1,748 research outputs found

    Influence of synthesis conditions on the structure of nickel nanoparticles and their reactivity in selective asymmetric hydrogenation

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    Unsupported and SiO2-supported Ni nanoparticles (NPs), were synthesised via hot-injection colloidal route using oleylamine (OAm) and trioctylphosphine (TOP) as reducing and protective agents, respectively. By adopting a multi-length scale structural characterization, it was found that by changing equivalents of OAM and TOP not only the size of the nanoparticles is affected but also the Ni electronic structure. The synthetized NPs were modified with (R,R)-tartaric acid (TA) and investigated in the asymmetric hydrogenation of methyl acetoacetate to chiral methyl-3-hydroxy butyrate. The comparative analysis of structure and catalytic performance for the synthetized catalysts has enabled us to identify a Ni metallic active surface, whereby the activity increases with the size of the metallic domains. Conversely, at the high conversion obtained for the unsupported NPs no impact of particle size on the selectivity was observed. (R)-selectivity was very high only on catalysts containing positively charged Ni species such as over the SiO2-supported Ni oxide NPs. This work shows that the chiral modification of metallic Ni NPs with TA is insufficient to maintain high selectivity towards the (R)-enantiomer at long reaction time and provide guidance for the engineering of long-term stable enantioselective catalysts

    Galaxy Harassment and the Evolution of Clusters of Galaxies

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    Disturbed spiral galaxies with high rates of star formation pervaded clusters of galaxies just a few billion years ago, but nearby clusters exclude spirals in favor of ellipticals. ``Galaxy harassment" (frequent high speed galaxy encounters) drives the morphological transformation of galaxies in clusters, provides fuel for quasars in subluminous hosts and leaves detectable debris arcs. Simulated images of harassed galaxies are strikingly similar to the distorted spirals in clusters at z0.4z \sim 0.4 observed by the Hubble Space Telescope.Comment: Submitted to Nature. Latex file, 7 pages, 10 photographs in gif and jpeg format included. 10 compressed postscript figures and text available using anonymous ftp from ftp://ftp-hpcc.astro.washington.edu/pub/hpcc/moore/ (mget *) Also available at http://www-hpcc.astro.washington.edu/papers

    The partitioning of poleward energy transport response between the atmosphere and Ekman flux to prescribed surface forcing in a simplified GCM

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    Recent studies have indicated that ocean circulation damps the atmospheric energy transport response to hemispherically differential energy perturbations, thereby muting the shifts of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Here, we focus on the potential role of Ekman heat transport in modulating this atmospheric response. An idealized representation of Ekman-driven heat transport (FE) is included in an aquaplanet slab ocean coupled to a gray radiation atmospheric model. We first alter the strength of FE in the control climate by tuning the gross stability of the Ekman layer SE. For a wide range of FE, the total poleward transport of energy remains nearly unchanged, but the ocean transports an increasing share for larger SE. The control climate is then perturbed by adding surface cooling in the Southern Hemisphere and warming in the Northern Hemisphere. The Ekman coupling damps the atmospheric energy transport response, as in previous coupled model experiments with full ocean dynamics. The ratio of the changes in Ekman to atmospheric energy transport is determined by the ratio of the gross stability in the Ekman layer to the atmosphere in the control climate, and is insensitive to the amplitude and location of forcing. We find that an unrealistically large SE is needed to reproduce the ratio of the changes in cross-equatorial oceanic to atmospheric energy transport in fully coupled models. The limited damping effect of Ekman transport highlights the need to examine the roles of deep circulation and subtropical gyres, as well as ocean heat uptake processes

