeishan magmatism. The dykes have enriched light rare earth element patterns (La/YbN = 4.4-18.8) and trace element patterns similar to the Emeishan flood basalts and average ocean-island basalts. Some trace element ratios of the dykes (Zr/Nb = 3.8-8.2, La/Nb = 0.4-1.7, Ba/La = 7.5-25.6) are somewhat similar to EM1 source material, however, there are differences. Their εNd values (εNd = +2.6 and +2.7) and ISr( ISr = 0.704542 and 0.704554) ratios are indicative of a mantle source. Thus Emeishan magmatism may have lasted for almost 20 Ma after the initial eruption. However, geological evidence precludes the possibility that the post-260 Ma magmatic events were directly related to Emeishan magmatism, which began at and ended shortly after 260 Ma. The 252 Ma plutons and 242 Ma dykes represent volumetrically minor melting of the fossil Emeishan plume-head beneath the Yangtze crust. The 252 Ma magmatic event was likely caused by post-flood basalt extension of the Yangtze crust, whereas the 242 Ma event was caused by decompressional melting associated with the collision between the South China and North China blocks during the Middle Triassic. © 2008 Cambridge University Press.published_or_final_versio

    A quasi-Monte Carlo method for computing areas of point-sampled surfaces

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    A novel and efficient quasi-Monte Carlo method for computing the area of a point-sampled surface with associated surface normal for each point is presented. Our method operates directly on the point cloud without any surface reconstruction procedure. Using the Cauchy–Crofton formula, the area of the point-sampled surface is calculated by counting the number of intersection points between the point cloud and a set of uniformly distributed lines generated with low-discrepancy sequences. Based on a clustering technique, we also propose an effective algorithm for computing the intersection points of a line with the point-sampled surface. By testing on a number of point-based models, experiments suggest that our method is more robust and more efficient than those conventional approaches based on surface reconstruction.postprin

    Characterization of carbohydrate fractions and fermentation quality in ensiled alfalfa treated with different additives

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    This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of adding fast-sile (FS), previous fermented juice (PFJ), sucrose (S) or fast-sile + sucrose (FS + S) on the fermentation characteristics and carbohydrates fractions of alfalfa silages by the Cornell net carbohydrates and proteins systems (CNCPS). Silages quality were well preserved determined by pH, lactic acid (LA), acetic acid (AA), propionic acid (PA), butyric acid (BA) and (NH3-N, % of TN). Except for the silage with no addition of (CK), all other silages were well preserved. FS + S addition showed the lowest pH and contents of AA, PA, BA, and the highest contents of LA. The contents of WSC (Water soluble carbohydrate) in all alfalfa silages decreased with the extension of ensiling time, especially in the former 15 days and decreased sharply in the first 2 days. The content of sucrose in all alfalfa silages in the residual mono and disaccharides was highest, and the content of fructose was the least. The contents of all these sugars decreased sharply in the first 2 days. The content of hemicellulose decreased during ensiling, while no obvious change on content of cellulose. The content of ADL (acid detergent lignin) in alfalfa silages increased during ensiling. The content of starch in silages reduced rapidly in the former days, and then had not obvious change.Key words: Carbohydrate fractions, alfalfa silage, additives, water soluble carbohydrate (WSC)

    SHRIMP zircon geochronology of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province (SW China): implications for double mass extinctions in Late Permian

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    Abstract in http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/gold2001/pdf/3519.pd

    Effect of correlations on network controllability

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    A dynamical system is controllable if by imposing appropriate external signals on a subset of its nodes, it can be driven from any initial state to any desired state in finite time. Here we study the impact of various network characteristics on the minimal number of driver nodes required to control a network. We find that clustering and modularity have no discernible impact, but the symmetries of the underlying matching problem can produce linear, quadratic or no dependence on degree correlation coefficients, depending on the nature of the underlying correlations. The results are supported by numerical simulations and help narrow the observed gap between the predicted and the observed number of driver nodes in real networks

    GIVE: portable genome browsers for personal websites.

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    Growing popularity and diversity of genomic data demand portable and versatile genome browsers. Here, we present an open source programming library called GIVE that facilitates the creation of personalized genome browsers without requiring a system administrator. By inserting HTML tags, one can add to a personal webpage interactive visualization of multiple types of genomics data, including genome annotation, "linear" quantitative data, and genome interaction data. GIVE includes a graphical interface called HUG (HTML Universal Generator) that automatically generates HTML code for displaying user chosen data, which can be copy-pasted into user's personal website or saved and shared with collaborators. GIVE is available at: https://www.givengine.org/

    Exploring out-of-equilibrium quantum magnetism and thermalization in a spin-3 many-body dipolar lattice system

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    Understanding quantum thermalization through entanglement build-up in isolated quantum systems addresses fundamental questions on how unitary dynamics connects to statistical physics. Here, we study the spin dynamics and approach towards local thermal equilibrium of a macroscopic ensemble of S = 3 spins prepared in a pure coherent spin state, tilted compared to the magnetic field, under the effect of magnetic dipole-dipole interactions. The experiment uses a unit filled array of 104 chromium atoms in a three dimensional optical lattice, realizing the spin-3 XXZ Heisenberg model. The buildup of quantum correlation during the dynamics, especially as the angle approaches pi/2, is supported by comparison with an improved numerical quantum phase-space method and further confirmed by the observation that our isolated system thermalizes under its own dynamics, reaching a steady state consistent with the one extracted from a thermal ensemble with a temperature dictated from the system's energy. This indicates a scenario of quantum thermalization which is tied to the growth of entanglement entropy. Although direct experimental measurements of the Renyi entropy in our macroscopic system are unfeasible, the excellent agreement with the theory, which can compute this entropy, does indicate entanglement build-up.Comment: 12 figure

    A distortion of very--high--redshift galaxy number counts by gravitational lensing

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    The observed number counts of high-redshift galaxy candidates have been used to build up a statistical description of star-forming activity at redshift z >~ 7, when galaxies reionized the Universe. Standard models predict that a high incidence of gravitational lensing will probably distort measurements of flux and number of these earliest galaxies. The raw probability of this happening has been estimated to be ~ 0.5 percent, but can be larger owing to observational biases. Here we report that gravitational lensing is likely to dominate the observed properties of galaxies with redshifts of z >~ 12, when the instrumental limiting magnitude is expected to be brighter than the characteristic magnitude of the galaxy sample. The number counts could be modified by an order of magnitude, with most galaxies being part of multiply imaged systems, located less than 1 arcsec from brighter foreground galaxies at z ~ 2. This lens-induced association of high-redshift and foreground galaxies has perhaps already been observed among a sample of galaxy candidates identified at z ~ 10.6. Future surveys will need to be designed to account for a significant gravitational lensing bias in high-redshift galaxy samples.Comment: Nature, Jan. 13, 2011 issue (in press
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