2,052 research outputs found

    The effects of increased freshwater inflow on metal enrichment in selected Eastern Cape estuaries, South Africa

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    The concentrations of select metals (Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni and Zn) within the water column and sediment of the permanently open Kariega Estuary and temporary open/closed Riet and East Kleinemonde Estuaries were investigated during a dry and a wet season. Enrichment factors (EFs), using Fe as a reference element, and baseline linear regression models for metals vs Fe were used to assess the extent of metal enrichment in the sediments. The results of the study indicate that Cd, Co Ni and Pb were enriched above baseline concentrations (1.0 < EF < 4.1) in the sediments of all three estuaries. Co, Pb and Ni enrichment in the Kariega Estuary sediments was significantly higher during the dry season, and the mean concentrations of Pb and Cd in the water column were 19-fold and 66-fold higher in the dry season. The elevated concentration of metals during the dry season could be related to accumulation of diffuse pollution from human activities within the catchment area. Conversely, inflow of freshwater into the estuary had the net effect of reducing the concentration and enrichment of these metals within the Kariega Estuary due to scouring and outflow of estuarine water and sediment into the marine environment.The temporal variations in metal concentrations and enrichment factors were less pronounced in the temporary open/closed estuaries than the Kariega Estuary. The observed trend can probably be related to the low anthropogenic impact within the catchment areas of these systems, and the relatively smaller size of the catchments. Significant spatial variations existed in metal enrichment in the sediment of both the East Kleinemonde and Riet Estuaries, with the highest degrees of enrichment occurring in the sediments from the marine environment and lower reaches.Keywords: metal enrichment, estuaries, sediment and water, South Afric

    Making judgements about students making work : lecturers’ assessment practices in art and design.

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    This research study explores the assessment practices in two higher education art and design departments. The key aim of this research was to explore art and design studio assessment practices as lived by and experienced by art and design lecturers. This work draws on two bodies of pre existing research. Firstly this study adopted innovative methodological approaches that have been employed to good effect to explore assessment in text based subjects (think aloud) and moderation mark agreement (observation). Secondly the study builds on existing research into the assessment of creative practice. By applying thinking aloud methodologies into a creative practice assessment context the authors seek to illuminate the ‘in practice’ rather than espoused assessment approaches adopted. The analysis suggests that lecturers in the study employed three macro conceptions of quality to support the judgement process. These were; the demonstration of significant learning over time, the demonstration of effective studentship and the presentation of meaningful art/design work

    An Innovative Geocentric Decision Support Solution to Comprehensive Planning, Design, Operation, and Management of Urban Drainage Systems

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    Geographic Information System (GIS) is quickly becoming a critical component to develop and sustain asset management for today’s wastewater utilities as most of their data is geographically referenced. This technology offers sophisticated data management and spatial analysis capabilities that can greatly improve and facilitate urban drainage infrastructure modeling and analysis applications. This paper presents a comprehensive GIS-based decision support system that integrates several technologies for use in the effective management of urban stormwater collection systems. It explicitly integrates ESRI ArcGIS geospatial model with advanced hydrologic, hydraulic, and water quality simulation algorithms, nature-based global optimization techniques including genetic algorithms for design and calibration of stormwater management models, automated dry weather flow generation and allocation, and automated subcatchment delineation and parameter extraction tools to address every facet of urban drainage infrastructure management. The geocentric interface allows seamless communication among the various modules. The resulting decision support system effortlessly reads GIS datasets, extracts necessary modeling information, and automatically constructs, loads, designs, calibrates, analyzes and optimizes a representative urban drainage model considering hydrologic and hydraulic performance requirements. It also makes it easy to run, simulate and compare various modeling scenarios, identify system deficiencies, and determine cost-effective physical and operational improvements to achieve optimum performance and regulatory compliance. These combined capabilities provide favorable geospatial environment to assist wastewater utilities in planning, designing, and operating reliable systems and in optimizing their capital improvement programs

    Resist, comply or workaround? An examination of different facets of user engagement with information systems

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    This paper provides a summary of studies of user resistance to Information Technology (IT) and identifies workaround activity as an understudied and distinct, but related, phenomenon. Previous categorizations of resistance have largely failed to address the relationships between the motivations for divergences from procedure and the associated workaround activity. This paper develops a composite model of resistance/workaround derived from two case study sites. We find four key antecedent conditions derived from both positive and negative resistance rationales and identify associations and links to various resultant workaround behaviours and provide supporting Chains of Evidence from two case studies

    Thinking together: What makes Communities of Practice work?

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    In this article, we develop the founding elements of the concept of Communities of Practice by elaborating on the learning processes happening at the heart of such communities. In particular, we provide a consistent perspective on the notions of knowledge, knowing and knowledge sharing that is compatible with the essence of this concept – that learning entails an investment of identity and a social formation of a person. We do so by drawing richly from the work of Michael Polanyi and his conception of personal knowledge, and thereby we clarify the scope of Communities of Practice and offer a number of new insights into how to make such social structures perform well in professional settings. The conceptual discussion is substantiated by findings of a qualitative empirical study in the UK National Health Service. As a result, the process of ‘thinking together’ is conceptualized as a key part of meaningful Communities of Practice where people mutually guide each other through their understandings of the same problems in their area of mutual interest, and this way indirectly share tacit knowledge. The collaborative learning process of ‘thinking together’, we argue, is what essentially brings Communities of Practice to life and not the other way round

    Impacts of organic and conventional crop management on diversity and activity of free-living nitrogen fixing bacteria and total bacteria are subsidiary to temporal effects