    Shared component modelling as an alternative to assess geographical variations in medical practice: gender inequalities in hospital admissions for chronic diseases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Small area analysis is the most prevalent methodological approach in the study of unwarranted and systematic variation in medical practice at geographical level. Several of its limitations drive researchers to use disease mapping methods -deemed as a valuable alternative. This work aims at exploring these techniques using - as a case of study- the gender differences in rates of hospitalization in elderly patients with chronic diseases.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Design and study setting: An empirical study of 538,358 hospitalizations affecting individuals aged over 75, who were admitted due to a chronic condition in 2006, were used to compare Small Area Analysis (SAVA), the Besag-York-Mollie (BYM) modelling and the Shared Component Modelling (SCM). Main endpoint: Gender spatial variation was measured, as follows: SAVA estimated gender-specific utilization ratio; BYM estimated the fraction of variance attributable to spatial correlation in each gender; and, SCM estimated the fraction of variance shared by the two genders, and those specific for each one.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Hospitalization rates due to chronic diseases in the elderly were higher in men (median per area 21.4 per 100 inhabitants, interquartile range: 17.6 to 25.0) than in women (median per area 13.7 per 100, interquartile range: 10.8 to 16.6). Whereas Utilization Ratios showed a similar geographical pattern of variation in both genders, BYM found a high fraction of variation attributable to spatial correlation in both men (71%, CI95%: 50 to 94) and women (62%, CI95%: 45 to 77). In turn, SCM showed that the geographical admission pattern was mainly shared, with just 6% (CI95%: 4 to 8) of variation specific to the women component.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Whereas SAVA and BYM focused on the magnitude of variation and on allocating where variability cannot be due to chance, SCM signalled discrepant areas where latent factors would differently affect men and women.</p

    Dynamical Mean-Field Theory

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    The dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) is a widely applicable approximation scheme for the investigation of correlated quantum many-particle systems on a lattice, e.g., electrons in solids and cold atoms in optical lattices. In particular, the combination of the DMFT with conventional methods for the calculation of electronic band structures has led to a powerful numerical approach which allows one to explore the properties of correlated materials. In this introductory article we discuss the foundations of the DMFT, derive the underlying self-consistency equations, and present several applications which have provided important insights into the properties of correlated matter.Comment: Chapter in "Theoretical Methods for Strongly Correlated Systems", edited by A. Avella and F. Mancini, Springer (2011), 31 pages, 5 figure

    Magnetic Moment Collapse-Driven Mott Transition in MnO

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    The metal-insulator transition in correlated electron systems, where electron states transform from itinerant to localized, has been one of the central themes of condensed matter physics for more than half a century. The persistence of this question has been a consequence both of the intricacy of the fundamental issues and the growing recognition of the complexities that arise in real materials, even when strong repulsive interactions play the primary role. The initial concept of Mott was based on the relative importance of kinetic hopping (measured by the bandwidth) and on-site repulsion of electrons. Real materials, however, have many additional degrees of freedom that, as is recently attracting note, give rise to a rich variety of scenarios for a ``Mott transition.'' Here we report results for the classic correlated insulator MnO which reproduce a simultaneous moment collapse, volume collapse, and metallization transition near the observed pressure, and identify the mechanism as collapse of the magnetic moment due to increase of crystal field splitting, rather than to variation in the bandwidth.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figur

    miramap a collective awareness platform to support open policy making and the integration of the citizens perspective in urban planning and governance

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    The chapter intends to explore an innovative approach for a more inclusive and sustainable urban planning and governance through the use of the ICT matched with a participatory process. It describes the transition process from a pilot project (Crowdmapping Mirafiori Sud/CMMS) headed by the Politecnico di Torino in 2013 in the Mirafiori Sud district of Turin (Italy)—whose aim was to design and test an open-source crowdmapping platform to identify and categorize, aggregating large amounts of user-generated inputs, the nature, the location and the consistency of the obstacles, which prevent vulnerable categories to use the public space in their neighbourhood—to the set up of a proper governing tool (MiraMap) to enhance open policy-making and the integration of the citizens' perspective through their effective engagement. Such platform is expected to have very concrete impacts both in empowering citizens, supporting grassroots processes and practices, sharing knowledge and in allowing policy options and design to become more informed and targeted. The methodology and the technological implementation supporting the creation of the platform have been developed by a multidisciplinary research team (urban planners, architects, sociologists, engineers, computer scientists, legal experts) in consultation with—and with the support of—the local public administration and the community-based organizations