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    A three year field study (2007-2009) of the diversity and numbers of the total and metabolically active free-living diazotophic bacteria and total bacterial communities in organic and conventionally managed agricultural soil was conducted at the Nafferton Factorial Systems Comparison (NFSC) study, in northeast England. The result demonstrated that there was no consistent effect of either organic or conventional soil management across the three years on the diversity or quantity of either diazotrophic or total bacterial communities. However, ordination analyses carried out on data from each individual year showed that factors associated with the different fertility management measures including availability of nitrogen species, organic carbon and pH, did exert significant effects on the structure of both diazotrophic and total bacterial communities. It appeared that the dominant drivers of qualitative and quantitative changes in both communities were annual and seasonal effects. Moreover, regression analyses showed activity of both communities was significantly affected by soil temperature and climatic conditions. The diazotrophic community showed no significant change in diversity across the three years, however, the total bacterial community significantly increased in diversity year on year. Diversity was always greatest during March for both diazotrophic and total bacterial communities. Quantitative analyses using qPCR of each community indicated that metabolically active diazotrophs were highest in year 1 but the population significantly declined in year 2 before recovering somewhat in the final year. The total bacterial population in contrast increased significantly each year. Seasonal effects were less consistent in this quantitative study

    Tumours in 177 pet hamsters

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    Background: Even though tumours are considered to occur frequently in pet hamsters, there is only a small number of scientific reports in current literature. Methods: Pathological reports from 177 hamsters were evaluated. Results: Of these, 78 were male and 75 were female. Median age of affected hamsters was 12 months (range 2–34). Integumental tumours were the most common neoplasms (62%, 109/177). As far as species was known, the number of Syrian hamsters (52%, 30/58) affected by tumours seemed to be lower than the number of affected dwarf hamsters (85%, 47/55). Tumours of the hematopoietic system were the second most frequently neoplasms (17%, 30/177). Relative number of neoplasms of the endocrine system, tumours of the digestive system (1.7%, 3/177) and other tumours (4%, 7/177 each) was low. The majority of integumental tumours were epithelial (66%; 91/126). Conclusion: This study aimed to analyze data from veterinary surgeries and pathological institutes about the occurrence of spontaneous tumours in Syrian hamsters and dwarf hamsters to give information about the frequency of tumours, prognosis and survival time. This is the first study about tumours in pet hamsters in Germany so far

    The hand of Homo naledi

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    A nearly complete right hand of an adult hominin was recovered from the Rising Star cave system, South Africa. Based on associated hominin material, the bones of this hand are attributed to Homo naledi. This hand reveals a long, robust thumb and derived wrist morphology that is shared with Neandertals and modern humans, and considered adaptive for intensified manual manipulation. However, the finger bones are longer and more curved than in most australopiths, indicating frequent use of the hand during life for strong grasping during locomotor climbing and suspension. These markedly curved digits in combination with an otherwise human-like wrist and palm indicate a significant degree of climbing, despite the derived nature of many aspects of the hand and other regions of the postcranial skeleton in H. naledi

    Eye care utilization patterns in Tehran population: a population based cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to determine eye care visits which are an indicator of eye care service utilization by Tehran population and its determinants. METHODS: Through a population-based, cross-sectional study, 6497 Tehran citizens were sampled. All participants had complete eye examinations and an interview regarding demographic and socioeconomic status variables, past medical and eye history, and their previous and last eye care visits. RESULTS: Among those sampled, 4565 people participated in the study (response rate of 70.3%). Among these participants, 34.7 % had never visited an ophthalmologist or optometrist (95% confidence interval [CI]: 32.4 to 36.9) and 43.2% had not seen an eye care provider in the last 5 years. Multivariate logistic regression revealed that men (OR = 1.30), younger participants (each year increase in age: OR = 0.98) and the less educated (each year increase in education: OR = 0.93) were more likely, and the visually impaired were less likely (OR = 0.41) to have neglected eye care. CONCLUSION: A large proportion of the population, including those in the high risk group who require eye care, has never utilized any eye care service. These data suggest that efforts have to be made to better understand the causes and to optimize the utilization of the available eye care services in the population

    Signatures of arithmetic simplicity in metabolic network architecture

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    Metabolic networks perform some of the most fundamental functions in living cells, including energy transduction and building block biosynthesis. While these are the best characterized networks in living systems, understanding their evolutionary history and complex wiring constitutes one of the most fascinating open questions in biology, intimately related to the enigma of life's origin itself. Is the evolution of metabolism subject to general principles, beyond the unpredictable accumulation of multiple historical accidents? Here we search for such principles by applying to an artificial chemical universe some of the methodologies developed for the study of genome scale models of cellular metabolism. In particular, we use metabolic flux constraint-based models to exhaustively search for artificial chemistry pathways that can optimally perform an array of elementary metabolic functions. Despite the simplicity of the model employed, we find that the ensuing pathways display a surprisingly rich set of properties, including the existence of autocatalytic cycles and hierarchical modules, the appearance of universally preferable metabolites and reactions, and a logarithmic trend of pathway length as a function of input/output molecule size. Some of these properties can be derived analytically, borrowing methods previously used in cryptography. In addition, by mapping biochemical networks onto a simplified carbon atom reaction backbone, we find that several of the properties predicted by the artificial chemistry model hold for real metabolic networks. These findings suggest that optimality principles and arithmetic simplicity might lie beneath some aspects of biochemical complexity
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