    Non-supersymmetric heterotic model building

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    We investigate orbifold and smooth Calabi-Yau compactifications of the non-supersymmetric heterotic SO(16)xSO(16) string. We focus on such Calabi-Yau backgrounds in order to recycle commonly employed techniques, like index theorems and cohomology theory, to determine both the fermionic and bosonic 4D spectra. We argue that the N=0 theory never leads to tachyons on smooth Calabi-Yaus in the large volume approximation. As twisted tachyons may arise on certain singular orbifolds, we conjecture that such tachyonic states are lifted in the full blow-up. We perform model searches on selected orbifold geometries. In particular, we construct an explicit example of a Standard Model-like theory with three generations and a single Higgs field.Comment: 1+30 pages latex, 11 tables; v2: references and minor revisions added, matches version published in JHE

    What we talk about when we talk about "global mindset": managerial cognition in multinational corporations

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    Recent developments in the global economy and in multinational corporations have placed significant emphasis on the cognitive orientations of managers, giving rise to a number of concepts such as “global mindset” that are presumed to be associated with the effective management of multinational corporations (MNCs). This paper reviews the literature on global mindset and clarifies some of the conceptual confusion surrounding the construct. We identify common themes across writers, suggesting that the majority of studies fall into one of three research perspectives: cultural, strategic, and multidimensional. We also identify two constructs from the social sciences that underlie the perspectives found in the literature: cosmopolitanism and cognitive complexity and use these two constructs to develop an integrative theoretical framework of global mindset. We then provide a critical assessment of the field of global mindset and suggest directions for future theoretical and empirical research

    Local CD4 and CD8 T-Cell Reactivity to HSV-1 Antigens Documents Broad Viral Protein Expression and Immune Competence in Latently Infected Human Trigeminal Ganglia

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    Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection results in lifelong chronic infection of trigeminal ganglion (TG) neurons, also referred to as neuronal HSV-1 latency, with periodic reactivation leading to recrudescent herpetic disease in some persons. HSV-1 proteins are expressed in a temporally coordinated fashion during lytic infection, but their expression pattern during latent infection is largely unknown. Selective retention of HSV-1 reactive T-cells in human TG suggests their role in controlling reactivation by recognizing locally expressed HSV-1 proteins. We characterized the HSV-1 proteins recognized by virus-specific CD4 and CD8 T-cells recovered from human HSV-1-infected TG. T-cell clusters, consisting of both CD4 and CD8 T-cells, surrounded neurons and expressed mRNAs and proteins consistent with in situ antigen recognition and antiviral function. HSV-1 proteome-wide scans revealed that intra-TG T-cell responses included both CD4 and CD8 T-cells directed to one to three HSV-1 proteins per person. HSV-1 protein ICP6 was targeted by CD8 T-cells in 4 of 8 HLA-discordant donors. In situ tetramer staining demonstrated HSV-1-specific CD8 T-cells juxtaposed to TG neurons. Intra-TG retention of virus-specific CD4 T-cells, validated to the HSV-1 peptide level, implies trafficking of viral proteins from neurons to HLA class II-expressing non-neuronal cells for antigen presentation. The diversity of viral proteins targeted by TG T-cells across all kinetic and functional classes of viral proteins suggests broad HSV-1 protein expression, and viral antigen processing and presentation, in latently infected human TG. Collectively, the human TG represents an immunocompetent environment for both CD4 and CD8 T-cell recognition of HSV-1 proteins expressed during latent infection. HSV-1 proteins recognized by TG-resident T-cells, particularly ICP6 and VP16, are potential HSV-1 vaccine candidates